Example #1
def run_remind_recurring ():
        Run Remind Recurring

        Find and send all of the recurring reminders that are due

        @return void

    logger.debug('Running Remind Recurring Job')


        # Get reminders have have not been marked as completed, as well as
        # have their next_run date ready or not set
        for reminder in RemindRecurring.select().where(RemindRecurring.sent == 0,
                                                       ((RemindRecurring.next_run <= datetime.now()) | (
                                                           RemindRecurring.next_run >> None))):

            # If we know the next_run date, send the message. If
            # we dont know the next_run, this will be skipped
            # and only the next_run determined
            if reminder.next_run is not None:
                logger.debug('Sending recurring reminder message with id {id}'.format(
                    id = reminder.id

                # Send the actual reminder

            # Lets parse the rrules and update the next_run time for
            # a message. We will use python-dateutil to help with
            # determinig the next run based on the parsed RRULE
            # relative from now.
            next_run = rrulestr(reminder.rrules,
                                dtstart = datetime.now()).after(datetime.now())

            # If there is no next run, consider the
            # schedule complete and mark it as
            # sent
            if not next_run:
                reminder.sent = 1


            # Save the next run
            reminder.next_run = next_run

    except Exception, e:

        print traceback.format_exc()
Example #2
def _show_all_reminders(message):
        Show All Reminders

        Returns all of the reminders for the appropriate
        chat ID that the message came from

        @param  message:dict    The message sent by the user

        @return str

    response = '\n# One time reminders:\n\n'

    for reminder in RemindOnce.select().where(
            RemindOnce.sent == 0, RemindOnce.time >= datetime.datetime.now()):

        orig_message = json.loads(reminder.orig_message)
        if orig_message['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:
            response += '(#{id}) {human} @{time} | {message}\n'.format(
                id = reminder.id,
                human = arrow.get(reminder.time,
                                  config.get('reminder', 'timezone', 'UTC')).humanize(),
                time = str(reminder.time),
                message = reminder.message[:20] + '...' \
                    if len(reminder.message) > 20 else reminder.message)

    response += '\n# Recurring reminders:\n\n'

    for reminder in RemindRecurring.select().where(
            RemindRecurring.sent == 0,
            RemindRecurring.next_run >= datetime.datetime.now()):

        orig_message = json.loads(reminder.orig_message)
        if orig_message['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:
            response += '(#{id}) {human} @{next_run} | {message}\n'.format(
                id = reminder.id,
                human = arrow.get(reminder.next_run,
                                  config.get('reminder', 'timezone', 'UTC')).humanize(),
                next_run = str(reminder.next_run),
                message = reminder.message[:20] + '...' \
                    if len(reminder.message) > 20 else reminder.message)

    return response
Example #3
def _show_all_reminders (message):
        Show All Reminders

        Returns all of the reminders for the appropriate
        chat ID that the message came from

        @param  message:dict    The message sent by the user

        @return str

    response = '\n# One time reminders:\n\n'

    for reminder in RemindOnce.select().where(RemindOnce.sent == 0,
                                              RemindOnce.time >= datetime.datetime.now()):

        orig_message = json.loads(reminder.orig_message)
        if orig_message['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:
            response += '(#{id}) {human} @{time} | {message}\n'.format(
                id = reminder.id,
                human = arrow.get(reminder.time,
                                  config.get('reminder', 'timezone', 'UTC')).humanize(),
                time = str(reminder.time),
                message = reminder.message[:20] + '...' \
                    if len(reminder.message) > 20 else reminder.message)

    response += '\n# Recurring reminders:\n\n'

    for reminder in RemindRecurring.select().where(RemindRecurring.sent == 0,
                                                   RemindRecurring.next_run >= datetime.datetime.now()):

        orig_message = json.loads(reminder.orig_message)
        if orig_message['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:
            response += '(#{id}) {human} @{next_run} | {message}\n'.format(
                id = reminder.id,
                human = arrow.get(reminder.next_run,
                                  config.get('reminder', 'timezone', 'UTC')).humanize(),
                next_run = str(reminder.next_run),
                message = reminder.message[:20] + '...' \
                    if len(reminder.message) > 20 else reminder.message)

    return response
Example #4
def _stop_reminder(message):
        Stop A Reminder

        Sets a reminder as sent so that it will not run
        again. This function also ensures that the
        reminder's chatID matches the chatID of
        the user requesting the stop

