Example #1
def trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau):
    """ trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau)
        finds the track msd, as function of tau,
        averaged over t0, for one track (worldline)
    trackdots = data[trackids==track]

    if dt0 == dtau == 1:
        if verbose: print "Using correlation"
        xy = np.column_stack([trackdots['x'], trackdots['y']])
        return corr.msd(xy, ret_taus=True)

    trackbegin, trackend = trackdots['f'][[0,-1]]
    tracklen = trackend - trackbegin + 1
    if verbose:
        print "tracklen =",tracklen
        print "\t from %d to %d"%(trackbegin, trackend)
    if isinstance(dtau, float):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, tracklen, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, int):
        taus = xrange(dtau, tracklen, dtau)

    tmsd = []
    for tau in taus:  # for tau in T, by factor dtau
        #print "tau =", tau
        avg = t0avg(trackdots, tracklen, tau)
        #print "avg =", avg
        if avg > 0 and not np.isnan(avg):
    if verbose:
        print "\t...actually", len(tmsd)
    return tmsd
Example #2
def trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau):
    """ finds the mean squared displacement as a function of tau,
        averaged over t0, for one track (particle)

        track : a single integer giving the track id to be calculated
        dt0 : spacing stepsize for values of t0, gives the number of starting
            points averaged over in `t0avg`
        dtau : spacing stepsize for values of tau, gives the spacing of the
            points in time at which the msd is evaluated

        For dt0, dtau:  Small values will take longer to calculate without
            adding to the statistics. Large values calculate faster but give
            worse statistics. For the special case dt0 = dtau = 1, a
            correlation is used for a signicant speedup

        a list of tuples (tau, msd(tau)) the value of tau and the mean squared
        displacement for a single track at that value of tau

    trackdots = data[trackids==track]

    if dt0 == dtau == 1:
        if verbose: print "Using correlation"
        xy = np.column_stack([trackdots['x'], trackdots['y']])
        return corr.msd(xy, ret_taus=True)

    trackbegin, trackend = trackdots['f'][[0,-1]]
    tracklen = trackend - trackbegin + 1
    if verbose:
        print "tracklen =",tracklen
        print "\t from %d to %d"%(trackbegin, trackend)
    if isinstance(dtau, float):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, tracklen, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, int):
        taus = xrange(dtau, tracklen, dtau)

    tmsd = []
    for tau in taus:  # for tau in T, by factor dtau
        #print "tau =", tau
        avg = t0avg(trackdots, tracklen, tau)
        #print "avg =", avg
        if avg > 0 and not np.isnan(avg):
    if verbose:
        print "\t...actually", len(tmsd)
    return tmsd
Example #3
def trackmsd(trackset, dt0, dtau):
    """ finds the mean squared displacement as a function of tau,
        averaged over t0, for one track (particle)

        trackset : a subset of the data for a given track
        dt0 : spacing stepsize for values of t0, gives the number of starting
            points averaged over in `t0avg`
        dtau : spacing stepsize for values of tau, gives the spacing of the
            points in time at which the msd is evaluated

        For dt0, dtau:  Small values will take longer to calculate without
            adding to the statistics. Large values calculate faster but give
            worse statistics. For the special case dt0 = dtau = 1, a
            correlation is used for a signicant speedup

        a list of tuples (tau, msd(tau)) the value of tau and the mean squared
        displacement for a single track at that value of tau

    if dt0 == dtau == 1:
        xy = helpy.consecutive_fields_view(trackset, 'xy')
        return corr.msd(xy, ret_taus=True)

    trackbegin, trackend = trackset['f'][[0,-1]]
    tracklen = trackend - trackbegin + 1
    if verbose:
        print "length {} from {} to {}".format(tracklen, trackbegin, trackend)
    if isinstance(dtau, float):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, tracklen, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, int):
        taus = xrange(dtau, tracklen, dtau)

    tmsd = []
    for tau in taus:
        avg = t0avg(trackset, tracklen, tau)
        if avg > 0 and not np.isnan(avg):
    if verbose:
        print "\t...actually", len(tmsd)
    return tmsd
Example #4
def trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau, data, trackids, odata, omask, mod_2pi=False):
    """ trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau, data, trackids, odata, omask)
        finds the track msd, as function of tau, averaged over t0, for one track (worldline)
    tmask = (trackids==track) & omask
    trackdots = data[tmask]
    if mod_2pi:
        trackodata = odata[tmask]['orient']
        from orientation import track_orient
        trackodata = track_orient(odata, track, trackids, omask)

        if dt0 == dtau == 1:
            if verbose: print "Using correlation"
            from correlation import msd as corrmsd
            return corrmsd(trackodata, ret_taus=True)

