def k8s_create(context, tag='latest', namespace=None, filename=None, environment=()): if filename is None: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, context)) else: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(filename) ecr = ECR() if not ecr.project_repo_exists(): raise HokusaiError("ECR repository %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name) if not ecr.tag_exists(tag): raise HokusaiError("Image tag %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai registry push`?" % tag) if tag == 'latest' and not ecr.tag_exists(context): ecr.retag(tag, context) print_green("Updated tag 'latest' -> %s" % context) if filename is None: configmap = ConfigMap(context, namespace=namespace) for s in environment: if '=' not in s: raise HokusaiError("Error: environment variables must be of the form 'KEY=VALUE'") split = s.split('=', 1) configmap.update(split[0], split[1]) configmap.create() print_green("Created configmap %s-environment" % config.project_name) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) yaml_spec = YamlSpec(yaml_template).to_file() shout(kctl.command("create --save-config -f %s" % yaml_spec), print_output=True) print_green("Created Kubernetes environment %s" % yaml_template)
def k8s_create(context, tag='latest', namespace=None, filename=None): if filename is None: kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, "%s.yml" % context) else: kubernetes_yml = filename if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) ecr = ECR() if not ecr.project_repo_exists(): raise HokusaiError( "ECR repository %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name) if not ecr.tag_exists(tag): raise HokusaiError( "Image tag %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai registry push`?" % tag) if tag is 'latest' and not ecr.tag_exists(context): ecr.retag(tag, context) print_green("Updated tag 'latest' -> %s" % context) if filename is None: configmap = ConfigMap(context, namespace=namespace) configmap.create() print_green("Created configmap %s-environment" % config.project_name) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) shout(kctl.command("create --save-config -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Created Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
def k8s_status(context, resources, pods, describe, top, namespace=None, filename=None): if filename is None: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, context)) else: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(filename) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) yaml_spec = YamlSpec(yaml_template).to_file() if describe: kctl_cmd = "describe" output = "" else: kctl_cmd = "get" output = " -o wide" if resources: print_green("Resources", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("%s -f %s%s" % (kctl_cmd, yaml_spec, output)), print_output=True) if pods: print_green("Pods", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("%s pods --selector app=%s,layer=application%s" % (kctl_cmd, config.project_name, output)), print_output=True) if top: print_green("Top Pods", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("top pods --selector app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name), print_output=True)
def logs(context, timestamps, follow, tail): kctl = Kubectl(context) opts = '' if timestamps: opts += ' --timestamps' if follow: opts += ' --follow' if tail: opts += " --tail=%s" % tail pods = kctl.get_object('pod', selector="app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name) pods = filter(lambda pod: pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running', pods) containers = [] for pod in pods: for container in pod['spec']['containers']: containers.append({ 'pod': pod['metadata']['name'], 'name': container['name'] }) commands = [ kctl.command("logs %s %s%s" % (container['pod'], container['name'], opts)) for container in containers ] return shout_concurrent(commands, print_output=True)
def setUpClass(cls): kubernetes.ECR = MockECR kubernetes.HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join( CWD, 'test/fixtures/project/hokusai') cls.kubernetes_yml = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(kubernetes.HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, 'minikube.yml')) cls.kctl = Kubectl(TEST_KUBE_CONTEXT)
def k8s_create(context, tag='latest', namespace=None, yaml_file_name=None): if yaml_file_name is None: yaml_file_name = context kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % yaml_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) ecr = ECR() if not ecr.project_repo_exists(): raise HokusaiError( "ECR repository %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name) if not ecr.tag_exists(tag): raise HokusaiError( "Image tag %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai push`?" % tag) if tag is 'latest' and not ecr.tag_exists(context): ecr.retag(tag, context) print_green("Updated tag 'latest' -> %s" % context) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) shout(kctl.command("create --save-config -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Created Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
def k8s_status(context, resources, pods, describe, top, namespace=None, yaml_file_name=None): if yaml_file_name is None: yaml_file_name = context kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(CWD, "%s/%s.yml" % (HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, yaml_file_name)) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) if describe: kctl_cmd = "describe" output = "" else: kctl_cmd = "get" output = " -o wide" if resources: print_green("Resources", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("%s -f %s%s" % (kctl_cmd, kubernetes_yml, output)), print_output=True) if pods: print_green("Pods", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("%s pods --selector app=%s,layer=application%s" % (kctl_cmd, config.project_name, output)), print_output=True) if top: print_green("Top Pods", newline_before=True) print_green("===========") shout(kctl.command("top pods --selector app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name), print_output=True)
