def invoke(self, name, args=(), callback=None, onerror=None, byref=False, resultMode=HproseResultMode.Normal, simple=None): if simple == None: simple = self.simple if callback == None: return self.__invoke(name, args, byref, resultMode, simple) else: if isinstance(callback, str): callback = getattr(modules['__main__'], callback, None) if not hasattr(callback, '__call__'): raise HproseException("callback must be callable") if onerror == None: onerror = self.onError if onerror != None: if isinstance(onerror, str): onerror = getattr(modules['__main__'], onerror, None) if not hasattr(onerror, '__call__'): raise HproseException("onerror must be callable") threading.Thread(target=_AsyncInvoke(self.__invoke, name, args, callback, onerror, byref, resultMode, simple)).start()
def add(self, *args): args_num = len(args) if args_num == 1: if isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): self.addFunctions(args[0]) elif isinstance(args[0], type): self.addClassMethods(args[0]) self.addStaticMethods(args[0]) elif hasattr(args[0], '__call__'): self.addFunction(args[0]) else: self.addInstanceMethods(args[0]) elif args_num == 2: if isinstance(args[0], type): if isinstance(args[1], type): self.addClassMethods(args[0], args[1]) else: self.addClassMethods(args[0], args[0], args[1]) self.addStaticMethods(args[0], args[1]) elif isinstance(args[0], str): if isinstance(args[1], str): self.addFunction(args[0], args[1]) else: self.addMethod(args[0], args[1]) elif isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): if isinstance(args[1], (tuple, list)): self.addFunctions(args[0], args[1]) else: self.addMethods(args[0], args[1]) elif hasattr(args[0], '__call__') and isinstance(args[1], str): self.addFunction(args[0], args[1]) elif isinstance(args[1], str): self.addInstanceMethods(args[0], None, args[1]) else: self.addInstanceMethods(args[0], args[1]) elif args_num == 3: if isinstance(args[0], str) and isinstance(args[2], str): if args[1] == None: self.addFunction(args[0], args[2]) else: self.addMethod(args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif isinstance(args[0], (tuple, list)): if isinstance(args[2], (tuple, list)) and args[1] == None: self.addFunctions(args[0], args[2]) else: self.addMethods(args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif isinstance(args[1], type) and isinstance(args[2], str): if isinstance(args[0], type): self.addClassMethods(args[0], args[1], args[2]) else: self.addInstanceMethods(args[0], args[1], args[2]) elif hasattr(args[0], '__call__') and args[1] == None and isinstance( args[2], str): self.addFunction(args[0], args[2]) else: raise HproseException('Wrong arguments') else: raise HproseException('Wrong arguments')
def unexpectedTag(self, tag, expectTags=None): if tag == b'': raise HproseException('No byte found in stream') elif expectTags == None: raise HproseException("Unexpected serialize tag '%s' in stream" % str(tag, 'utf-8')) else: raise HproseException( "Tag '%s' expected, but '%s' found in stream" % (str(expectTags, 'utf-8'), str(tag, 'utf-8')))
def _sendAndReceive(self, data): header = {'Content-Type': 'application/hprose'} header['Host'] = self.__host if (self.__port != 80): header['Host'] += ':' + str(self.__port) cookie = _getCookie(self.__host, self.__path, self.__scheme == 'https') if cookie != '': header['Cookie'] = cookie if self.keepAlive: header['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' header['Keep-Alive'] = str(self.keepAliveTimeout) else: header['Connection'] = 'close' for name in self.__header: header[name] = self.__header[name] httpclient = self.__getconn() if self.__proxy == None: path = urllib.parse.urlunsplit( ('', '', self.__path, self.__query, self.__fragment)) else: path = self._uri httpclient.request('POST', path, data, header) resp = httpclient.getresponse() if resp.status == 200: cookieList = resp.getheader('set-cookie', '').split(',') cookieList.extend(resp.getheader('set-cookie2', '').split(',')) _setCookie(cookieList, self.__host) data = if not self.keepAlive: httpclient.close() return data else: if not self.keepAlive: httpclient.close() raise HproseException('%d:%s' % (resp.status, resp.reason))
