def getPau():
        msg = hrmsg.pau()

        head = api.getHeadData()
        msg.m_headRotation.x = head['x']
        msg.m_headRotation.y = head['y']
        msg.m_headRotation.z = -head['z']
        msg.m_headRotation.w = head['w']

        neck = api.getNeckData()
        msg.m_neckRotation.x = neck['x']
        msg.m_neckRotation.y = neck['y']
        msg.m_neckRotation.z = -neck['z']
        msg.m_neckRotation.w = neck['w']

        eyes = api.getEyesData()
        msg.m_eyeGazeLeftPitch = eyes['l']['p']
        msg.m_eyeGazeLeftYaw = eyes['l']['y']
        msg.m_eyeGazeRightPitch = eyes['r']['p']
        msg.m_eyeGazeRightYaw = eyes['r']['y']

        shapekeys = api.getFaceData()
        msg.m_coeffs = shapekeys.values()

        angles = api.getArmsData()
        msg.m_angles = angles.values()

        # Manage timeout for set_pau
        if api.pauTimeout < time.time():
            api.setAnimationMode(api.pauAnimationMode & ~api.PAU_ACTIVE)
        return msg
    def getPau():
        msg = hrmsg.pau()

        head = api.getHeadData()
        msg.m_headRotation.x = head['x']
        msg.m_headRotation.y = head['y']
        msg.m_headRotation.z = -head['z']
        msg.m_headRotation.w = head['w']

        neck = api.getNeckData()
        msg.m_neckRotation.x = neck['x']
        msg.m_neckRotation.y = neck['y']
        msg.m_neckRotation.z = -neck['z']
        msg.m_neckRotation.w = neck['w']

        eyes = api.getEyesData()
        msg.m_eyeGazeLeftPitch = eyes['l']['p']
        msg.m_eyeGazeLeftYaw = eyes['l']['y']
        msg.m_eyeGazeRightPitch = eyes['r']['p']
        msg.m_eyeGazeRightYaw = eyes['r']['y']

        shapekeys = api.getFaceData()
        msg.m_coeffs = shapekeys.values()

        angles = api.getArmsData()
        msg.m_angles = angles.values()

        # Manage timeout for set_pau
        if api.pauTimeout < time.time():
            api.setAnimationMode(api.pauAnimationMode & ~api.PAU_ACTIVE)
        return msg
Example #3
 def test_motor2(self):
     msg = pau()
     msg.m_neckRotation.x = 1.0
     msg.m_neckRotation.y = 0.5
     msg.m_neckRotation.z = 0.0
     msg.m_neckRotation.w = 1.0
     sub = self.queue.subscribe('/pub_topic2_controller/command', Float64)
     self.check_msg(msg, 0.5) # max = 0.5
Example #4
 def test_motor1(self):
     msg = pau()
     msg.m_headRotation.x = 0.5
     msg.m_headRotation.y = 0.5
     msg.m_headRotation.z = 0.0
     msg.m_headRotation.w = 1.0
     sub = self.queue.subscribe('/pub_topic_controller/command', Float64)
     self.check_msg(msg, math.asin(0.5))
def getPauFromMotors(motors):
    global msg
    msg = pau()
    msg.m_shapekeys = [-1.0]*len(ShapekeyStore._shkey_list)
    for m,v in motors.items():
        #Get the shapekey and the value
        cfg = get_cfg(m)
        if not cfg:
            print("No motor config {}".format(m))
        if cfg['function'] == 'weightedsum':
            weightedsum(cfg, v)
        if cfg['function'] == 'linear':
            linear(cfg, v)
    return msg
Example #6
def getPauFromMotors(motors):
    global msg
    msg = pau()
    msg.m_shapekeys = [-1.0] * len(ShapekeyStore._shkey_list)
    for m, v in motors.items():
        #Get the shapekey and the value
        cfg = get_cfg(m)
        if not cfg:
            print("No motor config {}".format(m))
        if cfg['function'] == 'weightedsum':
            weightedsum(cfg, v)
        if cfg['function'] == 'linear':
            linear(cfg, v)
    return msg
 def point_head(self, req):
     msg = pau()
     msg.m_headRotation = Quaternion(
         *Quat.Quat.fromInYZX(req.roll, -req.yaw, -req.pitch).params
from rospkg import RosPack
ROBOT = "sophia_body"
#import bpy
motors = rospy.get_param('/{}/motors'.format(ROBOT))
expressions = rospy.get_param('/{}/expressions'.format(ROBOT))
animations = rospy.get_param('/{}/animations'.format(ROBOT))

from hr_msgs.msg import pau
from pau2motors import ShapekeyStore
rp = RosPack()
config_root = rp.get_path('robots_config')
with open(config_root+"/"+ROBOT+"/motors_settings.yaml", 'r') as stream:
    motors = yaml.load(stream)

msg = pau()
msg.m_shapekeys = [-1.0]*len(ShapekeyStore._shkey_list)

def get_motor_value(motor, relative):
    for m in motors:
        if m['name'] == motor:
            v = m['min']+relative*(m['max'] - m['min'])
            return int(v)
    return -1

def get_cfg(motor):
    global motors
    for m in motors:
        if m['name'] == motor:
            return m
    return None
Example #9
ROBOT = "sophia_body"
#import bpy
motors = rospy.get_param('/{}/motors'.format(ROBOT))
expressions = rospy.get_param('/{}/expressions'.format(ROBOT))
animations = rospy.get_param('/{}/animations'.format(ROBOT))

from hr_msgs.msg import pau
from pau2motors import ShapekeyStore

rp = RosPack()
config_root = rp.get_path('robots_config')
with open(config_root + "/" + ROBOT + "/motors_settings.yaml", 'r') as stream:
    motors = yaml.load(stream)

msg = pau()
msg.m_shapekeys = [-1.0] * len(ShapekeyStore._shkey_list)

def get_motor_value(motor, relative):
    for m in motors:
        if m['name'] == motor:
            v = m['min'] + relative * (m['max'] - m['min'])
            return int(v)
    return -1

def get_cfg(motor):
    global motors
    for m in motors:
        if m['name'] == motor:
Example #10
 def point_head(self, req):
     msg = pau()
     msg.m_headRotation = Quaternion(
         *Quat.Quat.fromInYZX(req.roll, -req.yaw, -req.pitch).params)