def logs(context, timestamps, follow, tail, previous, labels, namespace=None): kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) opts = '' if timestamps: opts += ' --timestamps' if previous: opts += ' --previous' if follow or config.follow_logs: opts += ' --follow' if tail or config.tail_logs: num_tail = tail if tail else config.tail_logs opts += " --tail=%s" % num_tail selectors = ["app=%s" % config.project_name, "layer=application"] for l in labels: if '=' not in l: raise HokusaiError("Error: label selectors of the form 'key=value'") selectors.append(l) pods = kctl.get_objects('pod', selector=(',').join(selectors)) pods = [pod for pod in pods if pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running'] containers = [] for pod in pods: for container in pod['spec']['containers']: containers.append({'pod': pod['metadata']['name'], 'name': container['name']}) commands = [kctl.command("logs %s %s%s" % (container['pod'], container['name'], opts)) for container in containers] shout_concurrent(commands, print_output=True)
def k8s_update(context, namespace=None, filename=None, check_branch="master", check_remote=None, skip_checks=False, dry_run=False): if filename is None: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, context)) else: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(filename) if not skip_checks: current_branch = None for branchname in shout('git branch').splitlines(): if '* ' in branchname: current_branch = branchname.replace('* ', '') break if 'detached' in current_branch: raise HokusaiError("Not on any branch! Aborting.") if current_branch != check_branch: raise HokusaiError("Not on %s branch! Aborting." % check_branch) remotes = [check_remote] if check_remote else shout('git remote').splitlines() for remote in remotes: shout("git fetch %s" % remote) if returncode("git diff --quiet %s/%s" % (remote, current_branch)): raise HokusaiError("Local branch %s is divergent from %s/%s. Aborting." % (current_branch, remote, current_branch)) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) yaml_spec = YamlSpec(yaml_template).to_file() if dry_run: shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s --dry-run" % yaml_spec), print_output=True) print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s (dry run)" % yaml_template) else: shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s" % yaml_spec), print_output=True) print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s" % yaml_template)
def environment_delete(context): kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % context) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist for given context." % kubernetes_yml) kctl = Kubectl(context) shout(kctl.command("delete -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Deleted remote environment %s" % context)
def k8s_delete(context, namespace=None, yaml_file_name=None): if yaml_file_name is None: yaml_file_name = context kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(CWD, "%s/%s.yml" % (HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, yaml_file_name)) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) shout(kctl.command("delete -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Deleted Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
def k8s_update(context, namespace=None, yaml_file_name=None): if yaml_file_name is None: yaml_file_name = context kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % yaml_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
def __init__(self, context, namespace=None): self.context = context self.kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) self.struct = OrderedDict([('apiVersion', 'v1'), ('kind', 'ConfigMap'), ('metadata', { 'labels': { 'app': config.project_name }, 'name': "%s-environment" % config.project_name }), ('data', {})])
def __init__(self, context, namespace='default', name=None): self.context = context self.kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) = name or "%s-environment" % config.project_name self.metadata = {'name':, 'namespace': namespace} if name is None: self.metadata['labels'] = {'app': config.project_name} self.struct = { 'apiVersion': 'v1', 'kind': 'ConfigMap', 'metadata': self.metadata, 'data': {} }
def __init__(self, context, deployment_name=None, namespace=None): self.context = context self.namespace = namespace self.kctl = Kubectl(self.context, namespace=namespace) self.ecr = ECR() if deployment_name: self.cache = [ self.kctl.get_object("deployment %s" % deployment_name) ] else: self.cache = self.kctl.get_objects( 'deployment', selector="app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name)
def k8s_delete(context, namespace=None, filename=None): if filename is None: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, context)) else: yaml_template = TemplateSelector().get(filename) if filename is None: configmap = ConfigMap(context, namespace=namespace) configmap.destroy() print_green("Deleted configmap %s-environment" % config.project_name) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) yaml_spec = YamlSpec(yaml_template).to_file() shout(kctl.command("delete -f %s" % yaml_spec), print_output=True) print_green("Deleted Kubernetes environment %s" % yaml_template)
def k8s_delete(context, namespace=None, filename=None): if filename is None: kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, "%s.yml" % context) else: kubernetes_yml = filename if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml) if filename is None: configmap = ConfigMap(context, namespace=namespace) configmap.destroy() print_green("Deleted configmap %s-environment" % config.project_name) kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace) shout(kctl.command("delete -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Deleted Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
def environment_status(context): kctl = Kubectl(context) print('') print_green("Deployments") print_green('-----------------------------------------------------------') shout(kctl.command("get deployments --selector app=%s -o wide" % config.project_name), print_output=True) print('') print_green("Services") print_green('-----------------------------------------------------------') shout(kctl.command("get services --selector app=%s -o wide" % config.project_name), print_output=True) print('') print_green("Pods") print_green('-----------------------------------------------------------') shout(kctl.command("get pods --selector app=%s -o wide" % config.project_name), print_output=True)
def environment_create(context): kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % context) if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml): raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist for given context." % kubernetes_yml) ecr = ECR() if not ecr.project_repository_exists(): raise HokusaiError( "ECR repository %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name) if not ecr.tag_exists('latest'): raise HokusaiError( "Image tag 'latest' does not exist... did you run `hokusai push`?") if not ecr.tag_exists(context): ecr.retag('latest', context) print_green("Updated tag 'latest' -> %s" % context) kctl = Kubectl(context) shout(kctl.command("create --save-config -f %s" % kubernetes_yml), print_output=True) print_green("Created remote environment %s" % context)
