Example #1
def batchnorm(x, beta, gamma, mean, var, name="batchnorm"):
    assert len(x.shape) == 4, 'batch norm for 4d tensor'
    return hcl.compute(
        lambda n, c, h, w:
        (x[n, c, h, w] - mean[c]) / hcl.sqrt(var[c]) * gamma[c] + beta[c],
        attrs=OrderedDict([('app_name', tvm.make.StringImm('batchnorm'))]))
Example #2
def sobelAlgo(A, Fx, Fy):
	B = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y :A[x][y][0]+A[x][y][1]+A[x][y][2],"B", dtype=hcl.Float())
	r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
	c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
	Gx = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+r,y+c]*Fx[r,c],axis=[r,c]), B[x,y]), "Gx")
	t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
	g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
	Gy = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+t,y+g]*Fy[t,g],axis=[t,g]), B[x,y]), "Gy")
	return hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y:(hcl.sqrt(Gx[x][y]*Gx[x][y]+Gy[x][y]*Gy[x][y]))/4328*255, dtype = hcl.Float())
Example #3
def sobelAlgo(A, Fx, Fy):
    B = hcl.compute((height+2, width+2), lambda x,y:A[x][y][0]+A[x][y][1]+A[x][y][2], "B")
    r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gx = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda y,x:hcl.sum(B[y+r, x+c]*Fx[r,c], axis = [r,c]), "Gx")
    t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gy = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda y,x:hcl.sum(B[y+t, x+g]*Fy[t,g], axis = [t,g]), "Gy")
    return hcl.compute((height, width), lambda y,x:(hcl.sqrt(Gx[y][x]*Gx[y][x]+Gy[y][x]*Gy[y][x]))/4328*255)
Example #4
    def transition(self, sVals, action, bounds, trans, goal):
        di = hcl.scalar(0, "di")
        dj = hcl.scalar(0, "dj")
        dk = hcl.scalar(0, "dk")
        dl = hcl.scalar(0, "dl")
        dm = hcl.scalar(0, "dm")
        dn = hcl.scalar(0, "dn")
        do = hcl.scalar(0, "do")
        mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")

        # Check if moving from a goal state
        di[0] = (sVals[0] - goal[0]) * (sVals[0] - goal[0])
        dj[0] = (sVals[1] - goal[1]) * (sVals[1] - goal[1])
        dk[0] = (sVals[2] - goal[2]) * (sVals[2] - goal[2])
        dl[0] = (sVals[3] - goal[3]) * (sVals[3] - goal[3])
        dm[0] = (sVals[4] - goal[4]) * (sVals[4] - goal[4])
        dn[0] = (sVals[5] - goal[5]) * (sVals[5] - goal[5])
        do[0] = (sVals[6] - goal[6]) * (sVals[6] - goal[6])
        mag[0] = hcl.sqrt(di[0] + dj[0] + dk[0] + dl[0] + dm[0] + dn[0] +

        # Check if moving from an obstacle
        with hcl.if_(mag[0] <= 5.0):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[0] <= bounds[0, 0], sVals[0] >= bounds[0, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[1] <= bounds[1, 0], sVals[1] >= bounds[1, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[2] <= bounds[2, 0], sVals[2] >= bounds[2, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[3] <= bounds[3, 0], sVals[3] >= bounds[3, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[4] <= bounds[4, 0], sVals[4] >= bounds[4, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[5] <= bounds[5, 0], sVals[5] >= bounds[5, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[6] <= bounds[6, 0], sVals[6] >= bounds[6, 1])):
            trans[0, 0] = 0

        # Standard move
        with hcl.else_():
            trans[0, 0] = 1.0
            trans[0, 1] = sVals[0] + action[0]
            trans[0, 2] = sVals[1] + action[1]
            trans[0, 3] = sVals[2] + action[2]
            trans[0, 4] = sVals[3] + action[3]
            trans[0, 5] = sVals[4] + action[4]
            trans[0, 6] = sVals[5] + action[5]
            trans[0, 7] = sVals[6] + action[6]
Example #5
def sobel(A,Gx,Gy):

