Example #1
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

        is_new = False if ('_id' in self) else True

        if is_new:
            self.uploaded_at = datetime.datetime.now()

        super(Filehive, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # storing Filehive JSON in RSC system:
        history_manager = HistoryManager()
        rcs_obj = RCS()

        if is_new:

            # Create history-version-file
            if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                message = "This document (" + str(
                    self.md5) + ") is created on " + self.uploaded_at.strftime(
                        "%d %B %Y")
                rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

            # Update history-version-file
            fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)

                rcs_obj.checkout(fp, otherflags="-f")

            except Exception as err:
                    if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                        fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                        message = "This document (" + str(
                        ) + ") is re-created on " + self.uploaded_at.strftime(
                            "%d %B %Y")
                        rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

                except Exception as err:
                    print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", str(
                        self.md5), ") can't be re-created!!!\n"
                    node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                    raise RuntimeError(err)

                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    message = "This document (" + str(
                    ) + ") is lastly updated on " + datetime.datetime.now(
                    ).strftime("%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'))

            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", str(
                    self.md5), ") can't be updated!!!\n"
                raise RuntimeError(err)
Example #2
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

        is_new = False if ('_id' in self) else True

        if is_new:
            self.uploaded_at = datetime.datetime.now()

        super(Filehive, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # storing Filehive JSON in RSC system:
        history_manager = HistoryManager()
        rcs_obj = RCS()

        if is_new:

            # Create history-version-file
            if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                message = "This document (" + str(self.md5) + ") is created on " + self.uploaded_at.strftime("%d %B %Y")
                rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

            # Update history-version-file
            fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)

                rcs_obj.checkout(fp, otherflags="-f")

            except Exception as err:
                    if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                        fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                        message = "This document (" + str(self.md5) + ") is re-created on " + self.uploaded_at.strftime("%d %B %Y")
                        rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

                except Exception as err:
                    print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", str(self.md5), ") can't be re-created!!!\n"
                    node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                    raise RuntimeError(err)

                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    message = "This document (" + str(self.md5) + ") is lastly updated on " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'))

            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", str(self.md5), ") can't be updated!!!\n"
                raise RuntimeError(err)
Example #3
        if not old_doc:
            z = node_collection.collection.ToReduceDocs()
            z.doc_id = self._id
            z.required_for = to_reduce_doc_requirement

    #If you create/edit anything then this code shall add it in the URL

        history_manager = HistoryManager()
        rcs_obj = RCS()

        if is_new:
            # Create history-version-file
                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                    user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                    user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                    # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.created_by).username
                    message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is created by " + user + " on " + self.created_at.strftime(
                        "%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")
            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be created!!!\n"
                node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                raise RuntimeError(err)

            # Update history-version-file
            fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
Example #4
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
	if "is_changed" in kwargs:
            if not kwargs["is_changed"]:
                #print "\n ", self.name, "(", self._id, ") -- Nothing has changed !\n\n"

        is_new = False

        if not "_id" in self:
            is_new = True               # It's a new document, hence yet no ID!"

            # On save, set "created_at" to current date
            self.created_at = datetime.datetime.today()

        self.last_update = datetime.datetime.today()

        # Check the fields which are not present in the class
        # structure, whether do they exists in their GSystemType's
        # "attribute_type_set"; If exists, add them to the document
        # Otherwise, throw an error -- " Illegal access: Invalid field
        # found!!! "


            invalid_struct_fields = list(set(self.structure.keys()) - set(self.keys()))
            # print '\n invalid_struct_fields: ',invalid_struct_fields
            if invalid_struct_fields:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_struct_fields:
                    if each_invalid_field in self.structure:
                        # print "=== removed from structure", each_invalid_field, ' : ',

            keys_list = self.structure.keys()
            invalid_struct_fields_list = list(set(self.keys()) - set(keys_list))
            # print '\n invalid_struct_fields_list: ',invalid_struct_fields_list
            if invalid_struct_fields_list:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_struct_fields_list:
                    if each_invalid_field in self:
                        # print "=== removed ", each_invalid_field, ' : ',

        except Exception as e:
            print e

        invalid_fields = []

        for key, value in self.iteritems():
            if key == '_id':

            if not (key in self.structure):
                field_found = False
                for gst_id in self.member_of:
                    attribute_set_list = node_collection.one({'_id': gst_id}).attribute_type_set

                    for attribute in attribute_set_list:
                        if key == attribute['name']:
                            field_found = True

                            # TODO: Check whether type of "value"
                            # matches with that of
                            # "attribute['data_type']" Don't continue
                            # searching from list of remaining
                            # attributes

                    if field_found:
                        # Don't continue searching from list of
                        # remaining gsystem-types

                if not field_found:
                    print "\n Invalid field(", key, ") found!!!\n"
                    # Throw an error: " Illegal access: Invalid field
                    # found!!! "

