def onSymmetryConnectData(self, data): if self.proxyMode: self.send(data) return if self.messageParse.appendData(data): method = self.messageParse.method() path = self.messageParse.path() if method == "CONNECT": path = "https://"+path self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n") self.proxyMode = True addr,port = parserUrlAddrPort(path) if addr.find("")>0: path = path.split("?") self.onHTTP(method) elif addr in ["","localhost"]: self.server.addCallback(self.onClose) else: if method != "CONNECT": m ="^(?:(?:http)://[^/]+)(.*)$", path) if m: dataCache = "%s %s %s\r\n"%(method,,self.messageParse.httpVersion()) dataCache += self.messageParse.HeaderString()+"\r\n" dataCache += self.messageParse.getBody() self.send(dataCache) else: self.close() self.connectName = " < " + self.filenoStr()+" "+self.messageParse.method()+" "+self.messageParse.path() self.messageParse.clear() # print addr,port,dataCache if self.connectStatus() == 0: self.connect((addr,port))
def onRecv(self, data): self.preConnectRecvCache += data if self.mode == "proxy": if self.serverAuthPass and self.preConnectRecvCache: if self.connectHost: analysis.incrementData(self.address[0], domainAnalysisType.incoming, self.connectHost, len(self.preConnectRecvCache)) self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(self.preConnectRecvCache) self.preConnectRecvCache = "" return if self.httpMessageParse.appendData(data): method = self.httpMessageParse.method() path = self.httpMessageParse.path() self.connectName = self.filenoStr() + " " + method + " " + path if not path.startswith("http://") and method in ["GET", "POST"]: path = path.split("?") self.onHTTP(self.httpMessageParse.headers, method, path[0], path[1] if len(path) > 1 else "", self.httpMessageParse.getBody() if method == "POST" else "") self.mode = "http" else: self.mode = "proxy" connect = localToRemoteConnectManger.getConnect() if path.find("")>0: try: connect = None jsonMessage = self.httpMessageParse.getBody() jsonBody = json.loads(jsonMessage) connectList = localToRemoteConnectManger.getConnectHost(jsonBody["host"],jsonBody["port"]) if connectList: for _,v in connectList.items(): connect = v except: pass if connect: connect.addLocalRealConnect(self) else: self.close() self.connectHost = parserUrlAddrPort("https://" + path if method == "CONNECT" else path)[0] analysis.incrementData(self.address[0], domainAnalysisType.connect, self.connectHost, 1) else: pass
def onlocalRecv(self,data): self.dataCache += data if self.sock: if self.dataCache: self.send(self.dataCache) self.dataCache = "" return if self.messageParse.appendData(data): method = self.messageParse.method() path = self.messageParse.path() if method == "CONNECT": path = "https://"+path self.dataCache = "" addr,port = parserUrlAddrPort(path) if addr.find("")>0: path = path.split("?") self.onHTTP(method) elif addr in ["","localhost"]: self.server.addCallback(self.onClose) else: self.connect((addr,port))
def onHTTP(self, header, method, path, query, post): # log.log(1,self,header,method,path,query,post) if method == "POST": postJson = json.loads(post) opt = postJson["opt"] respons = {} if(opt == "status"): respons = self.server.dumpConnects() elif(opt == "serverList"): respons["pac"] = "http://" + self.httpMessageParse.getHeader("host") + "/pac" respons["list"] = settingConfig.setting(settingConfig.remoteServerList) respons["version"] = version.version elif opt == "setServerList": settingConfig.setting(settingConfig.remoteServerList, postJson["data"]) respons["status"] = "ok" # elif opt == "testRemoteProxy": # respons["status"] = "" elif opt == "domainList": if "action" in postJson: action = postJson["action"] domain = postJson["domain"] respons={"status":"ok"} if action == "delete": domainConfig.config.removeDomain(domain) elif action == "open": domainConfig.config.openDomain(domain) elif action == "close": domainConfig.config.closeDomain(domain) else: respons={"status":"no found action"} else: respons["domainList"] = domainConfig.config.getDomainListWithAnalysis() elif opt == "analysisData": respons["analysisData"] = analysis.getAnalysisData( selectDomain=postJson["domain"], startTime=postJson["startTime"], todayStartTime=postJson["todayStartTime"] ) elif opt == "addDomain": url = postJson["url"] host = parserUrlAddrPort(url)[0] if host: host = getDomainName(host) else: host = url if getDomainName(url) else "" respons["status"] = "ok" if domainConfig.config.addDomain(host) else "error" self.reseponse(respons,connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) elif path == "/pac": content = self.getFileContent(dirname(__file__) + "/template/pac.js") content = content.replace("{{domainWhiteListJson}}", json.dumps(domainConfig.config.getDomainList(0))) content = content.replace("{{domainListJson}}", json.dumps(domainConfig.config.getDomainList(1))) content = content.replace("{{proxy_ddr}}", self.httpMessageParse.getHeader("host")) self.reseponse(content,connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) else: if path == "/": path = "/index.html" content = self.getFileContent(dirname(__file__) + "/template" +path) if content: self.reseponse(content,ContentType=get_mime_type(path),connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) else: self.reseponse("\"" + path + "\" not found", code=404,connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection())
