Example #1
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the system
    sys = System.from_file(args.wfn)

    # Define a list of optional arguments for the WPartClass:
    WPartClass = wpart_schemes[args.scheme]
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems() if key in WPartClass.options)

    # Load the proatomdb
    if args.atoms is not None:
        proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
        kwargs['proatomdb'] = proatomdb
        proatomdb = None

    # Run the partitioning
    agspec = AtomicGridSpec(args.grid)
    molgrid = BeckeMolGrid(sys, agspec, mode='only')
    sys.update_grid(molgrid) # for the grid to be written to the output
    wpart = wpart_schemes[args.scheme](sys, molgrid, **kwargs)
    names = wpart.do_all()

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, wpart, names, args)
Example #2
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the system
    sys = System.from_file(args.cube)
    ugrid = sys.grid
    if not isinstance(ugrid, UniformGrid):
        raise TypeError(
            'The specified file does not contain data on a rectangular grid.')
    ugrid.pbc[:] = parse_pbc(args.pbc)
    moldens = sys.extra['cube_data']

    # Reduce the grid if required
    if args.stride > 1 or args.chop > 0:
        moldens, ugrid = reduce_data(moldens, ugrid, args.stride, args.chop)

    # Load the proatomdb and make pro-atoms more compact if that is requested
    proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
    if args.compact is not None:

    # Select the partitioning scheme
    CPartClass = cpart_schemes[args.scheme]

    # List of element numbers for which weight corrections are needed:
    wcor_numbers = list(iter_elements(args.wcor))

    # Run the partitioning
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems()
                  if key in CPartClass.options)
    cpart = cpart_schemes[args.scheme](sys, ugrid, True, moldens, proatomdb,
                                       wcor_numbers, args.wcor_rcut_max,
                                       args.wcor_rcond, **kwargs)
    names = cpart.do_all()

    # Do a symmetry analysis if requested.
    if args.symmetry is not None:
        sys_sym = System.from_file(args.symmetry)
        sym = sys_sym.extra.get('symmetry')
        if sym is None:
            raise ValueError('No symmetry information found in %s.' %
        sys_results = dict((name, cpart[name]) for name in names)
        sym_results = symmetry_analysis(sys, sym, sys_results)
        cpart.cache.dump('symmetry', sym_results)
        sys.extra['symmetry'] = sym

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, cpart, names, args)
Example #3
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the system
    sys = System.from_file(args.cube)
    ugrid = sys.grid
    if not isinstance(ugrid, UniformGrid):
        raise TypeError('The specified file does not contain data on a rectangular grid.')
    ugrid.pbc[:] = parse_pbc(args.pbc)
    moldens = sys.extra['cube_data']

    # Reduce the grid if required
    if args.stride > 1 or args.chop > 0:
        moldens, ugrid = reduce_data(moldens, ugrid, args.stride, args.chop)

    # Load the proatomdb and make pro-atoms more compact if that is requested
    proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
    if args.compact is not None:

    # Select the partitioning scheme
    CPartClass = cpart_schemes[args.scheme]

    # List of element numbers for which weight corrections are needed:
    wcor_numbers = list(iter_elements(args.wcor))

    # Run the partitioning
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems() if key in CPartClass.options)
    cpart = cpart_schemes[args.scheme](
        sys, ugrid, True, moldens, proatomdb, wcor_numbers,
        args.wcor_rcut_max, args.wcor_rcond, **kwargs)
    names = cpart.do_all()

    # Do a symmetry analysis if requested.
    if args.symmetry is not None:
        sys_sym = System.from_file(args.symmetry)
        sym = sys_sym.extra.get('symmetry')
        if sym is None:
            raise ValueError('No symmetry information found in %s.' % args.symmetry)
        sys_results = dict((name, cpart[name]) for name in names)
        sym_results = symmetry_analysis(sys, sym, sys_results)
        cpart.cache.dump('symmetry', sym_results)
        sys.extra['symmetry'] = sym

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, cpart, names, args)
Example #4
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the system
    mol = IOData.from_file(args.wfn)

    # Define a list of optional arguments for the WPartClass:
    WPartClass = wpart_schemes[args.scheme]
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems()
                  if key in WPartClass.options)

    # Load the proatomdb
    if args.atoms is not None:
        proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
        kwargs['proatomdb'] = proatomdb
        proatomdb = None

