Example #1
    def test_parse_say_to(self):
        valid_gestures = ['wave', 'point']
        goal_actual = SayToParser.parse_say_to("Hello I am a robot", 1, valid_gestures, tts_duration_srv)
        goal_expected = SayToGoal()
        goal_expected.text = "Hello I am a robot"
        goal_expected.gestures = []
        goal_expected.gesture_indicies = []
        goal_expected.audience_id = 1
        self.assertEqual(goal_actual, goal_expected)

        goal_actual_1 = SayToParser.parse_say_to("<wave>Hello I am a robot</wave>", 1, valid_gestures, tts_duration_srv)
        goal_expected_1 = SayToGoal()
        goal_expected_1.text = "Hello I am a robot"
        wave = GestureGoal()
        wave.type = 'wave'
        wave.duration = 1.0
        goal_expected_1.gestures = [wave]
        goal_expected_1.gesture_indicies = [0]
        goal_expected_1.audience_id = 1
        self.assertEqual(goal_actual_1, goal_expected_1)

        self.assertRaises(GestureDoesNotExistError, SayToParser.parse_say_to, "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, valid_gestures, tts_duration_srv)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to, "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 'hello', valid_gestures, tts_duration_srv)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to, "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, 1, tts_duration_srv)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to, "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, valid_gestures, '1')
Example #2
    def __init__(self, gesture, duration=Default(), target=None, feedback_cb=None, done_cb=None):

        """  Makes the robot perform a gesture, e.g. make a robot wave its left arm.

         The default values for the duration of each gesture are specified in the robots IGesture enumeration definition.

        :param gesture: the gesture to perform, an IGesture Python enumeration member e.g. for Nao, Gesture.WaveLArm.
        :type gesture: IGesture

        :param duration: the length of time the gesture plays for (seconds). If Default then the gesture is performed for
        its default duration. Use positive infinity for a never ending gesture, hint: float('inf')
        :type duration: float, Default

        :param target: the target to orient the gesture toward
        :type target: None, Entity

        :param feedback_cb: a function that will be called when the state of the gesture action changes. The function
        should have one parameter, which will be filled with a GestureActionFeedback instance.
        :type feedback_cb: Callable

        :param done_cb: a function that will be called when the gesture action finishes.
        :type done_cb: Callable

        :return: an action handle to keep track of the action
        :rtype: MultiGoalActionHandle
        :raises TypeError: gesture is not an IGesture member, duration is not a float or Default, target is not None or
        an Entity, feedback_cb is not None or Callable, done_cb is not None or Callable

                            (IGesture, (Default, float), (None, Entity), (None, Callable), (None, Callable)),
                            gesture, duration, feedback_cb, done_cb)


        self.gesture = gesture.name

        if duration is Default:
            self.duration = gesture.default_duration
            self.duration = duration

        self.target = target
        self.feedback_cb = feedback_cb
        self.done_cb = done_cb
Example #3
File: robot.py Project: jdddog/hri
    def gesture(self, gesture, target=None, duration=None):
        if not self.gesture_found:
            self.gesture_found = True

        ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.gesture, gesture, IGesture)

        goal = GestureGoal()
        goal.gesture = gesture.name

        if target is None:
            goal.target = ''
            ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.gesture, target, Entity)
            goal.target = target.get_id()

        if duration is None:
            goal.duration = -1
            ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.expression, duration, float)
            ParamFormatting.assert_greater_than(self.expression, duration, 0.0)
            goal.duration = duration

        gh = self.gesture_client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=self.gesture_done)

        ah = MultiGoalActionHandle(self.gesture_client, gh)
        return ah
Example #4
File: robot.py Project: jdddog/hri
    def gesture(self, gesture, target=None, duration=None):
        if not self.gesture_found:
            self.gesture_found = True

        ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.gesture, gesture, IGesture)

        goal = GestureGoal()
        goal.gesture = gesture.name

        if target is None:
            goal.target = ""
            ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.gesture, target, Entity)
            goal.target = target.get_id()

        if duration is None:
            goal.duration = -1
            ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.expression, duration, float)
            ParamFormatting.assert_greater_than(self.expression, duration, 0.0)
            goal.duration = duration

        gh = self.gesture_client.send_goal(goal, done_cb=self.gesture_done)

        ah = MultiGoalActionHandle(self.gesture_client, gh)
        return ah
Example #5
    def test_parse_say_to(self):
        valid_gestures = ['wave', 'point']
        goal_actual = SayToParser.parse_say_to("Hello I am a robot", 1,
        goal_expected = SayToGoal()
        goal_expected.text = "Hello I am a robot"
        goal_expected.gestures = []
        goal_expected.gesture_indicies = []
        goal_expected.audience_id = 1
        self.assertEqual(goal_actual, goal_expected)

        goal_actual_1 = SayToParser.parse_say_to(
            "<wave>Hello I am a robot</wave>", 1, valid_gestures,
        goal_expected_1 = SayToGoal()
        goal_expected_1.text = "Hello I am a robot"
        wave = GestureGoal()
        wave.type = 'wave'
        wave.duration = 1.0
        goal_expected_1.gestures = [wave]
        goal_expected_1.gesture_indicies = [0]
        goal_expected_1.audience_id = 1
        self.assertEqual(goal_actual_1, goal_expected_1)

        self.assertRaises(GestureDoesNotExistError, SayToParser.parse_say_to,
                          "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, valid_gestures,
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to,
                          "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 'hello',
                          valid_gestures, tts_duration_srv)
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to,
                          "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, 1,
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, SayToParser.parse_say_to,
                          "<nod>Hello I am a robot</nod>", 1, valid_gestures,
Example #6
    def serialize(self, buff):
        if self.duration < 0.0:
            rospy.logwarn("GestureGoal duration value of {0} is out of range, clipping to normal bounds: duration > 0".format(self.duration))
            self.duration = max(0.0, self.duration)

Example #7
File: robot.py Project: jdddog/hri
    def parse_parameters(self, text, audience, expression_enum, gesture_enum, tts_duration_srv):
        self.audience = audience

        ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.parse_parameters, text, str)
        ParamFormatting.assert_types(self.parse_parameters, audience, Entity, Query)

        # if not is_callable(tts_duration_srv):
        #     raise TypeError("parse_parameters() parameter tts_duration_srv={0} is not callable".format(tts_duration_srv))

        self.sentence = SayToPlan.get_sentence(text)  # Get sentence
        self.gaze_change_locations = SayToPlan.get_gaze_change_locations(self.sentence)

        # Get expressions and gestures
        xml_tree = ET.fromstring("<sayto>" + text + "</sayto>")
        seen_text = ''

        for node in xml_tree.iter():
            if node.tag == "sayto":
                if node.text is not None:
                    seen_text += node.text + " "
                start_word_i = SayToPlan.num_words(seen_text)

                if node.text is not None:
                    seen_text += node.text + " "

                end_word_i = SayToPlan.num_words(seen_text)

                goal_name = node.tag

                if SayToPlan.enum_contains(expression_enum, goal_name):
                    goal = ExpressionGoal()
                    goal.expression = goal_name
                    goal.intensity = 0.5
                    goal.speed = 0.5

                    if 'intensity' in node.attrib:
                        goal.intensity = float(node.attrib["intensity"])

                    if 'speed' in node.attrib:
                        goal.speed = float(node.attrib["speed"])

                    goal.duration = tts_duration_srv(self.sentence, start_word_i, end_word_i).duration
                    self.expression_lookup[start_word_i] = goal

                elif SayToPlan.enum_contains(gesture_enum, goal_name):
                    goal = GestureGoal()
                    goal.gesture = goal_name

                    if 'target' in node.attrib:     # Check if target is Entity
                        goal.target = node.attrib["target"]
                        raise AttributeError('Please specify a target attribute for {0} gesture'.format(goal_name))

                    goal.duration = tts_duration_srv(self.sentence, start_word_i, end_word_i).duration
                    self.gesture_lookup[start_word_i] = goal

                    raise TypeError('No gesture or expression called: {0}'.format(goal_name))

                if node.tail is not None:
                    seen_text += node.tail + " "