Example #1
def test_material_to_from_idf():
    """Test the initialization of EnergyMaterial objects from EnergyPlus strings."""
    ep_str_1 = "Material,\n" \
        " M01 100mm brick,                    !- Name\n" \
        " MediumRough,                            !- Roughness\n" \
        " 0.1016,                                 !- Thickness {m}\n" \
        " 0.89,                                   !- Conductivity {W/m-K}\n" \
        " 1920,                                   !- Density {kg/m3}\n" \
        " 790,                                    !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}\n" \
        " 0.9,                                    !- Thermal Absorptance\n" \
        " 0.7,                                    !- Solar Absorptance\n" \
        " 0.7;                                    !- Visible Absorptance"
    mat_1 = EnergyMaterial.from_idf(ep_str_1)

    ep_str_2 = "Material, M01 100mm brick, MediumRough, " \
        "0.1016, 0.89, 1920, 790, 0.9, 0.7, 0.7;"
    mat_2 = EnergyMaterial.from_idf(ep_str_2)

    ep_str_3 = "Material, M01 100mm brick, MediumRough, " \
        "0.1016, 0.89, 1920, 790;"
    mat_3 = EnergyMaterial.from_idf(ep_str_3)

    assert mat_1.identifier == mat_2.identifier == mat_3.identifier

    idf_str = mat_1.to_idf()
    new_mat_1 = EnergyMaterial.from_idf(idf_str)
    assert idf_str == new_mat_1.to_idf()
Example #2
def test_material_init():
    """Test the initialization of EnergyMaterial objects and basic properties."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.2, 0.5, 800, 1200, 'MediumSmooth',
                              0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    str(concrete)  # test the string representation of the material
    concrete_dup = concrete.duplicate()

    assert concrete.identifier == concrete_dup.identifier == 'Concrete'
    assert concrete.thickness == concrete_dup.thickness == 0.2
    assert concrete.conductivity == concrete_dup.conductivity == 0.5
    assert concrete.density == concrete_dup.density == 800
    assert concrete.specific_heat == concrete_dup.specific_heat == 1200
    assert concrete.roughness == concrete_dup.roughness == 'MediumSmooth'
    assert concrete.thermal_absorptance == concrete_dup.thermal_absorptance == 0.95
    assert concrete.solar_absorptance == concrete_dup.solar_absorptance == 0.75
    assert concrete.visible_absorptance == concrete_dup.visible_absorptance == 0.8

    assert concrete.resistivity == 1 / 0.5
    assert concrete.u_value == pytest.approx(2.5, rel=1e-2)
    assert concrete.r_value == pytest.approx(0.4, rel=1e-2)
    assert concrete.mass_area_density == pytest.approx(160, rel=1e-2)
    assert concrete.area_heat_capacity == pytest.approx(192000, rel=1e-2)

    concrete.r_value = 0.5
    assert concrete.conductivity != concrete_dup.conductivity
    assert concrete.r_value == 0.5
    assert concrete.conductivity == pytest.approx(0.4, rel=1e-2)
Example #3
def test_opaque_temperature_profile():
    """Test the opaque construction temperature profile."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832)
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830)
    wall_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Wall Construction',
                                     [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])

    temperatures, r_values = wall_constr.temperature_profile(-18, 21)
    assert len(temperatures) == 7
    assert temperatures[0] == pytest.approx(-18, rel=1e-2)
    assert temperatures[-1] == pytest.approx(21, rel=1e-2)
    assert len(r_values) == 6
    assert sum(r_values) == pytest.approx(wall_constr.r_factor, rel=1e-1)
    assert r_values[-1] == pytest.approx((1 / wall_constr.in_h_simple()),
    for i, mat in enumerate(wall_constr.materials):
        assert mat.r_value == pytest.approx(r_values[i + 1])

    temperatures, r_values = wall_constr.temperature_profile(
        36, 21, 4, 2., 180.0, 100000)
    assert len(temperatures) == 7
    assert temperatures[0] == pytest.approx(36, rel=1e-2)
    assert temperatures[-1] == pytest.approx(21, rel=1e-2)
    assert len(r_values) == 6
Example #4
def test_set_construction_set():
    """Test the setting of a ConstructionSet on a Room2D."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                        3), Point3D(0, 10, 3))
    ashrae_base = SimpleWindowRatio(0.4)
    overhang = Overhang(1)
    boundarycs = (bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground, bcs.outdoors, bcs.ground)
    window = (ashrae_base, None, ashrae_base, None)
    shading = (overhang, None, None, None)
    room = Room2D('SquareShoebox', Face3D(pts), 3, boundarycs, window, shading)

