from howtofit.simulators.chapter_1 import profiles import numpy as np # %% """ __Gaussian x3__ Create the model instances of all three Gaussians. """ # %% gaussian_0 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=50.0, intensity=20.0, sigma=1.0) gaussian_1 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=50.0, intensity=40.0, sigma=5.0) gaussian_2 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=50.0, intensity=60.0, sigma=10.0) # %% """ Specify the number of pixels used to create the xvalues on which the 1D line of the profile is generated using and thus defining the number of data-points in our data. """ # %% pixels = 100 xvalues = np.arange(pixels) # %% """ Evaluate all three Gaussian model instances at every xvalues to create their model profiles and sum them together to create the overall model profile. """
from howtofit.simulators.chapter_1 import profiles import numpy as np # %% """ __Gaussian X2 + Exponential x1__ Create a model instance of both Gaussians and the Exponential. """ # %% gaussian_0 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=50.0, intensity=25.0, sigma=10.0) gaussian_1 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=20.0, intensity=30.0, sigma=5.0) exponential = profiles.Exponential(centre=70.0, intensity=40.0, rate=0.005) # %% """ Specify the number of pixels used to create the xvalues on which the 1D line of the profile is generated using and thus defining the number of data-points in our data. """ # %% pixels = 100 xvalues = np.arange(pixels) # %% """ Evaluate both Gaussian model instances and Exponential model instance at every xvalues to create their model line profiles and sum them together to create the overall model profile. """
from howtofit.simulators.chapter_1 import profiles import numpy as np # %% """ __Gaussian X1__ Create a model instance of the Gaussian. """ # %% gaussian = profiles.Gaussian(centre=50.0, intensity=25.0, sigma=10.0) # %% """ Specify the number of pixels used to create the xvalues on which the 1D line of the profile is generated using and thus defining the number of data-points in our data. """ # %% pixels = 100 xvalues = np.arange(pixels) # %% """ Evaluate this Gaussian model instance at every xvalues to create its model profile. """ # %% model_line = gaussian.profile_from_xvalues(xvalues=xvalues)
from howtofit.simulators.chapter_1 import profiles import numpy as np # %% """ __Gaussian x2 Split__ Create the model instances of the two Gaussians. """ # %% gaussian_0 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=25.0, intensity=50.0, sigma=12.5) gaussian_1 = profiles.Gaussian(centre=75.0, intensity=50.0, sigma=12.5) # %% """ Specify the number of pixels used to create the xvalues on which the 1D line of the profile is generated using and thus defining the number of data-points in our data. """ # %% pixels = 100 xvalues = np.arange(pixels) # %% """ Evaluate both Gaussian model instances at every xvalues to create their model profiles and sum them together to create the overall model profile. """