def main(): args = arg_parser().parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) if len(args.img) > 1 and not args.output.startswith("."): logger.critical( "With more than one input IMG file, the --output must start with " f"a period, and it does not: {args.output}" ) sys.exit() gainsinfo = pvl.load(args.gains) for i in args.img: out_p = util.path_w_suffix(args.output, i) with util.main_exceptions(args.verbose): histats = EDR_Stats( i, out_p, gainsinfo, args.histmin, args.histmax, keep=args.keep ) # DB stuff # for k, v in histats.items(): # print(f'{k}: {v}') db_path = util.path_w_suffix(args.db, i) with open(db_path, "w") as f: json.dump(histats, f, indent=0, sort_keys=True)"Wrote {db_path}") return
def main(): try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents=[util.parent_parser()], ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", required=False, default=".bitunflip.cub" ) parser.add_argument("cube", help="ISIS Cube file.") args = parser.parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) out_p = util.path_w_suffix(args.output, args.cube) unflip(Path(args.cube), out_p, keep=args.keep) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err: print("Had an ISIS error:", file=sys.stderr) print(" ".join(err.cmd), file=sys.stderr) print(err.stdout, file=sys.stderr) print(err.stderr, file=sys.stderr)
def main(): args = arg_parser().parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) if len(args.img) > 1: if not args.output.startswith("."): logger.critical( "With more than one input IMG file, the --output must start " f"with a period, and it does not: {args.output}" ) sys.exit() if not args.db.startswith("."): logger.critical( "With more than one input IMG file, the --db must start with " f"a period, and it does not: {args.db}" ) sys.exit() gainsinfo = pvl.load(args.gains) with util.main_exceptions(args.verbose): if len(args.img) == 1: # No need to fire up the multiprocessing for just one image. db_path = write_json( EDR_Stats( args.img[0], util.path_w_suffix(args.output, args.img[0]), gainsinfo, args.histmin, args.histmax, keep=args.keep ), args.db, args.img[0], )"Wrote {db_path}") else: with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=args.max_workers ) as executor: for img, histats, in zip(args.img, EDR_Stats, args.img, map(util.path_w_suffix, repeat(args.output), args.img), repeat(gainsinfo), repeat(args.histmin), repeat(args.histmax), repeat(args.keep), )): db_path = write_json(histats, args.db, img)"Wrote {db_path}") return
def write_json(d: dict, outpath: str, template_path: os.PathLike) -> Path: """ Writes out a Python dict as JSON to *outpath*. :param d: Python dictionary to serialize to a JSON file. :param outpath: If it starts with a "." assume it is a suffix that should be swapped with the suffix on *img* to get the output filename, otherwise use as an outpath. :param template_path: Pathlike that could have its suffix replaced. """ json_path = util.path_w_suffix(outpath, template_path) with open(json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(d, f, indent=0, sort_keys=True) return json_path
def main(): args = arg_parser().parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) out_p = util.path_w_suffix(args.output, args.file) with util.main_exceptions(args.verbose): fixed = fix( args.file, out_p, ) if not fixed: sys.exit(f"{args.file} did not need lisfix cleaning.") return
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", required=False, default=".mdr.iof.cub" ) parser.add_argument("-e", "--edr", required=True) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--conf", required=False, type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=pkg_resources.resource_stream( __name__, 'data/hical.pipelines.conf' ), ) parser.add_argument("mdr", metavar="MDR_file") parser.add_argument( "-l", "--log", required=False, default="WARNING", help="The log level to show for this program, can " "be a named log level or a numerical level.", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--keep", required=False, default=False, action="store_true", help="Normally, the program will clean up any " "intermediary files, but if this option is given, it " "won't.", ) args = parser.parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) edr_path = Path(args.edr) mdr_path = Path(args.mdr) to_del = isis.PathSet() h2i_path = to_del.add(edr_path.with_suffix(".hi2isis.cub")) out_path = util.path_w_suffix(args.output, edr_path) # The first thing Alan's program did was to crop the image down to only the # 'imaging' parts. We're not doing that so the resultant file has a # geometry similar to what comes out of ISIS hical. # Convert the EDR to a cube file isis.hi2isis(edr_path, to=h2i_path) # Convert Alan's MDR to a cube file mdr_cub_path = to_del.add(mdr_path.with_suffix(".alan.cub"))"Running gdal_translate {mdr_path} -of ISIS3 {mdr_cub_path}") gdal.Translate(str(mdr_cub_path), str(mdr_path), format="ISIS3") h2i_s = int(isis.getkey_k(h2i_path, "Dimensions", "Samples")) h2i_l = int(isis.getkey_k(h2i_path, "Dimensions", "Lines")) mdr_s = int(isis.getkey_k(mdr_cub_path, "Dimensions", "Samples")) mdr_l = int(isis.getkey_k(mdr_cub_path, "Dimensions", "Lines")) if h2i_s != mdr_s: label = pvl.load(str(h2i_path)) hirise_cal_info = get_one( label, "Table", "HiRISE Calibration Ancillary" ) buffer_pixels = get_one(hirise_cal_info, "Field", "BufferPixels")[ "Size" ] dark_pixels = get_one(hirise_cal_info, "Field", "DarkPixels")["Size"] rev_mask_tdi_lines = hirise_cal_info["Records"] if h2i_s + buffer_pixels + dark_pixels == mdr_s: f"The file {mdr_cub_path} has " f"{buffer_pixels + dark_pixels} more sample pixels " f"than {h2i_path}, assuming those are dark and " "buffer pixels and will crop accordingly." ) if h2i_l + rev_mask_tdi_lines != mdr_l: logger.critical( 'Even assuming this is a "full" channel ' "image, this has the wrong number of lines. " f"{mdr_cub_path} should have " f"{h2i_l + rev_mask_tdi_lines}, but " f"has {mdr_l} lines. Exiting" ) sys.exit() else: crop_path = to_del.add(mdr_cub_path.with_suffix(".crop.cub")) # We want to start with the next pixel (+1) after the cal # pixels. isis.crop( mdr_cub_path, to=crop_path, sample=buffer_pixels + 1, nsamples=h2i_s, line=rev_mask_tdi_lines + 1, ) mdr_cub_path = crop_path mdr_l = int(isis.getkey_k(mdr_cub_path, "Dimensions", "Lines")) else: logger.critical( f"The number of samples in {h2i_path} ({h2i_s}) " f"and {mdr_cub_path} ({mdr_s}) are different. " "Exiting." ) sys.exit() if h2i_l != mdr_l: logger.critical( f"The number of lines in {h2i_path} ({h2i_l}) " f"and {mdr_cub_path} ({mdr_l}) are different. " "Exiting." ) sys.exit() # Convert the EDR to the right bit type for post-HiCal Pipeline: h2i_16b_p = to_del.add(h2i_path.with_suffix(".16bit.cub")) isis.bit2bit( h2i_path, to=h2i_16b_p, bit="16bit", clip="minmax", minval=0, maxval=1.5, ) shutil.copyfile(h2i_16b_p, out_path) # If it is a channel 1 file, Alan mirrored it so that he could process # the two channels in an identical way (which we also took advantage # of above if the buffer and dark pixels were included), so we need to # mirror it back. cid = hirise.get_ChannelID_fromfile(h2i_16b_p) if == "1": mirror_path = to_del.add(mdr_cub_path.with_suffix(".mirror.cub")) isis.mirror(mdr_cub_path, to=mirror_path) mdr_cub_path = mirror_path # Is the MDR in DN or I/F? maximum_pxl = float( pvl.loads(isis.stats(mdr_cub_path).stdout)["Results"]["Maximum"] ) if maximum_pxl < 1.5:"MDR is already in I/F units.") mdr_16b_p = to_del.add(mdr_cub_path.with_suffix(".16bit.cub")) isis.bit2bit( mdr_cub_path, to=mdr_16b_p, bit="16bit", clip="minmax", minval=0, maxval=1.5, ) isis.handmos(mdr_16b_p, mosaic=out_path) else:"MDR is in DN units and will be converted to I/F.") fpa_t = statistics.mean( [ float( isis.getkey_k( h2i_16b_p, "Instrument", "FpaPositiveYTemperature" ) ), float( isis.getkey_k( h2i_16b_p, "Instrument", "FpaNegativeYTemperature" ) ), ] ) print(f"fpa_t {fpa_t}") conf = pvl.load(args.conf) tdg = t_dep_gain(get_one(conf["Hical"], "Profile", cid.ccdname), fpa_t) suncorr = solar_correction() sclk = isis.getkey_k( h2i_16b_p, "Instrument", "SpacecraftClockStartCount" ) target = isis.getkey_k(h2i_16b_p, "Instrument", "TargetName") suncorr = solar_correction(sunDistanceAU(sclk, target)) sed = float( isis.getkey_k(h2i_16b_p, "Instrument", "LineExposureDuration") ) zbin = get_one(conf["Hical"], "Profile", "GainUnitConversion")[ "GainUnitConversionBinFactor" ] # The 'ziof' name is from the ISIS HiCal/GainUnitConversion.h, it is a # divisor in the calibration equation. print(f"zbin {zbin}") print(f"tdg {tdg}") print(f"sed {sed}") print(f"suncorr {suncorr}") ziof = zbin * tdg * sed * 1e-6 * suncorr eqn = f"\(F1 / {ziof})" # noqa W605 mdriof_p = to_del.add(mdr_cub_path.with_suffix(".iof.cub")) to_s = "{}+SignedWord+{}:{}".format(mdriof_p, 0, 1.5) isis.fx(f1=mdr_cub_path, to=to_s, equ=eqn) isis.handmos(mdriof_p, mosaic=out_path) if not args.keep: to_del.unlink()
