def init_db(callback): """Instantiate the database, replacing existing tables. We should only need to call this once A table, called 'company_index', of all ticker symbols (from the CSVs) will be created. For each symbol, a table (named after the symbol) of historical data will also be made """ confirm = raw_input("this will erase most tables in the database, do you wish to proceede? [y/n]: ") if confirm != 'y': return ut = Utils() dba = Accessor() all_companies = ut.get_company_list() dba.connect() #pull historical information (since 2009, or the ipo year) for all stocks, and #write them to a table (named after their ticker symbol) failures = [] for company in all_companies: symbol = company['Symbol'] ipo = company['IPOyear'] try: if 'n/a' not in ipo: prices = ut.get_historical_summary(symbol, start="{}-01-01".format(ipo)) else: prices = ut.get_historical_summary(symbol) prices['Raw_Change'] = prices['Close'] - prices['Open'] prices['Percent_Change'] = (prices['Close'] - prices['Open']) / prices['Open'] dba.write(symbol, prices, if_exists='replace') print "wrote {}".format(symbol) except: print "failed on {}".format(symbol) failures.append(symbol) all_companies = filter(lambda x: x not in failures, all_companies) #prepare the dataframe for SQL. This involves reindexing the frame to use #the ticker symbol as it's index. We have to remove the symbol field afterwards, #otherwise it will try to create a table with two Symbol fields, and MySQL will #throw an error. df = pd.DataFrame(all_companies) df.index = df['Symbol'] #make the symbols the index df = df.drop('Symbol', 1) #remove the symbol field as its already stored as the index dba.write('company_index', df[:-1], if_exists='replace') dba.close() with open('failures.csv', 'w') as f: f.write('Symbol,') for sym in failures: f.write(",{}".format(sym))
def update_db(callback=None, start=None): """db script to iterate over all operating companies in our database, and update them with the day's historical data.""" ut = Utils() dba = Accessor() all_companies = ut.get_company_list() start = start if start else ut.yesterday() dba.connect() for symbol in all_companies: try: new_row = ut.get_historical_summary(symbol, start=start, if callback: new_row = callback(new_row) dba.write(symbol, new_row) print "updated {}".format(symbol) except: print "failed on {}".format(symbol) dba.close()