def gen_pairwise_surf_control_points(proj_file, img_fns, display=False):
    """ Use OpenCV for pairwaise image matching

    cf. <opencv samples dir>/
    # get the kps of the first frame
    img1, kp1, ds1 = get_surf_kps(img_fns[0])
    # match the frame t with t+1
    cpoints = []
    for i2 in range(1, len(img_fns)):
        # get the kps of frame t+1
        img2, kp2, ds2 = get_surf_kps(img_fns[i2])
        # get the control points
        cp1, cp2 = get_pairwise_matches(kp1, ds1, kp2, ds2)
        # estimate the homography
        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(cp1, cp2, cv2.RANSAC)
        mask = mask.squeeze() > 0
        # display the matches and homography
        if display:
            hom_warp_image(img1, cp1, img2, cp2, H, mask)
        # filter out the outlier matches
        cp1 = cp1[mask]
        cp2 = cp2[mask]
        # add the control points
        cpoints.extend([hsi.ControlPoint(i2 - 1, x1, y1, i2, x2, y2)
                        for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(cp1, cp2)])
        # next -> cur
        img1, kp1, ds1 = img2, kp2, ds2
    # write to pto
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
Example #2
def gen_pairwise_surf_control_points(proj_file, img_fns, display=False):
    """ Use OpenCV for pairwise image matching
    # get the kps of the first frame
    img1, kp1, ds1 = get_surf_kps(img_fns[0])
    # match the frame t with t+1
    cpoints = []
    for i2 in range(1, len(img_fns)):
        # get the kps of frame t+1
        img2, kp2, ds2 = get_surf_kps(img_fns[i2])
        # get the control points
        cp1, cp2 = get_pairwise_matches(kp1, ds1, kp2, ds2)
        # estimate the homography
        H, mask = cv2.findHomography(cp1, cp2, cv2.RANSAC)
        mask = mask.squeeze() > 0
        # display the matches and homography
        if display:
            homo_warp_image(img1, cp1, img2, cp2, H, mask)
        # filter out the outlier matches
        cp1 = cp1[mask]
        cp2 = cp2[mask]
        # add the control points
            hsi.ControlPoint(i2 - 1, x1, y1, i2, x2, y2)
            for (x1, y1), (x2, y2) in zip(cp1, cp2)
        # next -> cur
        img1, kp1, ds1 = img2, kp2, ds2
    # write to pto
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
Example #3
    def writePTO(self, fajlnev=""):
        #print inspect.stack()[0][3]
        if ("" == fajlnev):
            fajlnev = self.pto

        ofs = hsi.ofstream(fajlnev)
        del ofs
Example #4
    def writePTO(self, fajlnev=""):
        #print inspect.stack()[0][3]
        if ("" == fajlnev):
            fajlnev = self.pto

        del ofs
Example #5
def main():

    # when called from the command line, we import the argparse module.
    # This may not be part of the standard library on your system.

    import argparse

    # and create an argument parser.

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description=gpl + '''
    crop_cp will remove all CPs which are either outside the panorama's ROI
    or inside it's ROI if the inside flag is set

                        metavar='<output file>',
                        help='write output to a different file')

                        help='remove CPs inside ROI')

                        metavar='<pto file>',
                        help='pto file to be processed')

    if len(sys.argv) < 2:

    # we parse the arguments into a global variable so we can access
    # them from everywhere without having to pass them around

    global args

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.output:
        print('output: ', args.output)
    print('ptofile:', args.input)

    # first we see if we can open the input file

    ifs = hsi.ifstream(args.input)
    if not ifs.good():
        raise CropCpError('cannot open input file %s' % args.input)

    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    success = pano.readData(ifs)
    del ifs
    if success != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL:
        raise CropCpError('input file %s contains invalid data' % args.input)

    # if a separate output file was chosen, we open it now to avoid
    # later disappointments

    if args.output:
        ofs = hsi.ofstream(args.output)
        if not ofs.good():
            raise CropCpError('cannot open output file %s' % args.output)

    # we've checked the args, now we call crop_cps()

    crop_cps(pano, args.inside)

