Example #1
num_rows = 1000

# test

schema = hep.table.Schema()
for i in xrange(0, num_cols):
    schema.addColumn("COL%d" % i, "float64")
table = hep.table.create("stress1.table", schema)
table_rows = []
for j in xrange(0, num_rows):
    row = {}
    values = []
    for i in xrange(0, num_cols):
        value = random()
        row["COL%d" % i] = value
del row, values, table, schema

table = hep.table.open("stress1.table");
compare(len(table.schema), num_cols)
compare(len(table), num_rows)
for row in table:
    values = table_rows[row["_index"]]
    for i in xrange(0, num_cols):
        compare(row["COL%d" % i], values[i], precision=1e-8)

Example #2
from   hep.test import compare
import hep.expr

# classes

class TestExpression(hep.expr.Expression):

    type = int

    def evaluate(self, symbols):
        return symbols["x"] * 2

    def copy(self, copy_fn=None):
        return TestExpression()


# test

symbols = { "x": 21 }
expression = hep.expr.compile(TestExpression())
compare(expression.evaluate(symbols), 42)

Example #3
from __future__ import division

import hep.hist
from   hep.test import compare

# tests

# Create the histogram.
axis = hep.hist.UnevenlyBinnedAxis(
    [0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .45, .5, .55, .6, .8, 1])
histogram = hep.hist.Histogram(axis)

for i in range(100):
    histogram << i / 100

# Test values.
compare(histogram.getBinContent("underflow"), 0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(0), 10)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(1), 10)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(2), 10)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(3), 10)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(4),  5)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(5),  5)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(6),  5)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(7),  5)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(8), 20)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(9), 20)
compare(histogram.getBinContent("overflow"), 0)
Example #4
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import sqrt

# test

# Create and fill a histogram.
histogram = Histogram((10, (0.0, 10.0)), (10, (-1.0, 1.0)),
for i in xrange(0, 100):
    for j in xrange(-10, 10):
        histogram << (sqrt(i), 0.1 * j + 0.05)

# Check that it's configured correctly.
compare(histogram.dimensions, 2)
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
x_axis, y_axis = histogram.axes
compare(x_axis.number_of_bins, 10)
compare(x_axis.range, (0.0, 10.0))
compare(x_axis.type, float)
compare(y_axis.number_of_bins, 10)
compare(y_axis.range, (-1.0, 1.0))
compare(y_axis.type, float)

# Fill it.
histogram.accumulate((-10, -10), 42.0)
histogram.accumulate((-10, 0.1), 17.5)
histogram.accumulate((0.5, 10), -4.0)
histogram.accumulate((-10, 10), 3.33)
Example #5
    return keys

# test

root_file = hep.root.create("remove2.root")
del root_file

compare(ls("remove2.root", ""), ["dir1", "dir2", "dir3"])
compare(ls("remove2.root", "dir3"), ["dir4"])
del hep.root.open("remove2.root", writable=True)["dir2"]
compare(ls("remove2.root", ""), ["dir1", "dir3"])
compare(ls("remove2.root", "dir3"), ["dir4"])
del hep.root.open("remove2.root", writable=True)["dir3/dir4"]
compare(ls("remove2.root", ""), ["dir1", "dir3"])
compare(ls("remove2.root", "dir3"), [])
del hep.root.open("remove2.root", writable=True)["dir3"]
compare(ls("remove2.root", ""), ["dir1"])

# OK, so here's the problem: A root.Directory object holds a reference
# to the containing root.File object.  A directory object also holds
Example #6
from   hep import test
from   hep.lorentz import lab
from   math import sqrt

x4 = lab.Vector(5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0)
t, x, y, z = lab.coordinatesOf(x4)
test.compare(t, 5.0)
test.compare(x, 3.0)
test.compare(y, 2.0)
test.compare(z, 1.0)
test.compare(x4.norm, sqrt(11.0))

y4 = 2 * lab.Vector(4.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0)
t, x, y, z = lab.coordinatesOf(x4 + y4)
test.compare(t, 13.0)
test.compare(x, -1.0)
test.compare(y, 0.0)
test.compare(z, 1.0)

test.compare(x4 ^ y4, 56.0)
Example #7
import hep.expr
from   hep.test import compare

# main script

i1 = 42
i2 = -4
f1 = 0.5
f2 = 3.0
symbols = { "i1": i1, "i2": i2, "f1": f1, "f2": f2 }

tests = [
    ("i1", i1),
    ("(i1)", (i1)),
    ("(i1, )", (i1, )),
    ("(i1, i2)", (i1, i2)),
    ("(i1, i2, f1, f2)", (i1, i2, f1, f2)),
    ("(i1 + 2, f1 / f2)", (i1 + 2, f1 / f2)),

for expression, expected in tests:
    compiled = hep.expr.asExpression(
        expression, types_from=symbols, compile=True)
    assert hep.expr.isCompiledExpression(compiled)
    value = compiled.evaluate(symbols)
    compare(value, expected)
    compare(type(value), type(expected))
Example #8
# imports

from   hep.cernlib.minuit import minimize
from   hep.test import compare

# tests

fit_result = minimize("x**2 - x + 1", (("x", 0.0), ))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], 0.5, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize("hypot(a - 1, b - 2)", (("a", 0.0), ("b", 0.0), ))
compare(fit_result.values["a"], 1.0, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["b"], 2.0, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize("x", (("x", 0, 0.1, 3, 4), ))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], 3.0, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize("-x", (("x", 0, 0.1, 3, 4), ))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], 4.0, precision=1e-6)

Example #9
# imports

from   hep import test
import hep.expr
import hep.table

# test

# Open the table.
table = hep.table.open("table3.table")

selection = hep.expr.parse("index % 4 == 3")
for row in table.select(selection):
    test.compare(row["_index"] % 4, 3)
Example #10
# Create a new Root file.
root_file = hep.fs.getdir("reopen1.root", makedirs=True, writable=True)
# Create a tree in it.
table = hep.root.createTable("tree", root_file, schema, title="PyHEP test")
# Fill 100 random rows into the ntuple.
table.append(a=1, b=2)
# Release these to close the Root file.
del table, root_file

# Reopen the Root file.
root_file = hep.fs.getdir("reopen1.root", writable=True)
# Get the table.
table = root_file["tree"]
# Fill a row into the ntuple.
table.append(a=4, b=5)
# Release these to close the Root file.
del table, root_file

# Reopen the Root file.
root_file = hep.fs.getdir("reopen1.root")
# Get the table.
table = root_file["tree"]
# Make sure both rows are there.
compare(len(table), 2)
compare(table[0]["a"], 1)
compare(table[1]["b"], 5)
# Release these to close the Root file.
del table, root_file

Example #11
# imports

import hep.table
from   hep.test import compare

# test

# Create a schema.
schema = hep.table.Schema(y="int16")
schema.addColumn("x", "float32")
schema["y"].description = "'y' must be an integer"

# Save it.
hep.table.saveSchema(schema, "schema2.xml")
del schema

# Reload it.
schema = hep.table.loadSchema("schema2.xml")

# Check it.
keys = schema.keys()
compare(keys, ["x", "y"])
compare(schema["x"].type, "float32")
compare(schema["y"].type, "int16")
compare(schema["y"].description, "'y' must be an integer")

Example #12
from hep.cernlib.minuit import minimize
from hep.test import compare
from math import hypot

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# tests
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

def function(x, y, z):
    return (x - y + 1) ** 2 + (x - z + 2) ** 2 + (y + z) ** 2

fit_result = minimize(function, ("x", "y", "z"))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], -3 / 2, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["y"], -1 / 2, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["z"], 1 / 2, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize(function, (("x", 4, None), "y", "z"))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], 4, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["y"], 4 / 3, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["z"], 7 / 3, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize(function, ("x", ("y", -1, None), "z"))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], -5 / 3, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["y"], -1, precision=1e-6)
compare(fit_result.values["z"], 2 / 3, precision=1e-6)

fit_result = minimize(function, ("x", ("y", 5, None), ("z", 6, None)))
compare(fit_result.values["x"], 4, precision=1e-6)
Example #13
    (int, "track multiplicity"), (float, "missing energy", "GeV"),
    title="trigger distribution")

scatter.accumulate((5, 1.4))
scatter.accumulate((4, 1.1))
scatter << (6, 0.85)
scatter << (3, 0.66)

# Save and delete the scatter.
cPickle.dump(scatter, file("scatter2.pickle", "w"))
del scatter

# Reload the scatter.
scatter = cPickle.load(file("scatter2.pickle"))

# Check its contents.
compare(scatter.axes[0].type, int)
compare(scatter.axes[0].name, "track multiplicity")
compare(scatter.axes[1].type, float)
compare(scatter.axes[1].name, "missing energy")
compare(scatter.axes[1].units, "GeV")
compare(len(scatter.points), 4)

points = list(scatter.points)
points.sort(lambda p0, p1: cmp(p0[0], p1[0]),)
compare(tuple(points[0]), (3, 0.66))
compare(tuple(points[1]), (4, 1.10))
compare(tuple(points[2]), (5, 1.40))
compare(tuple(points[3]), (6, 0.85))

Example #14
from   hep import test
import hep.lorentz
from   hep.lorentz import lab
from   math import sqrt

p4 = lab.Momentum(5.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0)
test.compare(p4.mass, sqrt(11.0))
q4 = lab.Momentum(5.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0)
test.compare(q4.mass, sqrt(11.0))
test.compare(type(p4 + q4), hep.lorentz.Momentum)
Example #15
# Create a row-wise ntuple in an HBOOK file.
schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("index", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value32", "float32")
schema.addColumn("value64", "float64")
hbook_file = create("cwn1.hbook")
table = createTable("cwn", hbook_file, schema, column_wise=1)

# Fill it with random values, saving these in an array.
values = []
for i in xrange(0, 100):
    value = random()
    table.append(index=i, value32=value, value64=value)
del table, hbook_file

# Open the ntuple.
table = open("cwn1.hbook")["cwn"]
compare(len(table), 100)
# Compare the values in it to the array.
i = 0
for row in table:
    compare(row["index"], i)
    compare(row["value32"], values[i], precision=1e-6)
    compare(row["value64"], values[i], precision=1e-9)
    i += 1
del row, table

Example #16
# imports

from   hep import test
import hep.table

# classes

class Row(hep.table.RowObject):

    computed = property(lambda self: self.twice + self.index)


# test

# Open the table, and get the first row.
table = hep.table.open("table3.table", row_type=Row)

# Check it.
for row in table:
    test.compare(row.computed, 3 * row.index)
    test.compare(row.computed, 3 * row._index)
Example #17
    row = {
        "a": i * 52.467,
        "b": 1.8577928723e-12 * i - (i + 4.3) * 1j,
        "c": i,
        "d": 1500000 + 6j * i,
        "e": i,

# Write and close the table.
del schema, row, table

# Reopen the table.
table = hep.table.open("complex1.table")
# Check that the columns were restored correctly.
compare(table.schema["a"].type, "float32")
compare(table.schema["a"].Python_type, float)
compare(table.schema["a"].size, 4)
compare(table.schema["b"].type, "complex128")
compare(table.schema["b"].Python_type, complex)
compare(table.schema["b"].size, 16)
compare(table.schema["c"].type, "int16")
compare(table.schema["c"].Python_type, int)
compare(table.schema["c"].size, 2)
compare(table.schema["d"].type, "complex64")
compare(table.schema["d"].Python_type, complex)
compare(table.schema["d"].size, 8)
compare(table.schema["e"].type, "complex128")
compare(table.schema["e"].Python_type, complex)
compare(table.schema["e"].size, 16)
Example #18
# imports

import hep.table
from   hep.test import compare

# test

schema = hep.table.Schema()
table = hep.table.create("index1.table", schema)
for i in range(10):
del table

table = hep.table.open("index1.table")
index_expr = table.compile("_index")

for i in range(9, -1, -1):
    row = table[i]
    compare(row["_index"], i)
    compare(index_expr.evaluate(row), i)
for row in table.select("_index % 3 == 1"):
    compare(row["_index"] % 3, 1)
Example #19
import hep.table
from   hep.cernlib.hbook import create, createTable
from   hep.test import compare

# test

# HBOOK requires correct data alignment of columns.  If this is not
# handled correctly when the schema is used to book the CWN, a schema
# such as this one will cause problems, since the float64 columns are
# not 64-bit-aligned.

schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("index1", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value1", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index2", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value2", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index3", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value3", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index4", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value4", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index5", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value5", "float64")
schema.addColumn("index6", "int32")
schema.addColumn("value6", "float64")

hbook_file = create("cwn2.hbook")
table = createTable("cwn", hbook_file, schema, column_wise=1)
compare(len(table.schema), 12)
Example #20
from __future__ import division

import hep.table
from   hep.test import compare, assert_

# test

schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("x", "float32")
schema.addColumn("y", "float32")
table = hep.table.create("exception1.table", schema)
table.append(x=5, y=2)
table.append(x=3, y=4)
table.append(x=0, y=4)
table.append(x=3, y=0)
table.append(x=4, y=3)

sum = 0

def callback(value, weight):
    global sum
    assert_(weight == 1)
    sum += value

hep.table.project(table, [("x / y", callback)],

compare(sum, 5 / 2 + 3 / 4 + 0 + 4 / 3)
Example #21
# imports

from   hep.hist import Histogram
import hep.ext
from   hep.test import compare

# tests

histogram = Histogram((1, (0, 1)), (1, (0.0, 1.0)), bin_type=int)
compare(histogram.axes[0].type, int)
compare(histogram.axes[1].type, float)
compare(histogram.bin_type, int)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
compare(type(histogram), hep.ext.Histogram2D)

histogram = Histogram((1, (0.0, 1.0)), (1, (0, 1)), bin_type=float)
compare(histogram.axes[0].type, float)
compare(histogram.axes[1].type, int)
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
compare(type(histogram), hep.ext.Histogram2D)

histogram = Histogram((1, (0, 1)), (1, (0, 1.)), bin_type=float)
compare(histogram.axes[0].type, int)
compare(histogram.axes[1].type, float)
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
Example #22
# includes

from   hep.hist import Histogram1D
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import sqrt

# test

histogram = Histogram1D(10, (0.0, 1.0), "time", "sec",
                        bin_type=float, error_model="symmetric")
compare(histogram.axes[0], histogram.axis)
compare(histogram.axis.type, float)
compare(histogram.axis.range, (0.0, 1.0))
compare(histogram.axis.name, "time")
compare(histogram.axis.units, "sec")
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
compare(histogram.axis.number_of_bins, 10)

histogram << 0.35
histogram << 0.35
histogram.accumulate(0.55, 4.5)
histogram.accumulate(0.55, -1)
histogram.setBinContent(9, -4.0)
histogram.setBinError(9, (1.0, 1.0))
histogram << -0.5
histogram.accumulate(100, 10)
Example #23
#--------------------------------------------------*- coding: Latin1 -*-
# imports

from   hep.num import Statistic
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import sqrt

# test

s = Statistic(9)
compare(float(s), 9)
compare(s.uncertainty, 3)

s = Statistic(10.5, 2.3)
compare(float(s), 10.5)
compare(s.uncertainty, 2.3)

s = Statistic("10")
compare(float(s), 10)
compare(s.uncertainty, sqrt(10))

s = Statistic("10", 3)
compare(float(s), 10)
compare(s.uncertainty, 3)

s = Statistic("10 +- 2")
compare(float(s), 10)
compare(s.uncertainty, 2)
Example #24
# imports

from   hep.cernlib.minuit import maximumLikelihoodFit
from   hep.test import compare
import random

