def _model_outputs(inputs): return model(inputs, config=hparams_config.Config(params))
def _model_outputs(inputs): # Convert params (dict) to Config for easier access. return model(inputs, config=hparams_config.Config(params))
def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, params, model, variable_filter_fn=None): """Model definition entry. Args: features: the input image tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, 3]. The height and width are fixed and equal. labels: the input labels in a dictionary. The labels include class targets and box targets which are dense label maps. The labels are generated from get_input_fn function in data/ mode: the mode of TPUEstimator including TRAIN and EVAL. params: the dictionary defines hyperparameters of model. The default settings are in default_hparams function in this file. model: the model outputs class logits and box regression outputs. variable_filter_fn: the filter function that takes trainable_variables and returns the variable list after applying the filter rule. Returns: tpu_spec: the TPUEstimatorSpec to run training, evaluation, or prediction. Raises: RuntimeError: if both ckpt and backbone_ckpt are set. """ is_tpu = params['strategy'] == 'tpu' if params['img_summary_steps']: utils.image('input_image', features, is_tpu) training_hooks = [] params['is_training_bn'] = (mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) if params['use_keras_model']: def model_fn(inputs): model = efficientdet_keras.EfficientDetNet( config=hparams_config.Config(params)) cls_out_list, box_out_list = model(inputs, params['is_training_bn']) cls_outputs, box_outputs = {}, {} for i in range(params['min_level'], params['max_level'] + 1): cls_outputs[i] = cls_out_list[i - params['min_level']] box_outputs[i] = box_out_list[i - params['min_level']] return cls_outputs, box_outputs else: model_fn = functools.partial(model, config=hparams_config.Config(params)) precision = utils.get_precision(params['strategy'], params['mixed_precision']) cls_outputs, box_outputs = utils.build_model_with_precision( precision, model_fn, features) levels = cls_outputs.keys() for level in levels: cls_outputs[level] = tf.cast(cls_outputs[level], tf.float32) box_outputs[level] = tf.cast(box_outputs[level], tf.float32) # Set up training loss and learning rate. update_learning_rate_schedule_parameters(params) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate = learning_rate_schedule(params, global_step) # cls_loss and box_loss are for logging. only total_loss is optimized. det_loss, cls_loss, box_loss = detection_loss(cls_outputs, box_outputs, labels, params) reg_l2loss = reg_l2_loss(params['weight_decay']) total_loss = det_loss + reg_l2loss if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: utils.scalar('lrn_rate', learning_rate, is_tpu) utils.scalar('trainloss/cls_loss', cls_loss, is_tpu) utils.scalar('trainloss/box_loss', box_loss, is_tpu) utils.scalar('trainloss/det_loss', det_loss, is_tpu) utils.scalar('trainloss/reg_l2_loss', reg_l2loss, is_tpu) utils.scalar('trainloss/loss', total_loss, is_tpu) train_epochs = tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) / params['steps_per_epoch'] utils.scalar('train_epochs', train_epochs, is_tpu) moving_average_decay = params['moving_average_decay'] if moving_average_decay: ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=moving_average_decay, num_updates=global_step) ema_vars = utils.get_ema_vars() if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: if params['optimizer'].lower() == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=params['momentum']) elif params['optimizer'].lower() == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) else: raise ValueError('optimizers should be adam or sgd') if is_tpu: optimizer = tf.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) # Batch norm requires update_ops to be added as a train_op dependency. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) var_list = tf.trainable_variables() if variable_filter_fn: var_list = variable_filter_fn(var_list) if params.get('clip_gradients_norm', None):'clip gradients norm by %f', params['clip_gradients_norm']) grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(total_loss, var_list) with tf.name_scope('clip'): grads = [gv[0] for gv in grads_and_vars] tvars = [gv[1] for gv in grads_and_vars] # First clip each variable's norm, then clip global norm. clip_norm = abs(params['clip_gradients_norm']) clipped_grads = [ tf.clip_by_norm(g, clip_norm) if g is not None else None for g in grads ] clipped_grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( clipped_grads, clip_norm) utils.scalar('gradient_norm', tf.linalg.global_norm(clipped_grads), is_tpu) grads_and_vars = list(zip(clipped_grads, tvars)) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step) else: with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss, global_step, var_list=var_list) if moving_average_decay: with tf.control_dependencies([train_op]): train_op = ema.apply(ema_vars) else: train_op = None eval_metrics = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: def metric_fn(**kwargs): """Returns a dictionary that has the evaluation metrics.""" if params['nms_configs'].get('pyfunc', True): detections_bs = [] nms_configs = params['nms_configs'] for index in range(kwargs['boxes'].shape[0]): detections = tf.numpy_function( functools.partial(nms_np.per_class_nms, nms_configs=nms_configs), [ kwargs['boxes'][index], kwargs['scores'][index], kwargs['classes'][index], tf.slice(kwargs['image_ids'], [index], [1]), tf.slice(kwargs['image_scales'], [index], [1]), params['num_classes'], nms_configs['max_output_size'], ], tf.float32) detections_bs.append(detections) detections_bs = postprocess.transform_detections( tf.stack(detections_bs)) else: # These two branches should be equivalent, but currently they are not. # TODO(tanmingxing): enable the non_pyfun path after bug fix. nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes, _ = postprocess.per_class_nms( params, kwargs['boxes'], kwargs['scores'], kwargs['classes'], kwargs['image_scales']) img_ids = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(kwargs['image_ids'], -1), nms_scores.dtype) detections_bs = [ img_ids * tf.ones_like(nms_scores), nms_boxes[:, :, 1], nms_boxes[:, :, 0], nms_boxes[:, :, 3] - nms_boxes[:, :, 1], nms_boxes[:, :, 2] - nms_boxes[:, :, 0], nms_scores, nms_classes, ] detections_bs = tf.stack(detections_bs, axis=-1, name='detnections') if params.get('testdev_dir', None):'Eval testdev_dir %s', params['testdev_dir']) eval_metric = coco_metric.EvaluationMetric( testdev_dir=params['testdev_dir']) coco_metrics = eval_metric.estimator_metric_fn( detections_bs, tf.zeros([1])) else:'Eval val with groudtruths %s.', params['val_json_file']) eval_metric = coco_metric.EvaluationMetric( filename=params['val_json_file'], label_map=params['label_map']) coco_metrics = eval_metric.estimator_metric_fn( detections_bs, kwargs['groundtruth_data']) # Add metrics to output. cls_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['cls_loss_repeat']) box_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['box_loss_repeat']) output_metrics = { 'cls_loss': cls_loss, 'box_loss': box_loss, } output_metrics.update(coco_metrics) return output_metrics cls_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(cls_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) box_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(box_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) cls_outputs = postprocess.to_list(cls_outputs) box_outputs = postprocess.to_list(box_outputs) params['nms_configs']['max_nms_inputs'] = anchors.MAX_DETECTION_POINTS boxes, scores, classes = postprocess.pre_nms(params, cls_outputs, box_outputs) metric_fn_inputs = { 'cls_loss_repeat': cls_loss_repeat, 'box_loss_repeat': box_loss_repeat, 'image_ids': labels['source_ids'], 'groundtruth_data': labels['groundtruth_data'], 'image_scales': labels['image_scales'], 'boxes': boxes, 'scores': scores, 'classes': classes, } eval_metrics = (metric_fn, metric_fn_inputs) checkpoint = params.get('ckpt') or params.get('backbone_ckpt') if checkpoint and mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # Initialize the model from an EfficientDet or backbone checkpoint. if params.get('ckpt') and params.get('backbone_ckpt'): raise RuntimeError( '--backbone_ckpt and --checkpoint are mutually exclusive') if