    # if no different output file was specified, overwrite the input

    if not args.output:
        ofs = hsi.ofstream(args.input)
        if not ofs.good():
            raise CropCpError('cannot open file %s for output' % args.input)

    success = pano.writeData(ofs)
    del ofs
    if success != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL:
        raise CropCpError('error writing pano to %s' % args.input)

    # done.

    return 0
def pto_gen(img_fns, hfov=50, out_pto="project.pto"):
    """ Generate a Hugin .pto project file

    img_fns: list,
             the (ordered) full paths to the video frames

    hfov: int, optional, default: 50,
          horizontal field of view in degrees
          (around 50 is ok for most non-fish-eye cameras)

    out_pto: string, optional, default: 'project.pto',
             output path to the generated panotools .pto file

    Suitable as input for further tools such as the cpfind control-point generator.

    Inspired from pto_gen
    but with some hacks to correct the generated m-line in the header.

    Uses the Hugin python scripting interface (
    # projection type: 0 == rectilinear (2 == equirectangular)
    projection = 0
    assert projection >= 0, "Invalid projection number (%d)" % projection
    assert 1 <= hfov <= 360, "Invalid horizontal field of view (%d)" % hfov
    # hugin Panorama object
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    # add the images in order
    for img_fn in img_fns:
        src_img = hsi.SrcPanoImage(img_fn)
    # check we added all of them
    n_inserted = pano.getNrOfImages()
    assert n_inserted == len(img_fns), "Didn't insert all images (%d < %d)" % \
            (n_inserted, len(img_fns))
    # output the .pto file
    pano.writeData(hsi.ofstream(out_pto + '.tmp'))  # same as pano.printPanoramaScript(...)
    # some bug in header: rewrite it manually (TODO through hsi?)
    with open(out_pto + '.tmp', 'r') as tmp_ff:
        with open(out_pto, 'w' ) as ff:
            # re-write the header
            # force jpeg for the p-line
            p_line = tmp_ff.readline().strip().split()
            assert p_line[0] == 'p', "BUG: should be a p-line"
            ff.write(' '.join(p_line[:7]) + ' n"JPEG q100"\n')
            # remove extra 'f' param in the m-line
            # (screws everything up if left here...)
            m_line = tmp_ff.readline().strip().split()
            assert m_line[0] == 'm', "BUG: should be a m-line"
            ff.write(' '.join(m_line[:3]) + ' ' + ' '.join(m_line[4:]) + '\n')
            # write all other lines
            for l in tmp_ff.readlines():
    os.remove(out_pto + '.tmp')
    print "saved {0}".format(out_pto)
        sys.exit ( -14 )

    del ifs

    # if we're here, the load succeeded and we can finally call
    # the plugin
    success = hpi_dispatch ( sys.argv[2] , p , *(sys.argv[3:]) )

    # KFJ 2011-06-19 changed writeback to True, so that
    # can be used to execute hugin plugins on the command line
    # and the result is written back to the pto file.

    writeback = True

    if writeback :

        ofs = hsi.ofstream ( sys.argv[1] )

        if not ofs.good() :
            print("failed to open %s" % sys.argv[1])
            sys.exit ( -15 )
        if p.writeData ( ofs ) != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL :
            print("failed to write panorama data to %s" % sys.argv[1])
            sys.exit ( -16 )

        del ofs
    sys.exit ( success )
Example #8
File: Project: marco-m/hugin

    del ifs

    # if we're here, the load succeeded and we can finally call
    # the plugin

    success = hpi_dispatch(sys.argv[2], p, *(sys.argv[3:]))

    # KFJ 2011-06-19 changed writeback to True, so that
    # can be used to execute hugin plugins on the command line
    # and the result is written back to the pto file.

    writeback = True

    if writeback:

        ofs = hsi.ofstream(sys.argv[1])

        if not ofs.good():
            print("failed to open %s" % sys.argv[1])

        if p.writeData(ofs) != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL:
            print("failed to write panorama data to %s" % sys.argv[1])

        del ofs

def main() :

    # when called from the command line, we import the argparse module.
    # This may not be part of the standard library on your system.
    import argparse

    # and create an argument parser.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (
        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ,
        description = gpl + '''
    crop_cp will remove all CPs which are either outside the panorama's ROI
    or inside it's ROI if the inside flag is set
    ''' )

