def update(self, camera): self.mouse_pos = np.array([camera.follow_camera(pg.mouse.get_pos())]) self.mouse_cube = hx.pixel_to_cube(self.mouse_pos, self.hex_radius) self.mouse_axial = hx.pixel_to_axial(self.mouse_pos, self.hex_radius) self.mouse_hex = hx.cube_to_pixel(self.mouse_cube, self.hex_radius)
def __init__(self, radius): self.hex_radius = radius self.mouse_pos = np.array([pg.mouse.get_pos()]) self.mouse_cube = hx.pixel_to_cube(self.mouse_pos, self.hex_radius) self.mouse_axial = hx.pixel_to_axial(self.mouse_pos, self.hex_radius) self.mouse_hex = hx.cube_to_pixel(self.mouse_cube, self.hex_radius)
def test_axial_to_pixel_conversion(): axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(coords) pixel_coords = hx.axial_to_pixel(axial_coords, radius) pixel_to_axial_coords = hx.pixel_to_axial(pixel_coords, radius) assert np.array_equal(axial_coords, pixel_to_axial_coords)
def handle_events(self): running = True # Program is running for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT: running = False if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1:# Left mouse self.clicked_hex = hx.pixel_to_axial( np.array([pg.mouse.get_pos() -]), self.hex_radius)[0].astype(np.int32) if self.step == 2: if np.array_equal(self.hex_map[self.clicked_hex], []): self.clicked_hex = self.old_axial_held continue if not np.array_equal(self.clicked_hex, self.old_axial_held): self.direction_hex = np.array([]) index = 0 repeat = False for piece in self.player_list[1]: if np.array_equal(piece[1], self.clicked_hex): del self.player_list[1][index] repeat = True else: index += 1 index = 0 for piece in self.player_list[2]: if np.array_equal(piece[1], self.clicked_hex): del self.player_list[2][index] repeat = True else: index += 1 if repeat: continue if self.clicked_hex.size > 0: if self.direction_hex.size <= 0: self.direction_hex = self.clicked_hex else: self.direction_hex = np.array([]) if not repeat: self.player_list[self.player_selection.value].append([self.piece_selection.value, self.clicked_hex, self.direction_selection.value]) self.direction_selection.value = 0 self.old_axial_held = self.clicked_hex if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.step == 1: if event.button == 4: #Scroll up self.selection.increment() if event.button == 5: #scroll down self.selection.decrement() elif self.step == 2: if event.button == 3: self.player_selection.increment() if event.button == 4: #Scroll up self.direction_selection.increment() if event.button == 5: #scroll down self.direction_selection.decrement() if event.type == pg.KEYUP: if self.step == 1: if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: self.max_coord.increment() elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT: self.max_coord.decrement() elif event.key == pg.K_a: self.selection.decrement() elif event.key == pg.K_d: self.selection.increment() elif self.step == 2: if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: self.piece_selection.increment() elif event.key == pg.K_LEFT: self.piece_selection.decrement() elif event.key == pg.K_a: self.direction_selection.decrement() elif event.key == pg.K_d: self.direction_selection.increment() if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_RETURN: self.step += 1 if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE or self.step > 2: running = False # Check if we are in the map-making step, and it is a custom map. if self.step == 1 and self.selection.value == Selection.Type.CUSTOM: # Check that the left mouse is being held down and the mouse is moving. if event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION and event.buttons == (1, 0, 0): mouse_pos = np.array([np.array(pg.mouse.get_pos()) -]) axial_clicked = hx.pixel_to_axial(mouse_pos, self.hex_radius).astype(np.int32)[0] # Check if within the map boundaries and the mouse is not on the same tile as before. if not np.array_equal(self.b_map[axial_clicked], []) and not np.array_equal(axial_clicked, self.old_axial_held): # Check if a tile already exists. If not, create one. If one does, delete it. if np.array_equal(self.hex_map[axial_clicked], []): self.hex_map[[axial_clicked]] = [ExampleHex(axial_clicked, [141, 207, 104, 255], self.hex_radius)] else: del self.hex_map[axial_clicked] # Save the axial coordinates so the tile is not added and delete every other frame. self.old_axial_held = axial_clicked return running
def set_position(self, position): self.position = position self.axial_coordinates = hx.pixel_to_axial(self.position, self.radius) self.cube_coordinates = hx.pixel_to_cube(self.position, self.radius)
return True return False radius = 10 coords = hx.get_spiral(np.array((0, 0, 0)), 1, 10) # check axial <-> cube conversions work axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(coords) cube_coords = hx.axial_to_cube(axial_coords) print same_mat(coords, cube_coords) # check axial <-> pixel conversions work pixel_coords = hx.axial_to_pixel(axial_coords, radius) pixel_to_axial_coords = hx.pixel_to_axial(pixel_coords, radius) print same_mat(axial_coords, pixel_to_axial_coords) # check cube <-> pixel conversions work pixel_coords = hx.cube_to_pixel(cube_coords, radius) pixel_to_cube_coords = hx.pixel_to_cube(pixel_coords, radius) pixel_to_cube_to_axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(pixel_to_cube_coords) print same_mat(cube_coords, pixel_to_cube_coords) # check that we can correctly retrieve hexes after conversions hm[axial_coords] = coords retrieved = hm[pixel_to_cube_to_axial_coords] print same_mat(retrieved, cube_coords)
