Example #1
    def __init__(self, name = '', cas = '', inchi = '', inchikey = '', csid = ''):

        #first define the SOAP service for searching
        searchurl = 'http://www.chemspider.com/Search.asmx?WSDL'

            self.searchclient = Client(searchurl)
        except Exception as e:

        #define the soap service for inchi-conversion
        inchiurl = 'http://www.chemspider.com/InChI.asmx?WSDL'

            self.inchiclient = Client(inchiurl)
        except Exception as e:

        #set all properties to the ones from initiating call
        self.cas = cas
        self.inchi = inchi
        self.inchikey = inchikey
        self.name = name
        self.csid = csid

        #no transaction id for now
        self.transaction_id = ''
        #how quickly should we ask for results? in seconds
        self.timetick = 0.2
        self.maxtime = 15
        #read chemspider token from config file 'chemspider_token'
            f = hl.openfile('chemspider_token.txt')
        except IOError:
            raise IOError

        self.token = f.readline()
Example #2
# the chemspider_token.txt should only contain the token (available online for free)

# using the argparse module to make use of command line options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="Read a list of chemicals and output the same list completed with InChI and Chemspider IDs (tab separated)"

parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="r1")
parser.add_argument("filename", help="Specify a filename to read.")

# parse it
args = parser.parse_args()

    liste = hl.openfile(args.filename)
except IOError:
    sys.exit("Could not read file")

    outputliste = open(args.filename + "_output.txt", "w")
    sys.exit("Could not open output file")

for line in liste:
    line = line.rstrip("\r\n")
    print("Searching for: " + line)
        compound = ChemicalObject(name=line)
    except IOError:
        sys.exit("No chemspider token given. Aborting.")
Example #3
elif args.folder is not None:

    #adjust file path in case we're running on f*****g windows
    args.folder = os.path.normcase(args.folder)

    #lets go through that folder and add every filename to the filelist
    caldirlist = os.listdir(args.folder)

    for file in caldirlist:
        filelist.append([os.path.join(args.folder, file), file])

elif args.filelist is not None:

    #in this we have to read the list of filenames in a file
    f = hl.openfile(args.filelist)
    for line in f:
        #we split the array by whitespaces or tabs (split tries both)
        line = line.strip('\r\n').split()
        #first argument should be the filename + path, therefore appending it to a temp array together with the filename
        filelist.append(line[0], os.path.basename(line[0]))

#let's walk our filelist
for file in filelist:
    #this variable is set to false if we encounter a non-readable file
    usefulfile = True

        data = hl.readfile(file[0])
    except IOError: