from heppy.analyzers.Filter import Filter gen_particles_stable = cfg.Analyzer( Filter, output='gen_particles_stable', # output = 'particles', input_objects='gen_particles', filter_func=lambda x: x.status() == 1 and abs(x.pdgid()) not in [12, 14, 16] and > 1e-5) # configure the papas fast simulation with the CMS detector # help(Papas) for more information # history nodes keeps track of which particles produced which tracks, clusters from heppy.analyzers.PapasSim import PapasSim # from heppy.analyzers.Papas import Papas from heppy.papas.detectors.CMS import CMS detector = CMS() papas = cfg.Analyzer(PapasSim, instance_label='papas', detector=detector, gen_particles='gen_particles_stable', sim_particles='sim_particles', merged_ecals='ecal_clusters', merged_hcals='hcal_clusters', tracks='tracks', output_history='history_nodes', display_filter_func=lambda ptc: ptc.e() > 1., display=False, verbose=True) # group the clusters, tracks from simulation into connected blocks ready for reconstruction
pass else: raise ValueError('implement drawing for projection ' + projection ) class GDetector(object): def __init__(self, description): self.desc = description elems = sorted(self.desc.elements.values(), key= lambda x : x.volume.outer.rad, reverse = True) self.elements = [GDetectorElement(elem) for elem in elems] #self.elements = [GDetectorElement(elem) for elem in self.desc.elements.values()] def draw(self, projection): for elem in self.elements: elem.draw(projection) if __name__ == '__main__': from ROOT import TCanvas, TH2F from heppy.papas.detectors.CMS import CMS from heppy.display.core import Display cms = CMS() gcms = GDetector(cms) display = Display() display.register(gcms, 0) display.draw()