Example #1
def interpolationQuatData(time_array, data_array, new_time_array):
    We have to use SLERP for start-goal quaternion interpolation.
    But, I cound not find any good library for quaternion array interpolation.
    time_array: N - length array
    data_array: 4 x N - length array
    from scipy import interpolate

    n, m = np.shape(data_array)
    if len(time_array) > m:
        time_array = time_array[0:m]

    new_data_array = None

    l = len(time_array)
    new_l = len(new_time_array)

    idx_list = np.linspace(0, l - 1, new_l)

    for idx in idx_list:
        if new_data_array is None:
            new_data_array = qt.slerp(data_array[:, int(idx)],
                                      data_array[:, int(np.ceil(idx))],
                                      idx - int(idx))
            new_data_array = np.vstack([new_data_array,
                                        qt.slerp( data_array[:,int(idx)], data_array[:,int(np.ceil(idx))], \
                                                  idx-int(idx) )])

    return new_data_array.T
Example #2
    def updateFrames(self, tag_id, frame):

        with self.bundle_dict_lock:                

            tag_flag = False
            for key in self.bundle_dict.keys():
                if key == str(tag_id):
                    tag_flag = True

                    self.bundle_dict[key].p = (self.bundle_dict[key].p + frame.p)/2.0
                    pre_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
                    pre_quat.x = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[0]
                    pre_quat.y = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[1]
                    pre_quat.z = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[2]
                    pre_quat.w = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[3]

                    cur_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
                    cur_quat.x = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
                    cur_quat.y = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
                    cur_quat.z = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
                    cur_quat.w = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[3]

                    quat = qt.slerp(pre_quat, cur_quat, 0.5)
                    self.bundle_dict[key].M = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w)

            # New tag
            if tag_flag == False:
                self.bundle_dict[str(tag_id)] = frame

                print "Detected tags: ", self.bundle_list
Example #3
    def updateFrames(self, tag_id, frame):

        with self.bundle_dict_lock:

            tag_flag = False
            for key in self.bundle_dict.keys():
                if key == str(tag_id):
                    tag_flag = True

                    self.bundle_dict[key].p = (self.bundle_dict[key].p +
                                               frame.p) / 2.0
                    pre_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
                    pre_quat.x = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[0]
                    pre_quat.y = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[1]
                    pre_quat.z = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[2]
                    pre_quat.w = self.bundle_dict[key].M.GetQuaternion()[3]

                    cur_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
                    cur_quat.x = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
                    cur_quat.y = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
                    cur_quat.z = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
                    cur_quat.w = frame.M.GetQuaternion()[3]

                    quat = qt.slerp(pre_quat, cur_quat, 0.5)
                    self.bundle_dict[key].M = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
                        quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w)

            # New tag
            if tag_flag == False:
                self.bundle_dict[str(tag_id)] = frame

                print "Detected tags: ", self.bundle_list
Example #4
    def updateBowlcenFrames(self, bowl_frame):

        bowl_cen_frame = copy.deepcopy(bowl_frame)

        ## Rotation
        rot = bowl_cen_frame.M

        ## bowl_z = np.array([rot.UnitX()[0], rot.UnitX()[1], rot.UnitX()[2]])
        tx = PyKDL.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        ty = PyKDL.Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        # Projection to xy plane
        px = PyKDL.dot(tx, rot.UnitZ())
        py = PyKDL.dot(ty, rot.UnitZ())

        bowl_cen_y = rot.UnitY()
        bowl_cen_z = PyKDL.Vector(px, py, 0.0)
        bowl_cen_x = bowl_cen_y * bowl_cen_z
        bowl_cen_y = bowl_cen_z * bowl_cen_x

        bowl_cen_rot = PyKDL.Rotation(bowl_cen_x, bowl_cen_y, bowl_cen_z)
        bowl_cen_frame.M = bowl_cen_rot

        ## Position
        bowl_cen_frame.p[2] -= self.bowl_z_offset
        bowl_cen_frame.p += bowl_cen_z * self.bowl_forward_offset

        if bowl_cen_y[2] > bowl_cen_x[2]:
            # -90 x axis rotation
            bowl_cen_frame = bowl_cen_frame * self.x_neg90_frame
            # 90 y axis rotation
            bowl_cen_frame = bowl_cen_frame * self.y_90_frame

        bowl_cen_frame_off = bowl_frame.Inverse() * bowl_cen_frame

        if self.bowl_cen_frame_off == None:
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off = bowl_cen_frame_off
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off.p = (self.bowl_cen_frame_off.p +
                                         bowl_cen_frame_off.p) / 2.0

            pre_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            pre_quat.x = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            pre_quat.y = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            pre_quat.z = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            pre_quat.w = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]

            cur_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            cur_quat.x = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            cur_quat.y = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            cur_quat.z = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            cur_quat.w = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]

            quat = qt.slerp(pre_quat, cur_quat, 0.5)
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(
                quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w)
Example #5
    def updateBowlcenFrames(self, bowl_frame):

        bowl_cen_frame = copy.deepcopy(bowl_frame)
        ## Rotation        
        rot = bowl_cen_frame.M