        # print "== invalid_fields : ", invalid_fields
            self_keys = self.keys()
            if invalid_fields:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_fields:
                    if each_invalid_field in self_keys:
        except Exception as e:
            print "\nError while processing invalid fields: ", e

        # if Add-Buddy feature is enabled:
        #   - Get all user id's of active buddies with currently logged in user.
        #   - Check if each of buddy-user-id does not exists in contributors of node object, add it.
            from buddy import Buddy
            buddy_contributors = Buddy.get_buddy_userids_list_within_datetime(
                                                    self.last_update or self.created_at
            # print 'buddy_contributors : ', buddy_contributors

            if buddy_contributors:
                for each_bcontrib in buddy_contributors:
                    if each_bcontrib not in self.contributors:

        super(Node, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # This is the save method of the node class.It is still not
        # known on which objects is this save method applicable We
        # still do not know if this save method is called for the
        # classes which extend the Node Class or for every class There
        # is a very high probability that it is called for classes
        # which extend the Node Class only The classes which we have
        # i.e. the MyReduce() and ToReduce() class do not extend from
        # the node class Hence calling the save method on those objects
        # should not create a recursive function

        # If it is a new document then Make a new object of ToReduce
        # class and the id of this document to that object else Check
        # whether there is already an object of ToReduce() with the id
        # of this object.  If there is an object present pass else add
        # that object I have not applied the above algorithm

        # TO BE COMMENTED map-reduce code:
        # Instead what I have done is that I have searched the
        # ToReduce() collection class and searched whether the ID of
        # this document is present or not.  If the id is not present
        # then add that id.If it is present then do not add that id

        old_doc = node_collection.collection.ToReduceDocs.find_one({'required_for':to_reduce_doc_requirement,'doc_id':self._id})

        #print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It is not present in the ToReduce() class collection.Message Coming from save() method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",self._id
        if  not old_doc:
            z = node_collection.collection.ToReduceDocs()
            z.doc_id = self._id
            z.required_for = to_reduce_doc_requirement

        #If you create/edit anything then this code shall add it in the URL

        history_manager = HistoryManager()
        rcs_obj = RCS()

        if is_new:
            # Create history-version-file
                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                    user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                    user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                    # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.created_by).username
                    message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is created by " + user + " on " + self.created_at.strftime("%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")
            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be created!!!\n"
                node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                raise RuntimeError(err)

            # Update history-version-file
            fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)

                rcs_obj.checkout(fp, otherflags="-f")
            except Exception as err:
                    if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                        fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                        # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.created_by).username
                        user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                        user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                        message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is re-created by " + user + " on " + self.created_at.strftime("%d %B %Y")
                        rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

                except Exception as err:
                    print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be re-created!!!\n"
                    node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                    raise RuntimeError(err)

                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.modified_by).username
                    user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                    user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                    message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is lastly updated by " + user + " status:" + self.status + " on " + self.last_update.strftime("%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'))

            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be updated!!!\n"
                raise RuntimeError(err)

        #update the snapshot feild
        if kwargs.get('groupid'):
            # gets the last version no.
            rcsno = history_manager.get_current_version(self)
            node_collection.collection.update({'_id':self._id}, {'$set': {'snapshot'+"."+str(kwargs['groupid']):rcsno }}, upsert=False, multi=True)
Example #5
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if "is_changed" in kwargs:
            if not kwargs["is_changed"]:
                #print "\n ", self.name, "(", self._id, ") -- Nothing has changed !\n\n"

        is_new = False

        if not "_id" in self:
            is_new = True  # It's a new document, hence yet no ID!"

            # On save, set "created_at" to current date
            self.created_at = datetime.datetime.today()

        self.last_update = datetime.datetime.today()

        # Check the fields which are not present in the class
        # structure, whether do they exists in their GSystemType's
        # "attribute_type_set"; If exists, add them to the document
        # Otherwise, throw an error -- " Illegal access: Invalid field
        # found!!! "


            invalid_struct_fields = list(
                set(self.structure.keys()) - set(self.keys()))
            # print '\n invalid_struct_fields: ',invalid_struct_fields
            if invalid_struct_fields:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_struct_fields:
                    if each_invalid_field in self.structure:
                        # print "=== removed from structure", each_invalid_field, ' : ',

            keys_list = self.structure.keys()
            invalid_struct_fields_list = list(
                set(self.keys()) - set(keys_list))
            # print '\n invalid_struct_fields_list: ',invalid_struct_fields_list
            if invalid_struct_fields_list:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_struct_fields_list:
                    if each_invalid_field in self:
                        # print "=== removed ", each_invalid_field, ' : ',

        except Exception as e:
            print e

        invalid_fields = []

        for key, value in self.iteritems():
            if key == '_id':

            if not (key in self.structure):
                field_found = False
                for gst_id in self.member_of:
                    attribute_set_list = node_collection.one({
                        '_id': gst_id

                    for attribute in attribute_set_list:
                        if key == attribute['name']:
                            field_found = True

