def run(self): r_arm = 'right_arm' l_arm = 'left_arm' self.step() f_r = self.xhat_force[r_arm] f_l = self.xhat_force[l_arm] time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp h.frame_id = 'should_not_be_using_this' self.efri_force_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_r)) self.efri_force_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_l))
def broadcast(self): print 'AMTIForceServer: started!' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): time.sleep(1 / 5000.0) FloatArray(None,[0]))
def generateMechData(self): # Estimate door angle and tangential force. mech_data = None ## add something [ee_pos, ee_quat] = self.getEndeffectorPose() if self.aPts is None: self.aPts = ee_pos pts_2d = self.aPts[:2, :] else: self.aPts = np.hstack([self.aPts, ee_pos]) pts_2d = self.aPts[:2, :] x_guess = self.aPts[0, 0] y_guess = self.aPts[1, 0] - self.radius rad_guess = self.radius rad, cx, cy = at.fit_circle(rad_guess, x_guess, y_guess, pts_2d, method='fmin_bfgs', verbose=False, rad_fix=True) ## print 'rad, cx, cy:', rad, cx, cy p0 = self.aPts[:, 0] # 3x1 rad_vec_init = np.matrix((p0[0, 0] - cx, p0[1, 0] - cy)).T rad_vec_init = rad_vec_init / np.linalg.norm(rad_vec_init) rad_vec = np.array([ee_pos[0, 0] - cx, ee_pos[1, 0] - cy]) rad_vec = rad_vec / np.linalg.norm(rad_vec) ang = np.arccos((rad_vec.T * rad_vec_init)[0, 0]) tan_vec = (np.matrix([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) * np.matrix(rad_vec).T).A1 f_vec = np.array([self.ft_data[0], self.ft_data[1]]) f_tan_mag = abs(, tan_vec)) msg = FloatArray() = [f_tan_mag, ang] self.mech_data_pub.publish(msg)
def set_jep(self, arm, q, duration=None): if arm == 'right_arm': pub = self.r_jep_cmd_pub elif arm == 'left_arm': pub = self.l_jep_cmd_pub else: raise RuntimeError('Undefined arm: %s' % (arm)) time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q))
def set_impedance_scale(self, arm, s): if arm == 'right_arm': pub = self.r_alph_cmd_pub elif arm == 'left_arm': pub = self.l_alph_cmd_pub else: raise RuntimeError('Undefined arm: %s' % (arm)) time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp pub.publish(FloatArray(h, s))
def generateMechData(self): # Estimate door angle and tangential force. mech_data = None ## add something [ee_pos, ee_quat] = self.getEndeffectorPose() if self.aPts is None: self.aPts = ee_pos pts_2d = self.aPts[:2,:] else: self.aPts = np.hstack([self.aPts, ee_pos]) pts_2d = self.aPts[:2,:] x_guess = self.aPts[0,0] y_guess = self.aPts[1,0] - self.radius rad_guess = self.radius rad, cx, cy = at.fit_circle(rad_guess,x_guess,y_guess,pts_2d, method='fmin_bfgs',verbose=False, rad_fix=True) ## print 'rad, cx, cy:', rad, cx, cy p0 = self.aPts[:,0] # 3x1 rad_vec_init = np.matrix((p0[0,0]-cx, p0[1,0]-cy)).T rad_vec_init = rad_vec_init / np.linalg.norm(rad_vec_init) rad_vec = np.array([ee_pos[0,0]-cx,ee_pos[1,0]-cy]) rad_vec = rad_vec/np.linalg.norm(rad_vec) ang = np.arccos((rad_vec.T*rad_vec_init)[0,0]) tan_vec = (np.matrix([[0,-1],[1,0]]) * np.matrix(rad_vec).T).A1 f_vec = np.array([self.ft_data[0],self.ft_data[1]]) f_tan_mag = abs(, tan_vec)) msg = FloatArray() = [f_tan_mag, ang] self.mech_data_pub.publish(msg)
