Example #1
def vary_two_cfg(hs, qcx, cx, query_cfg, vary_cfg, fnum=1):
    if len(vary_cfg) > 2:
        raise Exception('can only vary at most two cfgeters')
    print('[dev] vary_two_cfg: q' + hs.vs_str(qcx, cx))
    cfg_keys = vary_cfg.keys()
    cfg_vals = vary_cfg.values()
    cfg1_name = cfg_keys[0]
    cfg2_name = cfg_keys[1]
    cfg1_steps = cfg_vals[0]
    cfg2_steps = cfg_vals[1]
    nRows = len(cfg1_steps)
    nCols = len(cfg2_steps)

    print('[dev] Varying configs: nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nRows, nCols))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg1_name, cfg1_steps))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg2_name, cfg2_steps))
    ylabel_args = dict(rotation='horizontal',
    xlabel_args = dict(fontproperties=df2.FONTS.medbold)
    #ax = df2.gca()
    # Vary cfg1
    print_lock_ = helpers.ModulePrintLock(mc3, df2)
    assign_alg = query_cfg.agg_cfg.query_type
    vert = not hs.args.horiz
    plt_match_args = dict(fnum=fnum, show_gname=False, showTF=False, vert=vert)
    for rowx, cfg1_value in enumerate(cfg1_steps):
        query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg1_name: cfg1_value})
        y_title = cfg1_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg1_value, 3)
        # Vary cfg2
        for colx, cfg2_value in enumerate(cfg2_steps):
            query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg2_name: cfg2_value})
            pnum = (nRows, nCols, rowx * nCols + colx + 1)
            # HACK
            # query only the chips of interest (groundtruth) when doing vsone
            if assign_alg == 'vsone':
                res = hs.query_groundtruth(qcx, query_cfg)
            # query the entire database in vsmany (just as fast as vgroundtruth)
            elif assign_alg == 'vsmany':
                res = hs.query(qcx, query_cfg)
            res.plot_single_match(hs, cx, pnum=pnum, **plt_match_args)
            x_title = cfg2_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg2_value, 3)  # helpers.commas(cfg2_value, 3)
            ax = df2.gca()
            if rowx == len(cfg1_steps) - 1:
                ax.set_xlabel(x_title, **xlabel_args)
            if colx == 0:
                ax.set_ylabel(y_title, **ylabel_args)
    del print_lock_
    vary_title = '%s vary %s and %s' % (assign_alg, cfg1_name, cfg2_name)
    figtitle =  '%s %s %s' % (vary_title, hs.vs_str(qcx, cx), str(hs.cx2_property(qcx, 'Notes')))
    subtitle = mc3.simplify_test_uid(query_cfg.get_uid())
    df2.set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle)
    fnum += 1
    viz.save_if_requested(hs, vary_title)
    return fnum
Example #2
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type):
    orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type]
    hs = allres.hs
    qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res
    # loop over each query / result of interest
    for qcx, cx, score, rank in orgres.iter():
        query_gname, _  = os.path.splitext(hs.tables.gx2_gname[hs.tables.cx2_gx[qcx]])
        result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(hs.tables.gx2_gname[hs.tables.cx2_gx[cx]])
        res = qcx2_res[qcx]
        df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=121)
        df2.show_matches_annote_res(res, hs, cx, SV=False, fnum=1, plotnum=121)
        df2.show_matches_annote_res(res, hs, cx, SV=True,  fnum=1, plotnum=122)
        big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname, result_gname)
        viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
Example #3
def dump_orgres_matches(allres, orgres_type):
    orgres = allres.__dict__[orgres_type]
    hs = allres.hs
    qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res
    # loop over each query / result of interest
    for qcx, cx, score, rank in orgres.iter():
        query_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(
        result_gname, _ = os.path.splitext(
        res = qcx2_res[qcx]
        df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=121)
        df2.show_matches_annote_res(res, hs, cx, SV=False, fnum=1, plotnum=121)
        df2.show_matches_annote_res(res, hs, cx, SV=True, fnum=1, plotnum=122)
        big_title = 'score=%.2f_rank=%d_q=%s_r=%s' % (score, rank, query_gname,
                             orgres_type + '_matches' + allres.title_suffix)
Example #4
def dump_feature_pair_analysis(allres):
    print('[rr2] Doing: feature pair analysis')
    # TODO: Measure score consistency over a spatial area.
    # Measures entropy of matching vs nonmatching descriptors
    # Measures scale of m vs nm desc
    hs = allres.hs
    qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res
    import scipy