   B = hcl.compute((height,width), lambda x,y: A[x][y][0]+A[x][y][1]+A[x][y][2],"B")	
   r = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   c = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   D = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+r,y+c]*Gx[r,c],axis=[r,c]), B[x,y]), "Gx")
   t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
   g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
   E = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+t,y+g]*Gy[t,g],axis=[t,g]), B[x,y]), "Gy")
   return  hcl.compute((height,width), lambda x,y:hcl.sqrt(D[x][y]*D[x][y]+E[x][y]*E[x][y])/4328*255)
Example #6
def sobel(A,Gx,Gy):   
   B = hcl.compute((height,width), lambda x,y: A[x][y][0]+A[x][y][1]+A[x][y][2], "B") 
   r = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   c = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
  # D = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+r,y+c]*Gx[r,c],axis=[r,c]), B[x,y]), "xx")
   D = hcl.compute((height-2, width-2), lambda x,y: hcl.sum(B[x+r, y+c]*Gx[r,c], axis=[r,c], name="sum1"), "xx")

   t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
   g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
  # E = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x,y: hcl.select(hcl.and_(x>0,x<(height-1),y>0,y<(width-1)), hcl.sum(B[x+t,y+g]*Gy[t,g],axis=[t,g]), B[x,y]), "yy")
   E = hcl.compute((height-2, width-2), lambda x,y: hcl.sum(B[x+t, y+g]*Gy[t,g], axis=[t,g]), "yy")

   return  hcl.compute((height-2,width-2), lambda x,y:hcl.sqrt(D[x][y]*D[x][y]+E[x][y]*E[x][y])*0.05891867,"Fimg")
Example #7
    def sobel(RGB,Gx,Gy):
       B = hcl.compute((height,width), lambda x,y: RGB[x][y][8:0] + RGB[x][y][16:8] + RGB[x][y][24:16], "B")
       r = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
       c = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
       D = hcl.compute((height-2, width-2),
            lambda x,y: hcl.sum(B[x+r, y+c]*Gx[r,c], axis=[r,c], name="sum1"), "xx")

       t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
       g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
       E = hcl.compute((height-2, width-2),
            lambda x,y: hcl.sum(B[x+t, y+g]*Gy[t,g], axis=[t,g]), name="sum2"), "yy")
       return  hcl.compute((height-2,width-2),
            lambda x,y:hcl.sqrt(D[x][y]*D[x][y]+E[x][y]*E[x][y])*0.05891867, "Fimg")
Example #8
    def reward(self, sVals, action, bounds, goal, trans):
        di = hcl.scalar(0, "di")
        dj = hcl.scalar(0, "dj")
        dk = hcl.scalar(0, "dk")
        dl = hcl.scalar(0, "dl")
        dm = hcl.scalar(0, "dm")
        dn = hcl.scalar(0, "dn")
        do = hcl.scalar(0, "do")
        mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")
        rwd = hcl.scalar(0, "rwd")

        # Check if moving from a collision state, if so, assign a penalty
        with hcl.if_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[0] <= bounds[0, 0], sVals[0] >= bounds[0, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[1] <= bounds[1, 0], sVals[1] >= bounds[1, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[2] <= bounds[2, 0], sVals[2] >= bounds[2, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[3] <= bounds[3, 0], sVals[3] >= bounds[3, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[4] <= bounds[4, 0], sVals[4] >= bounds[4, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[5] <= bounds[5, 0], sVals[5] >= bounds[5, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(
                hcl.or_(sVals[6] <= bounds[6, 0], sVals[6] >= bounds[6, 1])):
            rwd[0] = -400

        with hcl.else_():
            # Check if moving from a goal state
            di[0] = (sVals[0] - goal[0]) * (sVals[0] - goal[0])
            dj[0] = (sVals[1] - goal[1]) * (sVals[1] - goal[1])
            dk[0] = (sVals[2] - goal[2]) * (sVals[2] - goal[2])
            dl[0] = (sVals[3] - goal[3]) * (sVals[3] - goal[3])
            dm[0] = (sVals[4] - goal[4]) * (sVals[4] - goal[4])
            dn[0] = (sVals[5] - goal[5]) * (sVals[5] - goal[5])
            do[0] = (sVals[6] - goal[6]) * (sVals[6] - goal[6])
            mag[0] = hcl.sqrt(di[0] + dj[0] + dk[0] + dl[0] + dm[0] + dn[0] +
            with hcl.if_(mag[0] <= 5.0):
                rwd[0] = 1000
            # Standard move
            with hcl.else_():
                rwd[0] = 0
        return rwd[0]
Example #9
def sobel(A, Gx, Gy):

   r = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   c = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   B = hcl.compute((height-2,width-2), 
           lambda x,y: hcl.sum(A[x+r,y+c]*Gx[r,c], axis=[r,c], name="sum1"),
           name="B", dtype=hcl.Float())
   t = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)
   g = hcl.reduce_axis(0,3)