def __init__(self): self.mpc_goal_pub = rospy.Publisher("/haptic_mpc/goal_pose", PoseStamped) self.haptic_weights = rospy.Publisher("haptic_mpc/weights", HapticMpcWeights) self.fdbk_pub = rospy.Publisher("wt_log_out", String) self.goal_posture = rospy.Publisher("haptic_mpc/joint_trajectory", JointTrajectory, latch=True) self.ee_pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/haptic_mpc/gripper_pose", PoseStamped, self.ee_pose_cb) self.joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/l_arm_controller/state', JointTrajectoryControllerState, self.joint_state_cb) self.ee_pose = None self.goal_pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("~goal_pose", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb) self.goal_pose = None self.last_progress_time = rospy.Time(0) self.last_progress_err = [np.inf, np.pi/2] self.progress_timeout = rospy.Duration(10.) self.dist_err_thresh = 0.01 self.posture_err_thresh = 0.1 self.theta_err_thresh = np.pi/18. self.setup_1_passed = False self.setup_2_passed = False self.preempted = False #self.setup_pose = PoseStamped() #self.setup_pose.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link' #self.setup_pose.pose.position = Point(*SETUP_POSE[0]) #self.setup_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*SETUP_POSE[1]) self.setup_posture = FloatArray() = SETUP_POSTURE self.posture_weight = HapticMpcWeights() self.posture_weight.position_weight = 0 self.posture_weight.orient_weight = 0 self.posture_weight.posture_weight = 1 self.orient_weight = HapticMpcWeights() self.orient_weight.position_weight = 1 self.orient_weight.orient_weight = 1 self.orient_weight.posture_weight = 0 rospy.loginfo("[%s] Ready" %rospy.get_name())
rospy.sleep(1.0) rospy.logout('... begin') r_arm = 'right_arm' l_arm = 'left_arm' transform_bcast = tfb.TransformBroadcaster() torso_link_name = ar.link_tf_name(r_arm, 0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.sleep(0.1) f_r = arm_client.get_wrist_force(r_arm, base_frame=True) f_l = arm_client.get_wrist_force(l_arm, base_frame=True) time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp force_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_r)) force_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_l)) publish_sphere_marker((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), 0.08, torso_link_name, time_stamp, 'both_arms', 0) for arm in [r_arm, l_arm]: q = arm_client.get_joint_angles(arm) links = [2, 3, 7] for i in links: p, rot = arms.FK_all(arm, q, i) qaut = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot) frameid = ar.link_tf_name(arm, i) transform_bcast.sendTransform(p.A1.tolist(), qaut, time_stamp, frameid, torso_link_name) publish_sphere_marker((0.5, 0.1, 0.5), 0.05, frameid,
l = get_adc_data(serial_dev, num_adc_inputs) return l if __name__ == '__main__': dev_name = '/dev/ttyUSB4' #dev_name = '/dev/ttyACM0' #dev_name = '/dev/robot/arduino1' #dev_name = '/dev/robot/arduino2' baudrate = 115200 serial_dev = setup_serial(dev_name, baudrate) pub = rospy.Publisher('/arduino/ADC', FloatArray) rospy.init_node('adc_publisher_node') for i in range(10): ln = serial_dev.readline() rospy.loginfo('Started publishing ADC data') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): fa = FloatArray() fa.header.stamp = = get_adc_data(serial_dev, 6) pub.publish(fa) serial_dev.close()
def step_ros(self): r_arm = 'right_arm' l_arm = 'left_arm' self.cb_lock.acquire() if self.enable_left_arm: l_jep = copy.copy(self.l_jep) l_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['left_arm'].stiffness_list) if self.enable_right_arm: r_jep = copy.copy(self.r_jep) r_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['right_arm'].stiffness_list) self.cb_lock.release() if self.enable_left_arm: self.set_jep(l_arm, l_jep) self.set_alpha(l_arm, l_alpha) if self.enable_right_arm: self.set_jep(r_arm, r_jep) self.set_alpha(r_arm, r_alpha) self.step() motor_pwr_state = self.is_motor_power_on() if not motor_pwr_state: self.maintain_configuration() if self.enable_right_arm: q_r = self.get_joint_angles(r_arm) tau_r = self.get_joint_torques(r_arm) mot_temp_r = self.get_motor_temps(r_arm) else: q_r = None tau_r = None mot_temp_r = None if self.enable_left_arm: q_l = self.get_joint_angles(l_arm) tau_l = self.get_joint_torques(l_arm) mot_temp_l = self.get_motor_temps(l_arm) else: q_l = None tau_l = None mot_temp_l = None # it seems like this estimate of joint velocity should really be filtered # or at least a better estimate of the derivative (higher order difference equation) # - marc Jul 13, 2012 # added one more term to achieve a better estimate of the derivative - tapo Jan 23, 2013 t_now = rospy.get_time() if self.q_r != None and self.q_l != None and self.q_rHOT != None and self.q_lHOT != None and self.time_stamp != None: dt = t_now - self.time_stamp #qdot_r = (np.array(q_r) - np.array(self.q_r)) / dt qdot_r = (-np.array(q_r) + 4 * np.array(self.q_r) - 3 * np.array(self.q_rHOT)) / (2 * dt) #qdot_l = (np.array(q_l) - np.array(self.q_l)) / dt qdot_l = (-np.array(q_l) + 4 * np.array(self.q_l) - 3 * np.array(self.q_lHOT)) / (2 * dt) else: qdot_r = np.zeros(7) qdot_l = np.zeros(7) self.q_rHOT = self.q_r self.q_lHOT = self.q_l self.q_r = q_r self.q_l = q_l self.time_stamp = t_now if self.enable_right_arm: f_raw_r = self.get_wrist_force(r_arm).A1.tolist() f_r = self.xhat_force[r_arm] if self.enable_left_arm: f_raw_l = self.get_wrist_force(l_arm).A1.tolist() f_l = self.xhat_force[l_arm] # publish stuff over ROS. time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp h.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link' pos = [] nms = [] if self.enable_right_arm: self.q_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_r)) self.qdot_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, qdot_r)) self.jep_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_jep)) self.alph_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_alpha)) self.torque_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, tau_r)) self.mot_temp_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, mot_temp_r)) nms = nms + self.joint_names_list['right_arm'] pos = pos + q_r h.frame_id = 'should_not_be_using_this' self.force_raw_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_r)) self.force_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_r)) if enable_left_arm: self.q_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_l)) self.qdot_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, qdot_l)) self.jep_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_jep)) self.alph_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_alpha)) self.torque_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, tau_l)) self.mot_temp_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, mot_temp_l)) nms = nms + self.joint_names_list['left_arm'] pos = pos + q_l h.frame_id = 'should_not_be_using_this' self.force_raw_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_l)) self.force_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_l)) self.joint_state_pub.publish( JointState(h, nms, pos, [0.] * len(pos), [0.] * len(pos))) self.pwr_state_pub.publish(Bool(motor_pwr_state))
data, tme = msg ftvalue = ftc.binary_to_ft(data) ftvalue = np.array(ftvalue) for i in range(3): xhat, p = kalman_update(xhat_force[i], P_force[i], 1e-3, 0.04, ftvalue[i]) P_force[i] = p xhat_force[i] = xhat #ftvalue[i] = xhat xhat_force[3] = ftvalue[3] xhat_force[4] = ftvalue[4] xhat_force[5] = ftvalue[5] ftvalue = ftvalue.tolist() channel.publish( FloatArray(rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time.from_seconds(tme)), xhat_force)) channel2.publish( FloatArray(rospy.Header(stamp=rospy.Time.from_seconds(tme)), ftvalue)) chan_vec3.publish(FTread_to_Force(ftvalue, #times.append(time.time()) #else: # time.sleep(1/5000.0) time.sleep(1 / 5000.0) #import pylab as pl #import numpy as np #a = np.array(times) #pl.plot(a[1:] - a[:-1], '.')