    def _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor):
        # Choose number of bins based on the bandwidth
        bin_range = (0, 256)  # assuming input is uint8
        bins = bin_range[1] // bw_factor
        bw_factor = bin_range[1] / bins
        # Compute the probabilty mass function, each w.r.t a single descriptor
        hist_params = dict(bins=bins, range=bin_range, density=True)
        hist_func = np.histogram
        desc_pmf = [hist_func(d, **hist_params)[0] for d in desc]
        # Compute the probability that you saw what you saw
        # TODO: could use linear interpolation for a bit more robustness here
        bin_vals = [np.array(np.floor(d / bw_factor), dtype=np.uint8) for d in desc]
        hist_prob_x = [pmf[vals] for pmf, vals in zip(desc_pmf, bin_vals)]
        return hist_prob_x

    def _gkde_prob_x(desc, bw_factor):
        # Estimate the probabilty density function, each w.r.t a single descriptor
        gkde_func = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde
        desc_pdf = [gkde_func(d, bw_factor) for d in desc]
        gkde_prob_x = [pdf(d) for pdf, d in zip(desc_pdf, desc)]
        return gkde_prob_x

    def descriptor_entropy(desc, bw_factor=4):
        'computes the shannon entropy of each descriptor in desc'
        # Compute shannon entropy = -sum(p(x)*log(p(x)))
        prob_x = _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor)
        entropy = [-(px * np.log2(px)).sum() for px in prob_x]
        return entropy

    # Load features if we need to
    if hs.feats.cx2_desc.size == 0:
        print(' * forcing load of descriptors')
    cx2_desc = hs.feats.cx2_desc
    cx2_kpts = hs.feats.cx2_kpts

    def measure_feat_pairs(allres, orgtype='top_true'):
        print('Measure ' + orgtype + ' pairs')
        orgres = allres.__dict__[orgtype]
        entropy_list = []
        scale_list = []
        score_list = []
        lbl = 'Measuring ' + orgtype + ' pair '
        fmt_str = helpers.make_progress_fmt_str(len(orgres), lbl)
        rank_skips = []
        gt_skips = []
        for ix, (qcx, cx, score, rank) in enumerate(orgres.iter()):
            helpers.print_(fmt_str % (ix + 1,))
            # Skip low ranks
            if rank > 5:
            other_cxs = hs.get_other_indexed_cxs(qcx)
            # Skip no groundtruth
            if len(other_cxs) == 0:
            res = qcx2_res[qcx]
            # Get matching feature indexes
            fm = res.cx2_fm[cx]
            # Get their scores
            fs = res.cx2_fs[cx]
            # Get matching descriptors
            printDBG('\nfm.shape=%r' % (fm.shape,))
            desc1 = cx2_desc[qcx][fm[:, 0]]
            desc2 = cx2_desc[cx][fm[:, 1]]
            # Get matching keypoints
            kpts1 = cx2_kpts[qcx][fm[:, 0]]
            kpts2 = cx2_kpts[cx][fm[:, 1]]
            # Get their scale
            scale1_m = sv2.keypoint_scale(kpts1)
            scale2_m = sv2.keypoint_scale(kpts2)
            # Get their entropy
            entropy1 = descriptor_entropy(desc1, bw_factor=1)
            entropy2 = descriptor_entropy(desc2, bw_factor=1)
            # Append to results
            entropy_tup = np.array(zip(entropy1, entropy2))
            scale_tup   = np.array(zip(scale1_m, scale2_m))
            entropy_tup = entropy_tup.reshape(len(entropy_tup), 2)
            scale_tup   = scale_tup.reshape(len(scale_tup), 2)
        print('Skipped %d total.' % (len(rank_skips) + len(gt_skips),))
        print('Skipped %d for rank > 5, %d for no gt' % (len(rank_skips), len(gt_skips),))
        print(np.unique(map(len, entropy_list)))

