Example #1
        def pub_head_registration(ud):
            cheek_pose_base_link = self.tf_list.transformPose(
                "/base_link", ud.cheek_pose)
            # find the center of the ellipse given a cheek click
            cheek_transformation = np.mat(
                tf_trans.euler_matrix(2.6 * np.pi / 6, 0, 0, 'szyx'))
            cheek_transformation[0:3, 3] = np.mat([-0.08, -0.04, 0]).T
            cheek_pose = PoseConverter.to_homo_mat(cheek_pose_base_link)
            #b_B_c[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)
            norm_xy = cheek_pose[0:2, 2] / np.linalg.norm(cheek_pose[0:2, 2])
            head_rot = np.arctan2(norm_xy[1], norm_xy[0])
                       0:3] = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, head_rot,
                                                    'sxyz')[0:3, 0:3]
                PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", cheek_pose))
            ell_center = cheek_pose * cheek_transformation
                PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", ell_center))

            # create an ellipsoid msg and command it
            ep = EllipsoidParams()
            ep.e_frame.transform = PoseConverter.to_tf_msg(ell_center)
            ep.height = 0.924
            ep.E = 0.086

            return 'succeeded'
        def pub_head_registration(ud):
            cheek_pose_base_link = self.tf_list.transformPose("/base_link", ud.cheek_pose)
            # find the center of the ellipse given a cheek click
            cheek_transformation = np.mat(tf_trans.euler_matrix(2.6 * np.pi/6, 0, 0, 'szyx'))
            cheek_transformation[0:3, 3] = np.mat([-0.08, -0.04, 0]).T
            cheek_pose = PoseConverter.to_homo_mat(cheek_pose_base_link)
            #b_B_c[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)
            norm_xy = cheek_pose[0:2, 2] / np.linalg.norm(cheek_pose[0:2, 2])
            head_rot = np.arctan2(norm_xy[1], norm_xy[0])
            cheek_pose[0:3,0:3] = tf_trans.euler_matrix(0, 0, head_rot, 'sxyz')[0:3,0:3]
            self.cheek_pub.publish(PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", cheek_pose))
            ell_center = cheek_pose * cheek_transformation
            self.ell_center_pub.publish(PoseConverter.to_pose_stamped_msg("/base_link", ell_center))

            # create an ellipsoid msg and command it 
            ep = EllipsoidParams()
            ep.e_frame.transform = PoseConverter.to_tf_msg(ell_center)
            ep.height = 0.924
            ep.E = 0.086

            return 'succeeded'