elif i == 0 and j == 1:
        return 1
    elif i == 1 and j == 0:
        return 0
    elif i == 1 and j == 1:
        return 1
    raise ValueError("Wrong i, j (i=%d, j=%d)." % (i, j))
d.define_ode(F, DFDY)
Y = zeros(d.ndofs)
J = d.assemble_J(Y)
error = 1e10
i = 0
while error > 1e-10:
    F = d.assemble_F(Y)
    dY = d.solve(J, F)
    error = d.calculate_error_l2_norm(dY)
    print "it=%d, l2_norm=%e" % (i, error)
    Y += dY
    i += 1
x = Y

from pylab import plot, legend, show
sln1, sln2 = d.linearize(x, 5)
x1, y1 = sln1
x2, y2 = sln2
plot(x1, y1, label="$u_1$")
plot(x2, y2, label="$u_2$")
Example #2
    raise ValueError("Wrong i, j (i=%d, j=%d)." % (i, j))

# assign both F and J to the discrete problem:
d.define_ode(F, DFDY)

# enumeration of unknowns:

# definition of the initial condition for the global Newton method:
Y = d.get_initial_condition_euler()
#plot_Y(Y, a, b)
#Y = zeros((d.ndofs,))

# Newton's iteration:
error = 1e10
i = 0
J = d.assemble_J(Y)
while error > 1e-5:
    F = d.assemble_F(Y)
    dY = d.solve(J, F)
    Y += dY
    #plot_Y(Y, a, b)
    error_dY = d.calculate_error_l2_norm(dY)
    error_F = d.calculate_error_l2_norm(d.assemble_F(Y))
    print "it=%d, l2_norm_dY=%e, l2_norm_F=%e" % (i, error_dY, error_F)
    error = max(error_dY, error_F)
    i += 1

plot_Y(Y, a, b)