        @param  message:dict    The message sent by the user

        @return str

    # Remove the command form the text
    text = message['text'].replace('remind stop', '').strip()

    # Split the remainder of the text into 2 parts.
    # We are expecting either 'once' or 'recurring'
    # as the type of reminder and a number
    parts_list = text.split(' ')

    # Check the length of the list and assume a typo
    # if its not 2
    if len(parts_list) != 2:
        return 'Could not understand what you wanted. Expecting:\n' + \
               'remind stop [once/recurring] [message number]'

    message_type = parts_list[0]
    message_number = parts_list[1]

    # Check that we got once or recurring
    if message_type not in ['once', 'recurring']:
        return 'Could not figure out which message type you are referring to. ' + \
               'Expected \'once\' / \'recurring\''

    # For once time messages, perform the chatID check
    # and mark the message as sent if its ok
    if message_type == 'once':

            m = RemindOnce.select().where(
                RemindOnce.id == message_number).get()

            if json.loads(
                    m.orig_message)['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:

                m.sent = 1


                    'User {id} tried to disable a reminder they dont own'.
                return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        except RemindOnce.DoesNotExist:
            return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        return 'Done stopping the one time reminder'

    # The same here for the recurring message.
    if message_type == 'recurring':

            m = RemindRecurring.select().where(
                RemindRecurring.id == message_number).get()

            if json.loads(
                    m.orig_message)['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:

                m.sent = 1


                    'User {id} tried to disable a reminder they dont own'.
                return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        except RemindRecurring.DoesNotExist:
            return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        return 'Done stopping the recurring reminder'

    # We will most probably never get here, but
    # just in case...
    return 'Nothing happend...'
Example #5
def _stop_reminder (message):
        Stop A Reminder

        Sets a reminder as sent so that it will not run
        again. This function also ensures that the
        reminder's chatID matches the chatID of
        the user requesting the stop

        @param  message:dict    The message sent by the user

        @return str

    # Remove the command form the text
    text = message['text'].replace('remind stop', '').strip()

    # Split the remainder of the text into 2 parts.
    # We are expecting either 'once' or 'recurring'
    # as the type of reminder and a number
    parts_list = text.split(' ')

    # Check the length of the list and assume a typo
    # if its not 2
    if len(parts_list) != 2:
        return 'Could not understand what you wanted. Expecting:\n' + \
               'remind stop [once/recurring] [message number]'

    message_type = parts_list[0]
    message_number = parts_list[1]

    # Check that we got once or recurring
    if message_type not in ['once', 'recurring']:
        return 'Could not figure out which message type you are referring to. ' + \
               'Expected \'once\' / \'recurring\''

    # For once time messages, perform the chatID check
    # and mark the message as sent if its ok
    if message_type == 'once':

            m = RemindOnce.select().where(RemindOnce.id == message_number).get()

            if json.loads(m.orig_message)['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:

                m.sent = 1


                logger.warning('User {id} tried to disable a reminder they dont own'.format(
                    id = message['chat']['id']))
                return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        except RemindOnce.DoesNotExist:
            return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        return 'Done stopping the one time reminder'

    # The same here for the recurring message.
    if message_type == 'recurring':

            m = RemindRecurring.select().where(RemindRecurring.id == message_number).get()

            if json.loads(m.orig_message)['chat']['id'] == message['chat']['id']:

                m.sent = 1


                logger.warning('User {id} tried to disable a reminder they dont own'.format(
                    id = message['chat']['id']))
                return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        except RemindRecurring.DoesNotExist:
            return 'That message number does not exist or you dont own it.'

        return 'Done stopping the recurring reminder'

    # We will most probably never get here, but
    # just in case...
    return 'Nothing happend...'