def onSymmetryConnectData(self, data): if self.proxyMode: self.send(data) return if len(data) and data[0] == '\x05': # socks5 # print "local >> ", len(data), binascii.b2a_hex(data) if (data[1] == '\x02' or data[1] == '\x01') and len(data) <= 4: self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(b"\x05\x00") elif data[1] == '\x01': def connectOk(ok): if ok: send = b"\x05\x00\x00\x01" local = self._sock.getsockname() send += socket.inet_aton(local[0]) + struct.pack( ">H", local[1]) else: send = b"\x05\x05\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" # print "local << ", len(send), binascii.b2a_hex(send) self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(send) self.proxyMode = True host = "<None>" if data[3] == '\x01': host = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ord(data[4]), ord( data[5]), ord(data[6]), ord(data[7])) port = ord(data[8]) * 0x100 + ord(data[9]) return self.connect((host, port), cb=connectOk) elif data[3] == "\x03": hostendindex = 5 + ord(data[4]) host = data[5:hostendindex] port = ord(data[hostendindex]) * 0x100 + ord( data[hostendindex + 1]) return self.connect((host, port), cb=connectOk) else: reply = b"\x05\x07\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" self.connectName = " < %s Socks5:%s(%s)" % ( self.filenoStr(), host, self.addressIp) self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(reply) else: self.close() elif len(data) and data[0] == '\x04': # socks4/socks4a def connectOk(ok): if ok: send = b"\x00\x5A" + data[2:8] else: send = b"\x00\x5B" # print "local << ", len(send), binascii.b2a_hex(send) self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(send) self.proxyMode = True # print "local >> ", len(data), binascii.b2a_hex(data) if data[1] == '\x01' or data[1] == '\x02': host = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ord(data[4]), ord(data[5]), ord( data[6]), ord(data[7])) version = "Socks4" if host.startswith("0.0.0.") and ord(data[7]) != 0: # socks4a splits = data[8:].split("\x00") host = splits[-2] version = "Socks4a" port = ord(data[2]) * 0x100 + ord(data[3]) self.connectName = " < %s %s:%s(%s)" % ( self.filenoStr(), version, host, self.addressIp) return self.connect((host, port), cb=connectOk) else: self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(b'\x04\x91') self.close() else: httpmessagedone = self.messageParse.appendData(data) if self.messageParse.headerOk(): method = self.messageParse.method() path = self.messageParse.path() connectOk = None if method == "CONNECT": path = "https://" + path def _connectOk(ok): self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n") connectOk = _connectOk self.proxyMode = True addr, port = parserUrlAddrPort(path) if addr.find("") > 0: path = path.split("?") if httpmessagedone: self.onHTTP(method) elif addr in ["", "localhost"]: self.server.addCallback(self.onClose) else: if self.connectStatus() == 0: if method != "CONNECT": m ="^(?:(?:http)://[^/]+)(.*)$", path) if m: def _connectOk(ok): dataCache = "%s %s %s\r\n" % ( method,, self.messageParse.httpVersion()) dataCache += self.messageParse.HeaderString( ) + "\r\n" dataCache += self.messageParse.readingBody( ) self.send(dataCache) connectOk = _connectOk else: self.close() self.connectName = " < " + self.filenoStr( ) + " " + self.messageParse.method( ) + " " + self.messageParse.path() self.connect((addr, port), cb=connectOk) elif self.connectStatus() == 1: self.send(self.messageParse.readingBody()) if httpmessagedone: self.messageParse.clear()
def onRecv(self, data): self.preConnectRecvCache += data if self.mode == "proxy": if not self.connectHost and self.socksMode and len( self.preConnectRecvCache) > 4: _d = self.preConnectRecvCache port = 0 version = "Socks5" setConnectHost = False if (_d[0] == "\x05"): if _d[3] == '\x01': self.connectHost = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ord( _d[4]), ord(_d[5]), ord(_d[6]), ord(_d[7])) port = ord(_d[8]) * 0x100 + ord(_d[9]) setConnectHost = True elif _d[3] == "\x03": hostendindex = 5 + ord(_d[4]) self.connectHost = _d[5:hostendindex] port = ord(_d[hostendindex]) * 0x100 + ord( _d[hostendindex + 1]) setConnectHost = True elif _d[0] == "\x04": if _d[1] == '\x01' or _d[1] == '\x02': self.connectHost = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ord( _d[4]), ord(_d[5]), ord(_d[6]), ord(_d[7])) version = "Socks4" if self.connectHost.startswith("0.0.0.") and ord( _d[7]) != 0: # socks4a splits = _d[8:].split("\x00") self.connectHost = splits[-2] version = "Socks4a" setConnectHost = True port = ord(_d[2]) * 0x100 + ord(_d[3]) if setConnectHost: analysis.incrementData(self.address[0], domainAnalysisType.connect, self.connectHost, 1) self.connectName = self.symmetryConnectManager.filenoStr( ) + " < " + self.filenoStr( ) + " " + version + ":" + self.connectHost + ":%d" % (port) if self.serverAuthPass and self.preConnectRecvCache: if self.connectHost: analysis.incrementData(self.address[0], domainAnalysisType.incoming, self.connectHost, len(self.preConnectRecvCache)) self.sendDataToSymmetryConnect(self.preConnectRecvCache) self.preConnectRecvCache = "" return if data[0] == '\x05' or data[0] == '\x04': # socks5 if data[1] == '\x02' or data[1] == '\x01': self.setToProxyMode() self.socksMode = True else: print "local >> ", len(data), binascii.b2a_hex(data) pass else: httpmessagedone = self.httpMessageParse.appendData(data) if self.httpMessageParse.headerOk() and httpmessagedone: method = self.httpMessageParse.method() path = self.httpMessageParse.path() self.connectName = self.filenoStr() + " " + method + " " + path if not path.startswith("http://") and method in [ "GET", "POST" ]: path = path.split("?") self.onHTTP( self.httpMessageParse.headers, method, path[0], path[1] if len(path) > 1 else "", self.httpMessageParse.getBody() if method == "POST" else "") self.mode = "http" else: host = None port = None if path.find("") > 0: jsonMessage = self.httpMessageParse.getBody() try: jsonBody = json.loads(jsonMessage) except: jsonBody = {} host = jsonBody["host"] port = jsonBody["port"] if self.setToProxyMode(host=host, port=port): self.connectHost = parserUrlAddrPort( "https://" + path if method == "CONNECT" else path)[0] analysis.incrementData(self.address[0], domainAnalysisType.connect, self.connectHost, 1)
def onHTTP(self, header, method, path, query, post): # log.log(1,self,header,method,path,query,post) if method == "POST": postJson = json.loads(post) opt = postJson["opt"] respons = {} if (opt == "status"): respons = self.server.dumpConnects() elif (opt == "serverList"): respons["pac"] = "http://" + self.httpMessageParse.getHeader( "host") + "/pac" respons["proxyAddr"] = parserUrlAddrPort(respons["pac"]) respons["list"] = settingConfig.setting( settingConfig.remoteServerList) respons["version"] = version.version elif opt == "setServerList": settingConfig.setting(settingConfig.remoteServerList, postJson["data"]) respons["status"] = "ok" # elif opt == "testRemoteProxy": # respons["status"] = "" elif opt == "domainList": if "action" in postJson: action = postJson["action"] domain = postJson["domain"] respons = {"status": "ok"} if action == "delete": domainConfig.config.removeDomain(domain) elif action == "open": domainConfig.config.openDomain(domain) elif action == "close": domainConfig.config.closeDomain(domain) else: respons = {"status": "no found action"} else: respons[ "domainList"] = domainConfig.config.getDomainListWithAnalysis( ) elif opt == "analysisData": respons["analysisData"] = analysis.getAnalysisData( selectDomain=postJson["domain"], startTime=postJson["startTime"], todayStartTime=postJson["todayStartTime"]) elif opt == "restore": if postJson["clearAll"]: domainConfig.config.setting = {} domainList = postJson["domainList"] for domain in domainList: domainConfig.config.addDomain( domain[0], Open=domain[1], updateTime=domain[2] if len(domain) > 2 else 0) respons["status"] = "ok" elif opt == "addDomain": url = postJson["url"] host = parserUrlAddrPort(url)[0] if host: host = getDomainName(host) else: host = url if getDomainName(url) else "" respons["status"] = "ok" if domainConfig.config.addDomain( host) else "error" self.reseponse(respons, connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) elif path == "/pac": content = self.getFileContent( dirname(__file__) + "/template/pac.js") content = content.replace( "{{domainWhiteListJson}}", json.dumps(domainConfig.config.getDomainList(0))) content = content.replace( "{{domainListJson}}", json.dumps(domainConfig.config.getDomainList(1))) content = content.replace("{{proxy_ddr}}", self.httpMessageParse.getHeader("host")) self.reseponse(content, connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) else: if path == "/": path = "/index.html" content = self.getFileContent( dirname(__file__) + "/template" + path) if content and path.find("..") == -1: self.reseponse(content, ContentType=get_mime_type(path), connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection()) else: self.reseponse("\"" + path + "\" not found", code=404, connection=self.httpMessageParse.connection())