async def test_setup(hass, requests_mock):
    """Test for operational WSDOT sensor with proper attributes."""
    entities = []

    def add_entities(new_entities, update_before_add=False):
        """Mock add entities."""
        for entity in new_entities:
            entity.hass = hass

        if update_before_add:
            for entity in new_entities:

        for entity in new_entities:

    uri = re.compile(RESOURCE + "*")
    requests_mock.get(uri, text=load_fixture("wsdot.json"))
    wsdot.setup_platform(hass, config, add_entities)
    assert len(entities) == 1
    sensor = entities[0]
    assert == "I90 EB"
    assert sensor.state == 11
    assert (
        == "Downtown Seattle to Downtown Bellevue via I-90"
    assert sensor.extra_state_attributes[ATTR_TIME_UPDATED] == datetime(
        2017, 1, 21, 15, 10, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=-8))
Example #2
 def test_setup(self, mock_req):
     """Test for operational WSDOT sensor with proper attributes."""
     uri = re.compile(RESOURCE + '*')
     mock_req.get(uri, text=load_fixture('wsdot.json'))
     wsdot.setup_platform(self.hass, self.config, self.add_entities)
     assert len(self.entities) == 1
     sensor = self.entities[0]
     assert == 'I90 EB'
     assert sensor.state == 11
     assert sensor.device_state_attributes[ATTR_DESCRIPTION] == \
         'Downtown Seattle to Downtown Bellevue via I-90'
     assert sensor.device_state_attributes[ATTR_TIME_UPDATED] == \
         datetime(2017, 1, 21, 15, 10, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=-8)))
Example #3
 def test_setup(self, mock_req):
     """Test for operational WSDOT sensor with proper attributes."""
     uri = re.compile(RESOURCE + "*")
     mock_req.get(uri, text=load_fixture("wsdot.json"))
     wsdot.setup_platform(self.hass, self.config, self.add_entities)
     assert len(self.entities) == 1
     sensor = self.entities[0]
     assert == "I90 EB"
     assert sensor.state == 11
     assert (sensor.device_state_attributes[ATTR_DESCRIPTION] ==
             "Downtown Seattle to Downtown Bellevue via I-90")
     assert sensor.device_state_attributes[ATTR_TIME_UPDATED] == datetime(
         2017, 1, 21, 15, 10, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=-8)))