params.get('backbone_ckpt'): var_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' if params['ckpt_var_scope'] is None: # Use backbone name as default checkpoint scope. ckpt_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' else: ckpt_scope = params['ckpt_var_scope'] + '/' else: # Load every var in the given checkpoint var_scope = ckpt_scope = '/' def scaffold_fn(): """Loads pretrained model through scaffold function."""'restore variables from %s', checkpoint) var_map = utils.get_ckpt_var_map( ckpt_path=checkpoint, ckpt_scope=ckpt_scope, var_scope=var_scope, skip_mismatch=params['skip_mismatch']) tf.train.init_from_checkpoint(checkpoint, var_map) return tf.train.Scaffold() elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL and moving_average_decay: def scaffold_fn(): """Load moving average variables for eval."""'Load EMA vars with ema_decay=%f', moving_average_decay) restore_vars_dict = ema.variables_to_restore(ema_vars) saver = tf.train.Saver(restore_vars_dict) return tf.train.Scaffold(saver=saver) else: scaffold_fn = None if is_tpu: return tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metrics=eval_metrics, host_call=utils.get_tpu_host_call(global_step, params), scaffold_fn=scaffold_fn, training_hooks=training_hooks) else: # Profile every 1K steps. if params.get('profile', False): profile_hook = tf.estimator.ProfilerHook( save_steps=1000, output_dir=params['model_dir'], show_memory=True) training_hooks.append(profile_hook) # Report memory allocation if OOM; it will slow down the running. class OomReportingHook(tf.estimator.SessionRunHook): def before_run(self, run_context): return tf.estimator.SessionRunArgs( fetches=[], options=tf.RunOptions( report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom=True)) training_hooks.append(OomReportingHook()) logging_hook = tf.estimator.LoggingTensorHook( { 'step': global_step, 'det_loss': det_loss, 'cls_loss': cls_loss, 'box_loss': box_loss, }, every_n_iter=params.get('iterations_per_loop', 100), ) training_hooks.append(logging_hook) eval_metric_ops = (eval_metrics[0]( **eval_metrics[1]) if eval_metrics else None) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops, scaffold=scaffold_fn() if scaffold_fn else None, training_hooks=training_hooks)
def qufpn_config(min_level, max_level, weight_method=None): """A dynamic quad fpn config that can adapt to different min/max levels.""" # It extends the idea of BiFPN, and has four paths: # (up_down -> bottom_up) + (bottom_up -> up_down). # See test for an example for level 2 and 7. p = hparams_config.Config() p.weight_method = weight_method or 'fastattn' p.quad_method = 'fastattn' num_levels = max_level - min_level + 1 node_ids = {min_level + i: [i] for i in range(num_levels)} level_last_id = lambda level: node_ids[level][-1] level_all_ids = lambda level: node_ids[level] level_first_id = lambda level: node_ids[level][0] id_cnt = itertools.count(num_levels) p.nodes = [] for i in range(max_level - 1, min_level - 1, -1): # top-down path 1. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [level_last_id(i), level_last_id(i + 1)], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[max_level].append(node_ids[max_level][-1]) for i in range(min_level + 1, max_level): # bottom-up path 2. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': level_all_ids(i) + [level_last_id(i - 1)], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) i = max_level p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [level_first_id(i)] + [level_last_id(i - 1)], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[min_level].append(node_ids[min_level][-1]) for i in range(min_level + 1, max_level + 1, 1): # bottom-up path 3. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [ level_first_id(i), level_last_id(i - 1) if i != min_level + 1 else level_first_id(i - 1) ], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[min_level].append(node_ids[min_level][-1]) for i in range(max_level - 1, min_level, -1): # top-down path 4. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [node_ids[i][0]] + [node_ids[i][-1]] + [level_last_id(i + 1)], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) i = min_level p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [node_ids[i][0]] + [level_last_id(i + 1)], 'weight_method': p.weight_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[max_level].append(node_ids[max_level][-1]) for i in range(max_level, min_level - 1, -1): # quad-add path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [node_ids[i][2], node_ids[i][4]], 'weight_method': p.quad_method }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) return p
