Example #1
    def test_complete_stepp_analysis_basic(self):
        Basic test of the entire completeness analysis using a synthetic
        test catalogue with in-built completeness periods
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(INPUT_FILE_1)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
        self.config = {'magnitude_bin': 0.5,
                       'time_bin': 5.0,
                       'increment_lock': True,
                       'filename': None}
        expected_completeness_table = np.array([[1990., 4.25], 
                                                [1962., 4.75], 
                                                [1959., 5.25], 
                                                [1906., 5.75], 
                                                [1906., 6.25], 
                                                [1904., 6.75], 
                                                [1904., 7.25]])

            self.process.completeness(self.catalogue, self.config)
Example #2
    def setUp(self):
        filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH, 'completeness_test_cat.csv')
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()

        self.config = {'algorithm': None, 'number_bootstraps': None}
        self.model = CumulativeMoment()
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'algorithm': None,
                    'number_bootstraps': None}
     self.model = CumulativeMoment()
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'maximum_iterations': 1000,
                    'number_earthquakes': 100,
                    'number_samples': 51,
                    'tolerance': 0.05}
     self.model = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
 def setUp(self):
     Read the sample catalogue
     flnme = 'gardner_knopoff_test_catalogue.csv'
     filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, flnme)
     parser = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.cat = parser.read_file()
Example #6
 def setUp(self):
     Read the sample catalogue 
     flnme = 'gardner_knopoff_test_catalogue.csv'
     filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, flnme)
     parser = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.cat = parser.read_file()
Example #7
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'maximum_iterations': 1000,
                    'number_earthquakes': 100,
                    'number_samples': 51,
                    'tolerance': 0.05}
     self.model = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'maximum_iterations': 1000,
                    'number_earthquakes': 100,
                    'number_samples': 51,
                    'tolerance': 0.05}
     self.model = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
Example #9
 def setUp(self):
     Read the sample catalogue
     flnme = 'afteran_test_catalogue.csv'
     filename = os.path.join(self.BASE_DATA_PATH, flnme)
     parser = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.cat = parser.read_file()
     self.dec = Afteran()
Example #10
 def setUp(self):
     test_data = np.genfromtxt(TEST_CAT_1, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'algorithm': None,
                    'number_bootstraps': None}
     self.model = CumulativeMoment()
Example #11
 def setUp(self):
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'sigma-b': 0.05,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'input_mmax_uncertainty': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolBayes()
Example #12
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'sigma-b': 0.05,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'input_mmax_uncertainty': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolBayes()
Example #13
 def setUp(self):
     Set up test class
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolFixedb()
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'sigma-b': 0.05,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'input_mmax_uncertainty': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolBayes()
 def setUp(self):
     Set up test class
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolFixedb()
Example #16
 def setUp(self):
     Set up test class
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'b-value': 1.0,
                    'input_mmin': 5.0,
                    'input_mmax': None,
                    'tolerance': 0.001,
                    'maximum_iterations': 1000}
     self.model = KijkoSellevolFixedb()
Example #17
    def test_complete_stepp_analysis_basic(self):
        Basic test of the entire completeness analysis using a synthetic
        test catalogue with in-built completeness periods
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(INPUT_FILE_1)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()

        self.config = {
            'magnitude_bin': 0.5,
            'time_bin': 5.0,
            'increment_lock': True,
            'filename': None

        expected_completeness_table = np.array([[1990., 4.0], [1962., 4.5],
                                                [1959., 5.0], [1906., 5.5],
                                                [1906., 6.0], [1904., 6.5],
                                                [1904., 7.0]])

            self.process.completeness(self.catalogue, self.config))
Example #18
            'COMPLETENESS': completeness_table
        if not any(d == params for d in param_list):
    for params in param_list:
        params['COMPLETENESS'] = np.array(params['COMPLETENESS'])
    return param_list