   C = hcl.compute((height-2,width-2), 
           lambda x,y: hcl.sum(A[x+t,y+g]*Gy[t,g], axis=[t,g], name="sum2"),
           name="C", dtype=hcl.Float())
   return hcl.compute((height-2,width-2), 
              lambda x, y :hcl.sqrt(B[x,y]*B[x,y] + C[x,y]*C[x,y])/4328*255,
              name="output", dtype=hcl.Float())
Example #10
def sobel(A, Gx, Gy):
    B = hcl.compute((height, width),
                    lambda x, y: A[x][y][0] + A[x][y][1] + A[x][y][2], "B")

    r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    D = hcl.compute((height - 2, width - 2), lambda x, y: hcl.sum(
        B[x + r, y + c] * Gx[r, c], axis=[r, c], name="sum1"), "D")

    t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    E = hcl.compute((height - 2, width - 2), lambda x, y: hcl.sum(
        B[x + t, y + g] * Gy[t, g], axis=[t, g], name="sum2"), "E")

    # constant factor to normalize the output
    return hcl.compute((height - 2, width - 2), lambda x, y: hcl.sqrt(D[x][
        y] * D[x][y] + E[x][y] * E[x][y]) * 0.05891867, "Fimg")
Example #11
def batch_norm(data,
    if axis < 0:
        axis = len(data.shape) - 1
    mred = []
    vred = []
    size = 1.0
    for i in range(len(data.shape)):
        if not i == axis:
            mred.append(hcl.reduce_axis(0, data.shape[i], "mred" + str(i)))
            vred.append(hcl.reduce_axis(0, data.shape[i], "vred" + str(i)))
            size = size * data.shape[i]
    new_shape = (data.shape[axis], )

    def insert_axis(axis, red, *indices):
        idx = []
        cur_red = 0
        for i in range(len(data.shape)):
            if i == axis:
                cur_red = cur_red + 1
        return tuple(idx)

    def get_axis(axis, *indices):
        indices = list(indices[0])
        return (indices[axis], )

    out = hcl.compute(data.shape,
                      lambda *x: (data[x] - moving_mean[get_axis(axis, x)]) /
                      (hcl.sqrt(moving_var[get_axis(axis, x)] + epsilon)
                       ) * gamma[get_axis(axis, x)] + beta[get_axis(axis, x)],
    return out, moving_mean, moving_var
Example #12
def sobel(imgF, Gx, Gy):
    A = hcl.compute((height + 2, width + 2),
                    lambda x, y: imgF[x][y][0] + imgF[x][y][1] + imgF[x][y][2],

    r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)

    resX = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x, y: hcl.sum(
        A[x + r, y + c] * Gx[r, c], axis=[r, c], name="sum1"), "X")

    t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)

    resY = hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x, y: hcl.sum(
        A[x + t, y + g] * Gy[t, g], axis=[t, g], name="sum2"), "Y")

    return hcl.compute((height, width), lambda x, y: hcl.sqrt(resX[x][
        y] * resX[x][y] + resY[x][y] * resY[x][y]) / 4328 * 255, "R")
Example #13
def sobelAlgo(A, B, Fx, Fy):
    def rgb_sum(x, y):
        B[x][y] = A[x][y][0] + A[x][y][1] + A[x][y][2]

    hcl.mutate(B.shape, lambda x, y: rgb_sum(x, y))
    #B = hcl.compute((height+2, width+2), lambda x,y:A[x][y][0]+A[x][y][1]+A[x][y][2], "B")
    r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gx = hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x: hcl.sum(B[y + r, x + c] * Fx[r, c], axis=[r, c]), "Gx")
    t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gy = hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x: hcl.sum(B[y + t, x + g] * Fy[t, g], axis=[t, g]), "Gy")
    return hcl.compute(
        (height, width), lambda y, x:
        (hcl.sqrt(Gx[y][x] * Gx[y][x] + Gy[y][x] * Gy[y][x]) * 0.05891867))
    def reward(self, sVals, action, bounds, goal, trans):
        dx  = hcl.scalar(0, "dx")
        dy  = hcl.scalar(0, "dy")
        mag = hcl.scalar(0, "mag")
        rwd = hcl.scalar(0, "rwd")

