Example #1
def drawLines(pw, pointLists=[], 
              netStyle = None, netNDiv = 12, netAlpha = 0.5, rMat=None, 
              southern=False, invertFromSouthern=True,
              origin=(0.,0.), r=1.0):
    x0, y0 = origin
    lines = pw.a.get_lines()
    for line in lines:
    ringAngs = num.linspace(0,num.pi*2.,181)
    if netStyle:
        arcAngsM  = num.linspace(-num.pi/2.,num.pi/2.,91)
        arcAngsL  = num.linspace(0, num.pi, 181)
        rMat_yDiv = ors.RotInv(-num.pi/netNDiv, [0,1,0]).toMatrix()
    if netStyle:
        nVMerid = num.vstack( ( num.cos(arcAngsM), num.sin(arcAngsM), num.zeros(len(arcAngsM)) ) )
        for iDiv in range(netNDiv-1):
            nVMerid = num.dot(rMat_yDiv, nVMerid)
            eaProj = n2eap(nVMerid, flip=False)
            pw(r*eaProj[0,:]+x0, r*eaProj[1,:]+y0, alpha=netAlpha, style=netStyle)
        for latAng in num.pi/netNDiv*num.arange(1,netNDiv):
            polZ = num.cos(latAng)
            polR = num.sin(latAng)
            nVLat = num.vstack( ( polR*num.cos(arcAngsL), polZ*num.ones(len(arcAngsL)), polR*num.sin(arcAngsL)) )
            eaProj = n2eap(nVLat, flip=False)
            pw(r*eaProj[0,:]+x0, r*eaProj[1,:]+y0, alpha=netAlpha, style=netStyle)
    'done with drawing net'

    for points, pwKWArgs in pointLists:
        nVecs  = matrixUtils.unitVector(points)
        if rMat is not None:
            'rotate as did elsewhere'
            nVecs = num.dot(rMat, nVecs)
        bNVecsS = nVecs[2,:] < 0
        if southern:
            nVecsS = nVecs[:,bNVecsS]
            nVecsS = fromSouthern(nVecsS, invertFromSouthern)
            eaProj = n2eap(nVecsS, flip=False)
            pw(r*eaProj[0,:]+x0, r*eaProj[1,:]+y0, **pwKWArgs)
            nVecsN = nVecs[:,num.logical_not(bNVecsS)]
            eaProj = n2eap(nVecsN, flip=False)
            pw(r*eaProj[0,:]+x0, r*eaProj[1,:]+x0, **pwKWArgs)
    'done with pointLists'
Example #2
def sph2n(coords_sph):
    '''convert from chi/eta spherical coordinates to normal vectors;
    can use with coords from femODF.FemHemisphere
    assert coords_sph.shape[0] == 2, 'shape[0] not 2'
    z   = num.cos(coords_sph[0,:])
    rho = num.sin(coords_sph[0,:])
    x = rho * num.cos(coords_sph[1,:])
    y = rho * num.sin(coords_sph[1,:])

    # nVectors = arrayUtil.toArray(num.vstack((x,y,z)))
    nVectors = getMem((3,coords_sph.shape[1]))
    nVectors[0,:] = x
    nVectors[1,:] = y
    nVectors[2,:] = z
    return nVectors