def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.kctl = Kubectl(self.context)
def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.kctl = Kubectl(self.context) self.cache = self.kctl.get_object('deployment', selector="app=%s,layer=application" % config.project_name)
def check(): return_code = 0 def check_ok(check_item): print_green('\u2714 ' + check_item + ' found') def check_err(check_item): print_red('\u2718 ' + check_item + ' not found') try: config.project_name check_ok('Config project-name') except HokusaiError: check_err('Config project-name') try: shout('which docker') check_ok('docker') except CalledProcessError: check_err('docker') return_code += 1 try: shout('which docker-compose') check_ok('docker-compose') except CalledProcessError: check_err('docker-compose') return_code += 1 try: shout('which kubectl') check_ok('kubectl') except CalledProcessError: check_err('kubectl') return_code += 1 try: shout('which git') check_ok('git') except CalledProcessError: check_err('git') return_code += 1 try: boto3.client('sts', region_name=get_region_name()).get_caller_identity() check_ok('Valid AWS credentials') except (botoexceptions.ClientError, botoexceptions.NoCredentialsError): check_err('Valid AWS credentials') return_code += 1 ecr = ECR() if ecr.project_repo_exists(): check_ok("ECR repository '%s'" % config.project_name) else: check_err("ECR repository '%s'" % config.project_name) return_code += 1 try: build_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, BUILD_YAML_FILE)) check_ok(HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR + '/' + os.path.split(build_template)[-1]) except HokusaiError: check_err('hokusai/build.*') return_code += 1 try: development_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, DEVELOPMENT_YML_FILE)) check_ok(HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR + '/' + os.path.split(development_template)[-1]) except HokusaiError: check_err('hokusai/development.*') return_code += 1 try: test_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, TEST_YML_FILE)) check_ok(HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR + '/' + os.path.split(test_template)[-1]) except HokusaiError: check_err('hokusai/test.*') return_code += 1 for context in ['staging', 'production']: try: if context in Kubectl('staging').contexts(): check_ok("kubectl context '%s'" % context) else: check_err("kubectl context '%s'" % context) return_code += 1 except CalledProcessError: check_err('%s context' % context) return_code += 1 try: context_template = TemplateSelector().get(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, context)) check_ok(HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR + '/' + os.path.split(context_template)[-1]) except HokusaiError: check_err("hokusai/%s.*" % context) return_code += 1 return return_code
def check(): return_code = 0 def check_ok(check_item): print_green(u'\u2714 ' + check_item + ' found') def check_err(check_item): print_red(u'\u2718 ' + check_item + ' not found') config.check() try: config.project_name check_ok('Config project-name') except HokusaiError: check_err('Config project-name') try: shout('docker --version') check_ok('docker') except CalledProcessError: check_err('docker') return_code += 1 try: shout('docker-compose --version') check_ok('docker-compose') except CalledProcessError: check_err('docker-compose') return_code += 1 try: shout('kubectl version') check_ok('kubectl') except CalledProcessError: check_err('kubectl') return_code += 1 try: shout('git version') check_ok('git') except CalledProcessError: check_err('git') return_code += 1 if os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') is not None: check_ok('$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') else: check_err('$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') return_code += 1 if os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') is not None: check_ok('$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') else: check_err('$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') return_code += 1 ecr = ECR() if ecr.project_repo_exists(): check_ok("ECR repository '%s'" % config.project_name) else: check_err("ECR repository '%s'" % config.project_name) return_code += 1 if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/build.yml')): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/common.yml')): check_ok('./hokusai/common.yml') else: check_err('./hokusai/build.yml') else: check_ok('./hokusai/build.yml') return_code += 1 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/development.yml')): check_ok('./hokusai/development.yml') else: check_err('./hokusai/development.yml') return_code += 1 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/test.yml')): check_ok('./hokusai/test.yml') else: check_err('./hokusai/test.yml') return_code += 1 for context in ['staging', 'production']: if context in Kubectl('staging').contexts(): check_ok("kubectl context '%s'" % context) else: check_err("kubectl context '%s'" % context) return_code += 1 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % context)): check_ok("./hokusai/%s.yml" % context) else: check_err("./hokusai/%s.yml" % context) return_code += 1 return return_code
def __init__(self, context, namespace=None): self.context = context self.kctl = Kubectl(self.context, namespace=namespace) self.ecr = ECR()
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/development.yml')): check_ok('./hokusai/development.yml') else: check_err('./hokusai/development.yml') return_code += 1 if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'hokusai/test.yml')): check_ok('./hokusai/test.yml') else: check_err('./hokusai/test.yml') return_code += 1 for context in ['staging', 'production']: try: if context in Kubectl('staging').contexts(): check_ok("kubectl context '%s'" % context) else: check_err("kubectl context '%s'" % context) return_code += 1 if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "hokusai/%s.yml" % context)): check_ok("./hokusai/%s.yml" % context) else: check_err("./hokusai/%s.yml" % context) return_code += 1 except CalledProcessError: check_err('%s context' % context) return_code += 1