    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',
    shade_constr = ShadeConstruction('Light Shelf', 0.5, 0.5)
    mass_set.wall_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    mass_set.roof_ceiling_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    mass_set.shade_construction = shade_constr

    room.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    assert room.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set

    hb_room, adj = room.to_honeybee()
    assert hb_room.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set
    assert hb_room[1].properties.energy.construction == thick_constr
    assert hb_room[5].properties.energy.construction == thin_constr
    assert hb_room[1].shades[0].properties.energy.construction == shade_constr
Example #5
def create_std_mass_material():
    ''' Simple 'Mass' Layer for inside/outside of simple constuctions '''

        # Set the default material properties
        roughness = 'MediumRough'
        therm_absp = 0.9
        sol_absp = 0.7
        vis_absp = 0.7
        name = 'MASSLAYER'
        thickness = 0.0254
        conductivity = 2
        density = 2500
        spec_heat = 460

        # Create the material
        mat = EnergyMaterial(clean_and_id_ep_string(name), thickness,
                             conductivity, density, spec_heat, roughness,
                             therm_absp, sol_absp, vis_absp)
        mat.display_name = name

        return mat
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error creating HB Material', e)
        return None
Example #6
def test_assign_to_room():
    """Test the assignment of internal masses to rooms."""
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',

    room = Room.from_box('ShoeBox', 5, 10, 3, 0)

    table_verts = [
        Point3D(1, 1, 1),
        Point3D(2, 1, 1),
        Point3D(2, 2, 1),
        Point3D(1, 2, 1)
    table_geo = Face3D(table_verts)
    table_mass = InternalMass.from_geometry('Concrete Table', thick_constr,
                                            [table_geo], 'Meters')
    chair_mass = InternalMass('Concrete Chair', thin_constr, 1)

    assert len(room.properties.energy.internal_masses) == 0
    room.properties.energy.internal_masses = [table_mass]
    assert len(room.properties.energy.internal_masses) == 1

    idf_str = room.to.idf(room)
    assert idf_str.find('InternalMass,') > -1
Example #7
def test_opaque_dict_methods():
    """Test the to/from dict methods."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832)
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830)
    wall_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Wall Construction',
                                     [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])
    constr_dict = wall_constr.to_dict()
    new_constr = OpaqueConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    assert constr_dict == new_constr.to_dict()
Example #8
def test_setting_construction():
    """Test the setting of constructions on the ConstructionSet."""
    default_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    stone_door = EnergyMaterial('Stone Door', 0.05, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',
    door_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Stone Door', [stone_door])
    light_shelf = ShadeConstruction('Light Shelf', 0.5, 0.5, True)

    default_set.wall_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.wall_set.exterior_construction == thick_constr
    assert len(default_set.modified_constructions_unique) == 1
    assert len(default_set.modified_materials_unique) == 1

    assert isinstance(default_set.wall_set.exterior_construction[0],
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        default_set.wall_set.exterior_construction[0].thickness = 0.15

    default_set.wall_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    assert default_set.wall_set.interior_construction == thin_constr
    default_set.wall_set.ground_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.wall_set.ground_construction == thick_constr
    default_set.floor_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.floor_set.exterior_construction == thick_constr
    default_set.floor_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    assert default_set.floor_set.interior_construction == thin_constr
    default_set.floor_set.ground_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.floor_set.ground_construction == thick_constr
    default_set.roof_ceiling_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.roof_ceiling_set.exterior_construction == thick_constr
    default_set.roof_ceiling_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    assert default_set.roof_ceiling_set.interior_construction == thin_constr
    default_set.roof_ceiling_set.ground_construction = thick_constr
    assert default_set.roof_ceiling_set.ground_construction == thick_constr
    default_set.door_set.exterior_construction = door_constr
    assert default_set.door_set.exterior_construction == door_constr
    default_set.door_set.interior_construction = door_constr
    assert default_set.door_set.interior_construction == door_constr
    default_set.door_set.overhead_construction = door_constr
    assert default_set.door_set.overhead_construction == door_constr
    default_set.shade_construction = light_shelf
    assert default_set.shade_construction == light_shelf

