def join_eventlists(event_file1, event_file2, new_event_file=None): """Join two event files. Parameters ---------- event_file1 : str First event file event_file2 : str Second event file Other parameters ---------------- new_event_file : str, default None Output event file. If not specified uses `hendrics.utils.common_name` to figure out a good name to use mixing up the two input names. Returns ------- new_event_file : str Output event file """ if new_event_file is None: new_event_file = \ common_name(event_file1, event_file2) + '_ev' + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION events1 = load_events(event_file1) events2 = load_events(event_file2) events = events1.join(events2) events.header = events1.header save_events(events, new_event_file) return new_event_file
def setup_class(cls): cls.pulse_frequency = 1 / 0.101 cls.tstart = 0 cls.tend = 25.25 cls.tseg = cls.tend - cls.tstart cls.dt = 0.00606 cls.times = np.arange(cls.tstart, cls.tend, cls.dt) + cls.dt / 2 cls.counts = \ 100 + 20 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * cls.times * cls.pulse_frequency) lc = Lightcurve(cls.times, cls.counts, gti=[[cls.tstart, cls.tend]]) events = EventList() events.simulate_times(lc) events.mjdref = 57000. cls.event_times = events.time cls.dum = 'events' + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION save_events(events, cls.dum) curdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) cls.datadir = os.path.join(curdir, 'data') fits_file = os.path.join(cls.datadir, 'monol_testA.evt') command = 'HENreadevents {0}'.format(fits_file) sp.check_call(command.split()) cls.real_event_file = os.path.join( cls.datadir, 'monol_testA_nustar_fpma_ev' + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION)
def test_load_and_save_events(self): events = EventList([0, 2, 3.], pi=[1, 2, 3], mjdref=54385.3254923845, gti = np.longdouble([[-0.5, 3.5]])) = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) save_events(events, self.dum) events2 = load_events(self.dum) assert np.allclose(events.time, events2.time) assert np.allclose(events.pi, events2.pi) assert np.allclose(events.mjdref, events2.mjdref) assert np.allclose(events.gti, events2.gti) assert np.allclose(,
def setup_class(cls): cls.pulse_frequency = 1 / 0.101 cls.tstart = 0 cls.tend = 25.25 cls.tseg = cls.tend - cls.tstart cls.dt = 0.00606 cls.times = np.arange(cls.tstart, cls.tend, cls.dt) + cls.dt / 2 cls.counts = \ 100 + 20 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * cls.times * cls.pulse_frequency) lc = Lightcurve(cls.times, cls.counts, gti=[[cls.tstart, cls.tend]]) events = EventList() events.simulate_times(lc) cls.event_times = events.time cls.dum = 'events' + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION save_events(events, cls.dum)
def save_to_intermediate_file(stingray_object, fname): """Save Stingray object to intermediate file.""" from stingray.lightcurve import Lightcurve from import EventList from stingray.crossspectrum import Crossspectrum from import save_lcurve, save_events, save_pds if isinstance(stingray_object, Lightcurve): save_lcurve(stingray_object, fname) elif isinstance(stingray_object, EventList): save_events(stingray_object, fname) # This also work for Powerspectrum and AveragedCrosspowerspectrum, clearly elif isinstance(stingray_object, Crossspectrum): save_pds(stingray_object, fname) else: logging.error("save_to_intermediate_file: Unknown object type: %s" % type(stingray_object).__name__) return False return True
def treat_event_file(filename, noclobber=False, gti_split=False, min_length=4, gtistring=None, length_split=None): """Read data from an event file, with no external GTI information. Parameters ---------- filename : str Other Parameters ---------------- noclobber: bool if a file is present, do not overwrite it gtistring: str comma-separated set of GTI strings to consider gti_split: bool split the file in multiple chunks, containing one GTI each length_split: float, default None split the file in multiple chunks, with approximately this length min_length: float minimum length of GTIs accepted (only if gti_split is True or length_split is not None) """ gtistring = assign_value_if_none(gtistring, 'GTI,STDGTI')'Opening %s' % filename) instr = read_header_key(filename, 'INSTRUME') mission = read_header_key(filename, 'TELESCOP') data = load_events_and_gtis(filename, gtistring=gtistring) events = data.ev_list gtis = events.gti detector_id = data.detector_id if detector_id is not None: detectors = np.array(list(set(detector_id))) else: detectors = [None] outfile_root = \ hen_root(filename) + '_' + mission.lower() + '_' + instr.lower() for d in detectors: if d is not None: good_det = d == data.detector_id outroot_local = \ '{0}_det{1:02d}'.format(outfile_root, d) else: good_det = np.ones_like(events.time, dtype=bool) outroot_local = outfile_root outfile = outroot_local + '_ev' + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION if noclobber and os.path.exists(outfile) and (not (gti_split or length_split)): warnings.warn( '{0} exists and using noclobber. Skipping'.format(outfile)) return if gti_split or (length_split is not None): lengths = np.array([g1 - g0 for (g0, g1) in gtis]) gtis = gtis[lengths >= min_length] if length_split: gti0 = np.arange(gtis[0, 0], gtis[-1, 1], length_split) gti1 = gti0 + length_split gti_chunks = np.array([[g0, g1] for (g0, g1) in zip(gti0, gti1)]) label='chunk' else: gti_chunks = gtis label='gti' for ig, g in enumerate(gti_chunks): outfile_local = \ '{0}_{1}{2:03d}_ev'.format(outroot_local, label, ig) + HEN_FILE_EXTENSION good_gtis = cross_two_gtis([g], gtis) if noclobber and os.path.exists(outfile_local): warnings.warn('{0} exists, '.format(outfile_local) + 'and noclobber option used. Skipping') return good = np.logical_and(events.time >= g[0], events.time < g[1]) all_good = good_det & good if len(events.time[all_good]) < 1: continue events_filt = EventList(events.time[all_good], pi=events.pi[all_good], gti=good_gtis, mjdref=events.mjdref) events_filt.instr = events.instr events_filt.header = events.header save_events(events_filt, outfile_local) pass else: events_filt = EventList(events.time[good_det], pi=events.pi[good_det], gti=events.gti, mjdref=events.mjdref) events_filt.instr = events.instr events_filt.header = events.header save_events(events_filt, outfile)