Example #1
class CalTreeItemModel(BaseTreeItemModel):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.root_item = TreeItem(['key', 'value', 'refinable'])
        self.cfg = HexrdConfig()

    def data(self, index, role):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        if role != Qt.DisplayRole and role != Qt.EditRole:
            return None

        item = self.get_item(index)

        value = item.data(index.column())
        if index.column() == STATUS_COL:
            if role == Qt.EditRole:
                return value
            if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                return None

        if isinstance(value, np.generic):
            # Get a native python type for display. Otherwise,
            # it won't display anything...
            value = value.item()

        return value

    def setData(self, index, value, role):
        item = self.get_item(index)
        path = self.path_to_value(item, index.column())

        # If they are identical, don't do anything
        # (we exclude np.ndarray's from this)
        is_numpy = isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or \
            isinstance(item.data(index.column()), np.ndarray)
        if not is_numpy and value == item.data(index.column()):
            return True

        key = item.data(KEY_COL)
        # Note: We don't want todo this check for panel buffers as they
        # can be a list or numpy.ndarray
        if index.column() == VALUE_COL and key != constants.BUFFER_KEY:
            old_value = self.cfg.get_instrument_config_val(path)

            # As a validation step, ensure that the new value can be
            # converted to the old value's type
                value = type(old_value)(value)
            except ValueError:
                msg = ('Could not convert ' + str(value) + ' to type ' +
                QMessageBox.warning(None, 'HEXRD', msg)
                return False

        item.set_data(index.column(), value)

        if item.child_count() == 0:
            parent = item.parent_item.data(KEY_COL)
            if (parent == 'tilt' and
                    HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler() is not None and
                    len(path) > 1 and path[-2] == 'value'):
                # Convert tilt values to radians before saving
                value = np.radians(value).item()
            self.cfg.set_instrument_config_val(path, value)
            dist_func_path = ['distortion', 'function_name', 'value']
            if len(path) > 4 and path[2:5] == dist_func_path:
                # Rebuild the tree if the distortion function changed

        return True

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.NoItemFlags

        flags = super(CalTreeItemModel, self).flags(index)

        item = self.get_item(index)
        if ((index.column() == VALUE_COL and item.child_count() == 0) or
                index.column() == STATUS_COL):
            # The second and third columns with no children are editable
            flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable

        return flags

    def add_tree_item(self, key, value, status, parent):
        # In the case of the panel buffer we don't want to added children
        # The editor will take care of this.
        if parent.data(KEY_COL) == constants.BUFFER_KEY:

        data = [key, value, status]
        tree_item = TreeItem(data, parent)
        return tree_item

    def rebuild_tree(self):
        # Rebuild the tree from scratch
        for key in self.cfg.internal_instrument_config.keys():
            tree_item = self.add_tree_item(key, None, REFINABLE,
                self.cfg.internal_instrument_config[key], tree_item)

    def recursive_add_tree_items(self, cur_config, cur_tree_item):
        if isinstance(cur_config, dict):
            keys = cur_config.keys()
        elif isinstance(cur_config, list):
            keys = range(len(cur_config))
            # This must be a value. Set it.
            cur_tree_item.set_data(STATUS_COL, cur_config)

        for key in keys:
            if key == 'value':
                data = cur_config[key]
                if (cur_tree_item.data(KEY_COL) == 'tilt' and
                        HexrdConfig().rotation_matrix_euler() is not None):
                    data = [np.degrees(rad).item() for rad in cur_config[key]]
                self.set_value(key, data, cur_tree_item)
            elif key == 'status':
                tree_item = cur_tree_item
                tree_item = self.add_tree_item(key, None, REFINABLE,
            if tree_item is not None:
                self.recursive_add_tree_items(cur_config[key], tree_item)

    def update_parent_status(self, parent):
        children = parent.child_items
        for child in children:
            if child.child_count() > 0:
            if child.data(STATUS_COL):
                parent.set_data(STATUS_COL, FIXED)

    def path_to_value(self, tree_item, column):
        path = ['value'] if column == VALUE_COL else ['status']
        cur_tree_item = tree_item
        while True:
            text = cur_tree_item.data(KEY_COL)
            if is_int(text):
                path.insert(0, text)
            cur_tree_item = cur_tree_item.parent_item
            if cur_tree_item is self.root_item:

        return path

    def set_value(self, key, cur_config, cur_tree_item):
        if isinstance(cur_config, list):
            children = cur_tree_item.child_items
            for child in children:
                value = cur_config[child.data(KEY_COL)]
                child.set_data(VALUE_COL, value)
            cur_tree_item.set_data(VALUE_COL, cur_config)
Example #2
class CalTreeItemModel(QAbstractItemModel):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(CalTreeItemModel, self).__init__(parent)
        self.root_item = TreeItem(['key', 'value', 'fixed'])
        self.cfg = HexrdConfig()