        # Check if moving from a collision state, if so, assign a penalty
        with hcl.if_(hcl.or_(sVals[0] < bounds[0,0] + 0.2, sVals[0] > bounds[0,1] - 0.2)):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.elif_(hcl.or_(sVals[1] < bounds[1,0] + 0.2, sVals[1] > bounds[1,1] - 0.2)):
            rwd[0] = -400
        with hcl.else_():
            # Check if moving from a goal state
            dx[0]  = sVals[0] - goal[0,0]
            dy[0]  = sVals[1] - goal[0,1]
            mag[0] = hcl.sqrt((dx[0] * dx[0]) + (dy[0] * dy[0]))
            with hcl.if_(hcl.and_(mag[0] <= 1.0, sVals[2] <= goal[1,1], sVals[2] >= goal[1,0])):
                rwd[0] = 1000
            # Standard move
            with hcl.else_():
                rwd[0] = 0
        return rwd[0]
Example #15
 def sobel(A, Gx, Gy):
     D = hcl.compute((height, width),
                     lambda x, y: (A[x][y][0], A[x][y][1], A[x][y][2]),
     B = hcl.compute((height, width),
                     lambda x, y: D[x][y].fa + D[x][y].fb + D[x][y].fc,
     r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
     c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
     Fx = hcl.compute(
         (height - 2, width - 2),
         lambda x, y: hcl.sum(B[x + r, y + c] * Gx[r, c], axis=[r, c]),
     t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
     g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
     Fy = hcl.compute(
         (height - 2, width - 2),
         lambda x, y: hcl.sum(B[x + t, y + g] * Gy[t, g], axis=[t, g]),
     return hcl.compute((height - 2, width - 2), lambda x, y: hcl.sqrt(Fx[
         x][y] * Fx[x][y] + Fy[x][y] * Fy[x][y]) * 0.05891867, "Fimg")
Example #16
def Gaussian_Sobel_filters(A, G, Fx, Fy):
    h = hcl.reduce_axis(0, kernel_size)
    w = hcl.reduce_axis(0, kernel_size)
    B = hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x: hcl.select(
            hcl.and_(y > (k - 1), y < (width - k), x > (k - 1), x <
                     (height - k)),
            hcl.sum(A[y + w, x + h] * G[w, h], axis=[w, h]), B[y, x]),
    # Sobel Filters
    r = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    c = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gx = hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x: hcl.select(
            hcl.and_(y > (k - 1), y < (width - k), x > (k - 1), x <
                     (height - k)),
            hcl.sum(B[y + r, x + c] * Fx[r, c], axis=[r, c]), B[y, x]),
    t = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    g = hcl.reduce_axis(0, 3)
    Gy = hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x: hcl.select(
            hcl.and_(y > (k - 1), y < (width - k), x > (k - 1), x <
                     (height - k)),
            hcl.sum(B[y + t, x + g] * Fy[t, g], axis=[t, g]), B[y, x]),
    # return the intensity matrix and the edge direction matrix?
    return hcl.compute(
        (height, width),
        lambda y, x:
        (hcl.sqrt(Gx[y][x] * Gx[y][x] + Gy[y][x] * Gy[y][x])) / 4328 * 255,
Example #17
def sqrt(input1, name='sqrt'):
    return hcl.compute(input1.shape, lambda *x: hcl.sqrt(input1[x]), name=name)
Example #18
 def math_func(A, B):
     real, imag = hlib.ip.single_fft_hls(A, B)
     return hcl.compute(
         (length, ),
         lambda x: hcl.sqrt(real[x] * real[x] + imag[x] * imag[x]),
Example #19
 def avg(in1, in2):
     ll = hcl.scalar(in1, "in1")
     lr = hcl.scalar(in2, "in2")
     return hcl.sqrt(ll.v * ll.v + lr.v * lr.v)/4328*255
Example #20
C = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
P = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
xdiv1 = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
xdiv2 = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
d1Local = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
d2Local = hcl.placeholder((1, ))
with hcl.stage() as s:
    xlogterm = hcl.scalar(0)
    xlogterm[0] = hcl.log(S[0] / X[0])
    xpowerterm = hcl.scalar(0)
    xpowerterm[0] = 0.5 * sigma[0] * sigma[0]
    xnum = hcl.scalar(0)
    xnum[0] = xlogterm[0] + (r[0] + xpowerterm[0]) * T[0]
    xsqrtterm = hcl.scalar(0)
    xsqrtterm[0] = hcl.sqrt(T[0])
    xden = hcl.scalar(0)
    xden[0] = sigma[0] * xsqrtterm[0]
    #xdiv1 = hcl.scalar(0)
    xdiv1[0] = xnum[0] / xden[0]
    #xdiv2 = hcl.scalar(0)
    xdiv2[0] = xdiv1[0] - xden[0]
    futurevaluex = hcl.scalar(0)
    futurevaluex[0] = X[0] * hcl.exp(-r[0] * T[0])
    #Calculate N(d1), also N(-d1)=1 - N(d1)
    d1NPrimeofX = hcl.scalar(0)
    d1NPrimeofX[0] = hcl.exp(
        -(xdiv1[0] * xdiv1[0]) * 0.5) * 0.39894228040143270286
    d1K2 = hcl.scalar(0)
    d1K2[0] = 1 / ((xdiv1[0] * 0.2316419) + 1.0)