    assert len(default_set.modified_constructions_unique) == 4
    assert len(default_set.modified_materials_unique) == 3
Example #9
def test_material_lockability():
    """Test the lockability of the EnergyMaterial."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete [HW]', 0.2, 0.5, 800, 1200)
    concrete.density = 600
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        concrete.density = 700
    concrete.density = 700
Example #10
def test_check_duplicate_material_names():
    """Test the check_duplicate_material_names method."""
    room = Room.from_box('Tiny House Zone', 5, 10, 3)

    stone = EnergyMaterial('Stone', 0.3, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'Rough', 0.95, 0.75,
    thin_stone = EnergyMaterial('Thin Stone', 0.05, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'Rough',
                                0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thermal_mass_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Custom Construction', [stone])
    door_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Custom Door Construction', [thin_stone])
    room[0].properties.energy.construction = thermal_mass_constr

    north_face = room[1]
    door_verts = [
        Point3D(2, 10, 0.1),
        Point3D(1, 10, 0.1),
        Point3D(1, 10, 2.5),
        Point3D(2, 10, 2.5)
    door = Door('Front Door', Face3D(door_verts))
    door.properties.energy.construction = door_constr

    model = Model('Tiny House', [room])

    assert model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_material_names(False)
    thin_stone.name = 'Stone'
    assert not model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_material_names(False)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #11
def test_material_equivalency():
    """Test the equality of a material to another EnergyMaterial."""
    concrete_1 = EnergyMaterial('Concrete [HW]', 0.2, 0.5, 800, 1200)
    concrete_2 = concrete_1.duplicate()
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)

    assert concrete_1 == concrete_2
    assert concrete_1 != insulation
    collection = [concrete_1, concrete_2, insulation]
    assert len(set(collection)) == 2

    concrete_2.density = 600
    assert concrete_1 != concrete_2
    assert len(set(collection)) == 3
def opaque_material_by_name(material_name):
    """Get an opaque material from the library given the material name.

        material_name: A text string for the name of the material.
    try:  # see if the material has already been loaded to a Python object
        return _idf_opaque_materials[material_name]
    except KeyError:  # material likely needs to be loaded from standards data
            _mat_dict = _opaque_standards_dict[material_name]
        except KeyError:  # material is nowhere to be found; raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                '"{}" was not found in the opaque energy material library.'.

    # create the Python object from the standards gem dictionary
    if _mat_dict['material_type'] == 'StandardOpaqueMaterial':
        _mat_obj = EnergyMaterial.from_standards_dict(_mat_dict)
    elif _mat_dict['material_type'] in ('MasslessOpaqueMaterial', 'AirGap'):
        _mat_obj = EnergyMaterialNoMass.from_standards_dict(_mat_dict)
        raise ValueError(
            'Standards gem material type "{}" is not recognized.'.format(
        material_name] = _mat_obj  # next time, it will be loaded faster
    return _mat_obj
Example #13
def model_complete_single_zone_office(directory):
    room = Room.from_box('Tiny_House_Office', 5, 10, 3)
    room.properties.energy.program_type = prog_type_lib.office_program

    stone = EnergyMaterial('Thick Stone', 0.3, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'Rough', 0.95,
                           0.75, 0.8)
    thermal_mass_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thermal Mass Floor', [stone])
    room[0].properties.energy.construction = thermal_mass_constr

    south_face = room[3]
    south_face.apertures_by_ratio(0.4, 0.01)
    south_face.apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=False)
    south_face.apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=True)
    south_face.move_shades(Vector3D(0, 0, -0.5))
    light_shelf_out = ShadeConstruction('Outdoor_Light_Shelf', 0.5, 0.5)
    light_shelf_in = ShadeConstruction('Indoor_Light_Shelf', 0.7, 0.7)
        0].properties.energy.construction = light_shelf_out
        0].properties.energy.construction = light_shelf_in

