Example #1
    def _handle_str_contains(self, assign, lhs, rhs, fname):

        if fname == 'str_contains_regex':
            comp_func = 'hpat.str_ext.contains_regex'
        elif fname == 'str_contains_noregex':
            comp_func = 'hpat.str_ext.contains_noregex'
            assert False

        str_arr = rhs.args[0]
        pat = rhs.args[1]
        func_text = 'def f(str_arr, pat):\n'
        func_text += '  l = len(str_arr)\n'
        func_text += '  S = np.empty(l, dtype=np.bool_)\n'
        func_text += '  for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(l):\n'
        func_text += '    S[i] = {}(str_arr[i], pat)\n'.format(comp_func)
        loc_vars = {}
        exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars)
        f = loc_vars['f']
        f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
            f, {
                'numba': numba,
                'np': np,
                'hpat': hpat
            }, self.typingctx,
             if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[pat.name])), self.typemap,
        replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())], [str_arr, pat])
        # replace call with result of parfor (S)
        # S is target of last statement in 1st block of f
        assign.value = f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())].body[-2].target
        return (f_blocks, [assign])
Example #2
 def _handle_df_col_filter(self, lhs_name, rhs, assign):
     # find df['col2'] = df['col1'][arr]
     # since columns should have the same size, output is filled with NaNs
     # TODO: check for float, make sure col1 and col2 are in the same df
     if (rhs.op == 'getitem' and rhs.value.name in self.df_cols
             and lhs_name in self.df_cols
             and self.is_bool_arr(rhs.index.name)):
         lhs = assign.target
         in_arr = rhs.value
         index_var = rhs.index
         f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
             _column_filter_impl_float, {
                 'numba': numba,
                 'np': np
             }, self.typingctx,
                  self.typemap[in_arr.name]), self.typemap[index_var.name]),
             self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
         first_block = min(f_blocks.keys())
         replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [lhs, in_arr, index_var])
         alloc_nodes = gen_np_call('empty_like', np.empty_like, lhs,
                                   [in_arr], self.typingctx, self.typemap,
         f_blocks[first_block].body = alloc_nodes + \
         return f_blocks
Example #3
    def _run_pd_DatetimeIndex(self, assign, lhs, rhs):
        """transform pd.DatetimeIndex() call with string array argument
        kws = dict(rhs.kws)
        if 'data' in kws:
            data = kws['data']
            if len(rhs.args) != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError(
                    "only data argument suppoted in pd.DatetimeIndex()")
            if len(rhs.args) != 1:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError(
                    "data argument in pd.DatetimeIndex() expected")
            data = rhs.args[0]

        def f(str_arr):
            n = len(str_arr)
            S = numba.unsafe.ndarray.empty_inferred((n, ))
            for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(n):
                S[i] = hpat.pd_timestamp_ext.parse_datetime_str(str_arr[i])
            ret = S

        f_ir = compile_to_numba_ir(
            f, {
                'hpat': hpat,
                'numba': numba
            }, self.typingctx,
            (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[data.name]), ), self.typemap,
        topo_order = find_topo_order(f_ir.blocks)
        f_ir.blocks[topo_order[-1]].body[-4].target = lhs
        replace_arg_nodes(f_ir.blocks[topo_order[0]], [data])
        return f_ir.blocks
Example #4
    def _handle_empty_like(self, assign, lhs, rhs):
        # B = empty_like(A) -> B = empty(len(A), dtype)
        in_arr = rhs.args[0]

        if self.typemap[in_arr.name].ndim == 1:
            # generate simpler len() for 1D case
            def f(_in_arr):  # pragma: no cover
                _alloc_size = len(_in_arr)
                _out_arr = np.empty(_alloc_size, _in_arr.dtype)

            def f(_in_arr):  # pragma: no cover
                _alloc_size = _in_arr.shape
                _out_arr = np.empty(_alloc_size, _in_arr.dtype)

        f_block = compile_to_numba_ir(
            f, {
                'np': np
            }, self.typingctx,
            (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
            self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks.popitem()[1]
        replace_arg_nodes(f_block, [in_arr])
        nodes = f_block.body[:-3]  # remove none return
        nodes[-1].target = assign.target
        return nodes
Example #5
    def _handle_string_array_expr(self, lhs, rhs, assign):
        # convert str_arr==str into parfor
        if (rhs.op == 'binop' and rhs.fn in ['==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<=', '<']
                and (is_str_arr_typ(self.typemap[rhs.lhs.name])
                     or is_str_arr_typ(self.typemap[rhs.rhs.name]))):
            arg1 = rhs.lhs
            arg2 = rhs.rhs
            arg1_access = 'A'
            arg2_access = 'B'
            len_call = 'len(A)'
            if is_str_arr_typ(self.typemap[arg1.name]):
                arg1_access = 'A[i]'
                # replace type now for correct typing of len, etc.
                self.typemap[arg1.name] = string_array_type