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('hrl_lib') import rospy import std_srvs.srv as srv from hrl_msgs.msg import FloatArray import time x = 3.0 rospy.init_node('trial_publisher') pub = rospy.Publisher( 'trial_pub', FloatArray) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x += 0.1 fa = FloatArray() = [ x, x+1.0, x+2.0 ] pub.publish( fa ) time.sleep( 0.3 )
def step_ros(self): r_arm = 'right_arm' l_arm = 'left_arm' self.cb_lock.acquire() r_jep = copy.copy(self.r_jep) l_jep = copy.copy(self.l_jep) r_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['right_arm'].stiffness_list) l_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['left_arm'].stiffness_list) self.cb_lock.release() self.set_jep(r_arm, r_jep) self.set_jep(l_arm, l_jep) self.set_alpha(r_arm, r_alpha) self.set_alpha(l_arm, l_alpha) self.step() motor_pwr_state = self.is_motor_power_on() if not motor_pwr_state: self.maintain_configuration() q_r = self.get_joint_angles(r_arm) q_l = self.get_joint_angles(l_arm) if self.floating_arms: if self.qr_prev == None or self.floating_arms_counter < 100: self.qr_prev = q_r self.ql_prev = q_l self.floating_arms_counter += 1 else: tol = np.radians([5., 2., 10., 2., 10., 0.03, 0.6]) r_arr = np.array(q_r) l_arr = np.array(q_l) prev_r_arr = np.array(self.qr_prev) prev_l_arr = np.array(self.ql_prev) dqr = np.array(q_r) - np.array(prev_r_arr) dql = np.array(q_l) - np.array(prev_l_arr) dqr = dqr * (np.abs(dqr) > tol) dql = dql * (np.abs(dql) > tol) r_jep = (np.array(r_jep) + dqr).tolist() l_jep = (np.array(l_jep) + dql).tolist() self.cb_lock.acquire() self.r_jep = copy.copy(r_jep) self.l_jep = copy.copy(l_jep) self.cb_lock.release() change_idxs = np.where(dqr != 0) prev_r_arr[change_idxs] = r_arr[change_idxs] change_idxs = np.where(dql != 0) prev_l_arr[change_idxs] = l_arr[change_idxs] self.qr_prev = prev_r_arr.tolist() self.ql_prev = prev_l_arr.tolist() f_raw_r = self.get_wrist_force(r_arm).A1.tolist() f_raw_l = self.get_wrist_force(l_arm).A1.tolist() f_r = self.xhat_force[r_arm] f_l = self.xhat_force[l_arm] # publish stuff over ROS. time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp self.q_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_r)) self.q_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_l)) self.jep_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_jep)) self.jep_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_jep)) self.alph_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_alpha)) self.alph_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_alpha)) h.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link' nms = self.joint_names_list['right_arm'] + self.joint_names_list[ 'left_arm'] pos = q_r + q_l self.joint_state_pub.publish( JointState(h, nms, pos, [0.] * len(pos), [0.] * len(pos))) h.frame_id = ar.link_tf_name(r_arm, 7) self.force_raw_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_r)) self.force_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_r)) h.frame_id = ar.link_tf_name(l_arm, 7) self.force_raw_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_l)) self.force_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_l)) self.pwr_state_pub.publish(Bool(motor_pwr_state))
import roslib roslib.load_manifest('hrl_lib') import rospy import std_srvs.srv as srv from hrl_msgs.msg import FloatArray import time x = 3.0 rospy.init_node('trial_publisher') pub = rospy.Publisher('trial_pub', FloatArray) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x += 0.1 fa = FloatArray() = [x, x + 1.0, x + 2.0] pub.publish(fa) time.sleep(0.3)
def step_ros(self): r_arm = 'right_arm' l_arm = 'left_arm' self.cb_lock.acquire() r_jep = copy.copy(self.r_jep) l_jep = copy.copy(self.l_jep) r_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['right_arm'].stiffness_list) l_alpha = copy.copy(self.arm_settings['left_arm'].stiffness_list) self.cb_lock.release() self.set_jep(r_arm, r_jep) self.set_jep(l_arm, l_jep) self.set_alpha(r_arm, r_alpha) self.set_alpha(l_arm, l_alpha) self.step() motor_pwr_state = self.is_motor_power_on() if not motor_pwr_state: self.maintain_configuration() q_r = self.get_joint_angles(r_arm) q_l = self.get_joint_angles(l_arm) t_now = rospy.get_time() if self.q_r != None and self.q_l != None and self.time_stamp != None: dt = t_now - self.time_stamp qdot_r = (np.array(q_r) - np.array(self.q_r)) / dt qdot_l = (np.array(q_l) - np.array(self.q_l)) / dt else: qdot_r = np.zeros(7) qdot_l = np.zeros(7) self.q_r = q_r self.q_l = q_l self.time_stamp = t_now f_raw_r = self.get_wrist_force(r_arm).A1.tolist() f_raw_l = self.get_wrist_force(l_arm).A1.tolist() f_r = self.xhat_force[r_arm] f_l = self.xhat_force[l_arm] # publish stuff over ROS. time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp self.q_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_r)) self.q_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, q_l)) self.qdot_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, qdot_r)) self.qdot_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, qdot_l)) self.jep_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_jep)) self.jep_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_jep)) self.alph_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, r_alpha)) self.alph_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, l_alpha)) h.frame_id = '/torso_lift_link' nms = self.joint_names_list['right_arm'] + self.joint_names_list['left_arm'] pos = q_r + q_l self.joint_state_pub.publish(JointState(h, nms, pos, [0.]*len(pos), [0.]*len(pos))) h.frame_id = 'should_not_be_using_this' self.force_raw_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_r)) self.force_r_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_r)) h.frame_id = 'should_not_be_using_this' self.force_raw_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_raw_l)) self.force_l_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, f_l)) self.pwr_state_pub.publish(Bool(motor_pwr_state))
from hrl_msgs.msg import FloatArray if __name__ == '__main__': ft_client = ftc.FTClient('force_torque_ft2') ft_client.bias() marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('/test_marker', Marker) ati_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ati_ft', FloatArray) p_st = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T force_frame_id = 'r_wrist_roll_link' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ft = = True) rmat = tr.Rx(math.radians(180.)) * tr.Ry(math.radians(-90.)) * tr.Rz(math.radians(30.)) force = rmat * ft[0:3,:] print 'Force:', force.A1 # force is now in the 'robot' coordinate frame. force_scale = 0.1 p_end = p_st + force * force_scale marker = get_marker_arrow(p_st, p_end, force_frame_id) marker_pub.publish(marker) farr = FloatArray() farr.header.stamp = rospy.rostime.get_rostime() farr.header.frame_id = force_frame_id = (-force).A1.tolist() ati_pub.publish(farr) # rospy.sleep(0.1)
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys rospy.init_node('ati_ft_emulator') print sys.argv # 4 for roslaunch if len(sys.argv) != 2 and len(sys.argv) != 4: rospy.logerr( 'Need to pass the topic name on the command line. Exiting...') sys.exit() topic = sys.argv[1] lock = RLock() ft_val = [0.] * 6 pub = rospy.Subscriber('/r_cart/state/wrench', Twist, ft_cb) pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, FloatArray) rospy.loginfo('Started the ATI FT emulator.') rt = rospy.Rate(100) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): lock.acquire() send_ft_val = copy.copy(ft_val) lock.release() fa = FloatArray(rospy.Header(, send_ft_val) pub.publish(fa) rt.sleep()
def set_ep(self, jep, duration=None): time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp self.jep_cmd_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, jep)) self.publish_rviz_markers()
def set_impedance_scale(self, s): time_stamp = h = Header() h.stamp = time_stamp self.alph_cmd_pub.publish(FloatArray(h, s))
def run(self): print 'PoseBroadcast: started.' while self.should_run and not rospy.is_shutdown(): sleep(1.0 / self.frequency) self.pose = self.zenither.get_position_meters(), [self.pose]))
if __name__ == '__main__': dev_name = '/dev/ttyUSB4' #dev_name = '/dev/ttyACM0' #dev_name = '/dev/robot/arduino1' #dev_name = '/dev/robot/arduino2' baudrate = 115200 serial_dev = setup_serial(dev_name, baudrate) pub = rospy.Publisher('/arduino/ADC', FloatArray) rospy.init_node('adc_publisher_node') for i in range(10): ln = serial_dev.readline() rospy.loginfo('Started publishing ADC data') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): fa = FloatArray() fa.header.stamp = = get_adc_data(serial_dev, 6) pub.publish(fa) serial_dev.close()