    north_face = room[1]
    north_face.overhang(0.25, indoor=False)
    door_verts = [
        Point3D(2, 10, 0.1),
        Point3D(1, 10, 0.1),
        Point3D(1, 10, 2.5),
        Point3D(2, 10, 2.5)
    door = Door('Front_Door', Face3D(door_verts))

    aperture_verts = [
        Point3D(4.5, 10, 1),
        Point3D(2.5, 10, 1),
        Point3D(2.5, 10, 2.5),
        Point3D(4.5, 10, 2.5)
    aperture = Aperture('Front_Aperture', Face3D(aperture_verts))
    triple_pane = WindowConstruction(
        'Triple Pane Window',
        [clear_glass, air_gap, clear_glass, air_gap, clear_glass])
    aperture.properties.energy.construction = triple_pane

    tree_canopy_geo = Face3D.from_regular_polygon(
        6, 2, Plane(Vector3D(0, 0, 1), Point3D(5, -3, 4)))
    tree_canopy = Shade('Tree_Canopy', tree_canopy_geo)

    table_geo = Face3D.from_rectangle(2, 2, Plane(o=Point3D(1.5, 4, 1)))
    table = Shade('Table', table_geo)

    model = Model('Tiny_House', [room], orphaned_shades=[tree_canopy])

    dest_file = os.path.join(directory,
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(model.to_dict(), fp, indent=4)
Example #14
def test_duplicate():
    """Test what happens to energy properties when duplicating a Door."""
    verts = [
        Point3D(0, 0, 0),
        Point3D(1, 0, 0),
        Point3D(1, 0, 3),
        Point3D(0, 0, 3)
    concrete5 = EnergyMaterial('5cm Concrete', 0.05, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                               'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    mass_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Concrete Door', [concrete5])

    door_original = Door('wall door', Face3D(verts))
    door_dup_1 = door_original.duplicate()

    assert door_original.properties.energy.host is door_original
    assert door_dup_1.properties.energy.host is door_dup_1
    assert door_original.properties.energy.host is not \

    assert door_original.properties.energy.construction == \
    door_dup_1.properties.energy.construction = mass_constr
    assert door_original.properties.energy.construction != \

    door_dup_2 = door_dup_1.duplicate()

    assert door_dup_1.properties.energy.construction == \
    door_dup_2.properties.energy.construction = None
    assert door_dup_1.properties.energy.construction != \
Example #15
def test_duplicate():
    """Test what happens to energy properties when duplicating a Face."""
    verts = [
        Point3D(0, 0, 0),
        Point3D(10, 0, 0),
        Point3D(10, 0, 10),
        Point3D(0, 0, 10)
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',

    face_original = Face('wall_face', Face3D(verts))
    face_dup_1 = face_original.duplicate()

    assert face_original.properties.energy.host is face_original
    assert face_dup_1.properties.energy.host is face_dup_1
    assert face_original.properties.energy.host is not face_dup_1.properties.energy.host

    assert face_original.properties.energy.construction == \
    face_dup_1.properties.energy.construction = thick_constr
    assert face_original.properties.energy.construction != \

    face_dup_2 = face_dup_1.duplicate()

    assert face_dup_1.properties.energy.construction == \
    face_dup_2.properties.energy.construction = None
    assert face_dup_1.properties.energy.construction != \
Example #16
def test_check_duplicate_construction_names():
    """Test the check_duplicate_construction_names method."""
    room = Room.from_box('Tiny House Zone', 5, 10, 3)

    stone = EnergyMaterial('Thick Stone', 0.3, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'Rough', 0.95,
                           0.75, 0.8)
    thermal_mass_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Custom Construction', [stone])
    room[0].properties.energy.construction = thermal_mass_constr

    north_face = room[1]
    aperture_verts = [
        Point3D(4.5, 10, 1),
        Point3D(2.5, 10, 1),
        Point3D(2.5, 10, 2.5),
        Point3D(4.5, 10, 2.5)
    aperture = Aperture('Front Aperture', Face3D(aperture_verts))
    aperture.is_operable = True
    triple_pane = WindowConstruction(
        'Custom Window Construction',
        [clear_glass, air_gap, clear_glass, air_gap, clear_glass])
    aperture.properties.energy.construction = triple_pane

    model = Model('Tiny House', [room])

