Example #1
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):
        """Verify if the file is already downloaded and complete. If they don't
        exists or if are not complete, use homura download function to fetch
        files. Return a list with the path of the downloaded file and the size
        of the remote file.
        print('\nDownloading file:\t{}'.format(filename))

        remote_file_size = self.get_remote_file_size(url)
        file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, filename)):
            size = os.path.getsize(file_path)
            if size == remote_file_size:
                print('File already exists')
                values = {
                    "name": filename,
                    "path": file_path,
                    "type": filename.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0],
                    "size": size
                return values

        fetch(url, path)
        print('stored at {}'.format(path))
        values = {
            "name": filename,
            "path": file_path,
            "type": filename.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0],
            "size": remote_file_size

        return values
Example #2
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):
        """ Downloads the given url.

        :param url:
            The url to be downloaded.
        :type url:
        :param path:
            The directory path to where the image should be stored
        :type path:
        :param filename:
            The filename that has to be downloaded
        :type filename:


        self.output('Downloading: %s' % filename, normal=True, arrow=True)

        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == self.get_remote_file_size(url):
                self.output('%s already exists on your system' % filename, normal=True, color='green', indent=1)
                return False

        fetch(url, path)
        self.output('stored at %s' % path, normal=True, color='green', indent=1)

        return True
Example #3
def download_meta(url, download_path):
    dpath = download_path if download_path else mkdtemp()
    dpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'LANDSAT_8_C1.csv')

    # don't download if the file is downloaded in the last 6 hours
    if os.path.isfile(dpath):
        mtime = os.path.getmtime(dpath)
        if time.time() - mtime < (6 * 60 * 60):
            return open(dpath, 'r')

    fetch(url, dpath)
    return open(dpath, 'r')
Example #4
def download_meta(url, download_path):
    dpath = download_path if download_path else mkdtemp()
    dpath = os.path.join(dpath, 'LANDSAT_8_C1.csv')

    # don't download if the file is downloaded in the last 6 hours
    if os.path.isfile(dpath):
        mtime = os.path.getmtime(dpath)
        if time.time() - mtime < (6 * 60 * 60):
            return open(dpath, 'r')

    fetch(url, dpath)
    return open(dpath, 'r')
    def fetch(self, url, path):
        """ Downloads the given url.

        :param url:
            The url to be downloaded.
        :type url:
        :param path:
            The directory path to where the image should be stored
        :type path:
        :param filename:
            The filename that has to be downloaded
        :type filename:


        segments = url.split('/')
        filename = segments[-1]

        # remove query parameters from the filename
        filename = filename.split('?')[0]

        self.output('Downloading: %s' % filename, normal=True, arrow=True)

        # print(join(path, filename))
        # raise Exception
        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == self.get_remote_file_size(url):
                self.output('%s already exists on your system' % filename,

            fetch(url, path)
        self.output('stored at %s' % path,

        return join(path, filename)
Example #6
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):
        """Verify if the file is already downloaded and complete. If they don't
        exists or if are not complete, use homura download function to fetch
        files. Return a list with the path of the downloaded file and the size
        of the remote file.

        print(('Downloading: %s' % filename))

        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == self.get_remote_file_size(url):
                print(('%s already exists on your system' % filename))
                return [join(path, filename), self.get_remote_file_size(url)]

        fetch(url, path)
        print(('stored at %s' % path))
        return [join(path, filename), self.get_remote_file_size(url)]
Example #7
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):

        self.output('Downloading: %s' % filename, normal=True, arrow=True)

        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == self.get_remote_file_size(url):
                self.output('%s already exists on your system' % filename,
                return False

        fetch(url, path)
        self.output('stored at %s' % path,

        return True
Example #8
    def fetch(self, url, path):
        """ Downloads the given url.

        :param url:
            The url to be downloaded.
        :type url:
        :param path:
            The directory path to where the image should be stored
        :type path:
        :param filename:
            The filename that has to be downloaded
        :type filename:


        segments = url.split('/')
        filename = segments[-1]

        # remove query parameters from the filename
        filename = filename.split('?')[0]

        self.output('Downloading: %s' % filename, normal=True, arrow=True)

        # print(join(path, filename))
        # raise Exception
        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == self.get_remote_file_size(url):
                self.output('%s already exists on your system' % filename, normal=True, color='green', indent=1)

            fetch(url, path)
        self.output('stored at %s' % path, normal=True, color='green', indent=1)

        return join(path, filename)
Example #9
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):
        """Verify if the file is already downloaded and complete. If they don't
        exists or if are not complete, use homura download function to fetch
        files. Return a list with the path of the downloaded file and the size
        of the remote file.
        logger.debug('initializing download in ', url)
        remote_file_size = self.get_remote_file_size(url)

