Example #1
    async def get_rule_reason(self, message, criteria):
        reasons = []
        for regex in criteria.matches:
            if re.search(regex, message.content):
                reasons.append("Message contains banned word or phrase.")

        if criteria.includes_slurs:
            for word in message.content.split():
                if SLUR_FILTER.match(word):
                        f"Message contains recognized racial slur: {word}")

        if criteria.includes_invite_links:
            if any(invite.get_discord_invite_codes(message.content)):
                reasons.append("Message contains Discord invite link.")

        reasons += list(self.get_mention_reason(message, criteria.mentions))
        reasons += list(self.get_embed_reason(message, criteria.embeds))

        exclude_criteria = (
            # Exclude the owner of the bot and the owner of the server.
            await self.bot.is_owner(message.author),
            message.guild.owner_id == message.author.id,
            # Exclude moderators and bots if configured.
            criteria.exclude_moderators and utils.is_moderator(message.author),
            criteria.exclude_bots and message.author.bot,
            # Exclude specific channels when configured.
            message.channel.id in criteria.excluded_channels,
        if any(exclude_criteria):
        return reasons
Example #2
 def should_cache_member(self, member):
     # Cache if the member is:
     # - A moderator
     # - Is the bot user
     # - Is a member pending verification
     return utils.is_moderator(member) or \
             member.id == member._state.user.id or \
Example #3
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if ctx.guild is None:
         raise commands.NoPrivateMessage()
     if not (utils.is_moderator(ctx.author)
             or await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author)):
         raise commands.CheckFailure(
             message='You are not a moderator of this server.')
     return True
Example #4
async def is_dj(ctx, member=None):
    """ Checks if the user is a DJ or not. """
    if member is None:
        member = ctx.author
    dj_roles = await get_dj_roles(ctx)
    if len(dj_roles) <= 0:
        return is_moderator(member)
    member_roles = set(member.roles)
    return len(dj_roles.intersection(member_roles)) > 0