# test

result = maximumLikelihoodFit(
    "gaussian(mu, sigma, x)", (("mu", 0), ("sigma", 10, 0.1, 0, 100)),
    [ {"x": random.normalvariate(3, 1)} for i in xrange(100) ])

compare(result.minuit_status, 3)
compare(result.values["mu"], 3, precision=0.3)
compare(result.values["sigma"], 1, precision=0.3)
Example #25
# imports

from   hep.hist import Histogram
from   hep.test import compare

# tests

histogram = Histogram((1, (0.0, 0.5)), (1, (0, 1)), bin_type=int)

compare(histogram.getBinContent(("underflow", "underflow")),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent((0          , "underflow")),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(("overflow" , "underflow")),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(("underflow", 0          )),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent((0          , 0          )),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(("overflow" , 0          )),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(("underflow", "overflow" )),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent((0          , "overflow" )),    0)
compare(histogram.getBinContent(("overflow" , "overflow" )),    0)

histogram.accumulate((-1, -1),    4)
histogram.accumulate(( 0, -1),    8)
histogram.accumulate(( 1, -1),   16)
histogram.accumulate((-1,  0),   32)
histogram.accumulate(( 0,  0),   64)
histogram.accumulate(( 1,  0),  128)
histogram.accumulate((-1,  1),  256)
histogram.accumulate(( 0,  1),  512)
Example #26
schema.addColumn("count", "int16", title="number of grapefruits")
schema.addColumn("length", "float32", units="meters")
schema.name = "sample schema"

table = hep.table.create("metadata1.table", schema)
table.append(count=10, length=0.65)

del table, schema


table = hep.table.open("metadata1.table")
schema = table.schema
print schema

compare(len(schema), 2)
compare(schema["count"].title, "number of grapefruits")
compare(schema["length"].units, "meters")
compare(schema.name, "sample schema")
compare(len(table), 1)

del table, schema


# Overwrite the table with another by the same name but a different
# schema, to make sure the old metadata file gets clobbered and doesn't
# conflict with the new table.

schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("x", "int32", title="stuff")
Example #27
# imports

from   hep.hist import Histogram, Histogram1D
import hep.ext
from   hep.test import compare

# tests

histogram = Histogram1D(1, (0, 1), bin_type=int)
compare(histogram.axis.type, int)
compare(histogram.bin_type, int)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
compare(type(histogram), hep.ext.Histogram1D)

histogram = Histogram1D(1, (0.0, 1), bin_type=float)
compare(histogram.axis.type, float)
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
compare(type(histogram), hep.ext.Histogram1D)

histogram = Histogram((1, (0, 1)), bin_type=float)
compare(histogram.axis.type, int)
compare(histogram.bin_type, float)
# Make sure the extension type is used.
compare(type(histogram), hep.ext.Histogram1D)

histogram = Histogram((1, (0, 1.0)))
Example #28
from   hep.cernlib.minuit import maximumLikelihoodFit
from   hep.test import compare
from   math import exp
from   random import random

# test

# The PDF for the test distribution.
def pdf(a, b, x, y):
    return a * b * exp(a * x + b * y) / ((exp(a) - 1) * (exp(b) - 1))

# Use acceptance-rejection to construct a sample from this PDF.
samples = []
pdf_max = pdf(3, 1, 1, 1)
while len(samples) < 1000:
    x = random()
    y = random()
    if (pdf_max * random() < pdf(3, 1, x, y)):
        samples.append({"x": x, "y": y})

result = maximumLikelihoodFit(pdf, (("a", 3), ("b", 1)), samples)
print result

compare(result.minuit_status, 3)
compare(result.values["a"], 3, precision=0.5)
compare(result.values["b"], 1, precision=0.5)
Example #29
# imports

import hep.table
from   hep.test import compare
from   random import randint

# tests

schema = hep.table.Schema()
schema.addColumn("x", "int32")
schema.addColumn("y", "int32")
table = hep.table.create("rowcache1.table", schema)
for i in range(100):
    table.append(x=i, y=i*i-1)
del schema, table

table = hep.table.open("rowcache1.table")
index = 0
for i in range(0, 10000):
    index = min(max(index + randint(0, 2) - 1, 0), 99)
    row = table[index]
    compare(row["x"], index)
    compare(row["y"], index**2 - 1)
    del row

Example #30
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# imports
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

import hep.hist
from hep.test import compare
from math import sqrt

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# test
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------

histogram = hep.hist.Histogram1D(10, (0.0, 1.0), bin_type=int, error_model="poisson")
histogram.setBinContent(4, 4)

compare(histogram.getBinError(0), (0.0, 1.1478745))
compare(histogram.getBinError(4), (2.2968057, 1.9818581))