        ## bowl_z = np.array([rot.UnitX()[0], rot.UnitX()[1], rot.UnitX()[2]])
        tx = PyKDL.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        ty = PyKDL.Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        # Projection to xy plane
        px = PyKDL.dot(tx, rot.UnitZ())
        py = PyKDL.dot(ty, rot.UnitZ())

        bowl_cen_y = rot.UnitY()
        bowl_cen_z = PyKDL.Vector(px, py, 0.0)
        bowl_cen_x = bowl_cen_y * bowl_cen_z 
        bowl_cen_y = bowl_cen_z * bowl_cen_x
        bowl_cen_rot     = PyKDL.Rotation(bowl_cen_x, bowl_cen_y, bowl_cen_z)
        bowl_cen_frame.M = bowl_cen_rot
        ## Position
        bowl_cen_frame.p[2] -= self.bowl_z_offset
        bowl_cen_frame.p += bowl_cen_z * self.bowl_forward_offset

        if bowl_cen_y[2] > bowl_cen_x[2]:
            # -90 x axis rotation
            bowl_cen_frame = bowl_cen_frame * self.x_neg90_frame 
            # 90 y axis rotation
            bowl_cen_frame = bowl_cen_frame * self.y_90_frame         

        bowl_cen_frame_off = bowl_frame.Inverse()*bowl_cen_frame
        if self.bowl_cen_frame_off == None:            
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off = bowl_cen_frame_off
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off.p = (self.bowl_cen_frame_off.p + bowl_cen_frame_off.p)/2.0

            pre_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            pre_quat.x = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            pre_quat.y = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            pre_quat.z = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            pre_quat.w = self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]
            cur_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            cur_quat.x = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            cur_quat.y = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            cur_quat.z = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            cur_quat.w = bowl_cen_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]
            quat = qt.slerp(pre_quat, cur_quat, 0.5)
            self.bowl_cen_frame_off.M = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w)
Example #6
    def updateMouthFrames(self, head_frame):

        mouth_frame = copy.deepcopy(head_frame)
        ## Position
        mouth_frame.p[2] -= self.head_z_offset

        ## Rotation        
        rot = mouth_frame.M

        ## head_z = np.array([rot.UnitX()[0], rot.UnitX()[1], rot.UnitX()[2]])
        tx = PyKDL.Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        ty = PyKDL.Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

        # Projection to xy plane
        px = PyKDL.dot(tx, rot.UnitZ())
        py = PyKDL.dot(ty, rot.UnitZ())

        mouth_y = rot.UnitY()
        mouth_z = PyKDL.Vector(px, py, 0.0)
        mouth_x = mouth_y * mouth_z
        mouth_y = mouth_z * mouth_x
        mouth_rot     = PyKDL.Rotation(mouth_x, mouth_y, mouth_z)
        mouth_frame.M = mouth_rot

        mouth_frame_off = head_frame.Inverse()*mouth_frame
        if self.mouth_frame_off == None:            
            self.mouth_frame_off = mouth_frame_off
            self.mouth_frame_off.p = (self.mouth_frame_off.p + mouth_frame_off.p)/2.0

            pre_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            pre_quat.x = self.mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            pre_quat.y = self.mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            pre_quat.z = self.mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            pre_quat.w = self.mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]
            cur_quat = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion()
            cur_quat.x = mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[0]
            cur_quat.y = mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[1]
            cur_quat.z = mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[2]
            cur_quat.w = mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()[3]

            # check close quaternion and inverse
            if np.dot(self.mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion(), mouth_frame_off.M.GetQuaternion()) < 0.0:
                cur_quat.x *= -1.
                cur_quat.y *= -1.
                cur_quat.z *= -1.
                cur_quat.w *= -1.

            quat = qt.slerp(pre_quat, cur_quat, 0.5)
            self.mouth_frame_off.M = PyKDL.Rotation.Quaternion(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w)