def serialize(self, v): if v == None: self.writeNull() elif isinstance(v, bool): self.writeBoolean(v) elif isinstance(v, int): self.writeInteger(v) elif isinstance(v, float): self.writeDouble(v) elif isinstance(v, decimal.Decimal): self.writeDouble(v) elif isinstance(v, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): self.writeBytesWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, str): if v == '': self.writeEmpty() elif len(v) == 1: self.writeUTF8Char(v) else: self.writeStringWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, UUID): self.writeGuidWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): self.writeListWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, (dict_items, dict_keys, dict_values)): self.writeViewWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, dict): self.writeMapWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, (datetime.datetime, self.writeDateWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, datetime.time): self.writeTimeWithRef(v) elif isinstance(v, object): self.writeObjectWithRef(v) else: raise HproseException('Not support to serialize this data')
def __doInput(self, data, args, resultMode): for _filter in reversed(self.__filters): data = _filter.inputFilter(data, self) if data == None or len(data) == 0 or data[len(data) - 1:] != HproseTags.TagEnd: raise HproseException("Wrong Response: \r\n%s" % str(data, 'utf-8')) if resultMode == HproseResultMode.RawWithEndTag: return data if resultMode == HproseResultMode.Raw: return data[:-1] stream = BytesIO(data) reader = HproseReader(stream) result = None try: error = None while True: tag = if tag == HproseTags.TagEnd: break elif tag == HproseTags.TagResult: if resultMode == HproseResultMode.Normal: reader.reset() result = reader.unserialize() else: s = reader.readRaw() result = s.getvalue() s.close() elif tag == HproseTags.TagArgument: reader.reset() a = reader.readList() if isinstance(args, list): for i in range(len(args)): args[i] = a[i] elif tag == HproseTags.TagError: reader.reset() error = reader.readString() else: raise HproseException("Wrong Response: \r\n%s" % str(data, 'utf-8')) if error != None: raise HproseException(error) finally: stream.close() return result
def addFunctions(self, functions, aliases=None, resultMode=HproseResultMode.Normal, simple=None): aliases_is_null = (aliases == None) if not isinstance(functions, (list, tuple)): raise HproseException('Argument functions is not a list or tuple') count = len(functions) if not aliases_is_null and count != len(aliases): raise HproseException( 'The count of functions is not matched with aliases') for i in range(count): function = functions[i] if aliases_is_null: self.addFunction(function, None, resultMode, simple) else: self.addFunction(function, aliases[i], resultMode, simple)
def addFunction(self, function, alias=None, resultMode=HproseResultMode.Normal, simple=None): if isinstance(function, str): function = getattr(modules['__main__'], function, None) if not hasattr(function, '__call__'): raise HproseException('Argument function is not callable') if alias == None: alias = function.__name__ if isinstance(alias, str): aliasname = alias.lower() self.__functions[aliasname] = function self.__funcNames[aliasname] = alias self.__resultMode[aliasname] = resultMode self.__simpleMode[aliasname] = simple else: raise HproseException('Argument alias is not a string')
def __readUTF8CharWithoutTag(self): s = [] c = s.append(c) a = ord(c) if (a & 0xE0) == 0xC0: s.append( elif (a & 0xF0) == 0xE0: s.append( elif a > 0x7F: raise HproseException('Bad utf-8 encoding') return str(b''.join(s), 'utf-8')
def __readUTF8CharRaw(self, ostream): s = [] c = s.append(c) a = ord(c) if (a & 0xE0) == 0xC0: s.append( elif (a & 0xF0) == 0xE0: s.append( elif a > 0x7F: raise HproseException('Bad utf-8 encoding') ostream.write(b''.join(s))