            if is_str_arr_typ(self.typemap[arg2.name]):
                arg1_access = 'B[i]'
                len_call = 'len(B)'
                self.typemap[arg2.name] = string_array_type

            func_text = 'def f(A, B):\n'
            func_text += '  l = {}\n'.format(len_call)
            func_text += '  S = np.empty(l, dtype=np.bool_)\n'
            func_text += '  for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(l):\n'
            func_text += '    S[i] = {} {} {}\n'.format(
                arg1_access, rhs.fn, arg2_access)

            loc_vars = {}
            exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars)
            f = loc_vars['f']
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                f, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np
                }, self.typingctx,
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())], [arg1, arg2])
            # replace == expression with result of parfor (S)
            # S is target of last statement in 1st block of f
            assign.value = f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())].body[-2].target
            return (f_blocks, [assign])

        return None
Example #6
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) % 2 == 0, "name and column pairs expected"
     col_names = [a.literal_value for a in args[:len(args)//2]]
     arr_types =  [if_series_to_array_type(a) for a in args[len(args)//2:]]
     # XXX index handling, assuming implicit index
     assert "Index" not in col_names[0]
     col_names = ['Index'] + col_names
     arr_types = [types.Array(types.int64, 1, 'C')] + arr_types
     iter_typ = DataFrameTupleIterator(col_names, arr_types)
     return signature(iter_typ, *args)
Example #7
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        assert not kws
        assert len(args) == 1
        arr_list = args[0]
        if (isinstance(arr_list, types.UniTuple)
                and is_str_arr_typ(arr_list.dtype)):
            ret_typ = string_array_type
            # use typer of np.concatenate
            arr_list_to_arr = if_series_to_array_type(arr_list)
            ret_typ = numba.typing.npydecl.NdConcatenate(self.context).generic()(arr_list_to_arr)

        return signature(ret_typ, arr_list)
Example #8
    def _handle_dt_index_binop(self, lhs, rhs, assign):
        arg1, arg2 = rhs.lhs, rhs.rhs
        allowed_types = (dt_index_series_type, string_type)

        if (self.typemap[arg1.name] not in allowed_types
                or self.typemap[arg2.name] not in allowed_types):
            raise ValueError("DatetimeIndex operation not supported")

        func_text = 'def f(arg1, arg2):\n'
        if self.typemap[arg1.name] == dt_index_series_type:
            func_text += '  dt_index, _str = arg1, arg2\n'
            comp = 'dt_index[i] {} other'.format(rhs.fn)
            func_text += '  dt_index, _str = arg2, arg1\n'
            comp = 'other {} dt_index[i]'.format(rhs.fn)
        func_text += '  l = len(dt_index)\n'
        func_text += '  other = hpat.pd_timestamp_ext.parse_datetime_str(_str)\n'
        func_text += '  S = numba.unsafe.ndarray.empty_inferred((l,))\n'
        func_text += '  for i in numba.parfor.internal_prange(l):\n'
        func_text += '    S[i] = {}\n'.format(comp)
        loc_vars = {}
        exec(func_text, {}, loc_vars)
        f = loc_vars['f']
        # print(func_text)
        f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(f, {
            'numba': numba,
            'np': np,
            'hpat': hpat
        }, self.typingctx, (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[arg1.name]),
                                       self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
        replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())], [arg1, arg2])
        # replace == expression with result of parfor (S)
        # S is target of last statement in 1st block of f
        assign.value = f_blocks[min(f_blocks.keys())].body[-2].target
        return (f_blocks, [assign])
Example #9
    def _run_call_hiframes(self, assign, lhs, rhs, func_name):
        if func_name in ('to_series_type', 'to_arr_from_series'):
            assign.value = rhs.args[0]
            return [assign]

        if func_name in ('str_contains_regex', 'str_contains_noregex'):
            return self._handle_str_contains(assign, lhs, rhs, func_name)

        # arr = fix_df_array(col) -> arr=col if col is array
        if (func_name == 'fix_df_array'
                and isinstance(self.typemap[rhs.args[0].name],
                               (types.Array, StringArrayType))):
            assign.value = rhs.args[0]
            return [assign]

