Example #1
def onPlayerConnect(player):

    defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, defaultUnlocks, defaultUnlocks)

    if g_debug: print "Unlock module: onPlayerConnect"
    if not player.isAIPlayer():
        id = player.index
        reconnect = id in sessionPlayerUnlockMap

        # always get new unlocks on reconnect/map restart/map change etc
        if reconnect:
            del sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]

        newUnlockSet = UnlockSet()

        newUnlockSet.unlockLevel = {}
        for i in range(0, NUM_KIT_TYPES):
            newUnlockSet.unlockLevel[i] = 0

        sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id] = newUnlockSet
        player.unlocks = sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]

        # Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats (plus de-indenting)
        #if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
        if player.getProfileId() > 2000:
            # Added by ArmEagle needed to prevent servercrash on linux on offline account connect
            #    but host.pmgr_p_set logically raises an exception when called on an online account
            if host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", player.index) == 0:
                host.pmgr_p_set("profileid", player.index,

            success = host.pers_plrRequestUnlocks(player.index, 1)
            if not success:
                if g_debug: print "Requesting unlocks: Failed"
                if g_debug: print "Requesting unlocks: Success"

            if g_debug:
                print "Player %d had no profile id, can't request unlocks" % player.index

        if g_debug: print "Added player %d to unlock checking" % (player.index)
Example #2
def onPlayerConnect(player):

	defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
	host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, defaultUnlocks, defaultUnlocks)

	if g_debug: print "Unlock module: onPlayerConnect"
	if not player.isAIPlayer():
		id = player.index
		reconnect = id in sessionPlayerUnlockMap
		# always get new unlocks on reconnect/map restart/map change etc
		if reconnect:
			del sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]
		newUnlockSet = UnlockSet()

		newUnlockSet.unlockLevel = {}
		for i in range(0, NUM_KIT_TYPES):
			newUnlockSet.unlockLevel[i] = 0

		sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id] = newUnlockSet
		player.unlocks = sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]
# Added by Chump - for bf2statistics stats (plus de-indenting)
		#if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
		if player.getProfileId() > 2000:
			# Added by ArmEagle needed to prevent servercrash on linux on offline account connect
			#    but host.pmgr_p_set logically raises an exception when called on an online account
			if host.pmgr_p_get("profileid", player.index) == 0:
				host.pmgr_p_set("profileid", player.index, player.getProfileId())
			success = host.pers_plrRequestUnlocks(player.index, 1)
			if not success:
				if g_debug: print "Requesting unlocks: Failed"
				if g_debug: print "Requesting unlocks: Success"
			if g_debug: print "Player %d had no profile id, can't request unlocks" % player.index
		if g_debug: print "Added player %d to unlock checking" % (player.index)
	def setMaxOrderPoint(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("maxOrderPoint", self.index, t)

	def getTotalDogtagCount(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("totalDogtagCount", self.index)
	def setIsInsideCP(self, val): return host.pmgr_p_set("isInsideCP", self.index, val)
	def getIsInsideCP(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("isInsideCP", self.index)
	def setOrderPoint(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("orderPoint", self.index, t)
	def setMaxOrderPoint(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("maxOrderPoint", self.index, t)
	def setTeam(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("team", self.index, t)
	def getPing(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("ping", self.index)
	def setSpawnGroup(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("sgr", self.index, t)
	def getKit(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("kit", self.index)
	def setTimeToSpawn(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("tts", self.index, t)

	def getSquadId(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("sqid", self.index)
 def setTeam(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("team", self.index, t)
Example #10
 def setTotalDogtagCount(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("totalDogtagCount", self.index, t)
 def setTimeToSpawn(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("tts", self.index, t)
	def setTotalDogtagCount(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("totalDogtagCount", self.index, t)
	def getCDKeyHash(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("cdKeyHash", self.index)
Example #13
 def setMaxOrderPoint(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("maxOrderPoint", self.index, t)
	def setMaxOrderPoint(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("maxOrderPoint", self.index, t)

	def getTotalDogtagCount(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("totalDogtagCount", self.index)
	def setSpawnGroup(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("sgr", self.index, t)
	def getKit(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("kit", self.index)
	def setName(self, name): return host.pmgr_p_set("name", self.index, name)

	def getSpawnGroup(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("sgr", self.index)
	def setTotalDogtagCount(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("totalDogtagCount", self.index, t)
	def getCDKeyHash(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("cdKeyHash", self.index)
 def setSpawnGroup(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("sgr", self.index, t)
	def setTeam(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("team", self.index, t)
	def getPing(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("ping", self.index)
	def setSuicide(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("suicide", self.index, t)
	def getTimeToSpawn(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("tts", self.index)
 def setName(self, name):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("name", self.index, name)
	def setSuicide(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("suicide", self.index, t)
	def getTimeToSpawn(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("tts", self.index)
 def setIsInsideCP(self, val):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("isInsideCP", self.index, val)
	def setTimeToSpawn(self, t): return host.pmgr_p_set("tts", self.index, t)

	def getSquadId(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("sqid", self.index)
 def setSuicide(self, t):
     return host.pmgr_p_set("suicide", self.index, t)
	def setName(self, name): return host.pmgr_p_set("name", self.index, name)

	def getSpawnGroup(self): return host.pmgr_p_get("sgr", self.index)