def registerhospital(request): hospital_email = request.POST.get('hospital_email', '') hospital_name = request.POST.get('hospital_name', '') hospital_city = request.POST.get('hospital_city', '') hospital_mobile_no = request.POST.get('hospital_mobile_no', '') hospital_address = request.POST.get('hospital_address', '') zip_code = request.POST.get('zip_code', '') password = request.POST.get('password', '') repassword = request.POST.get('repassword', '') a = hospital_address + " " b = hospital_city c = a + b location1 = geolocator.geocode(c) print(location1.address) if password != repassword or len(password) < 6: msg_pass = "******" else: msg_pass = '' if len(hospital_mobile_no) != 10: msg_phone = "phone number must be of length 10" else: msg_phone = '' if len(zip_code) != 6: msg_zip = "pin code must be of length 6" else: msg_zip = '' hospitals = Hospital.objects.all() if not (msg_pass or msg_phone or msg_zip): try: user = User.objects.create_user(username=hospital_email, email=hospital_email, password=password) #user.set_password(password) hosp = Hospital(hospital_email=hospital_email, hospital_name=hospital_name, hospital_city=hospital_city, hospital_mobile_no=hospital_mobile_no, hospital_address=hospital_address, zip_code=zip_code, hospital_latitude=location1.latitude, hospital_longitude=location1.longitude) msg = "you are successfully registered, Go for Login!" return render(request, 'main.html', { 'msg': msg, 'hospitals': hospitals }) except: msg_error = "this email is already registered" return render(request, 'register.html', {'msg_error': msg_error}) else: return render(request, 'register.html', { 'msg_pass': msg_pass, 'msg_phone': msg_phone, 'msg_zip': msg_zip })
def hospital_signup(request, a_id): ac = Account.objects.get(id=a_id) key = request.POST['ykiho'] name = request.POST['name'] latitude = request.POST['lat'] longitude = request.POST['lng'] address = request.POST['addr'] specialCount = request.POST['spc'] try: h = Hospital.objects.get(h_key=key, h_name=name, h_latitude=latitude, h_longitude=longitude) except ObjectDoesNotExist: new_h = Hospital(h_key=key, h_name=name, h_latitude=latitude, h_longitude=longitude, h_address=address, h_specialCount=specialCount) js = json.loads(medicalCourseDefault) mc = medical_course(key) if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 1: index = int(mc['response']['body']['items']['item']['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True elif mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] > 1: for medi in mc['response']['body']['items']['item']: index = int(medi['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) new_h.h_medicalCourse = h_medicalCourse ac.a_hospital = new_h new_h.h_account = ac return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('hospital:hospitalmain', args=(, ))) if h.h_account is None: h.h_account = ac ac.a_hospital = h return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse('hospital:hospitalmain', args=(, ))) return render(request, 'hospital_search.html', { 'a': ac, 'error': '이미 등록된 병원입니다' })
def hospital_insert(request): database = request.POST.get('database', '') hospital_id = shortuuid.uuid() name = request.POST.get('name', '') address = request.POST.get('address', '') phone = request.POST.get('phone', '') opening_hours = request.POST.get('opening_hours', '') lng = request.POST.get('lng', '') lat = request.POST.get('lat', '') hospital = Hospital(hospital_id=hospital_id, name=name, address=address, phone=phone, opening_hours=opening_hours, lng=lng, lat=lat) return HttpResponse(status=200)
def activate(request, uidb64, token): try: uid = force_text(urlsafe_base64_decode(uidb64)) user = User.objects.get(pk=uid) except (TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError, User.DoesNotExist): user = None if user is not None and account_activation_token.check_token(user, token): user.is_active = True user.profile.email_confirmed = True hospital = Hospital(user=user,, name=user.first_name, slug=user.username).save() login(request, user, backend='django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend') return redirect('complete_hospital_profile') else: return render(request, 'registration/account_activation_invalid.html')
def test_upload_file(self): doctor_username = '******' patient_username = '******' password = '******' hospital = Hospital.create_default() Group.objects.create(name='Patient') Group.objects.create(name='Doctor') create_default_account(doctor_username, password, Doctor, hospital) create_default_account(patient_username, password, Patient, hospital) doctor = User.objects.get(username=doctor_username).doctor patient = User.objects.get(username=patient_username).patient diagnosis = Diagnosis.objects.create(patient=patient) test = Test.objects.create(doctor=doctor, diagnosis=diagnosis, description="", results=SimpleUploadedFile( 'file.txt', b'test file')) response = reverse('medical:upload_test_result', args=[])) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302, 'Expected to upload test result.')