def handle_events(self): running = True for event in pg.event.get(): keys = pg.key.get_pressed() pos = pg.mouse.get_pos() rel_pos = pg.mouse.get_rel() if keys[pg.K_c]: self.test_center = ([0],[1] - int(100 * scale)) self.hex_radius = self.original_radius self.regenerate_size_objects() if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONUP: # Attacking or moving # Stops clicking on tiles that are hidden up top. if pos[1] <= int(100 * scale): continue mouse_pos = np.array([ np.array(pos) - self.test_center - [0, int(100 * scale)] ]) self.axial_clicked = hx.pixel_to_axial( mouse_pos, self.hex_radius).astype(np.int32) axial_player = self.board[self.axial_clicked] if event.button == 1: # Left Click (Move) if self.step == 3: if not np.array_equal(self.axial_clicked, self.temp_axial): self.step = 2 self.temp_axial = self.axial_clicked self.temp_axial = None self.selected_movement_directions = [] # Selecting a piece to move. if self.step == 1: if not np.array_equal(axial_player, []): axial_player = self.board[ self.axial_clicked][0].piece.player else: pass found = False for moved in self.board.moved_pieces: if np.array_equal(moved, self.axial_clicked[0]): found = True break if found: continue if (np.array_equal( self.valid_moves, None)) and axial_player == self.board.player: self.clicked_hex = self.axial_clicked self.axial_moves = self.board.get_valid_moves( self.board[self.clicked_hex][0]) self.move_or_attack = 1 self.step = 2 # Moving the selected piece to a valid coordinate. elif self.step == 2: if (not np.array_equal(self.board[self.axial_clicked], []) and self.board[self.axial_clicked][0] in self.board[self.valid_moves]): if np.array_equal( self.selected_movement_directions, []): dirs = [] for axial in self.axial_moves: if np.array_equal(self.axial_clicked[0], axial[0:2]): dirs.append( np.where( DIRECTIONS == axial[3])[0][0]) self.select_direction = CyclicInteger( 0, 0, len(dirs) - 1) self.selected_movement_directions = np.sort( dirs) self.temp_axial = self.axial_clicked self.step = 3 continue else: self.clicked_hex = None self.axial_moves = None self.valid_moves = None self.axial_clicked = None self.temp_axial = None self.selected_movement_directions = [] self.step = 1 # Choosing a valid direction for the piece at the new coordinates. elif self.step == 3: if (not np.array_equal(self.board[self.axial_clicked], []) and self.board[self.axial_clicked][0] in self.board[self.valid_moves]): new_dir = DIRECTIONS[ self.selected_movement_directions[ self.select_direction.value]] self.board.move_piece(self.clicked_hex[0], self.temp_axial[0], new_dir) self.clicked_hex = None self.axial_moves = None self.valid_moves = None self.axial_clicked = None self.temp_axial = None self.selected_movement_directions = [] self.step = 1 if event.button == 3: # Right click (Attack) if not np.array_equal(axial_player, []): axial_player = self.board[ self.axial_clicked][0].piece.player else: pass found = False for fired in self.board.fired_pieces: if np.array_equal(fired, self.axial_clicked[0]): found = True break if found: continue if (np.array_equal( self.valid_moves, None)) and axial_player == self.board.player: self.clicked_hex = self.axial_clicked self.axial_moves = self.board.get_valid_attacks( self.board[self.clicked_hex][0]) self.move_or_attack = 2 if not np.array_equal(self.clicked_hex, None) and not np.array_equal( self.valid_moves, None): if (not np.array_equal( self.board[self.axial_clicked], [] and self.board[self.axial_clicked][0] in self.board[self.valid_moves])): self.board.attack_piece(self.clicked_hex[0], self.axial_clicked[0]) self.clicked_hex = None self.axial_moves = None self.valid_moves = None self.axial_clicked = None if event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 4: if keys[pg.K_LCTRL]: #Scroll up self.hex_radius += 1 self.regenerate_size_objects() else: self.select_direction.increment() if event.button == 5: if keys[pg.K_LCTRL]: #scroll down self.hex_radius -= 1 if self.hex_radius < 1: self.hex_radius = 1 self.regenerate_size_objects() else: self.select_direction.decrement() if self.turn_button.isOver(pos): self.win_state = self.board.end_turn() self.clicked_hex = None self.axial_moves = None self.valid_moves = None self.axial_clicked = None self.temp_axial = None self.selected_movement_directions = [] self.step = 1 # Alternate direction rotation if the scroll wheel is not working if event.type == pg.KEYUP: if event.key == pg.K_a: self.select_direction.decrement() elif event.key == pg.K_d: self.select_direction.increment() elif event.key == pg.K_w: self.hex_radius += 2 self.regenerate_size_objects() elif event.key == pg.K_s: self.hex_radius -= 2 if self.hex_radius < 1: self.hex_radius = 1 self.regenerate_size_objects() if event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION: if event.buttons == (1, 0, 0) and keys[pg.K_LCTRL]: self.test_center = (self.test_center[0] + rel_pos[0], self.test_center[1] + rel_pos[1]) if self.turn_button.isOver(pos): self.turn_button.color = (0, 194, 0) else: self.turn_button.color = (0, 255, 0) if event.type == pg.QUIT or (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE): running = False if self.win_state != 0: print("Player", self.win_state, "has won!") running = False return running