Example #1
def _learn(text):


        Takes text, splits it on the first 'as' word and treats
        the 2 strings as k, v for storage.

        @param  text:str    The message with the k, v pair

        @return string

    # k, v is split by the 'as' keyword
    request_key = text.split('as', 1)[0].strip()
    request_value = text.split('as', 1)[1].strip()

    # Check if we don't already have this value
        values = LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(LearnValue.value == request_value).get()

        # Return that we already know about this.
        return 'I already know about \'{value}\'. Checkout \'/show {key}\''.format(
            value = request_value,
            key = values.name.name

    except LearnValue.DoesNotExist, e:
Example #2
def _show(text):


        Takes the text argument and attempts to show
        any known references to it.

        @param  text:str    The key

        @return string

    # Check if we have this value
    values = [v.value for v in LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(LearnKey.name == text)]

    if len(values) > 0:

        return '\'{k}\' is: {v}'.format(
            k = text,
            v = ', '.join(values)

    return 'I have no idea what you are talking about.'
Example #3
def _learn (text):

        Takes text, splits it on the first 'as' word and treats
        the 2 strings as k, v for storage.

        @param  text:str    The message with the k, v pair

        @return string

    # k, v is split by the 'as' keyword
    request_key = text.split('as', 1)[0].strip()
    request_value = text.split('as', 1)[1].strip()

    # the key 'all' is reserved
    if request_key == 'all':
        return 'The key \'all\' is reserved. Please choose another'

    # Check if we don't already have this value
        values = LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(LearnValue.value == request_value).get()

        # Return that we already know about this.
        return 'I already know about \'{value}\'. Checkout \'/show {key}\''.format(
            value = request_value,
            key = values.name.name

    except LearnValue.DoesNotExist:

    # Get or create the key if it does not already exist
        key = LearnKey.create(name = request_key)

    except peewee.IntegrityError:
        key = LearnKey.get(LearnKey.name == request_key)

    # Prepare the value, and save it with the key
        name = key, value = request_value

    return 'Ok, learnt that {k} is :{v}'.format(
        k = request_key, v = request_value
Example #4
def _learn(text):

        Takes text, splits it on the first 'as' word and treats
        the 2 strings as k, v for storage.

        @param  text:str    The message with the k, v pair

        @return string

    # k, v is split by the 'as' keyword
    request_key = text.split('as', 1)[0].strip()
    request_value = text.split('as', 1)[1].strip()

    # the key 'all' is reserved
    if request_key == 'all':
        return 'The key \'all\' is reserved. Please choose another'

    # Check if we don't already have this value
        values = LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(
            LearnValue.value == request_value).get()

        # Return that we already know about this.
        return 'I already know about \'{value}\'. Checkout \'/show {key}\''.format(
            value=request_value, key=values.name.name)

    except LearnValue.DoesNotExist:

    # Get or create the key if it does not already exist
        key = LearnKey.create(name=request_key)

    except peewee.IntegrityError:
        key = LearnKey.get(LearnKey.name == request_key)

    # Prepare the value, and save it with the key
    LearnValue.create(name=key, value=request_value)

    return 'Ok, learnt that {k} is :{v}'.format(k=request_key, v=request_value)
Example #5
def _show (text):

        Takes the text argument and attempts to show
        any known references to it.

        @param  text:str    The key

        @return string

    # Check if we should show all the keys
    # that we know of
    if text == 'all':

        if (LearnKey.select().count()) <= 0:
            return 'I currently don\'t know anything.'

        response = ' I currently know about:\n\n'

        for k in LearnKey.select():
            response += '(#{id}) {key}\n'.format(
                id = k.id,
                key = k.name)

        return response

    # Check if we have this value
    values = [v.value for v in LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(LearnKey.name == text)]

    if len(values) > 0:
        return '\'{k}\' is: {v}'.format(
            k = text,
            v = ', '.join(values)

    return 'I have no idea what you are talking about.'
Example #6
def _show(text):

        Takes the text argument and attempts to show
        any known references to it.

        @param  text:str    The key

        @return string

    # Check if we should show all the keys
    # that we know of
    if text == 'all':

        if (LearnKey.select().count()) <= 0:
            return 'I currently don\'t know anything.'

        response = ' I currently know about:\n\n'

        for k in LearnKey.select():
            response += '(#{id}) {key}\n'.format(id=k.id, key=k.name)

        return response

    # Check if we have this value
    values = [
        v.value for v in LearnValue.select().join(LearnKey).where(
            LearnKey.name == text)

    if len(values) > 0:
        return '\'{k}\' is: {v}'.format(k=text, v=', '.join(values))

    return 'I have no idea what you are talking about.'