Example #1
    def _updatemodel(self, new_model):
        Required extension of _updatemodel. Adds 'B', which holds
        the in-state information. Specfically, the different PMFs.
        _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self, new_model)  #@UndefinedVariable

        self.B = new_model['B']
Example #2
 def _updatemodel(self,new_model):
     Required extension of _updatemodel. Adds 'B', which holds
     the in-state information. Specfically, the different PMFs.
     _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self,new_model) #@UndefinedVariable
     self.B = new_model['B']
Example #3
 def _updatemodel(self, new_model):
     This function updates the values of model attributes. Namely
     self.ICMparams, self.A, self.pi and self.icms.
     Note that this doesn't update the probabilities B_maps
     self.ICMparams = new_model['ICMparams']
     packed_params = self.pack_params(self.ICMparams)
     _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self, new_model)
Example #4
 def _updatemodel(self,new_model):
     Required extension of _updatemodel. Adds 'w', 'means', 'covars',
     which holds the in-state information. Specfically, the parameters
     of the different mixtures.
     _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self,new_model) #@UndefinedVariable
     self.w = new_model['w']
     self.means = new_model['means']
     self.covars = new_model['covars']
Example #5
    def _updatemodel(self, new_model):
        Required extension of _updatemodel. Adds 'w', 'means', 'covars',
        which holds the in-state information. Specfically, the parameters
        of the different mixtures.
        _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self, new_model)  #@UndefinedVariable

        self.w = new_model['w']
        self.means = new_model['means']
        self.covars = new_model['covars']
Example #6
 def _updatemodel(self, new_model):
     This function updates the values of model attributes. Namely
     self.LFMparams, self.A, self.pi and self.lfms.
     Note that this doesn't update the probabilities B_maps
     self.LFMparams = new_model['LFMparams']
     packed_params = self.pack_params(self.LFMparams)
     _BaseHMM._updatemodel(self, new_model)
     # erasing the covariances cache since the parameters were updated.
     self.memo_covs = {}