    assert model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_construction_names(False)
    triple_pane.name = 'Custom Construction'
    assert not model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_construction_names(
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #17
def test_opaque_construction_from_idf():
    """Test the OpaqueConstruction to/from idf methods."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832)
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830)
    wall_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Wall Construction',
                                     [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])
    constr_str = wall_constr.to_idf()
    mat_str = [mat.to_idf() for mat in wall_constr.unique_materials]
    new_wall_constr = OpaqueConstruction.from_idf(constr_str, mat_str)
    new_constr_str = new_wall_constr.to_idf()

    assert wall_constr.r_value == new_wall_constr.r_value
    assert wall_constr.r_factor == new_wall_constr.r_factor
    assert wall_constr.thickness == new_wall_constr.thickness
    assert constr_str == new_constr_str
Example #18
def test_material_defaults():
    """Test the EnergyMaterial default properties."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete [HW]', 0.2, 0.5, 800, 1200)

    assert concrete.identifier == 'Concrete [HW]'
    assert concrete.roughness == 'MediumRough'
    assert concrete.thermal_absorptance == 0.9
    assert concrete.solar_absorptance == concrete.visible_absorptance == 0.7
Example #19
def test_set_construction_set():
    """Test the setting of a ConstructionSet on a Story."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 10,
                                       3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                   3), Point3D(10, 0, 3))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                        3), Point3D(20, 10,
                                                    3), Point3D(20, 0, 3))
    pts_3 = (Point3D(0, 10, 3), Point3D(0, 20,
                                        3), Point3D(10, 20,
                                                    3), Point3D(10, 10, 3))
    pts_4 = (Point3D(10, 10, 3), Point3D(10, 20,
                                         3), Point3D(20, 20,
                                                     3), Point3D(20, 10, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 3)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    room2d_3 = Room2D('Office3', Face3D(pts_3), 3)
    room2d_4 = Room2D('Office4', Face3D(pts_4), 3)
    story = Story('OfficeFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2, room2d_3, room2d_4])

    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',
    shade_constr = ShadeConstruction('Light Shelf', 0.5, 0.5)
    mass_set.wall_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    mass_set.roof_ceiling_set.interior_construction = thin_constr
    mass_set.shade_construction = shade_constr

    story.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    assert story.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set
    assert story[0].properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set

    rooms = story.to_honeybee()
    model = hb_model.Model(story.identifier, rooms)
    assert len(model.properties.energy.construction_sets) == 1
    assert model.properties.energy.construction_sets[0] == mass_set
    assert model.rooms[0].properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set
Example #20
def test_set_construction_set():
    """Test the setting of a ConstructionSet on a Room."""
    room = Room.from_box('Shoe Box', 5, 10, 3)
    door_verts = [[1, 0, 0.1], [2, 0, 0.1], [2, 0, 3], [1, 0, 3]]
    room[3].add_door(Door.from_vertices('test_door', door_verts))
    room[1].apertures_by_ratio(0.4, 0.01)
    room[1].apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=False)
    room[1].apertures[0].overhang(0.5, indoor=True)
    room[1].apertures[0].move_shades(Vector3D(0, 0, -0.5))

    mass_set = ConstructionSet('Thermal Mass Construction Set')
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    concrete10 = EnergyMaterial('10cm Concrete', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    stone_door = EnergyMaterial('Stone Door', 0.05, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction',
    thin_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thin Concrete Construction',
    door_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Stone Door', [stone_door])
    shade_constr = ShadeConstruction('Light Shelf', 0.5, 0.5)
    mass_set.wall_set.exterior_construction = thick_constr
    mass_set.roof_ceiling_set.exterior_construction = thin_constr
    mass_set.door_set.exterior_construction = door_constr
    mass_set.shade_construction = shade_constr

    room.properties.energy.construction_set = mass_set
    assert room.properties.energy.construction_set == mass_set
    assert room[1].properties.energy.construction == thick_constr
    assert room[5].properties.energy.construction == thin_constr
    assert room[3].doors[0].properties.energy.construction == door_constr
    assert room[1].apertures[0].shades[
        0].properties.energy.construction == shade_constr