if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] != 0: if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 1: index = int( mc['response']['body']['items']['item']['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True else: for medi in mc['response']['body']['items']['item']: index = int(medi['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) tuple = (h_key, h_name, h_lat, h_lng, h_addr, h_sdr, h_medicalCourse) info.append(tuple) count += 1 for (h_key, h_name, h_lat, h_lng, h_addr, h_sdr, h_medicalCourse) in info: instances.append( Hospital(h_key=h_key, h_name=h_name, h_latitude=h_lat, h_longitude=h_lng, h_address=h_addr, h_specialCount=h_sdr, h_medicalCourse=h_medicalCourse)) Hospital.objects.bulk_create(instances) print('success')
def setUpTestData(cls): Hospital.create_default()
def setUpTestData(cls): Group.objects.create(name='Patient') Hospital.create_default()
def searchHospital(request, p_id): p = Patient.objects.get(id=p_id) p_lat = float(p.p_latitude) p_lon = float(p.p_longitude) hs_t = [] hs = [] if request.method == 'POST': name = request.POST['h_name'] medicalCourse = request.POST['medical_course'] htime = request.POST['time'] if p_lat == 37.5585146 and p_lon == 127.0331892: hs = Hospital.objects.filter(h_name__contains=name) print(hs, file=sys.stderr) else: clinics = hosp_list(name=name, radius=100, lat=p_lat, lng=p_lon) if clinics['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 0: aasvv = 3 elif clinics['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 1: temp = clinics['response']['body']['items']['item'] h_key = temp['ykiho'] h_name = temp['yadmNm'] h_lat = temp['YPos'] h_lng = temp['XPos'] h_addr = temp['addr'] h_sdr = temp['sdrCnt'] js = json.loads(medicalCourseDefault) try: new_h = Hospital.objects.get(h_name=h_name, h_key=h_key) except ObjectDoesNotExist: mc = medical_course(h_key) if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] != 0: if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 1: index = int(mc['response']['body']['items']['item'] ['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True else: for medi in mc['response']['body']['items'][ 'item']: index = int(medi['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) else: h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) new_h = Hospital(h_key=h_key, h_name=h_name, h_latitude=h_lat, h_longitude=h_lng, h_address=h_addr, h_specialCount=h_sdr, h_medicalCourse=h_medicalCourse) hs.append(new_h) else: for temp in clinics['response']['body']['items']['item']: h_key = temp['ykiho'] h_name = temp['yadmNm'] h_lat = temp['YPos'] h_lng = temp['XPos'] h_addr = temp['addr'] h_sdr = temp['sdrCnt'] js = json.loads(medicalCourseDefault) try: new_h = Hospital.objects.get(h_name=h_name, h_key=h_key) except ObjectDoesNotExist: mc = medical_course(h_key) if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] != 0: if mc['response']['body']['totalCount'] == 1: index = int(mc['response']['body']['items'] ['item']['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True else: for medi in mc['response']['body']['items'][ 'item']: index = int(medi['dgsbjtCd']) js[index] = True h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) else: h_medicalCourse = json.dumps(js) new_h = Hospital(h_key=h_key, h_name=h_name, h_latitude=h_lat, h_longitude=h_lng, h_address=h_addr, h_specialCount=h_sdr, h_medicalCourse=h_medicalCourse) hs.append(new_h) for h in hs: print(h, file=sys.stderr) h_lat = float(h.h_latitude) h_lon = float(h.h_longitude) if (h.get_medicalCourse() )[int(medicalCourse)] == True and haversine( float(p_lon), float(p_lat), h_lon, h_lat) < 1: if htime == 'avail': r = time.localtime() r = r.tm_wday if r == 0: h_open = h.h_open1 h_close = h.h_close1 elif r == 1: h_open = h.h_open2 h_close = h.h_close2 elif r == 2: h_open = h.h_open3 h_close = h.h_close3 elif r == 3: h_open = h.h_open4 h_close = h.h_close4 elif r == 4: h_open = h.h_open5 h_close = h.h_close5 elif r == 5: h_open = h.h_open6 h_close = h.h_close6 elif r == 6: h_open = h.h_open7 h_close = h.h_close7 now = now = nowTime = now.strftime('%H:%M') print(nowTime, file=sys.stderr) print(h_open, file=sys.stderr) if nowTime > h_open and nowTime < h_close: hs_t.append(h) else: hs_t.append(h) print(hs_t, file=sys.stderr) return render(request, 'searchResult.html', {'h': hs_t, 'p': p}) return render(request, 'searchfilter.html', {'p': p})
def create(): return Hospital().create()
def find_id(Hosp_id): resp = Hospital().find_id(Hosp_id) return resp
def all(): resp = Hospital().all() return resp
def update(): resp = Hospital().update(request.json) return resp
def delete(): resp = Hospital().delete(request.json) return resp
def add(): resp = Hospital().add(request.json) return resp