def _model_outputs(): return model(features, config=hparams_config.Config(params))
def __init__(self, model_name=None, params=None, name=""): """Initialize model.""" super().__init__(name=name) self.train_metrics = { "mean_loss_tracker": tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name="mean_loss"), "loss_tracker": tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name="loss"), "lr_tracker": tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name="lr"), } self.train_metrics = utils.dict_to_namedtuple(self.train_metrics) self.mAP_tracker = tf.keras.metrics.Mean(name="mAP") if params: self.config = hparams_config.Config(params) else: self.config = hparams_config.get_efficientdet_config(model_name) config = self.config # Backbone. backbone_name = config.backbone_name if "efficientnet" in backbone_name: override_params = { "relu_fn": functools.partial(utils.activation_fn, act_type=config.act_type), "grad_checkpoint": self.config.grad_checkpoint, } if "b0" in backbone_name: override_params["survival_prob"] = 0.0 if config.backbone_config is not None: override_params[ "blocks_args"] = efficientnet_builder.BlockDecoder( ).encode(config.backbone_config.blocks) override_params["data_format"] = config.data_format self.backbone = efficientnet_builder.get_model( backbone_name, override_params=override_params) # Feature network. self.resample_layers = [] # additional resampling layers. for level in range(6, config.max_level + 1): # Adds a coarser level by downsampling the last feature map. self.resample_layers.append( layers.ResampleFeatureMap( feat_level=(level - config.min_level), target_num_channels=config.fpn_num_filters, apply_bn=config.apply_bn_for_resampling, conv_after_downsample=config.conv_after_downsample, data_format=config.data_format, name="resample_p%d" % level, )) self.fpn_cells = layers.FPNCells(config) # class/box output prediction network. num_anchors = len(config.aspect_ratios) * config.num_scales num_filters = config.fpn_num_filters self.class_net = layers.ClassNet( num_classes=config.num_classes, num_anchors=num_anchors, num_filters=num_filters, min_level=config.min_level, max_level=config.max_level, act_type=config.act_type, repeats=config.box_class_repeats, separable_conv=config.separable_conv, survival_prob=config.survival_prob, grad_checkpoint=config.grad_checkpoint, data_format=config.data_format, ) self.box_net = layers.BoxNet( num_anchors=num_anchors, num_filters=num_filters, min_level=config.min_level, max_level=config.max_level, act_type=config.act_type, repeats=config.box_class_repeats, separable_conv=config.separable_conv, survival_prob=config.survival_prob, grad_checkpoint=config.grad_checkpoint, data_format=config.data_format, )
def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, params, model, variable_filter_fn=None): """Model definition entry. Args: features: the input image tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, 3]. The height and width are fixed and equal. labels: the input labels in a dictionary. The labels include class targets and box targets which are dense label maps. The labels are generated from get_input_fn function in data/ mode: the mode of TPUEstimator including TRAIN, EVAL, and PREDICT. params: the dictionary defines hyperparameters of model. The default settings are in default_hparams function in this file. model: the model outputs class logits and box regression outputs. variable_filter_fn: the filter function that takes trainable_variables and returns the variable list after applying the filter rule. Returns: tpu_spec: the TPUEstimatorSpec to run training, evaluation, or prediction. Raises: RuntimeError: if both ckpt and backbone_ckpt are set. """ utils.image('input_image', features) training_hooks = [] params['is_training_bn'] = (mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) if params['use_keras_model']: def model_fn(inputs): model = efficientdet_keras.EfficientDetNet( config=hparams_config.Config(params)) cls_out_list, box_out_list = model(inputs, params['is_training_bn']) cls_outputs, box_outputs = {}, {} for i in range(params['min_level'], params['max_level'] + 1): cls_outputs[i] = cls_out_list[i - params['min_level']] box_outputs[i] = box_out_list[i - params['min_level']] return cls_outputs, box_outputs else: model_fn = functools.partial(model, config=hparams_config.Config(params)) precision = utils.get_precision(params['strategy'], params['mixed_precision']) cls_outputs, box_outputs = utils.build_model_with_precision( precision, model_fn, features, params['is_training_bn']) levels = cls_outputs.keys() for level in levels: cls_outputs[level] = tf.cast(cls_outputs[level], tf.float32) box_outputs[level] = tf.cast(box_outputs[level], tf.float32) # First check if it is in PREDICT mode. if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: predictions = { 'image': features, } for level in levels: predictions['cls_outputs_%d' % level] = cls_outputs[level] predictions['box_outputs_%d' % level] = box_outputs[level] return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions=predictions) # Set up training loss and learning rate. update_learning_rate_schedule_parameters(params) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate = learning_rate_schedule(params, global_step) # cls_loss and box_loss are for logging. only total_loss is optimized. det_loss, cls_loss, box_loss, box_iou_loss = detection_loss( cls_outputs, box_outputs, labels, params) reg_l2loss = reg_l2_loss(params['weight_decay']) total_loss = det_loss + reg_l2loss if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: utils.scalar('lrn_rate', learning_rate) utils.scalar('trainloss/cls_loss', cls_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/box_loss', box_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/det_loss', det_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/reg_l2_loss', reg_l2loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/loss', total_loss) if params['iou_loss_type']: utils.scalar('trainloss/box_iou_loss', box_iou_loss) train_epochs = tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) / params['steps_per_epoch'] utils.scalar('train_epochs', train_epochs) moving_average_decay = params['moving_average_decay'] if moving_average_decay: ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=moving_average_decay, num_updates=global_step) ema_vars = utils.get_ema_vars() if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: if params['optimizer'].lower() == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=params['momentum']) elif params['optimizer'].lower() == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) else: raise ValueError('optimizers should be adam or sgd') if params['strategy'] == 'tpu': optimizer = tf.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) if params['gradient_checkpointing']: from third_party.grad_checkpoint \ import memory_saving_gradients # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top from tensorflow.python.ops \ import gradients # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top # monkey patch tf.gradients to point to our custom version, # with automatic checkpoint selection def gradients_(ys, xs, grad_ys=None, **kwargs): return memory_saving_gradients.gradients( ys, xs, grad_ys, checkpoints=params['gradient_checkpointing_list'], **kwargs) gradients.__dict__["gradients"] = gradients_ # Batch norm requires update_ops to be added as a train_op dependency. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) var_list = tf.trainable_variables() if variable_filter_fn: var_list = variable_filter_fn(var_list) if params.get('clip_gradients_norm', None):'clip gradients norm by %f', params['clip_gradients_norm']) grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(total_loss, var_list) with tf.name_scope('clip'): grads = [gv[0] for gv in grads_and_vars] tvars = [gv[1] for gv in grads_and_vars] # First clip each variable's norm, then clip global norm. clip_norm = abs(params['clip_gradients_norm']) clipped_grads = [tf.clip_by_norm(g, clip_norm) for g in