Example #1
def test_theme_default_settings_from_no_scope():
    theme = Theme.from_dct({
        'tokenColors': [
            {'settings': {'foreground': '#cccccc', 'background': '#333333'}},
    assert theme.default.fg == Color.parse('#cccccc')
    assert theme.default.bg == Color.parse('#333333')
Example #2
def test_theme_scope_comma_at_beginning_and_end():
    theme = Theme.from_dct({
        'colors': {'foreground': '#cccccc', 'background': '#333333'},
        'tokenColors': [
            {'scope': '\n,a,b,\n', 'settings': {'fontStyle': 'italic'}},
    assert theme.select(('d',)).i is False
    assert theme.select(('a',)).i is True
    assert theme.select(('b',)).i is True
Example #3
def test_theme_scope_as_A_list():
    theme = Theme.from_dct({
        'colors': {'foreground': '#cccccc', 'background': '#333333'},
        'tokenColors': [
            {'scope': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'settings': {'fontStyle': 'underline'}},
    assert theme.select(('d',)).u is False
    assert theme.select(('a',)).u is True
    assert theme.select(('b',)).u is True
    assert theme.select(('c',)).u is True
Example #4
def test_theme_scope_internal_newline_commas():
    # this is arguably malformed, but `cobalt2` in the wild has this issue
    theme = Theme.from_dct({
        'colors': {'foreground': '#cccccc', 'background': '#333333'},
        'tokenColors': [
            {'scope': '\n,a,\n,b,\n', 'settings': {'fontStyle': 'italic'}},
    assert theme.select(('d',)).i is False
    assert theme.select(('a',)).i is True
    assert theme.select(('b',)).i is True
Example #5
def test_theme_scope_split_by_commas():
    theme = Theme.from_dct({
        'colors': {'foreground': '#cccccc', 'background': '#333333'},
        'tokenColors': [
            {'scope': 'a, b, c', 'settings': {'fontStyle': 'italic'}},
    assert theme.select(('d',)).i is False
    assert theme.select(('a',)).i is True
    assert theme.select(('b',)).i is True
    assert theme.select(('c',)).i is True
Example #6
def _highlight_output(theme: Theme, compiler: Compiler, filename: str) -> int:
    state = compiler.root_state

    if theme.default.bg is not None:
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line_idx, line in enumerate(f):
            first_line = line_idx == 0
            state, regions = highlight_line(compiler, state, line, first_line)
            for start, end, scope in regions:
                print_styled(line[start:end], theme.select(scope))
    print('\x1b[m', end='')
    return 0
Example #7
def main() -> int:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--theme', default=DEFAULT_THEME)
    parser.add_argument('--syntax-dir', default=DEFAULT_SYNTAX_DIR)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    with open(args.filename) as f:
        first_line = next(f, '')

    theme = Theme.from_filename(args.theme)

    grammars = Grammars.from_syntax_dir(args.syntax_dir)
    compiler = grammars.compiler_for_file(args.filename, first_line)

    return _highlight_output(theme, compiler, args.filename)
Example #8
import pytest

from highlight_demo.color import Color
from highlight_demo.theme import Theme

THEME = Theme.from_dct({
    'colors': {'foreground': '#100000', 'background': '#aaaaaa'},
    'tokenColors': [
        {'scope': 'foo.bar', 'settings': {'foreground': '#200000'}},
        {'scope': 'foo', 'settings': {'foreground': '#300000'}},
        {'scope': 'parent foo.bar', 'settings': {'foreground': '#400000'}},

def unhex(color):
    return f'#{hex(color.r << 16 | color.g << 8 | color.b)[2:]}'

    ('scope', 'expected'),
        pytest.param(('',), '#100000', id='trivial'),
        pytest.param(('unknown',), '#100000', id='unknown'),
        pytest.param(('foo.bar',), '#200000', id='exact match'),
        pytest.param(('foo.baz',), '#300000', id='prefix match'),
        pytest.param(('src.diff', 'foo.bar'), '#200000', id='nested scope'),
            ('foo.bar', 'unrelated'), '#200000',
            id='nested scope not last one',