    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
                        metavar='<output file>',
                        default = None,
                        help='write output to a different file')

    parser.add_argument('-i', '--inside',
                        default = False,
                        help='remove CPs inside ROI')

    parser.add_argument('input' ,
                        metavar = '<pto file>' ,
                        type = str ,
                        help = 'pto file to be processed' )

    if len ( sys.argv ) < 2 :

    # we parse the arguments into a global variable so we can access
    # them from everywhere without having to pass them around
    global args
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.output :
        print ( 'output: ' , args.output )
    print ( 'ptofile:' , args.input )

    # first we see if we can open the input file

    ifs = hsi.ifstream ( args.input )
    if not ifs.good() :
        raise CropCpError ( 'cannot open input file %s' % args.input )

    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    success = pano.readData ( ifs )
    del ifs
    if success != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL :
        raise CropCpError ( 'input file %s contains invalid data' % args.input )

    # if a separate output file was chosen, we open it now to avoid
    # later disappointments
    if args.output:
        ofs = hsi.ofstream ( args.output )
        if not ofs.good() :
            raise CropCpError ( 'cannot open output file %s' % args.output )

    # we've checked the args, now we call crop_cps()
    crop_cps ( pano , args.inside )

    # if no different output file was specified, overwrite the input
    if not args.output :
        ofs = hsi.ofstream ( args.input )
        if not ofs.good() :
            raise CropCpError ( 'cannot open file %s for output' % args.input )

    success = pano.writeData ( ofs )
    del ofs
    if success != hsi.DocumentData.SUCCESSFUL :
        raise CropCpError ( 'error writing pano to %s' % args.input )
    # done.
    return 0
Example #10
def pto_gen(img_fns, hfov, out_pto="project.pto"):
    """ Generate a Hugin .pto project file

    img_fns: list,
             the (ordered) full paths to the video frames

    hfov: int,
          horizontal field of view in degrees
          (around 50 is ok for most non-fish-eye cameras)

    out_pto: string, optional, default: 'project.pto',
             output path to the generated panotools .pto file

    Suitable as input for further tools such as the cpfind control-point

    Inspired from pto_gen
    but with some hacks to correct the generated m-line in the header.

    Uses the Hugin python scripting interface
    # projection type: 0 == rectilinear (2 == equirectangular)
    projection = 0
    assert projection >= 0, "Invalid projection number (%d)" % projection
    assert 1 <= hfov <= 360, "Invalid horizontal field of view (%d)" % hfov
    # hugin Panorama object
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    # add the images in order
    for img_fn in img_fns:
        src_img = hsi.SrcPanoImage(img_fn)
    # check we added all of them
    n_inserted = pano.getNrOfImages()
    assert n_inserted == len(img_fns), "Didn't insert all images (%d < %d)" % \
            (n_inserted, len(img_fns))
    # output the .pto file
        hsi.ofstream(out_pto +
                     '.tmp'))  # same as pano.printPanoramaScript(...)
    # some bug in header: rewrite it manually (TODO through hsi?)
    with open(out_pto + '.tmp', 'r') as tmp_ff:
        with open(out_pto, 'w') as ff:
            # re-write the header
            # force jpeg for the p-line
            p_line = tmp_ff.readline().strip().split()
            assert p_line[0] == 'p', "BUG: should be a p-line"
            ff.write(' '.join(p_line[:7]) + ' n"JPEG q100"\n')
            # remove extra 'f' param in the m-line (screws everything up if left here...)
            m_line = tmp_ff.readline().strip().split()
            assert m_line[0] == 'm', "BUG: should be a m-line"
            ff.write(' '.join(m_line[:3]) + ' ' + ' '.join(m_line[4:]) + '\n')
            # write all other lines
            for l in tmp_ff.readlines():
    os.remove(out_pto + '.tmp')
Example #11
def optimize_geometry(proj_file, optim_vars, optim_ref_fov=False):
    """ Optimise the geometric parameters

    proj_file: string,
               the path to the Hugin project file (.pto)

    optim_vars: string,
                the set of variables to optimize for (separated by '_')
                - v: view point
                - p: pitch
                - y: yaw
                - r: roll
                - Tr{X,Y,Z}: translation

    optim_ref_fov: boolean, optional, default: False,
                   whether to optimize the input's reference horizontal field
                   of view (risky)

    optim_proj_file: string,
                     path of the Hugin project file containing the optimized
                     values for the desired variables.