grads] clipped_grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( clipped_grads, clip_norm) utils.scalar('gradient_norm', tf.linalg.global_norm(clipped_grads)) grads_and_vars = list(zip(clipped_grads, tvars)) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step) else: with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.minimize(total_loss, global_step, var_list=var_list) if moving_average_decay: with tf.control_dependencies([train_op]): train_op = ema.apply(ema_vars) else: train_op = None eval_metrics = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: def metric_fn(**kwargs): """Returns a dictionary that has the evaluation metrics.""" if params['nms_configs'].get('pyfunc', True): detections_bs = [] for index in range(kwargs['boxes'].shape[0]): nms_configs = params['nms_configs'] detections = tf.numpy_function( functools.partial(nms_np.per_class_nms, nms_configs=nms_configs), [ kwargs['boxes'][index], kwargs['scores'][index], kwargs['classes'][index], tf.slice(kwargs['image_ids'], [index], [1]), tf.slice(kwargs['image_scales'], [index], [1]), params['num_classes'], nms_configs['max_output_size'], ], tf.float32) detections_bs.append(detections) detections_bs = postprocess.transform_detections( tf.stack(detections_bs)) else: # These two branches should be equivalent, but currently they are not. # TODO(tanmingxing): enable the non_pyfun path after bug fix. nms_boxes, nms_scores, nms_classes, _ = postprocess.per_class_nms( params, kwargs['boxes'], kwargs['scores'], kwargs['classes'], kwargs['image_scales']) img_ids = tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(kwargs['image_ids'], -1), nms_scores.dtype) detections_bs = [ img_ids * tf.ones_like(nms_scores), nms_boxes[:, :, 1], nms_boxes[:, :, 0], nms_boxes[:, :, 3] - nms_boxes[:, :, 1], nms_boxes[:, :, 2] - nms_boxes[:, :, 0], nms_scores, nms_classes, ] detections_bs = tf.stack(detections_bs, axis=-1, name='detnections') if params.get('testdev_dir', None):'Eval testdev_dir %s', params['testdev_dir']) eval_metric = coco_metric.EvaluationMetric( testdev_dir=params['testdev_dir']) coco_metrics = eval_metric.estimator_metric_fn( detections_bs, tf.zeros([1])) else:'Eval val with groudtruths %s.', params['val_json_file']) eval_metric = coco_metric.EvaluationMetric( filename=params['val_json_file']) coco_metrics = eval_metric.estimator_metric_fn( detections_bs, kwargs['groundtruth_data'], params['label_map']) # Add metrics to output. cls_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['cls_loss_repeat']) box_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['box_loss_repeat']) output_metrics = { 'cls_loss': cls_loss, 'box_loss': box_loss, } output_metrics.update(coco_metrics) return output_metrics cls_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(cls_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) box_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(box_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) cls_outputs = postprocess.to_list(cls_outputs) box_outputs = postprocess.to_list(box_outputs) params['nms_configs']['max_nms_inputs'] = anchors.MAX_DETECTION_POINTS boxes, scores, classes = postprocess.pre_nms(params, cls_outputs, box_outputs) metric_fn_inputs = { 'cls_loss_repeat': cls_loss_repeat, 'box_loss_repeat': box_loss_repeat, 'image_ids': labels['source_ids'], 'groundtruth_data': labels['groundtruth_data'], 'image_scales': labels['image_scales'], 'boxes': boxes, 'scores': scores, 'classes': classes, } eval_metrics = (metric_fn, metric_fn_inputs) checkpoint = params.get('ckpt') or params.get('backbone_ckpt') if checkpoint and mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # Initialize the model from an EfficientDet or backbone checkpoint. if params.get('ckpt') and params.get('backbone_ckpt'): raise RuntimeError( '--backbone_ckpt and --checkpoint are mutually exclusive') if params.get('backbone_ckpt'): var_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' if params['ckpt_var_scope'] is None: # Use backbone name as default checkpoint scope. ckpt_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' else: ckpt_scope = params['ckpt_var_scope'] + '/' else: # Load every var in the given checkpoint var_scope = ckpt_scope = '/' def scaffold_fn(): """Loads pretrained model through scaffold