def _doInvoke(self, istream, context): simpleReader = HproseReader(istream, True) tag = HproseTags.TagCall while tag == HproseTags.TagCall: name = simpleReader.readString() aliasname = name.lower() args = [] byref = False tag = simpleReader.checkTags( (HproseTags.TagList, HproseTags.TagEnd, HproseTags.TagCall)) if tag == HproseTags.TagList: reader = HproseReader(istream) args = reader.readListWithoutTag() tag = reader.checkTags((HproseTags.TagTrue, HproseTags.TagEnd, HproseTags.TagCall)) if (tag == HproseTags.TagTrue): byref = True tag = reader.checkTags( (HproseTags.TagEnd, HproseTags.TagCall)) self._fireBeforeInvokeEvent(name, args, byref, context) if aliasname in self.__functions: function = self.__functions[aliasname] resultMode = self.__resultMode[aliasname] simple = self.__simpleMode[aliasname] result = function(*self._fixArgs(args, function, context)) elif '*' in self.__functions: function = self.__functions['*'] resultMode = self.__resultMode['*'] simple = self.__simpleMode['*'] result = function(name, args) else: raise HproseException("Can't find this function %s()." % name) self._fireAfterInvokeEvent(name, args, byref, result, context) ostream = BytesIO() if resultMode == HproseResultMode.RawWithEndTag: return self.__outputFilter(result, context) if resultMode == HproseResultMode.Raw: ostream.write(result) else: ostream.write(HproseTags.TagResult) if resultMode == HproseResultMode.Serialized: ostream.write(result) else: if simple == None: simple = self.simple writer = HproseWriter(ostream, simple) writer.serialize(result) if byref: ostream.write(HproseTags.TagArgument) writer.reset() writer.writeList(args) ostream.write(HproseTags.TagEnd) return self._responseEnd(ostream, context)
def addMethods(self, methods, belongto, aliases=None, resultMode=HproseResultMode.Normal, simple=None): aliases_is_null = (aliases == None) if not isinstance(methods, (list, tuple)): raise HproseException('Argument methods is not a list or tuple') if isinstance(aliases, str): aliasPrefix = aliases aliases = [aliasPrefix + '_' + name for name in methods] count = len(methods) if not aliases_is_null and count != len(aliases): raise HproseException( 'The count of methods is not matched with aliases') for i in range(count): method = methods[i] function = getattr(belongto, method, None) if aliases_is_null: self.addFunction(function, method, resultMode, simple) else: self.addFunction(function, aliases[i], resultMode, simple)
def _handle(self, data, context): istream = None try: data = self.__inputFilter(data, context) if data == None or data == b'' or data[len(data) - 1:] != HproseTags.TagEnd: raise HproseException("Wrong Request: \r\n%s" % str(data, 'utf-8')) istream = BytesIO(data) tag = if tag == HproseTags.TagCall: return self._doInvoke(istream, context) elif tag == HproseTags.TagEnd: return self._doFunctionList(context) else: raise HproseException("Wrong Request: \r\n%s" % str(data, 'utf-8')) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception as e: return self._doError(e, context) finally: if istream != None: istream.close()
def unserialize(self): tag = if b'0' <= tag <= b'9': return int(tag, 10) if (tag == HproseTags.TagInteger or tag == HproseTags.TagLong): return self.__readIntegerWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagDouble: return self.__readDoubleWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagNull: return None if tag == HproseTags.TagEmpty: return '' if tag == HproseTags.TagTrue: return True if tag == HproseTags.TagFalse: return False if tag == HproseTags.TagNaN: return NaN if tag == HproseTags.TagInfinity: return self.__readInfinityWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagDate: return self.readDateWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagTime: return self.readTimeWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagBytes: return self.readBytesWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagUTF8Char: return self.__readUTF8CharWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagString: return self.readStringWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagGuid: return self.readGuidWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagList: return self.readListWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagMap: return self.readMapWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagClass: self.__readClass() return self.readObject() if tag == HproseTags.TagObject: return self.readObjectWithoutTag() if tag == HproseTags.TagRef: return self.__readRef() if tag == HproseTags.TagError: raise HproseException(self.readString()) self.unexpectedTag(tag)
def read(self, index): raise HproseException("Unexpected serialize tag '%s' in stream" % str(HproseTags.TagRef, 'utf-8'))