        # arr = fix_rolling_array(col) -> arr=col if col is float array
        if func_name == 'fix_rolling_array':
            in_arr = rhs.args[0]
            if isinstance(self.typemap[in_arr.name].dtype, types.Float):
                assign.value = rhs.args[0]
                return [assign]

                def f(column):  # pragma: no cover
                    a = column.astype(np.float64)

                f_block = compile_to_numba_ir(
                    f, {
                        'hpat': hpat,
                        'np': np
                    }, self.typingctx,
                    (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
                    self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks.popitem()[1]
                replace_arg_nodes(f_block, [in_arr])
                nodes = f_block.body[:-3]
                nodes[-1].target = assign.target
                return nodes

        return self._handle_df_col_calls(assign, lhs, rhs, func_name)
Example #10
    def _handle_df_col_calls(self, assign, lhs, rhs, func_name):

        if func_name == 'count':
            in_arr = rhs.args[0]
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                _column_count_impl, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np,
                    'hpat': hpat
                }, self.typingctx,
                (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            topo_order = find_topo_order(f_blocks)
            first_block = topo_order[0]
            last_block = topo_order[-1]
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [in_arr])
            # assign results to lhs output
            f_blocks[last_block].body[-3].target = assign.target
            return f_blocks

        if func_name == 'fillna':
            out_arr = rhs.args[0]
            in_arr = rhs.args[1]
            val = rhs.args[2]
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                _column_fillna_impl, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np
                }, self.typingctx,
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            first_block = min(f_blocks.keys())
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [out_arr, in_arr, val])
            return f_blocks

        if func_name == 'column_sum':
            in_arr = rhs.args[0]
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                _column_sum_impl, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np,
                    'hpat': hpat
                }, self.typingctx,
                (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            topo_order = find_topo_order(f_blocks)
            first_block = topo_order[0]
            last_block = topo_order[-1]
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [in_arr])
            # assign results to lhs output
            f_blocks[last_block].body[-3].target = assign.target
            return f_blocks

        if func_name == 'mean':
            in_arr = rhs.args[0]
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                _column_mean_impl, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np,
                    'hpat': hpat
                }, self.typingctx,
                (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            topo_order = find_topo_order(f_blocks)
            first_block = topo_order[0]
            last_block = topo_order[-1]
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [in_arr])
            # assign results to lhs output
            f_blocks[last_block].body[-3].target = assign.target
            return f_blocks

        if func_name == 'var':
            in_arr = rhs.args[0]
            f_blocks = compile_to_numba_ir(
                _column_var_impl, {
                    'numba': numba,
                    'np': np,
                    'hpat': hpat
                }, self.typingctx,
                (if_series_to_array_type(self.typemap[in_arr.name]), ),
                self.typemap, self.calltypes).blocks
            topo_order = find_topo_order(f_blocks)
            first_block = topo_order[0]
            last_block = topo_order[-1]
            replace_arg_nodes(f_blocks[first_block], [in_arr])
            # assign results to lhs output
            f_blocks[last_block].body[-3].target = assign.target
            return f_blocks

        return [assign]
Example #11
    def run(self):
        blocks = self.func_ir.blocks
        topo_order = find_topo_order(blocks)
        for label in topo_order:
            new_body = []
            for inst in blocks[label].body:
                if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
                    out_nodes = self._run_assign(inst)
                    if isinstance(out_nodes, list):
                    if isinstance(out_nodes, dict):
                        label = include_new_blocks(blocks, out_nodes, label,
                        new_body = []
                    if isinstance(out_nodes, tuple):
                        gen_blocks, post_nodes = out_nodes
                        label = include_new_blocks(blocks, gen_blocks, label,
                        new_body = post_nodes
            blocks[label].body = new_body

        if debug_prints():  # pragma: no cover
            print("--- types before Series replacement:", self.typemap)
            print("calltypes: ", self.calltypes)

        replace_series = {}
        for vname, typ in self.typemap.items():
            if isinstance(typ, SeriesType):
                # print("replacing series type", vname)
                new_typ = series_to_array_type(typ)
                replace_series[vname] = new_typ
            # replace array.call() variable types
            if isinstance(typ, types.BoundFunction) and isinstance(
                    typ.this, SeriesType):
                this = series_to_array_type(typ.this)
                # TODO: handle string arrays, etc.
                assert typ.typing_key.startswith('array.')
                attr = typ.typing_key[len('array.'):]
                resolver = getattr(ArrayAttribute, 'resolve_' + attr)
                # methods are either installed with install_array_method or
                # using @bound_function in arraydecl.py
                if hasattr(resolver, '__wrapped__'):
                    resolver = bound_function(typ.typing_key)(
                new_typ = resolver(ArrayAttribute(self.typingctx), this)
                replace_series[vname] = new_typ

