def __init__(self): super(hQExecServerRequestProcessor, self).__init__() self.commands["RUN"] = hQCommand( name="run", regExp="^run:(.*)", arguments=["job_id"], help="message from hq-server to run job", fct=self.process_run, )
def __init__( self ): ############ # define commands ############ self.commands = {} # {<COMMAND>: hQCommand, ...} self.commands["HELP"] = hQCommand( name = "help", regExp = "^help$", help = "return help", fct = self.process_help ) self.commands["PING"] = hQCommand( name = "ping", regExp = '^ping$', help = "return 'pong'", fct = self.process_ping ) self.commands["INFO"] = hQCommand( name = "info", regExp = "^info$", help = "return some information about server", fct = self.process_details ) self.commands["STATUS"] = hQCommand( name = "status", regExp = "^status$", help = "print status of server", fct = self.process_status ) self.commands["SHUTDOWN"] = hQCommand( name = "shutdown", regExp = "^shutdown$", help = "shutdown server", fct = self.process_shutdown ) self.commands["LSTHREADS"] = hQCommand( name = "lsthreads", regExp = "^lsthreads$", help = "return list of active threads with [start time] [thread id] [thread name] [shorted command]", fct = self.process_lsthreads ) self.commands["LSTHREAD"] = hQCommand( name = "lsthread", regExp = "^lsthread:(.*)", arguments = ['thread_id'], help = "return details of thread with specified id (see lsthread)", fct = self.process_lsthread ) self.commands["LSLOGGER"] = hQCommand( name = "lslogger", regExp = "^lslogger$", help = "return logger setting", fct = self.process_lslogger ) self.commands["ACTIVATELOGGER"] = hQCommand( name = "activatelogger", regExp = "^activatelogger:(.*)", arguments = ["logger"], help = "activate logger", fct = self.process_activatelogger ) self.commands["DEACTIVATELOGGER"] = hQCommand( name = "deactivatelogger", regExp = "^deactivatelogger:(.*)", arguments = ["logger"], help = "deactivate logger", fct = self.process_deactivatelogger ) self.commands["LSLOOP"] = hQCommand( name = "lsloops", regExp = "^lsloops$", help = "return list of loops", fct = self.process_lsloops ) self.commands["SETLOOPINTERVAL"] = hQCommand( name = "setloopinterval", regExp = "^setloopinterval:(.*):(.*)$", arguments = ["loop_key","interval"], help = "set interval of loop with provided key (check lsloops) to interval in seconds", fct = self.process_updateloop ) self.commands["SLEEP"] = hQCommand( name = "sleep", regExp = "^sleep:(.*)", arguments = ['time_in_secs'], help = "just sleep", fct = self.process_sleep )
def __init__( self ): super( hQUserServerRequestProcessor, self ).__init__() self.commands["LSS"] = hQCommand( name = "lss", regExp = "^lss$", help = "return list of hq-exec-servers", fct = self.process_lss ) self.commands["INVOKESERVERS"] = hQCommand( name = "invokeservers", regExp = "^invokeservers$", help = "invoke all hq-exec-servers of hosts in cluster", fct = self.process_invokeservers ) self.commands["CLEANUP"] = hQCommand( name = "cleanup", regExp = "^cleanup$", help = "cleanup servers", fct = self.process_cleanup ) self.commands["ADD"] = hQCommand( name = "addjob", regExp = "^addjob:(.*)", arguments = ["json_str"], help = "add multiple jobs at once to hq.", fct = self.process_addjob ) self.commands["ADDJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = "addjobs", regExp = "^addjobs:(.*)", arguments = ["json_str"], help = "add multiple jobs at once to hq.", fct = self.process_addjobs ) self.commands["RUN"] = hQCommand( name = "run", regExp = "^run:(.*)", arguments = ["json_str"], help = "message from hq-server to run jobs", fct = self.process_run ) self.commands["LSWJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = 'lswjobs', regExp = '^lswjobs:?(.*)', arguments = ['num'], help = "return the last num waiting jobs. default: return the last 10. specify 'all' in order to return all waiting jobs", fct = self.process_lswjobs ) self.commands["LSPJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = 'lspjobs', regExp = '^lspjobs:?(.*)', arguments = ['num'], help = "return the last num pending jobs. default: return the last 10. specify 'all' in order to return all pending jobs", fct = self.process_lspjobs ) self.commands["LSRJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = 'lsrjobs', regExp = '^lsrjobs:?(.*)', arguments = ['num'], help = "return the last num running jobs. default: return the last 10. specify 'all' in order to return all running jobs", fct = self.process_lsrjobs ) self.commands["LSFJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = 'lsfjobs', regExp = '^lsfjobs:?(.*)', arguments = ['num'], help = "return the last num finished jobs. default: return the last 10. specify 'all' in order to return all finished jobs", fct = self.process_lsfjobs ) self.commands["LAJOB"] = hQCommand( name = 'lajob', regExp = 'lajob:(.*)', arguments = ["job_id"], help = "return job info about job with given jobID", fct = self.process_lajob ) self.commands["LSGROUPS"] = hQCommand( name = 'lsgroups', regExp = 'lsgroups', help = "return groups of user", fct = self.process_lsgroups ) self.commands["LAGROUP"] = hQCommand( name = 'lagroup', regExp = 'lagroup:(.*)', arguments = ["group_name"], help = "return details about group with given group identifier", fct = self.process_lagroup ) self.commands["FINDJOBS"] = hQCommand( name = 'findjobs', regExp = 'findjobs:(.*)', arguments = ["match_str"], help = "return all jobs which match the search string in command, info text or group.", fct = self.process_findjobs )