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        room[1].properties.energy.construction.thickness = 0.3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        room[5].properties.energy.construction.thickness = 0.3
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        room[3].doors[0].properties.energy.construction.thickness = 0.3
Example #21
def test_internal_mass_equality():
    """Test the equality of InternalMass objects."""
    rammed_earth = EnergyMaterial('40cm Rammed Earth', 0.4, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                  'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    earth_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Rammed Earth Construction',
    stone = EnergyMaterial('Stone Veneer', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'MediumRough',
                           0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    stone_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Stone Veneer', [stone])

    chimney_mass = InternalMass('Rammed Earth Chimney', earth_constr, 10)
    chimney_mass_dup = chimney_mass.duplicate()
    chimney_mass_alt = InternalMass('Rammed Earth Chimney', stone_constr, 10)

    assert chimney_mass is chimney_mass
    assert chimney_mass is not chimney_mass_dup
    assert chimney_mass == chimney_mass_dup
    chimney_mass_dup.area = 5
    assert chimney_mass != chimney_mass_dup
    assert chimney_mass != chimney_mass_alt
Example #22
def test_opaque_lockability():
    """Test the lockability of the construction."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'MediumRough',
                              0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    insulation = EnergyMaterialNoMass('Insulation R-3', 3, 'MediumSmooth')
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830, 'MediumRough',
                            0.93, 0.6, 0.65)
    wall_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Generic Wall Construction',
                                     [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])

    wall_constr.materials = [concrete, wall_gap, gypsum]
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        wall_constr.materials = [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum]
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        wall_constr[0].density = 600
    wall_constr.materials = [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum]
    wall_constr[0].density = 600
Example #23
def test_internal_mass_dict_methods():
    """Test the to/from dict methods."""
    rammed_earth = EnergyMaterial('40cm Rammed Earth', 0.4, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                  'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    earth_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Rammed Earth Construction',
    chimney_mass = InternalMass('Rammed Earth Chimney', earth_constr, 10)

    mass_dict = chimney_mass.to_dict()
    new_chimney_mass = InternalMass.from_dict(mass_dict)
    assert new_chimney_mass == chimney_mass
    assert mass_dict == new_chimney_mass.to_dict()
Example #24
def test_check_duplicate_construction_set_identifiers():
    """Test the check_duplicate_construction_set_identifiers method."""
    pts_1 = (Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(0, 10,
                                       3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                                   3), Point3D(10, 0, 3))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(10, 0, 3), Point3D(10, 10,
                                        3), Point3D(20, 10,
                                                    3), Point3D(20, 0, 3))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Office1', Face3D(pts_1), 3)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Office2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('OfficeFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])
    story.multiplier = 4
    for room in story.room_2ds:
        room.properties.energy.program_type = office_program
    building = Building('OfficeBuilding', [story])

    constr_set = ConstructionSet('Attic Construction Set')
    polyiso = EnergyMaterial('PolyIso', 0.2, 0.03, 43, 1210, 'MediumRough')
    roof_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Attic Roof Construction',
                                     [roof_membrane, polyiso, wood])
    floor_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Attic Floor Construction',
                                      [wood, insulation, wood])
    constr_set.floor_set.interior_construction = floor_constr
    constr_set.roof_ceiling_set.exterior_construction = roof_constr
        -1].properties.energy.construction_set = constr_set
        -2].properties.energy.construction_set = constr_set

    tree_canopy_geo1 = Face3D.from_regular_polygon(6, 6,
                                                   Plane(o=Point3D(5, -10, 6)))
    tree_canopy_geo2 = Face3D.from_regular_polygon(
        6, 2, Plane(o=Point3D(-5, -10, 3)))
    tree_canopy = ContextShade('TreeCanopy',
                               [tree_canopy_geo1, tree_canopy_geo2])

    model = Model('NewDevelopment', [building], [tree_canopy])

    assert model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_construction_set_identifiers(
    constr_set2 = ConstructionSet('Attic Construction Set')
        -2].properties.energy.construction_set = constr_set2
    assert not model.properties.energy.check_duplicate_construction_set_identifiers(
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Example #25
def test_from_dict():
    """Test the Door from_dict method with energy properties."""
    door = Door.from_vertices('front door',
                              [[0, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0], [10, 0, 10], [0, 0, 10]])
    concrete5 = EnergyMaterial('5cm Concrete', 0.05, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                               'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    mass_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Concrete Door', [concrete5])
    door.properties.energy.construction = mass_constr

