def tl(message, text): if type(message) == int or type(message) == str and message[1:].isdigit(): getlang = sql.get_lang(message) if getlang == 'None' or not getlang: getlang = 'en' else: getlang = sql.get_lang( if getlang == 'None' or not getlang: if message.from_user.language_code: if message.from_user.language_code in LOADED_LANGS_ID: sql.set_lang(, message.from_user.language_code) getlang = message.from_user.language_code else: sql.set_lang(, 'en') getlang = 'en' else: sql.set_lang(, 'en') getlang = 'en' getlangid = {} for x in LOADED_LANGS_ID: getlangid[x] = x if str(getlang) == 'pt': get = getattr(FUNC_LANG['pt'], 'pt') if text in tuple(get): return get.get(text) if text in ("RUN_STRINGS", "SLAP_TEMPLATES", "ITEMS", "THROW", "HIT", "RAMALAN_STRINGS", "RAMALAN_FIRST"): runstr = getattr(FUNC_LANG['pt'], text) return runstr return text elif str(getlang) in LOADED_LANGS_ID: func = getattr(FUNC_LANG[getlang], getlang) if text in ("RUN_STRINGS", "SLAP_TEMPLATES", "ITEMS", "THROW", "HIT", "RAMALAN_STRINGS", "RAMALAN_FIRST"): runstr = getattr(FUNC_LANG[getlang], text) return runstr langtxt = func.get(text) if not langtxt: LOGGER.warning( "Can't get translated string for lang '{}' ('{}')".format( str(getlang), text)) langtxt = text return langtxt else: sql.set_lang(, 'en') get = getattr(FUNC_LANG['en'], 'en') if text in tuple(get): return get.get(text) if text in ("RUN_STRINGS", "SLAP_TEMPLATES", "ITEMS", "THROW", "HIT", "RAMALAN_STRINGS", "RAMALAN_FIRST"): runstr = getattr(FUNC_LANG['en'], text) return runstr return text
def wiki(update, context): chat_id = args = update.effective_message.text.split(None, 1) teks = args[1] getlang = langsql.get_lang(chat_id) if str(getlang) == "pt": wikipedia.set_lang("pt") else: wikipedia.set_lang("en") try: pagewiki = except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Results not found")) return except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError as refer: rujuk = str(refer).split("\n") if len(rujuk) >= 6: batas = 6 else: batas = len(rujuk) teks = "" for x in range(batas): if x == 0: if getlang == "pt": teks += rujuk[x].replace('may refer to', 'pode se referir a') + "\n" else: teks += rujuk[x] + "\n" else: teks += "- `" + rujuk[x] + "`\n" send_message(update.effective_message, teks, parse_mode="markdown") return except IndexError: send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Write a message to search from the wikipedia source")) return judul = pagewiki.title summary = pagewiki.summary if == "private": send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Results of {} is:\n\n<b>{}</b>\n{}").format(teks, judul, summary), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) else: if len(summary) >= 200: judul = pagewiki.title summary = summary[:200] + "..." button = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text=tl(update.effective_message, "Read More..."), url="{}?start=wiki-{}".format(, teks.replace(' ', '_')))]]) else: button = None send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Results of {} is:\n\n<b>{}</b>\n{}").format(teks, judul, summary), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=button)
def set_language(update, context): msg = update.effective_message # type: Optional[Message] chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] user = update.effective_user # type: Optional[User] getlang = sql.get_lang( if getlang == 'None' or not getlang: if msg.from_user.language_code: sql.set_lang(, msg.from_user.language_code) getlang = msg.from_user.language_code else: sql.set_lang(, 'en') getlang = 'en' loaded_langs = [] tmp_list = [] counter = 0 for x in LOADED_LANGS_ID: counter += 1 tmp_list.append( InlineKeyboardButton(LANGS_TEXT[x], callback_data="set_lang({})".format(x))) if counter % 2 == 0: loaded_langs.append(tmp_list) tmp_list = [] if counter == len(LOADED_LANGS_ID): loaded_langs.append(tmp_list) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(loaded_langs) if chat.title: chatname = chat.title else: if chat.type == "private": chatname = user.first_name else: chatname = tl(update.effective_message, "current in this chat") currlang = LANGS_TEXT[getlang] if LANGS_TEXT.get( getlang) else "(Deleted langs)" send_message( update.effective_message, tl(msg, "Current language in *{}* is:\n{}.\n\nSelect language:").format( chatname, currlang), parse_mode="markdown", reply_markup=keyboard)
def translate(update, context): msg = update.effective_message getlang = langsql.get_lang( try: if msg.reply_to_message and msg.reply_to_message.text: args = update.effective_message.text.split() if len(args) >= 2: target = args[1] if "-" in target: target2 = target.split("-")[1] target = target.split("-")[0] else: target2 = None else: if getlang: target = getlang target2 = None else: raise IndexError teks = msg.reply_to_message.text exclude_list = UNICODE_EMOJI.keys() for emoji in exclude_list: if emoji in teks: teks = teks.replace(emoji, '') trl = Translator() if target2 is None: deteksibahasa = trl.detect(teks) tekstr = trl.translate(teks, dest=target) send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Diterjemahkan dari `{}` ke `{}`:\n`{}`").format( deteksibahasa.lang, target, tekstr.text), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: tekstr = trl.translate(teks, dest=target2, src=target) send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Diterjemahkan dari `{}` ke `{}`:\n`{}`").format( target, target2, tekstr.text), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: args = update.effective_message.text.split(None, 2) if len(args) != 1: target = args[1] teks = args[2] target2 = None if "-" in target: target2 = target.split("-")[1] target = target.split("-")[0] else: target = getlang teks = args[1] exclude_list = UNICODE_EMOJI.keys() for emoji in exclude_list: if emoji in teks: teks = teks.replace(emoji, '') trl = Translator() if target2 is None: deteksibahasa = trl.detect(teks) tekstr = trl.translate(teks, dest=target) return send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Diterjemahkan dari `{}` ke `{}`:\n`{}`").format( deteksibahasa.lang, target, tekstr.text), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: tekstr = trl.translate(teks, dest=target2, src=target) send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Diterjemahkan dari `{}` ke `{}`:\n`{}`").format( target, target2, tekstr.text), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) except IndexError: send_message( update.effective_message, tl( update.effective_message, "Balas pesan atau tulis pesan dari bahasa lain untuk " "diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa yang di dituju\n\n" "Contoh: `/tr en-id` untuk menerjemahkan dari Bahasa inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia\n" "Atau gunakan: `/tr id` untuk deteksi otomatis dan menerjemahkannya kedalam bahasa indonesia" ), parse_mode="markdown") except ValueError: send_message( update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Bahasa yang di tuju tidak ditemukan!")) else: return
def start(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]): chat = update.effective_chat # type: Optional[Chat] # query = update.callback_query #Unused variable if update.effective_chat.type == "private": if len(args) >= 1: if args[0].lower() == "help": send_help(, tld(, "send-help").format(, "" if not ALLOW_EXCL else tld(, "\nAll commands can either be used with `/` or `!`.\n" ))) elif args[0].lower().startswith("stngs_"): match = re.match("stngs_(.*)", args[0].lower()) chat = if is_user_admin(chat, send_settings(,, update, user=False) else: send_settings(,, update, user=True) elif args[0][1:].isdigit() and "rules" in IMPORTED: IMPORTED["rules"].send_rules(update, args[0], from_pm=True) elif args[0].lower() == "controlpanel": control_panel(bot, update) elif args[0][:4] == "wiki": wiki = args[0].split("-")[1].replace('_', ' ') message = update.effective_message getlang = langsql.get_lang(message) if getlang == "en": wikipedia.set_lang("en") pagewiki = judul = pagewiki.title summary = pagewiki.summary if len(summary) >= 4096: summary = summary[:4000] + "..." message.reply_text("<b>{}</b>\n{}".format(judul, summary), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup([[ InlineKeyboardButton(text=(tld(, "Read it on Wikipedia")), url=pagewiki.url) ]])) else: send_start(bot, update) else: try: update.effective_message.reply_text((tld(, "Halo guys! Saya masih aktif :3 PM saya jika kamu punya pertanyaan tentang saya!" ))) except: print("Nut")
def start(update, context): if update.effective_chat.type == "private": args = context.args if len(args) >= 1: if args[0].lower() == "help": send_help(, tl(update.effective_message, HELP_STRINGS)) elif args[0].lower() == "get_notes": update.effective_message.reply_text(tl(update.effective_message, "Now you can get notes in group.")) elif args[0].lower().startswith("stngs_"): match = re.match("stngs_(.*)", args[0].lower()) chat = if is_user_admin(chat, send_settings(,, False) else: send_settings(,, True) elif args[0][1:].isdigit() and "rules" in IMPORTED: IMPORTED["rules"].send_rules(update, args[0], from_pm=True) elif args[0][:4] == "wiki": wiki = args[0].split("-")[1].replace('_', ' ') message = update.effective_message getlang = langsql.get_lang(message) if getlang == "pt": wikipedia.set_lang("pt") pagewiki = judul = pagewiki.title summary = pagewiki.summary if len(summary) >= 4096: summary = summary[:4000] + "..." message.reply_text("<b>{}</b>\n{}".format(judul, summary), parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text=tl(update.effective_message, "Read on Wikipedia"), url=pagewiki.url)]])) elif args[0][:6].lower() == "verify": chat_id = args[0].split("_")[1] verify_welcome(update, context, chat_id) elif args[0][:6].lower() == "verify": chat_id = args[0].split("_")[1] verify_welcome(update, context, chat_id) else: first_name = update.effective_user.first_name buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="πΊπΈ Language", callback_data="main_setlang"), InlineKeyboardButton(text="βοΈ Connections", callback_data="main_connect")], [InlineKeyboardButton(text="π‘ Shinchan News", url=""), InlineKeyboardButton(text="β Help", url="")]]) update.effective_message.reply_text( tl(update.effective_message, PM_START_TEXT).format(escape_markdown(first_name), escape_markdown(, OWNER_ID), disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=buttons) else: update.effective_message.reply_text(tl(update.effective_message, "Is there anything I can help? π"))