function."""'restore variables from %s', checkpoint) var_map = utils.get_ckpt_var_map( ckpt_path=checkpoint, ckpt_scope=ckpt_scope, var_scope=var_scope, skip_mismatch=params['skip_mismatch']) tf.train.init_from_checkpoint(checkpoint, var_map) return tf.train.Scaffold() elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL and moving_average_decay: def scaffold_fn(): """Load moving average variables for eval."""'Load EMA vars with ema_decay=%f', moving_average_decay) restore_vars_dict = ema.variables_to_restore(ema_vars) saver = tf.train.Saver(restore_vars_dict) return tf.train.Scaffold(saver=saver) else: scaffold_fn = None if params['strategy'] != 'tpu': # Profile every 1K steps. if params.get('profile', False): profile_hook = tf.estimator.ProfilerHook( save_steps=1000, output_dir=params['model_dir'], show_memory=True) training_hooks.append(profile_hook) # Report memory allocation if OOM class OomReportingHook(tf.estimator.SessionRunHook): def before_run(self, run_context): return tf.estimator.SessionRunArgs( fetches=[], options=tf.RunOptions( report_tensor_allocations_upon_oom=True)) training_hooks.append(OomReportingHook()) logging_hook = tf.estimator.LoggingTensorHook( { 'step': global_step, 'det_loss': det_loss, 'cls_loss': cls_loss, 'box_loss': box_loss, }, every_n_iter=params.get('iterations_per_loop', 100), ) training_hooks.append(logging_hook) if params["nvgpu_logging"]: try: from third_party import nvgpu # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top def get_nested_value(d, path): return reduce(dict.get, path, d) def nvgpu_gpu_info(inp): inp = inp.decode("utf-8") inp = inp.split(",") inp = [x.strip() for x in inp] value = get_nested_value(nvgpu.gpu_info(), inp) return np.str(value) def commonsize(inp): const_sizes = { 'B': 1, 'KB': 1e3, 'MB': 1e6, 'GB': 1e9, 'TB': 1e12, 'PB': 1e15, 'KiB': 1024, 'MiB': 1048576, 'GiB': 1073741824 } inp = inp.split(" ") # convert all to MiB if inp[1] != 'MiB': inp_ = float( inp[0]) * (const_sizes[inp[1]] / 1048576.0) else: inp_ = float(inp[0]) return inp_ def formatter_log(tensors): """Format the output.""" mem_used = tensors["memory used"].decode("utf-8") mem_total = tensors["memory total"].decode("utf-8") mem_util = commonsize(mem_used) / commonsize(mem_total) logstring = "GPU memory used: {} = {:.1%} of total GPU memory: {}".format( mem_used, mem_util, mem_total) return logstring mem_used = tf.py_func(nvgpu_gpu_info, ['gpu, fb_memory_usage, used'], [tf.string])[0] mem_total = tf.py_func(nvgpu_gpu_info, ['gpu, fb_memory_usage, total'], [tf.string])[0] logging_hook3 = tf.estimator.LoggingTensorHook( tensors={ "memory used": mem_used, "memory total": mem_total, }, every_n_iter=params.get('iterations_per_loop', 100), formatter=formatter_log, ) training_hooks.append(logging_hook3) except: logging.error("nvgpu error: nvidia-smi format not recognized") if params['strategy'] == 'tpu': return tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metrics=eval_metrics, host_call=utils.get_tpu_host_call(global_step, params), scaffold_fn=scaffold_fn, training_hooks=training_hooks) else: eval_metric_ops = eval_metrics[0]( **eval_metrics[1]) if eval_metrics else None utils.get_tpu_host_call(global_step, params) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops, scaffold=scaffold_fn(), training_hooks=training_hooks)
def build_feature_network(features, config): """Build FPN input features. Args: features: input tensor. config: a dict-like config, including all parameters. Returns: A dict from levels to the feature maps processed after feature network. """ feat_sizes = utils.get_feat_sizes(config.image_size, config.max_level) feats = [] if config.min_level not in features.keys(): raise ValueError('features.keys ({}) should include min_level ({})'.format( features.keys(), config.min_level)) # Build additional input features that are not from backbone. for level in range(config.min_level, config.max_level + 1): if level in features.keys(): feats.append(features[level]) else: h_id, w_id = (2, 3) if config.data_format == 'channels_first' else (1, 2) # Adds a coarser level by downsampling the last feature map. feats.append( resample_feature_map( feats[-1], name='p%d' % level, target_height=(feats[-1].shape[h_id] - 