        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == remote_file_size:
                logger.error('%s already exists on your system' % filename)
                print('%s already exists on your system' % filename)
                return [join(path, filename), size]

        logger.debug('Downloading: %s' % filename)
        print('Downloading: %s' % filename)
        fetch(url, path)
        print('stored at %s' % path)
        logger.debug('stored at %s' % path)
        return [join(path, filename), remote_file_size]
Example #10
    def fetch(self, url, path, filename):
        """Verify if the file is already downloaded and complete. If they don't
        exists or if are not complete, use homura download function to fetch
        files. Return a list with the path of the downloaded file and the size
        of the remote file.
        logger.debug('initializing download in ', url)
        remote_file_size = self.get_remote_file_size(url)

        if exists(join(path, filename)):
            size = getsize(join(path, filename))
            if size == remote_file_size:
                logger.error('%s already exists on your system' % filename)
                print('%s already exists on your system' % filename)
                return [join(path, filename), size]

        logger.debug('Downloading: %s' % filename)
        print('Downloading: %s' % filename)
        fetch(url, path)
        print('stored at %s' % path)
        logger.debug('stored at %s' % path)
        return [join(path, filename), remote_file_size]
Example #11
 def download(self, scenes):
     """Download Function from Google Storage 
       SceneID {data_tye: List}
       Tarred landsat data files
     self.google = landsat.settings.GOOGLE_STORAGE
      # Check for the validity of SceneID
     for scene in scenes:
         # An empty list in accordance to landsat unique ID
         scene_anatomy = {
              'path': None,
              'row': None,
              'sat': None,
              'scene': scene
         if isinstance(scene, str) and len(scene) == 21:
                  scene_anatomy['path'] = scene[3:6]
                  scene_anatomy['row'] = scene[6:9]
                  scene_anatomy['sat'] = 'L' + scene[2:3]
             raise IncorrectSceneId('Bad List')
         # Create a folder to download tarred landsat Scenes
         path = check_create_folder(self.download_dir)
         filename = scene + '.tar.bz'        
         print path
         print scene_anatomy
         # Builds the URL to a google storage file
         url = url_builder([self.google,scene_anatomy['sat'], scene_anatomy['path'], scene_anatomy['row'],filename])
         print url
         # Downloads and save at the location defined under path    
         return path
Example #12
def process_landsat(idlist, download, extract, create, warp, thumbnail,dir,ctype, ltype,overwrite):
  thumb_list = [['' for i in range(13)] for j in range(43 - 28 + 1)]
  date_list = ['-1' for i in range(13)]
  path_list = ['-1' for i in range(13)]

  for id in idlist:
    path = id[3:6]
    row = id[6:9]
    year = id[9:13]
    ddd = id[13:16]
    refdate = datetime.date(int(year), 1, 1)
    d = refdate + datetime.timedelta(days=int(ddd))
    date = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

    file = id + ".tar.bz"

    thumb_list[int(row) - 28][int(path) - 104] = id + ".jpg"
    date_list[int(path) - 104] = date
    path_list[int(path) - 104] = path

    url = "http://storage.googleapis.com/earthengine-public/landsat/L8/%s/%s/%s" % (
        path, row, file)
    fpath = join(dir, file)
    unzipdir = join(dir, id)

    if download:
      if (not exists(fpath) or overwrite):
        if not exists(dir):
          print "skip! not exist:" + dir + " directory"
          print "download " + url
          fetch(url, fpath)
          # no info download
          #urllib.urlretrieve(url, fpath)
        print "already exist:" + fpath
    if extract:
      if (not exists(unzipdir) or overwrite):
        if not exists(fpath):
          print "skip! not exist:" + fpath
          print "unzip " + unzipdir
          tar = tarfile.open(fpath, 'r')
        print "already exist:" + unzipdir
    if create:
      if (not exists(join(dir, id + ctype + ".tif")) or overwrite):
        if not exists(unzipdir):
          print "skip! not exist:" + unzipdir
          print "create " + id + ctype + ".tif"
          if ctype == "ndvi":
              landsat_color.ndvi_process(id, join(dir, id), dir,ltype)
              landsat_color.process(id, join(dir, id), dir,ltype)
        print "already exist:" + join(dir, id + ctype + ".tif")
    if warp:
      if (not exists(join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif")) or overwrite):
        if not exists(join(dir, id + ctype +".tif")):
          print "skip! not exist:" + join(dir, id + ctype + ".tif")
          cmd = "gdalwarp -overwrite --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 2048 -wm 2048 -multi -co TFW=YES -t_srs EPSG:3857 %s %s" % (
              join(dir, id + ctype+ ".tif"), join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif"))
          print cmd
          subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
          cmd = "nearblack --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 2048 %s" % (join(dir,id + ctype +"_w.tif"))
          print cmd
          subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        print "already exist:" + join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif")
    if thumbnail:
      if (not exists(join(dir, id + ctype + "_t.tif")) or overwrite):
        if not exists(join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif")):
          print "skip! not exist:" + join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif")
          cmd = "gdal_translate -outsize 5%% 5%% %s %s" % (
              join(dir, id + ctype + "_w.tif"), join(dir, id + ctype + "_t.tif"))
          print cmd
          subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
        print "already exist:" + join(dir, id + ctype + "_t.tif")