    def columnCount(self, parent):
        return self.root_item.column_count()

    def data(self, index, role):
        if not index.isValid():
            return None

        if role != Qt.DisplayRole and role != Qt.EditRole:
            return None

        item = self.get_item(index)

        value = item.data(index.column())
        if index.column() == STATUS_COL:
            if role == Qt.EditRole:
                return value
            if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
                return None
        return value

    def setData(self, index, value, role):
        item = self.get_item(index)
        path = self.get_path_from_root(item, index.column())

        # If they are identical, don't do anything
        if value == item.data(index.column()):
            return True

        if index.column() == VALUE_COL:
            old_value = self.cfg.get_instrument_config_val(path)

            # As a validation step, ensure that the new value can be
            # converted to the old value's type
                value = type(old_value)(value)
            except ValueError:
                msg = ('Could not convert ' + str(value) + ' to type ' +
                QMessageBox.warning(None, 'HEXRD', msg)
                return False

        item.set_data(index.column(), value)

        if item.child_count() == 0:
            self.cfg.set_instrument_config_val(path, value)

        return True

    def flags(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return Qt.NoItemFlags

        flags = super(CalTreeItemModel, self).flags(index)

        item = self.get_item(index)
        if ((index.column() == VALUE_COL and item.child_count() == 0)
                or index.column() == STATUS_COL):
            # The second and third columns with no children are editable
            flags = flags | Qt.ItemIsEditable

        return flags

    def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
        if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
            return self.root_item.data(section)

        return None

    def index(self, row, column, parent):
        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            return QModelIndex()

        parent_item = self.get_item(parent)
        child_item = parent_item.child(row)
        if not child_item:
            return QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item)

    def parent(self, index):
        if not index.isValid():
            return QModelIndex()

        child_item = self.get_item(index)
        parent_item = child_item.parent_item
        if not parent_item or parent_item is self.root_item:
            return QModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parent_item.row(), KEY_COL, parent_item)

    def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
        parent_item = self.get_item(parent)
        return parent_item.child_count()

    def get_item(self, index):
        # If the index is valid and the internal pointer is valid,
        # return the item. Otherwise, return the root item.
        if index.isValid():
            item = index.internalPointer()
            if item:
                return item

        return self.root_item

    def clear(self):
        # Remove all of the root item children. That clears it.
        root = self.root_item
        self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), KEY_COL, root.child_count() - 1)

    def rebuild_tree(self):
        # Rebuild the tree from scratch
        for key in self.cfg.internal_instrument_config.keys():
            tree_item = self.add_tree_item(key, None, REFINED, self.root_item)
                self.cfg.internal_instrument_config[key], tree_item)

    def add_tree_item(self, key, value, status, parent):
        data = [key, value, status]
        tree_item = TreeItem(data, parent)
        return tree_item

    def set_value(self, key, cur_config, cur_tree_item):
        if isinstance(cur_config, list):
            children = cur_tree_item.child_items
            for child in children:
                value = cur_config[child.data(KEY_COL)]
                child.set_data(VALUE_COL, value)
            cur_tree_item.set_data(VALUE_COL, cur_config)

    def recursive_add_tree_items(self, cur_config, cur_tree_item):
        if isinstance(cur_config, dict):
            keys = cur_config.keys()
        elif isinstance(cur_config, list):
            keys = range(len(cur_config))
            # This must be a value. Set it.
            cur_tree_item.set_data(STATUS_COL, cur_config)

        for key in keys:
            if key == 'value':
                self.set_value(key, cur_config[key], cur_tree_item)
            elif key == 'status':
                tree_item = cur_tree_item
                tree_item = self.add_tree_item(key, None, REFINED,
            self.recursive_add_tree_items(cur_config[key], tree_item)

    def update_parent_status(self, parent):
        children = parent.child_items
        for child in children:
            if child.child_count() > 0:
            if child.data(STATUS_COL):
                parent.set_data(STATUS_COL, FIXED)

    def get_path_from_root(self, tree_item, column):
        path = ['value'] if column == VALUE_COL else ['status']
        cur_tree_item = tree_item
        while True:
            text = cur_tree_item.data(KEY_COL)
            if _is_int(text):
                path.insert(0, text)
            cur_tree_item = cur_tree_item.parent_item
            if cur_tree_item is self.root_item:

        return path