Example #1
    def get_job(self, uuid):
        Get the job identified by the uuid

        :param str uuid: UUID of the job to get
        :return: the job that matches the uuid
        :rtype: :py:class:`hoplite.client.RemoteJob`
        return RemoteJob(self.address, self.port, uuid=uuid)
Example #2
    def create_job(self, plugin_name, config):
        Create a job

        :param str plugin_name: name of the plugin you want to run in the job
        :param dict config: the configuration dictionary for the job
        :return: a RemoteJob to access the created job with
        :rtype: :py:class:`hoplite.client.RemoteJob`
        return RemoteJob(
            self.address, self.port, name=plugin_name, config=config)
Example #3
 def test_init_job_no_uuid_given_creates_job(self):
     with HTTMock(post_jobs, get_specific_job_named_something):
         self.job = RemoteJob("localhost", 5001, "something")
     self.assertEquals(self.job.uuid, "correctuuid")
     self.assertEquals(self.job.name, "something")
Example #4
 def setUp(self):
     with HTTMock(get_specific_job):
         self.job = RemoteJob("localhost", 5001,
                              "test_plugins.wait_10_seconds", "correctuuid",