def edr2stitch(images, conf_dir, bitflipwidth=0, lis_tolerance=1, keep=False): chids = list() for i in images: out_edr = util.path_w_suffix(".EDR_Stats.cub", i) # EDR_Stats db = EDR_Stats.EDR_Stats(i, out_edr, pvl.load(conf_dir / "EDR_Stats_gains_config.pvl"), keep=keep) # HiCal out_hical = util.path_w_suffix(".HiCal.cub", out_edr) db = HiCal.HiCal( out_edr, out_hical, db, HiCal.conf_setup(pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiCal.conf"), pvl.load(conf_dir / "NoiseFilter.conf")), conf_dir / "HiCal.conf", None, None, bitflipwidth, lis_tolerance, keep=keep, ) chids.append(ChannelCube(out_hical, db)) # HiStitch # get Channel pairs cids = list() for chid1, chid2 in get_CCDpairs(chids): (db, o_path) = HiStitch.HiStitch( chid1.nextpath, chid2.nextpath, chid1.db, chid2.db, ".HiStitch.cub", pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiStitch.conf"), keep=keep, ) cid = HiccdStitch.HiccdStitchCube(o_path) cid.gather_from_db(db) cids.append(cid) # HiccdStitch, makes balance cubes # need to separate by color: color_groups = get_color_groups(cids) for color_group in color_groups.values(): db, out_stitch = HiccdStitch.HiccdStitch( color_group, ".HiccdStitch.cub", pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiccdStitch.conf"), sline=None, eline=None, keep=keep, ) # HiColorInit # takes *balance.cub # creates *[IR|BG]*.balance.precolor.cub # Can then run JitPlot on these *.balance.precolor.cub HiColorInit.HiColorInit([c.nextpath for c in cids], ".precolor.cub", keep=keep) # HiJitReg # takes tmp/*balance.cub tmp/*balance.precolor.cub # creates *regdef.pvl and * files for_jitreg = list() for color, balcubes in color_groups.items(): if color == "RED": for c in balcubes: for_jitreg.append(c.nextpath) else: for c in balcubes: for_jitreg.append(c.nextpath.with_suffix(".precolor.cub")) HiJitReg.HiJitReg(for_jitreg, pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiJitReg.conf"), keep=keep) # HiSlither # takes same as HiJitReg (and assumes its products are available. # creates *slither.txt, *slither.cub, and *COLOR[4|5].cub # Can then run SliterStats on the *slither.txt HiSlither.HiSlither(for_jitreg) return chids
def main(): # The Original Perl took a .pvl file as input which mostly just had the # filenames of the ccd files to stitch together. We'll just take those # on the command line and into args.cubes. args = arg_parser().parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) # outcub_path = set_outcube(args.output, pid0) if args.cubenorm is not None: if len(args.cubenorm) != len(args.cubes): logger.critical(f"The number of cubes ({len(args.cubes)}) and " "the number of cubenorm flags given " f"({len(args.cubenorm)}) did not match. Exiting.") sys.exit() else: args.cubenorm = [False] * len(args.cubes) # Perl: GetConfigurationParameters() conf = pvl.load(args.conf) conf_check(conf) # We may not need to read anything from the DB, only write to it? # Nope, we need to read in each of the CHANNEL!(!) HiCat files to get # their hical_status value. Hmm. Rather than devise a # command line strategy for manually loading them, I think we'll just # use the args.cubes filenames to find them. # Perl: GetPVLParameters() # Gets some options and items from the pvl file that the. # Need to recreate? # Looks like there's a True/False for each input about Cubenorming or not # Then a HiccdStitch/Start_line, HiccdStitch/End_Line, # and a HiccdStitch/Reduce_Factor # If those aren't present then then default to 0, 0, -9999. Probably # should all be 'None's. # Upon inspection of the HiStitch_Next_Pipe, there is no logic to set these # values, they are simply always FALSE for each CCD, 0, 0, and -9999. # So maybe this was put in for manual use, but not a 'normal' part of the # pipeline? # Adding as command line arguments if len(args.cubes) == 1: # Assume this is a filepath to a file of cube names cubes = list( map( HiccdStitchCube, Path(args.cubes[0]).read_text().splitlines(), args.cubenorm, )) else: cubes = list(map(HiccdStitchCube, args.cubes, args.cubenorm)) for c in cubes: c.gather_from_db() with util.main_exceptions(args.verbose): (db, outpath) = HiccdStitch( cubes, args.output, conf, args.sline, args.eline, keep=args.keep, ) db_path = util.path_w_suffix(args.db, outpath) with open(db_path, "w") as f: json.dump(db, f, indent=0, sort_keys=True) return
