Example #1

model = model_cfg.base(*model_cfg.args,

print("Loading model %s" % args.file)
checkpoint = torch.load(args.file)

criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

if args.use_test:
    loader = loaders["test"]
    loader = loaders["train"]

max_eval, min_eval, hvps, pos_evals, neg_evals = min_max_hessian_eigs(
    model, loader, criterion, use_cuda=True, verbose=True)

print("Maximum eigenvalue: ", max_eval)
print("Minimum eigenvalue: ", min_eval)
print("Number of Hessian vector products: ", hvps)

print("Saving all eigenvalues to ", args.save_path)
def crunch_hessian_eigs(surf_file, net, w, s, d, dataloader, comm, rank, args):
        Calculate eigen values of the hessian matrix of a given model in parallel
        using mpi reduce. This is the synchronized version.
    f = h5py.File(surf_file, 'r+' if rank == 0 else 'r')
    min_eig, max_eig = [], []
    xcoordinates = f['xcoordinates'][:]
    ycoordinates = f['ycoordinates'][:] if 'ycoordinates' in f.keys() else None

    if 'min_eig' not in f.keys():
        shape = xcoordinates.shape if ycoordinates is None else (len(xcoordinates), len(ycoordinates))
        max_eig = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        min_eig = np.ones(shape=shape)
        if rank == 0:
            f['min_eig'] = min_eig
            f['max_eig'] = max_eig
        min_eig = f['min_eig'][:]
        max_eig = f['max_eig'][:]

    # Generate a list of all indices that need to be filled in.
    # The coordinates of each unfilled index are stored in 'coords'.
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(max_eig, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)
    print('Computing %d values for rank %d' % (len(inds), rank))

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()  # set the loss function criteria

    # Loop over all un-calculated coords
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
        # Get the coordinates of the points being calculated
        coord = coords[count]

        # Load the weights corresponding to those coordinates into the net
        if args.dir_type == 'weights':
            net_plotter.set_weights(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, w, d, coord)
        elif args.dir_type == 'states':
            net_plotter.set_states(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, s, d, coord)

        # Compute the eign values of the hessian matrix
        compute_start = time.time()
        maxeig, mineig, iter_count = hess_vec_prod.min_max_hessian_eigs(net, dataloader, \
                                                                        criterion, rank=rank, use_cuda=args.cuda,
        compute_time = time.time() - compute_start

        # Record the result in the local array
        max_eig.ravel()[ind] = maxeig
        min_eig.ravel()[ind] = mineig

        # Send updated plot data to the master node
        sync_start_time = time.time()
        max_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, max_eig)
        min_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_min(comm, min_eig)
        sync_time = time.time() - sync_start_time
        total_sync += sync_time

        # Only the master node writes to the file - this avoids write conflicts
        if rank == 0:
            f['max_eig'][:] = max_eig
            f['min_eig'][:] = min_eig

        print("rank: %d %d/%d  (%0.2f%%)  %d\t  %s \tmaxeig:%8.5f \tmineig:%8.5f \titer: %d \ttime:%.2f \tsync:%.2f" % ( \
            rank, count + 1, len(inds), 100.0 * (count + 1) / len(inds), ind, str(coord), \
            maxeig, mineig, iter_count, compute_time, sync_time))

    # This is only needed to make MPI run smoothly. If this process has less work
    # than the rank0 process, then we need to keep calling allreduce so the rank0 process doesn't block
    for i in range(max(inds_nums) - len(inds)):
        max_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, max_eig)
        min_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_min(comm, min_eig)

    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rank %d done! Total time: %f Sync: %f ' % (rank, total_time, total_sync))
def crunch_hessian_eigs(surf_file, net, w, s, d, dataloader, comm, rank, args):
        Calculate eigen values of the hessian matrix of a given model in parallel
        using mpi reduce. This is the synchronized version.
    f = h5py.File(surf_file, 'r+' if rank == 0 else 'r')
    min_eig, max_eig = [], []
    xcoordinates = f['xcoordinates'][:]
    ycoordinates = f['ycoordinates'][:] if 'ycoordinates' in f.keys() else None

    if 'min_eig' not in f.keys():
        shape = xcoordinates.shape if ycoordinates is None else (len(xcoordinates),len(ycoordinates))
        max_eig = -np.ones(shape=shape)
        min_eig = np.ones(shape=shape)
        if rank == 0:
            f['min_eig'] = min_eig
            f['max_eig'] = max_eig
        min_eig = f['min_eig'][:]
        max_eig = f['max_eig'][:]

    # Generate a list of all indices that need to be filled in.
    # The coordinates of each unfilled index are stored in 'coords'.
    inds, coords, inds_nums = scheduler.get_job_indices(max_eig, xcoordinates, ycoordinates, comm)
    print('Computing %d values for rank %d'% (len(inds), rank))

    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # set the loss function criteria

    # Loop over all un-calculated coords
    start_time = time.time()
    total_sync = 0.0

    for count, ind in enumerate(inds):
         # Get the coordinates of the points being calculated
        coord = coords[count]

        # Load the weights corresponding to those coordinates into the net
        if args.dir_type == 'weights':
            net_plotter.set_weights(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, w, d, coord)
        elif args.dir_type == 'states':
            net_plotter.set_states(net.module if args.ngpu > 1 else net, s, d, coord)

        # Compute the eign values of the hessian matrix
        compute_start = time.time()
        maxeig, mineig, iter_count = hess_vec_prod.min_max_hessian_eigs(net, dataloader, \
                                        criterion, rank=rank, use_cuda=args.cuda, verbose=True)
        compute_time = time.time() - compute_start

        # Record the result in the local array
        max_eig.ravel()[ind] = maxeig
        min_eig.ravel()[ind] = mineig

        # Send updated plot data to the master node
        sync_start_time = time.time()
        max_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, max_eig)
        min_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_min(comm, min_eig)
        sync_time = time.time() - sync_start_time
        total_sync += sync_time

        # Only the master node writes to the file - this avoids write conflicts
        if rank == 0:
            f['max_eig'][:] = max_eig
            f['min_eig'][:] = min_eig

        print("rank: %d %d/%d  (%0.2f%%)  %d\t  %s \tmaxeig:%8.5f \tmineig:%8.5f \titer: %d \ttime:%.2f \tsync:%.2f" % ( \
            rank, count + 1, len(inds), 100.0 * (count + 1)/len(inds), ind, str(coord), \
            maxeig, mineig, iter_count, compute_time, sync_time))

    # This is only needed to make MPI run smoothly. If this process has less work
    # than the rank0 process, then we need to keep calling allreduce so the rank0 process doesn't block
    for i in range(max(inds_nums) - len(inds)):
        max_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_max(comm, max_eig)
        min_eig = mpi4pytorch.reduce_min(comm, min_eig)

    total_time = time.time() - start_time
    print('Rank %d done! Total time: %f Sync: %f '%(rank, total_time, total_sync))