Example #1
def read_all_Spire_files():
    ''' Read all SPIRE level products from the input directory
        and return a list of Sample objects
    file_list = sorted(glob.glob(hires.INFILE_PREFIX + '*.fits'))
    if len(file_list) == 0:        hires.log(hires.LOG_fatal, 'No input files for: ' + \
    if (hires.DIAG_PRODUCT):
        diagHdu = pyfits.open(hires.DIAG_PRODUCT)
        diagTable = diagHdu[1]
        chanNames = diagTable.data.field('channelName')
        scanNumbers = diagTable.data.field('scanNumber')
        coffsets = diagTable.data.field('a0')
    samples = []
    scan = 0
    for file in file_list:
        hduList = pyfits.open(file)
        maskHdu = hduList['mask']
        signalHdu = hduList['signal']
        raHdu = hduList['ra']
        decHdu = hduList['dec']
        names = []
        for det in raHdu.data.names:
            if (det[:3] == hires.BAND and det[3] != 'T' and det[3] != 'R'
                    and det[4] != 'P'):

        crval1 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL1')
        crval2 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL2')
        projection = hires.Gnomonic(crval1, crval2)

        for det in names:
            if (hires.DIAG_PRODUCT):
                inz = (chanNames == det) & (scanNumbers == scan)
                offsettmp = coffsets[inz]
                if (len(offsettmp) != 1):
                    raise ValueError('Did not find exactly one offset for %s in scan %d'\
                a0 = coffsets[inz][0]
                a0 = 0
            ra = raHdu.data.field(det)
            dec = decHdu.data.field(det)
            sig = signalHdu.data.field(det) - a0 + hires.FLUX_OFFSET
            mask = maskHdu.data.field(det)
            inx = numpy.all([(mask & 64401) == 0], axis=0)
            #hires.log(3, 'Generating samples for detector %s',det)
            x, y = projection.np_lonlat2xy(ra[inx], dec[inx])
            # negate x because CDELT1 is negative
            # angle = 0.0 to ignore it
            if (len(sig[inx]) > 0):
                ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], '1', 0.0)
                thismin = numpy.min(sig[inx], axis=-1)
                if thismin < hires.GLOBAL_MIN:
                    hires.GLOBAL_MIN = thismin
        scan += 1
    return samples
Example #2
def read_all_Spire_files():
    ''' Read all SPIRE level products from the input directory
        and return a list of Sample objects
    file_list = sorted( glob.glob(hires.INFILE_PREFIX + '*.fits') )
    if len(file_list)==0: hires.log(hires.LOG_fatal, 'No input files for: ' + \
        hires.INFILE_PREFIX) # QUIT
    if (hires.DIAG_PRODUCT):
        diagHdu = pyfits.open(hires.DIAG_PRODUCT)
        diagTable = diagHdu[1]
        chanNames = diagTable.data.field('channelName')
        scanNumbers = diagTable.data.field('scanNumber')
        coffsets = diagTable.data.field('a0')
    samples = []
    scan = 0
    for file in file_list:
        hduList = pyfits.open(file)
        maskHdu = hduList['mask']
        signalHdu = hduList['signal']
        raHdu = hduList['ra']
        decHdu = hduList['dec']
        names = []
        for det in raHdu.data.names:
            if (det[:3] == hires.BAND and det[3] != 'T' and det[3] != 'R' and det[4] != 'P'):
        crval1 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL1')
        crval2 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL2')
        projection = hires.Gnomonic(crval1, crval2)
        for det in names:
            if (hires.DIAG_PRODUCT):
                inz = (chanNames == det) & (scanNumbers == scan)
                offsettmp = coffsets[inz]
                if (len(offsettmp) != 1):
                    raise ValueError('Did not find exactly one offset for %s in scan %d'\
                a0 = coffsets[inz][0]
                a0 = 0
            ra = raHdu.data.field(det)
            dec = decHdu.data.field(det)
            sig = signalHdu.data.field(det) - a0 + hires.FLUX_OFFSET
            mask = maskHdu.data.field(det)
            inx = numpy.all([(mask & 64401) == 0],axis=0)
            #hires.log(3, 'Generating samples for detector %s',det)
            x, y = projection.np_lonlat2xy(ra[inx], dec[inx])
            # negate x because CDELT1 is negative
            # angle = 0.0 to ignore it
            if (len(sig[inx]) > 0):
                ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], '1', 0.0)
                thismin = numpy.min(sig[inx],axis=-1)
                if thismin < hires.GLOBAL_MIN:
                    hires.GLOBAL_MIN = thismin
        scan += 1
    return samples
Example #3
def read_all_Spire_tables():
    ''' Read SPIRE table products
        and return a list of Sample objects
    raHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_raTable2.fits')
    raHdu = raHduList[1]
    names = []
    for det in raHdu.data.names:
        if (det[:3] == 'PLW' and det[3] != 'T' and det[3] != 'R'
                and det[4] != 'P'):
    decHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_decTable2.fits')
    signalHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_signalTable2.fits')
    maskHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_maskTable2.fits')