def test_path_w_suffix(self): self.assertEqual("", str(util.path_w_suffix(".foo", "bar.cub"))) self.assertEqual("", str(util.path_w_suffix("", "bar.cub")))
def edr2stitch( images, conf_dir, bitflipwidth=0, lis_tolerance=1.0, max_workers=None, keep=False, ): chids = list() edr_conf = pvl.load(conf_dir / "EDR_Stats_gains_config.pvl") hical_conf = HiCal.conf_setup( pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiCal.conf"), pvl.load(conf_dir / "NoiseFilter.conf"), ) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_workers ) as executor: future_dbs = dict() for i in images: out_edr = util.path_w_suffix(".EDR_Stats.cub", i) out_hical = util.path_w_suffix(".HiCal.cub", out_edr) f = executor.submit( edr_cal, i, out_edr, out_hical, edr_conf, hical_conf, conf_dir / "HiCal.conf", bitflipwidth=bitflipwidth, lis_tolerance=lis_tolerance, keep=False, ) future_dbs[f] = out_hical for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_dbs): out_hical = future_dbs[future] chids.append(ChannelCube(out_hical, future.result())) # HiStitch # get Channel pairs cids = list() stitch_conf = pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiStitch.conf") with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=max_workers ) as executor: future_tuples = list() for chid1, chid2 in get_CCDpairs(chids): f = executor.submit( # (db, o_path) = HiStitch.HiStitch( HiStitch.HiStitch, chid1.nextpath, chid2.nextpath, chid1.db, chid2.db, ".HiStitch.cub", stitch_conf, keep=keep, ) future_tuples.append(f) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_tuples): (db, o_path) = future.result() cid = HiccdStitch.HiccdStitchCube(o_path) cid.gather_from_db(db) cids.append(cid) # HiccdStitch, makes balance cubes # need to separate by color: color_groups = get_color_groups(cids) for color_group in color_groups.values(): db, out_stitch = HiccdStitch.HiccdStitch( color_group, ".HiccdStitch.cub", pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiccdStitch.conf"), sline=None, eline=None, keep=keep, ) # HiColorInit # takes *balance.cub # creates *[IR|BG]*.balance.precolor.cub # Can then run JitPlot on these *.balance.precolor.cub HiColorInit.HiColorInit( [c.nextpath for c in cids], ".precolor.cub", keep=keep ) # HiJitReg # takes tmp/*balance.cub tmp/*balance.precolor.cub # creates *regdef.pvl and * files for_jitreg = list() for color, balcubes in color_groups.items(): if color == "RED": for c in balcubes: for_jitreg.append(c.nextpath) else: for c in balcubes: for_jitreg.append(c.nextpath.with_suffix(".precolor.cub")) HiJitReg.HiJitReg( for_jitreg, pvl.load(conf_dir / "HiJitReg.conf"), keep=keep ) # HiSlither # takes same as HiJitReg (and assumes its products are available. # creates *slither.txt, *slither.cub, and *COLOR[4|5].cub # Can then run SlitherStats on the *slither.txt HiSlither.HiSlither(for_jitreg) return chids
def main(): # Set the numpy type for elements in the main data area of the .dat file. float_type = np.float32 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents=[util.parent_parser()], ) parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=False, default=".bitflip.dat") parser.add_argument( "-w", "--width", required=False, default=5, help="The number of medstd widths for bit-flip " "cleaning.", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--replacement", required=False, default=float_type(0), type=float_type, help="By default, the program will replace " "identified pixels with an appropriate NULL data " "value, but if provided this value will be used " "instead.", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--plot", required=False, action="store_true", help="Displays plot for each area.", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--dryrun", required=False, action="store_true", help="Does not produce a cleaned output file.", ) parser.add_argument("file", help="A .dat file to clean.") args = parser.parse_args() util.set_logger(args.verbose, args.logfile, args.log) out_p = util.path_w_suffix(args.output, args.file) clean( args.file, out_p, args.replacement, width=args.width, plot=args.plot, dryrun=args.dryrun, ) sys.exit(0)