                            # TODO: Check whether type of "value"
                            # matches with that of
                            # "attribute['data_type']" Don't continue
                            # searching from list of remaining
                            # attributes

                    if field_found:
                        # Don't continue searching from list of
                        # remaining gsystem-types

                if not field_found:
                    print "\n Invalid field(", key, ") found!!!\n"
                    # Throw an error: " Illegal access: Invalid field
                    # found!!! "

    # print "== invalid_fields : ", invalid_fields
            self_keys = self.keys()
            if invalid_fields:
                for each_invalid_field in invalid_fields:
                    if each_invalid_field in self_keys:
        except Exception as e:
            print "\nError while processing invalid fields: ", e

    # if Add-Buddy feature is enabled:
    #   - Get all user id's of active buddies with currently logged in user.
    #   - Check if each of buddy-user-id does not exists in contributors of node object, add it.
            from buddy import Buddy
            buddy_contributors = Buddy.get_buddy_userids_list_within_datetime(
                self.created_by, self.last_update or self.created_at)
            # print 'buddy_contributors : ', buddy_contributors

            if buddy_contributors:
                for each_bcontrib in buddy_contributors:
                    if each_bcontrib not in self.contributors:

        super(Node, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

        # This is the save method of the node class.It is still not
        # known on which objects is this save method applicable We
        # still do not know if this save method is called for the
        # classes which extend the Node Class or for every class There
        # is a very high probability that it is called for classes
        # which extend the Node Class only The classes which we have
        # i.e. the MyReduce() and ToReduce() class do not extend from
        # the node class Hence calling the save method on those objects
        # should not create a recursive function

        # If it is a new document then Make a new object of ToReduce
        # class and the id of this document to that object else Check
        # whether there is already an object of ToReduce() with the id
        # of this object.  If there is an object present pass else add
        # that object I have not applied the above algorithm

        # TO BE COMMENTED map-reduce code:
        # Instead what I have done is that I have searched the
        # ToReduce() collection class and searched whether the ID of
        # this document is present or not.  If the id is not present
        # then add that id.If it is present then do not add that id

        old_doc = node_collection.collection.ToReduceDocs.find_one({

        #print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It is not present in the ToReduce() class collection.Message Coming from save() method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",self._id
        if not old_doc:
            z = node_collection.collection.ToReduceDocs()
            z.doc_id = self._id
            z.required_for = to_reduce_doc_requirement

    #If you create/edit anything then this code shall add it in the URL

        history_manager = HistoryManager()
        rcs_obj = RCS()

        if is_new:
            # Create history-version-file
                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                    user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                    user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                    # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.created_by).username
                    message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is created by " + user + " on " + self.created_at.strftime(
                        "%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")
            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be created!!!\n"
                node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                raise RuntimeError(err)

            # Update history-version-file
            fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)

                rcs_obj.checkout(fp, otherflags="-f")
            except Exception as err:
                    if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                        fp = history_manager.get_file_path(self)
                        # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.created_by).username
                        user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                        user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                        message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is re-created by " + user + " on " + self.created_at.strftime(
                            "%d %B %Y")
                        rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'), "-i")

                except Exception as err:
                    print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be re-created!!!\n"
                    node_collection.collection.remove({'_id': self._id})
                    raise RuntimeError(err)

                if history_manager.create_or_replace_json_file(self):
                    # user = User.objects.get(pk=self.modified_by).username
                    user_list = User.objects.filter(pk=self.created_by)
                    user = user_list[0].username if user_list else 'user'
                    message = "This document (" + self.name + ") is lastly updated by " + user + " status:" + self.status + " on " + self.last_update.strftime(
                        "%d %B %Y")
                    rcs_obj.checkin(fp, 1, message.encode('utf-8'))

            except Exception as err:
                print "\n DocumentError: This document (", self._id, ":", self.name, ") can't be updated!!!\n"
                raise RuntimeError(err)

    #update the snapshot feild
        if kwargs.get('groupid'):
            # gets the last version no.
            rcsno = history_manager.get_current_version(self)
                {'_id': self._id},
                {'$set': {
                    'snapshot' + "." + str(kwargs['groupid']): rcsno