    # Run the partitioning
    agspec = AtomicGridSpec(args.grid)
    grid = BeckeMolGrid(mol.coordinates,
    dm_full = mol.get_dm_full()
    moldens = mol.obasis.compute_grid_density_dm(dm_full,
    dm_spin = mol.get_dm_spin()
    if dm_spin is not None:
        kwargs['spindens'] = mol.obasis.compute_grid_density_dm(
            dm_spin, grid.points, epsilon=args.epsilon)
    wpart = wpart_schemes[args.scheme](mol.coordinates, mol.numbers,
                                       mol.pseudo_numbers, grid, moldens,
    keys = wpart.do_all()

    if args.slow:
        # ugly hack for the slow analysis involving the AIM overlap operators.
        wpart_slow_analysis(wpart, mol)
        keys = list(wpart.cache.iterkeys(tags='o'))

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, wpart, keys, args)
Example #5
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the system
    mol = IOData.from_file(args.wfn)

    # Define a list of optional arguments for the WPartClass:
    WPartClass = wpart_schemes[args.scheme]
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems() if key in WPartClass.options)

    # Load the proatomdb
    if args.atoms is not None:
        proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
        kwargs['proatomdb'] = proatomdb
        proatomdb = None

    # Run the partitioning
    agspec = AtomicGridSpec(args.grid)
    grid = BeckeMolGrid(mol.coordinates, mol.numbers, mol.pseudo_numbers, agspec, mode='only')
    dm_full = mol.get_dm_full()
    moldens = mol.obasis.compute_grid_density_dm(dm_full, grid.points, epsilon=args.epsilon)
    dm_spin = mol.get_dm_spin()
    if dm_spin is not None:
        kwargs['spindens'] = mol.obasis.compute_grid_density_dm(dm_spin, grid.points, epsilon=args.epsilon)
    wpart = wpart_schemes[args.scheme](mol.coordinates, mol.numbers, mol.pseudo_numbers,grid, moldens, **kwargs)
    keys = wpart.do_all()

    if args.slow:
        # ugly hack for the slow analysis involving the AIM overlap operators.
        wpart_slow_analysis(wpart, mol)
        keys = list(wpart.cache.iterkeys(tags='o'))

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, wpart, keys, args)
Example #6
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    fn_h5, grp_name = parse_h5(args.output, 'output')
    # check if the group is already present (and not empty) in the output file
    if check_output(fn_h5, grp_name, args.overwrite):

    # Load the IOData
    mol = IOData.from_file(args.cube)
    ugrid = mol.grid
    if not isinstance(ugrid, UniformGrid):
        raise TypeError('The density cube file does not contain data on a rectangular grid.')
    ugrid.pbc[:] = parse_pbc(args.pbc)
    moldens = mol.cube_data

    # Reduce the grid if required
    if args.stride > 1 or args.chop > 0:
        moldens, ugrid = reduce_data(moldens, ugrid, args.stride, args.chop)

    # Load the spin density (optional)
    if args.spindens is not None:
        molspin = IOData.from_file(args.spindens)
        if not isinstance(molspin.grid, UniformGrid):
            raise TypeError('The spin cube file does not contain data on a rectangular grid.')
        spindens = molspin.cube_data
        if args.stride > 1 or args.chop > 0:
            spindens = reduce_data(spindens, molspin.grid, args.stride, args.chop)[0]
        if spindens.shape != moldens.shape:
            raise TypeError('The shape of the spin cube does not match the shape of the density cube.')
        spindens = None

    # Load the proatomdb and make pro-atoms more compact if that is requested
    proatomdb = ProAtomDB.from_file(args.atoms)
    if args.compact is not None:

    # Select the partitioning scheme
    CPartClass = cpart_schemes[args.scheme]

    # List of element numbers for which weight corrections are needed:
    if args.wcor == '0':
        wcor_numbers = []
        wcor_numbers = list(iter_elements(args.wcor))

    # Run the partitioning
    kwargs = dict((key, val) for key, val in vars(args).iteritems() if key in CPartClass.options)
    cpart = cpart_schemes[args.scheme](
        mol.coordinates, mol.numbers, mol.pseudo_numbers, ugrid, moldens,
        proatomdb, spindens=spindens, local=True, wcor_numbers=wcor_numbers,
        wcor_rcut_max=args.wcor_rcut_max, wcor_rcond=args.wcor_rcond, **kwargs)
    keys = cpart.do_all()

    # Do a symmetry analysis if requested.
    if args.symmetry is not None:
        mol_sym = IOData.from_file(args.symmetry)
        if not hasattr(mol_sym, 'symmetry'):
            raise ValueError('No symmetry information found in %s.' % args.symmetry)
        aim_results = dict((key, cpart[key]) for key in keys)
        sym_results = symmetry_analysis(mol.coordinates, ugrid.get_cell(), mol_sym.symmetry, aim_results)
        cpart.cache.dump('symmetry', sym_results)

    write_part_output(fn_h5, grp_name, cpart, keys, args)