        for vname, typ in replace_series.items():
            self.typemap[vname] = typ

        replace_calltype = {}
        # replace sig of getitem/setitem/... series type with array
        for call, sig in self.calltypes.items():
            if sig is None:
            assert isinstance(sig, Signature)
            sig.return_type = if_series_to_array_type(sig.return_type)
            sig.args = tuple(map(if_series_to_array_type, sig.args))
            # XXX: side effect: force update of call signatures
            if isinstance(call, ir.Expr) and call.op == 'call':
                # StencilFunc requires kws for typing so sig.args can't be used
                # reusing sig.args since some types become Const in sig
                argtyps = sig.args[:len(call.args)]
                kwtyps = {name: self.typemap[v.name] for name, v in call.kws}

                new_sig = self.typemap[call.func.name].get_call_type(
                    self.typingctx, argtyps, kwtyps)
                # calltypes of things like BoundFunction (array.call) need to
                # be update for lowering to work
                # XXX: new_sig could be None for things like np.int32()
                if call in self.calltypes and new_sig is not None:
                    old_sig = self.calltypes[call]
                    # fix types with undefined dtypes in empty_inferred, etc.
                    return_type = _fix_typ_undefs(new_sig.return_type,
                    args = tuple(
                        _fix_typ_undefs(a, b)
                        for a, b in zip(new_sig.args, old_sig.args))
                    replace_calltype[call] = Signature(return_type, args,

        for call, sig in replace_calltype.items():
            self.calltypes[call] = sig

        if debug_prints():  # pragma: no cover
            print("--- types after Series replacement:", self.typemap)
            print("calltypes: ", self.calltypes)

        self.func_ir._definitions = get_definitions(self.func_ir.blocks)
        return if_series_to_unbox(self.return_type)
Example #12
    def _run_assign(self, assign):
        lhs = assign.target.name
        rhs = assign.value

        if isinstance(rhs, ir.Expr):
            # arr = S.values
            if (rhs.op == 'getattr'
                    and isinstance(self.typemap[rhs.value.name], SeriesType)
                    and rhs.attr == 'values'):
                # simply return the column
                assign.value = rhs.value
                return [assign]

            res = self._handle_string_array_expr(lhs, rhs, assign)
            if res is not None:
                return res

            res = self._handle_df_col_filter(lhs, rhs, assign)
            if res is not None:
                return res

            # replace getitems on dt_index/dt64 series with Timestamp function
            if (rhs.op in ['getitem', 'static_getitem']
                    and self.typemap[rhs.value.name] == dt_index_series_type):
                if rhs.op == 'getitem':
                    ind_var = rhs.index
                    ind_var = rhs.index_var

                in_arr = rhs.value

                def f(_in_arr, _ind):
                    dt = _in_arr[_ind]
                    s = np.int64(dt)
                    res = hpat.pd_timestamp_ext.convert_datetime64_to_timestamp(

                assert self.typemap[ind_var.name] == types.intp
                f_block = compile_to_numba_ir(
                    f, {
                        'numba': numba,
                        'np': np,
                        'hpat': hpat
                    }, self.typingctx, (if_series_to_array_type(
                        self.typemap[in_arr.name]), types.intp), self.typemap,
                replace_arg_nodes(f_block, [in_arr, ind_var])
                nodes = f_block.body[:-3]  # remove none return
                nodes[-1].target = assign.target
                return nodes

            if rhs.op == 'call':

                fdef = guard(find_callname, self.func_ir, rhs)
                if fdef is None:
                    # could be make_function from list comprehension which is ok
                    func_def = guard(get_definition, self.func_ir, rhs.func)
                    if isinstance(func_def,
                                  ir.Expr) and func_def.op == 'make_function':
                        return [assign]
                        "function call couldn't be found for initial analysis")
                    return [assign]
                    func_name, func_mod = fdef

                if fdef == ('DatetimeIndex', 'pandas'):
                    return self._run_pd_DatetimeIndex(assign, assign.target,

                if func_mod == 'hpat.hiframes_api':
                    return self._run_call_hiframes(assign, assign.target, rhs,

                if fdef == ('empty_like', 'numpy'):
                    return self._handle_empty_like(assign, lhs, rhs)

            if self._is_dt_index_binop(rhs):
                return self._handle_dt_index_binop(lhs, rhs, assign)

        return [assign]
Example #13
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     arr = if_series_to_array_type(args[0], True)
     return signature(arr, *args)
Example #14
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     assert not kws
     assert len(args) == 1
     arr = args[0]
     return signature(if_series_to_array_type(arr), arr)