    trackbegin, trackend = trackdots['f'][[0,-1]]
    tracklen = trackend - trackbegin + 1
    if verbose:
        print "tracklen =",tracklen
        print "\t from %d to %d"%(trackbegin, trackend)
    if isinstance(dtau, float):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, tracklen, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, int):
        taus = xrange(dtau, tracklen, dtau)

    tmsd = []
    for tau in taus:  # for tau in T, by factor dtau
        #print "tau =", tau
        avg = t0avg(trackdots, tracklen, tau, trackodata, dt0, mod_2pi=mod_2pi)
        #print "avg =", avg
        if avg > 0 and not np.isnan(avg):
    if verbose:
        print "\t...actually", len(tmsd)
    return tmsd
Example #5
def trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau, data, trackids, odata, omask, mod_2pi=False):
    """ trackmsd(track, dt0, dtau, data, trackids, odata, omask)
        finds the track msd, as function of tau, averaged over t0, for one track (worldline)
    tmask = (trackids == track) & omask
    trackdots = data[tmask]
    if mod_2pi:
        trackodata = odata[tmask]['orient']
        from orientation import track_orient
        trackodata = track_orient(odata, track, trackids, omask)

        if dt0 == dtau == 1:
            if verbose: print "Using correlation"
            from correlation import msd as corrmsd
            return corrmsd(trackodata, ret_taus=True)

    trackbegin, trackend = trackdots['f'][[0, -1]]
    tracklen = trackend - trackbegin + 1
    if verbose:
        print "tracklen =", tracklen
        print "\t from %d to %d" % (trackbegin, trackend)
    if isinstance(dtau, float):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, tracklen, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, int):
        taus = xrange(dtau, tracklen, dtau)

    tmsd = []
    for tau in taus:  # for tau in T, by factor dtau
        #print "tau =", tau
        avg = t0avg(trackdots, tracklen, tau, trackodata, dt0, mod_2pi=mod_2pi)
        #print "avg =", avg
        if avg > 0 and not np.isnan(avg):
            tmsd.append([tau, avg[0]])
    if verbose:
        print "\t...actually", len(tmsd)
    return tmsd
Example #6
def plot_msd(msds, msdids, dtau, dt0, nframes, tnormalize=False, prefix='',
        show_tracks=True, figsize=(8,6), plfunc=plt.semilogx, meancol='',
        title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, fignum=None, errorbars=False,
        lw=1, singletracks=None, fps=1, S=1, ang=False, sys_size=0,
        kill_flats=0, kill_jumps=1e9, show_legend=False, save='', show=True):
    """ Plots the MS(A)Ds """
    A = 1 if ang else S**2
    if verbose:
        print "using dtau = {}, dt0 = {}".format(dtau, dt0)
        print "using S = {} pixels, thus A = {} px^2".format(S, A)
        dtau = np.asscalar(dtau)
    except AttributeError:
    if isinstance(dtau, (float, np.float)):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, nframes+1, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, (int, np.int)):
        taus = np.arange(dtau, nframes+1, dtau, dtype=float)
    fig = plt.figure(fignum, figsize)

    # Get the mean of msds
    msd = mean_msd(msds, taus, msdids,
            kill_flats=kill_flats, kill_jumps=kill_jumps, show_tracks=show_tracks,
            singletracks=singletracks, tnormalize=tnormalize, errorbars=errorbars,
            fps=fps, A=A)
    if errorbars: msd, msd_err = msd

    #print "Coefficient of diffusion ~", msd[np.searchsorted(taus, fps)]/A
    #print "Diffusion timescale ~", taus[np.searchsorted(msd, A)]/fps

    taus = taus[:len(msd)]
    taus /= fps
    msd /= A
    if errorbars: msd_err /= A