    This is (by far) the most time consuming operation
    (because of hugin's autooptimiser).

    This is also the most likely function where the compensation process tends
    to fail.
    optim_proj_file = proj_file + '.optim.pto'
    # modify the input pto to specify the optimization variables
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    n_imgs = pano.getNrOfImages()
    var_tup = tuple(optim_vars.split('_'))
    for v in var_tup:
        assert v in ('v', 'p', 'y', 'r', 'TrX', 'TrY', 'TrZ'), \
                "Unknown var {0} in {1}".format(v, optim_vars)
    optim_opts = [var_tup] * n_imgs  # fov, pitch, roll, yaw
    if optim_ref_fov:
        # optim only field of view for 1st (reference) frame
        optim_opts[0] = ('v')
        # Note: do not optim. pitch, roll and yaw for this one, weird otherwise
        # 1st reference frame has the same fov as those of the input images
        optim_opts[0] = ()
    # perform the optimization (TODO through hsi?)
    cmd = "autooptimiser -n -s -o {opto} {pto}"  # leveling can screw things up
    exec_shell(cmd.format(pto=proj_file, opto=optim_proj_file))
    # check for too large output (e.g. too wide panning or traveling)
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    opts = pano.getOptions()
    oh = opts.getHeight()
    ow = opts.getWidth()
    if oh * ow > 1e3 * 5e3:
        raise ValueError(
            "Degenerate case: too big output size ({0}, {1})\n".format(ow, oh) + \
            "May be caused by too large panning or translations\n" + \
            "=> Possible fixes: use a different field of view parameter or " + \
            "optimize only for different variables than {0}\n".format(optim_vars))
    return optim_proj_file
Example #12
def optimize_geometry(proj_file, optim_vars, optim_ref_fov=False):
    """ Optimise the geometric parameters

    proj_file: string,
               the path to the Hugin project file (.pto)

    optim_vars: string,
                the set of variables to optimize for (separated by '_')
                - v: view point
                - p: pitch
                - y: yaw
                - r: roll
                - Tr{X,Y,Z}: translation

    optim_ref_fov: boolean, optional, default: False,
                   whether to optimize the input's reference horizontal field
                   of view (risky)

    optim_proj_file: string,
                     path of the Hugin project file containing the optimized
                     values for the desired variables.

    This is (by far) the most time consuming operation
    (because of hugin's autooptimiser).

    This is also the most likely function where the compensation process tends
    to fail.
    optim_proj_file = proj_file + '.optim.pto'
    # modify the input pto to specify the optimization variables
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    n_imgs = pano.getNrOfImages()
    var_tup = tuple(optim_vars.split('_'))
    for v in var_tup:
        assert v in ('v', 'p', 'y', 'r', 'TrX', 'TrY', 'TrZ'), \
                "Unknown var {0} in {1}".format(v, optim_vars)
    optim_opts = [var_tup] * n_imgs  # fov, pitch, roll, yaw
    if optim_ref_fov:
        # optim only field of view for 1st (reference) frame
        optim_opts[0] = ('v')
        # Note: do not optim. pitch, roll and yaw for this one, weird otherwise
        # 1st reference frame has the same fov as those of the input images
        optim_opts[0] = ()
    # perform the optimization (TODO through hsi?)
    cmd = "autooptimiser -n -s -o {opto} {pto}"  # leveling can screw things up
    exec_shell(cmd.format(pto=proj_file, opto=optim_proj_file))
    # check for too large output (e.g. too wide panning or traveling)
    pano = hsi.Panorama()
    opts = pano.getOptions()
    oh = opts.getHeight()
    ow = opts.getWidth()
    if oh * ow > 1e3 * 5e3:
        raise ValueError(
            "Degenerate case: too big output size ({0}, {1})\n".format(ow, oh) + \
            "May be caused by too large panning or translations\n" + \
            "=> Possible fixes: use a different field of view parameter or " + \
            "optimize only for different variables than {0}\n".format(optim_vars))
    return optim_proj_file