1) // 2 + 1, target_width=(feats[-1].shape[w_id] - 1) // 2 + 1, target_num_channels=config.fpn_num_filters, apply_bn=config.apply_bn_for_resampling, is_training=config.is_training_bn, conv_after_downsample=config.conv_after_downsample, use_native_resize_op=config.use_native_resize_op, pooling_type=config.pooling_type, use_tpu=config.use_tpu, data_format=config.data_format )) _verify_feats_size( feats, feat_sizes=feat_sizes, min_level=config.min_level, max_level=config.max_level, data_format=config.data_format) with tf.variable_scope('fpn_cells'): nodes = list() id = count(5) ends = { '3': list(), '4': list(), '5': list(), '6': list(), '7': list() } for _ in range(config.fpn_cell_repeats): build_fpn(nodes,ends,id) connect_fpn(nodes,ends) p = hparams_config.Config() p.nodes =nodes p.weight_method = 'fastattn' new_feats = build_bifpn_layer(feats, feat_sizes, config,p) feats = [new_feats[level] for level in range(config.min_level, config.max_level + 1)] _verify_feats_size( feats, feat_sizes=feat_sizes, min_level=config.min_level, max_level=config.max_level, data_format=config.data_format) return new_feats
def test_config_override_list(self): c = hparams_config.Config({'x': [1.0, 2.0]}) self.assertEqual(c.as_dict(), {'x': [1.0, 2.0]}) c.override('x=3.0*4.0*5.0') self.assertEqual(c.as_dict(), {'x': [3.0, 4.0, 5.0]})
def bifpn_dynamic_config(min_level, max_level, weight_method): """A dynamic bifpn config that can adapt to different min/max levels.""" p = hparams_config.Config() p.weight_method = weight_method or 'fastattn' # Node id starts from the input features and monotonically increase whenever # a new node is added. Here is an example for level P3 - P7: # P7 (4) P7" (12) # P6 (3) P6' (5) P6" (11) # P5 (2) P5' (6) P5" (10) # P4 (1) P4' (7) P4" (9) # P3 (0) P3" (8) # So output would be like: # [ # {'feat_level': 6, 'inputs_offsets': [3, 4]}, # for P6' # {'feat_level': 5, 'inputs_offsets': [2, 5]}, # for P5' # {'feat_level': 4, 'inputs_offsets': [1, 6]}, # for P4' # {'feat_level': 3, 'inputs_offsets': [0, 7]}, # for P3" # {'feat_level': 4, 'inputs_offsets': [1, 7, 8]}, # for P4" # {'feat_level': 5, 'inputs_offsets': [2, 6, 9]}, # for P5" # {'feat_level': 6, 'inputs_offsets': [3, 5, 10]}, # for P6" # {'feat_level': 7, 'inputs_offsets': [4, 11]}, # for P7" # ] num_levels = max_level - min_level + 1 node_ids = {min_level + i: [i] for i in range(num_levels)} level_last_id = lambda level: node_ids[level][-1] level_all_ids = lambda level: node_ids[level] level_first_id = lambda level: node_ids[level][0] id_cnt = itertools.count(num_levels) p.nodes = [] for i in range(max_level - 1, min_level - 1, -1): # top-down path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [level_last_id(i), level_last_id(i + 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[max_level].append(node_ids[max_level][-1]) for i in range(min_level + 1, max_level): # bottom-up path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': level_all_ids(i) + [level_last_id(i - 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) i=max_level p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [level_first_id(i)] + [level_last_id(i - 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[min_level].append(node_ids[min_level][-1]) ############# QuadFPN Config ############# for i in range(min_level + 1, max_level + 1, 1): # down-top path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [level_first_id(i), level_last_id(i - 1) if i != min_level+1 else level_first_id(i - 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[min_level].append(node_ids[min_level][-1]) for i in range(max_level -1, min_level , -1): # up-bottom path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [node_ids[i][0]] + [node_ids[i][-1]] + [level_last_id(i + 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) i=min_level p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets': [node_ids[i][0]] + [level_last_id(i + 1)] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) node_ids[max_level].append(node_ids[max_level][-1]) for i in range(max_level, min_level - 1, -1): # quad-add path. p.nodes.append({ 'feat_level': i, 'inputs_offsets':[node_ids[i][2], node_ids[i][4]] }) node_ids[i].append(next(id_cnt)) return p