config_params = params_from_shp(domains_shp)
for config in config_params:
    print config
# Read and clean the catalogue
parser = CsvCatalogueParser(ifile)
catalogue = parser.read_file(start_year=1900, end_year=2017)
# How many events in the catalogue?
print "The catalogue contains %g events" % catalogue.get_number_events()
neq = len(catalogue.data['magnitude'])
print "The catalogue contains %g events" % neq
# What is the geographical extent of the catalogue?
bbox = catalogue.get_bounding_box()
print "Catalogue ranges from %.4f E to %.4f E Longitude and %.4f N to %.4f N Latitude\n" % bbox
index = np.logical_and(catalogue.data["magnitude"] > 1.5,
                       catalogue.data["depth"] >= 0.0)
# Copying the catalogue and saving it under a new name "catalogue_clean"
catalogue_clean = deepcopy(catalogue)
# remove nan magnitudes
Example #19
    figname = smoother_filename[:-4] + '_smoothed_rates_map.png'

# Set up paralell
proc = pypar.size()  # Number of processors as specified by mpirun
myid = pypar.rank()  # Id of of this process (myid in [0, proc-1])
node = pypar.get_processor_name(
)  # Host name on which current process is running
print 'I am proc %d of %d on node %s' % (myid, proc, node)
t0 = pypar.time()

parser = CsvCatalogueParser(catalogue_filename)  # From .csv to hmtk

# Read and process the catalogue content in a variable called "catalogue"
catalogue = parser.read_file(start_year=1965, end_year=2016)

# How many events in the catalogue?
print "The catalogue contains %g events" % catalogue.get_number_events()

# What is the geographical extent of the catalogue?
bbox = catalogue.get_bounding_box()
print "Catalogue ranges from %.4f E to %.4f E Longitude and %.4f N to %.4f N Latitude\n" % bbox

index = catalogue.data['magnitude'] > 1.5

# Copying the catalogue and saving it under a new name "catalogue_clean"
catalogue_clean = deepcopy(catalogue)
Example #20
#from nrml.models import HypocentralDepth
#nrml.models import HypocentralDepth
print "Everything Imported OK!"

bvalue = float(sys.argv[1])
catalogue_filename = sys.argv[2]
print 'b value', bvalue

#Importing catalogue
#catalogue_filename = "../../catalogue/data/AUSTCAT_V0.12_hmtk_declustered.csv"
#catalogue_filename = "../../catalogue/data/AUSTCAT_V0.12_hmtk_mx_orig.csv"
parser = CsvCatalogueParser(catalogue_filename)

# Read and process the catalogue content in a variable called "catalogue"
catalogue = parser.read_file(start_year=1788, end_year=2010)

# How many events in the catalogue?
print "The catalogue contains %g events" % catalogue.get_number_events()

# What is the geographical extent of the catalogue?
bbox = catalogue.get_bounding_box()
print "Catalogue ranges from %.4f E to %.4f E Longitude and %.4f N to %.4f N Latitude\n" % bbox

# In[26]:

index = catalogue.data['magnitude']>1.5
Example #21
from openquake.hazardlib.pmf import PMF
#from nrml.models import HypocentralDepth
#nrml.models import HypocentralDepth
print "Everything Imported OK!"

# In[25]:
bvalue = float(sys.argv[1])
print 'b value', bvalue

#Importing catalogue
catalogue_filename = "../../catalogue/data/AUSTCAT_V0.12_hmtk_declustered.csv"
#catalogue_filename = "../../catalogue/data/AUSTCAT_V0.12_hmtk_mx_orig.csv"
parser = CsvCatalogueParser(catalogue_filename)  # From .csv to hmtk

# Read and process the catalogue content in a variable called "catalogue"
catalogue = parser.read_file(start_year=1965, end_year=2010)

# How many events in the catalogue?
print "The catalogue contains %g events" % catalogue.get_number_events()

# What is the geographical extent of the catalogue?
bbox = catalogue.get_bounding_box()
print "Catalogue ranges from %.4f E to %.4f E Longitude and %.4f N to %.4f N Latitude\n" % bbox

# In[26]:

index = catalogue.data['magnitude'] > 1.5