Example #1
def channel_user_joined_channel(bot,origin,data):
    if data[2] not in bot.channel_channels:
        bot.channel_channels[data[2]] = {}
    bot.channel_channels[data[2]][data[1]] = [data[1],data[0],datetime.now(),None]
    l = len(bot.channel_channels[data[2]])
    CHANNEL_MAX = bot.config.channel_limit
    #banlist management
    nick = normalize_nick(data[0]).lower()
    if data[1] in bot.clan_roster:
        if bot.config.promote_clan:
            bot.write_packet( ID.HON_CS_CHANNEL_PROMOTE, data[2], data[1] )
        if not 'upgrades' in bot.clan_roster[data[1]]:
            bot.clan_roster[data[1]]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(data, 1)
    if CHANNEL_MAX == 0:
    if l > CHANNEL_MAX:
        l -= CHANNEL_MAX
        for i in sorted(bot.channel_channels[data[2]].values(), key=lambda x:x[2]):
            if l <= 0:break
            nick = normalize_nick(i[1])
            if i[0] not in bot.clan_roster and nick not in bot.config.whitelist and i[1].split(']')[0] not in ['[GM','[S2']:
                bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_WHISPER,i[1],'Sorry, too many people in channel, we need some place for active members')
                l -= 1
Example #2
def channel_user_joined_channel(bot,origin,data):
    if data[0] not in bot.channel_channels:
        bot.channel_channels[data[0]] = {}
    bot.channel_channels[data[0]][data[2]] = [data[2],data[1],datetime.now(),None]
    l = len(bot.channel_channels[data[0]])
    CHANNEL_MAX = bot.config.channel_limit
    #banlist management
    nick = normalize_nick(data[1]).lower()
    if data[2] in bot.clan_roster:
        if bot.config.promote_clan:
            bot.write_packet( ID.HON_CS_CHANNEL_PROMOTE, data[0], data[2] )
        if not 'upgrades' in bot.clan_roster[data[2]]:
            bot.clan_roster[data[2]]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(data, 1)
    if CHANNEL_MAX == 0:
    if l > CHANNEL_MAX:
        l -= CHANNEL_MAX
        for i in sorted(bot.channel_channels[data[0]].values(), key=lambda x:x[2]):
            if l <= 0:break
            nick = normalize_nick(i[1])
            if i[0] not in bot.clan_roster and nick not in bot.config.whitelist and i[1].split(']')[0] not in ['[GM','[S2']:
                bot.write_packet(ID.HON_CS_WHISPER,i[1],'Sorry, too many people in channel, we need some place for active members')
                l -= 1
Example #3
def channel_joined_channel(bot,origin,data):
    bot.channel_channels[data[1]] = dict([[m[1],[m[1],m[0],datetime.now(),None]] for m in data[-1]])
    for m in data[-1]:
        if m[1] in bot.clan_roster:
            if not 'upgrades' in bot.clan_roster[m[1]]:
                bot.clan_roster[m[1]]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(m)
    # Default topic setting
    topic = data[3]
    if ( len(topic) == 0 ) or ( topic == "Welcome to the {0} clan channel!".format( bot.clan_info['name'] ) ):
        cname = bot.id2chan[data[1]]
        if getTopic(bot, cname):
            bot.write_packet( ID.HON_CS_UPDATE_TOPIC, data[1], getTopic(bot, cname) )
Example #4
def channel_joined_channel(bot,origin,data):
    bot.channel_channels[data[1]] = dict([[m[1],[m[1],m[0],datetime.now(),None]] for m in data[-1]])
    for m in data[-1]:
        if m[1] in bot.clan_roster:
            if not 'upgrades' in bot.clan_roster[m[1]]:
                bot.clan_roster[m[1]]['upgrades'] = user_upgrades(m)
    # Default topic setting
    cname = bot.id2chan[data[1]]
    topic = data[3]
    if 'name' in bot.clan_info:
        if ( len(topic) == 0 ) or ( topic == "Welcome to the {0} clan channel!".format( bot.clan_info['name'] ) ):
            if getTopic(bot, cname):
                bot.write_packet( ID.HON_CS_UPDATE_TOPIC, data[1], getTopic(bot, cname) )
    if cname in bot.config.default_auth:
        bot.write_packet( ID.HON_CS_CHANNEL_AUTH_ENABLE, data[1] )