    if tnormalize:
        plfunc(taus, msd/taus**tnormalize, meancol,
               label="Mean Sq {}Disp/Time{}".format(
                     "Angular " if ang else "",
                     "^{}".format(tnormalize) if tnormalize != 1 else ''))
        plfunc(taus, msd[0]*taus**(1-tnormalize)/dtau,
               'k-', label="ref slope = 1", lw=2)
        plfunc(taus, (twopi**2 if ang else 1)/(taus)**tnormalize,
               'k--', lw=2, label=r"$(2\pi)^2$" if ang else
               ("One particle area" if S>1 else "One Pixel"))
        plt.ylim([0, 1.3*np.max(msd/taus**tnormalize)])
        plt.loglog(taus, msd, meancol, lw=lw,
                  label="Mean Squared {}Displacement".format('Angular '*ang))
        #plt.loglog(taus, msd[0]*taus/dtau/2, meancol+'--', lw=2,
        #          label="slope = 1")
    if errorbars:
        plt.errorbar(taus, msd/taus**tnormalize,
                    fmt=meancol, capthick=0, elinewidth=1, errorevery=errorbars)
    if sys_size:
        plt.axhline(sys_size, ls='--', lw=.5, c='k', label='System Size')
    plt.title("Mean Sq {}Disp".format("Angular " if ang else "") if title is None else title)
    plt.xlabel('Time (' + ('s)' if fps > 1 else 'frames)'), fontsize='x-large')
    if ang:
        plt.ylabel('Squared Angular Displacement ($rad^2$)',
        plt.ylabel('Squared Displacement ('+('particle area)' if S>1 else 'square pixels)'),
    if xlim is not None:
    if ylim is not None:
    if show_legend: plt.legend(loc='best')
    if save is True:
        save = prefix + "_MS{}D.pdf".format('A' if ang else '')
    if save:
        print "saving to", save
    if show: plt.show()
    return [fig] + fig.get_axes() + [taus] + [msd, msd_err] if errorbars else [msd]
Example #7
def plot_msd(msds, msdids, dtau, dt0, nframes, tnormalize=False, prefix='',
        show_tracks=True, figsize=(8,6), plfunc=pl.semilogx, meancol='',
        title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, fignum=None, errorbars=False,
        lw=1, singletracks=xrange(1000), fps=1, S=1, ang=False, sys_size=0,
        kill_flats=0, kill_jumps=1e9, show_legend=False, save='', show=True):
    """ Plots the MS(A)Ds """
    print "using dtau = {}, dt0 = {}".format(dtau, dt0)
    A = 1 if ang else S**2
    print "using S = {} pixels, thus A = {} px^2".format(S, A)
        dtau = np.asscalar(dtau)
    except AttributeError:
    if isinstance(dtau, (float, np.float)):
        taus = helpy.farange(dt0, nframes-1, dtau)
    elif isinstance(dtau, (int, np.int)):
        taus = np.arange(dtau, nframes-1, dtau, dtype=float)
    fig = pl.figure(fignum, figsize)

    # Get the mean of msds
    msd = mean_msd(msds, taus, msdids,
            kill_flats=kill_flats, kill_jumps=kill_jumps, show_tracks=show_tracks,
            singletracks=singletracks, tnormalize=tnormalize, errorbars=errorbars,
            fps=fps, A=A)
    if errorbars: msd, msd_err = msd
    #print "Coefficient of diffusion ~", msd[np.searchsorted(taus, fps)]/A
    #print "Diffusion timescale ~", taus[np.searchsorted(msd, A)]/fps

    if tnormalize:
        plfunc(taus/fps, msd/A/(taus/fps)**tnormalize, meancol,
               label="Mean Sq {}Disp/Time{}".format(
                     "Angular " if ang else "",
                     "^{}".format(tnormalize) if tnormalize != 1 else ''))
        plfunc(taus/fps, msd[0]/A*(taus/fps)**(1-tnormalize)/dtau,
               'k-', label="ref slope = 1", lw=2)
        plfunc(taus/fps, (twopi**2 if ang else 1)/(taus/fps)**tnormalize,
               'k--', lw=2, label=r"$(2\pi)^2$" if ang else
               ("One particle area" if S>1 else "One Pixel"))
        pl.ylim([0, 1.3*np.max(msd/A/(taus/fps)**tnormalize)])
        pl.loglog(taus/fps, msd/A, meancol, lw=lw,
                  label=prefix+'\ndt0=%d dtau=%d'%(dt0,dtau))
        #pl.loglog(taus/fps, msd[0]/A*taus/dtau/2, meancol+'--', lw=2,
        #          label="slope = 1")
    if errorbars:
        pl.errorbar(taus/fps, msd/A/(taus/fps)**tnormalize,
                    fmt=meancol, capthick=0, elinewidth=1, errorevery=errorbars)
    if sys_size:
        pl.axhline(sys_size, ls='--', lw=.5, c='k', label='System Size')
    pl.title("Mean Sq {}Disp".format("Angular " if ang else "") if title is None else title)
    pl.xlabel('Time (' + ('s)' if fps > 1 else 'frames)'), fontsize='x-large')
    if ang:
        pl.ylabel('Squared Angular Displacement ($rad^2$)',
        pl.ylabel('Squared Displacement ('+('particle area)' if S>1 else 'square pixels)'),
    if xlim is not None:
    if ylim is not None:
    if show_legend: pl.legend(loc='best')
    if save is None:
        save = locdir + prefix + "_MS{}D.pdf".format('A' if ang else '')
    if save:
        print "saving to", save
    if show: pl.show()
    return [fig] + fig.get_axes() + [taus] + [msd, msd_err] if errorbars else [msd]