    samples = []

    crval1 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL1')
    crval2 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL2')
    projection = hires.Gnomonic(crval1, crval2)

    for det in names:
        #ra = raHduList[1].data[det]
        ra = raHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        dec = decHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        sig = signalHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1] + offset
        mask = maskHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        # ra = raHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # dec = decHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # sig = signalHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # mask = maskHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        #inx = numpy.all([mask <= 1024,mask != 256],axis=0)
        inx = numpy.all([(mask & 64401) == 0])
        hires.log(3, 'Generating samples for detector %s', det)
        x, y = projection.np_lonlat2xy(ra[inx], dec[inx])
        # negate x because CDELT1 is negative
        # angle = 0.0 to ignore it
        ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], '1', 0.0)
        # ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], 1, 0.0)

        # if (i%3333 == 0):
        #   hires.log(3, 'Created %dth sample for detector %s, x=%f, y=%f, ra=%f, dec=%f',\
        #           i,det,x[i], y[i], ra[inx][i],dec[inx][i])

    return samples
Example #4
def read_all_Spire_tables():
    ''' Read SPIRE table products
        and return a list of Sample objects
    raHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_raTable2.fits')
    raHdu = raHduList[1]
    names = []
    for det in raHdu.data.names:
        if (det[:3] == 'PLW' and det[3] != 'T' and det[3] != 'R' and det[4] != 'P'):
    decHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_decTable2.fits')
    signalHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_signalTable2.fits')
    maskHduList = pyfits.open('IN/m33_maskTable2.fits')
    samples = []
    crval1 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL1')
    crval2 = hires.get_FITS_keyword('CRVAL2')
    projection = hires.Gnomonic(crval1, crval2)

    for det in names:
        #ra = raHduList[1].data[det]
        ra = raHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        dec = decHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        sig = signalHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1] + offset
        mask = maskHduList[1].data.field(det)[::1]
        # ra = raHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # dec = decHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # sig = signalHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        # mask = maskHduList[1].data.field(det)[::17]
        #inx = numpy.all([mask <= 1024,mask != 256],axis=0)
        inx = numpy.all([(mask & 64401) == 0])
        hires.log(3, 'Generating samples for detector %s',det)
        x, y = projection.np_lonlat2xy(ra[inx], dec[inx])
        # negate x because CDELT1 is negative
        # angle = 0.0 to ignore it
        ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], '1', 0.0)
        # ss = hires.SampleSet(-x, y, sig[inx], 1, 0.0)

        # if (i%3333 == 0):
        #   hires.log(3, 'Created %dth sample for detector %s, x=%f, y=%f, ra=%f, dec=%f',\
        #           i,det,x[i], y[i], ra[inx][i],dec[inx][i]) 
    return samples