    drd = door.to_dict()
    new_door = Door.from_dict(drd)
    assert new_door.properties.energy.construction == mass_constr
    assert new_door.to_dict() == drd
Example #26
def test_internal_mass_idf_methods():
    """Test the to/from IDF methods."""
    rammed_earth = EnergyMaterial('40cm Rammed Earth', 0.4, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                  'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    earth_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Rammed Earth Construction',
    chimney_mass = InternalMass('Rammed Earth Chimney', earth_constr, 10)

    mass_idf = chimney_mass.to_idf('Test Room')
    new_chimney_mass = InternalMass.from_idf(
        mass_idf, {'Rammed Earth Construction': earth_constr})
    assert new_chimney_mass == chimney_mass
    assert mass_idf == new_chimney_mass.to_idf('Test Room')
Example #27
def test_internal_mass_init():
    """Test the initialization of InternalMass and basic properties."""
    rammed_earth = EnergyMaterial('40cm Rammed Earth', 0.4, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                  'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    earth_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Rammed Earth Construction',
    chimney_mass = InternalMass('Rammed Earth Chimney', earth_constr, 10)
    str(chimney_mass)  # test the string representation

    assert chimney_mass.identifier == chimney_mass.display_name == 'Rammed Earth Chimney'
    assert chimney_mass.construction == earth_constr
    assert chimney_mass.area == 10

    stone = EnergyMaterial('Stone Veneer', 0.1, 2.31, 2322, 832, 'MediumRough',
                           0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    stone_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Stone Veneer', [stone])

    chimney_mass.construction = stone_constr
    chimney_mass.area = 8

    assert chimney_mass.construction == stone_constr
    assert chimney_mass.area == 8
Example #28
def test_opaque_symmetric():
    """Test that the opaque construction is_symmetric property."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832)
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830)
    wall_constr_1 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])
    wall_constr_2 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [gypsum, wall_gap, gypsum])
    wall_constr_3 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [concrete])
    wall_constr_4 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [concrete, concrete])
    wall_constr_5 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Other Wall Construction', [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, insulation, concrete])

    assert not wall_constr_1.is_symmetric
    assert wall_constr_2.is_symmetric
    assert wall_constr_3.is_symmetric
    assert wall_constr_4.is_symmetric
    assert wall_constr_5.is_symmetric
Example #29
def test_opaque_equivalency():
    """Test the equality of an opaque construction to another."""
    concrete = EnergyMaterial('Concrete', 0.15, 2.31, 2322, 832)
    insulation = EnergyMaterial('Insulation', 0.05, 0.049, 265, 836)
    wall_gap = EnergyMaterial('Wall Air Gap', 0.1, 0.67, 1.2925, 1006.1)
    gypsum = EnergyMaterial('Gypsum', 0.0127, 0.16, 784.9, 830)
    wall_constr_1 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])
    wall_constr_2 = wall_constr_1.duplicate()
    wall_constr_3 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Wall Construction', [concrete, wall_gap, gypsum, insulation])
    wall_constr_4 = OpaqueConstruction(
        'Other Wall Construction', [concrete, insulation, wall_gap, gypsum])

    collection = [wall_constr_1, wall_constr_1, wall_constr_2, wall_constr_3]
    assert len(set(collection)) == 2
    assert wall_constr_1 == wall_constr_2
    assert wall_constr_1 != wall_constr_3
    assert wall_constr_1 != wall_constr_4

    wall_constr_2.name = 'Roof Construction'
    assert wall_constr_1 != wall_constr_2
Example #30
def test_from_dict():
    """Test the Face from_dict method with energy properties."""
    face = Face.from_vertices(
        'wall_face', [[0, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0], [10, 0, 10], [0, 0, 10]])
    concrete20 = EnergyMaterial('20cm Concrete', 0.2, 2.31, 2322, 832,
                                'MediumRough', 0.95, 0.75, 0.8)
    thick_constr = OpaqueConstruction('Thick Concrete Construction', [concrete20])
    face.properties.energy.construction = thick_constr

    fd = face.to_dict()
    new_face = Face.from_dict(fd)
    assert new_face.properties.energy.construction == thick_constr
    assert new_face.to_dict() == fd