        def evstack(tup):
            return np.vstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2))

        def ehstack(tup):
            return np.hstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2))

        entropy_pairs = evstack(entropy_list)
        scale_pairs   = evstack(scale_list)
        scores        = ehstack(score_list)
        print('\n * Measured %d pairs' % len(entropy_pairs))
        return entropy_pairs, scale_pairs, scores

    tt_entropy, tt_scale, tt_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_true')
    tf_entropy, tf_scale, tf_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_false')

    # Measure ratios
    def measure_ratio(arr):
        return arr[:, 0] / arr[:, 1] if len(arr) > 0 else np.array([])
    tt_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tt_entropy)
    tf_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tf_entropy)
    tt_scale_ratio   = measure_ratio(tt_scale)
    tf_scale_ratio   = measure_ratio(tf_scale)

    title_suffix = allres.title_suffix

    # Entropy vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=1, docla=True)
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 1))
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy1', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy1', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 3))
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy2', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 4))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy2', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Scale vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 3))
    df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 4))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Scale vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Entropy Ratio vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Scale Ratio vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_scale_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale-ratio', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale-ratio', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')
Example #5
def vary_two_cfg(hs, qcx, cx, query_cfg, vary_cfg, fnum=1):
    if len(vary_cfg) > 2:
        raise Exception('can only vary at most two cfgeters')
    print('[dev] vary_two_cfg: q' + hs.vs_str(qcx, cx))
    cfg_keys = vary_cfg.keys()
    cfg_vals = vary_cfg.values()
    cfg1_name = cfg_keys[0]
    cfg2_name = cfg_keys[1]
    cfg1_steps = cfg_vals[0]
    cfg2_steps = cfg_vals[1]
    nRows = len(cfg1_steps)
    nCols = len(cfg2_steps)

    print('[dev] Varying configs: nRows=%r, nCols=%r' % (nRows, nCols))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg1_name, cfg1_steps))
    print('[dev] %r = %r ' % (cfg2_name, cfg2_steps))
    ylabel_args = dict(rotation='horizontal',
    xlabel_args = dict(fontproperties=df2.FONTS.medbold)
    #ax = df2.gca()
    # Vary cfg1
    print_lock_ = helpers.ModulePrintLock(mc3, df2)
    assign_alg = query_cfg.agg_cfg.query_type
    vert = not hs.args.horiz
    plt_match_args = dict(fnum=fnum, show_gname=False, showTF=False, vert=vert)
    for rowx, cfg1_value in enumerate(cfg1_steps):
        query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg1_name: cfg1_value})
        y_title = cfg1_name + '=' + helpers.format(cfg1_value, 3)
        # Vary cfg2
        for colx, cfg2_value in enumerate(cfg2_steps):
            query_cfg.update_cfg(**{cfg2_name: cfg2_value})
            pnum = (nRows, nCols, rowx * nCols + colx + 1)
            # HACK
            # query only the chips of interest (groundtruth) when doing vsone
            if assign_alg == 'vsone':
                res = hs.query_groundtruth(qcx, query_cfg)
            # query the entire database in vsmany (just as fast as vgroundtruth)
            elif assign_alg == 'vsmany':
                res = hs.query(qcx, query_cfg)
            res.plot_single_match(hs, cx, pnum=pnum, **plt_match_args)
            x_title = cfg2_name + '=' + helpers.format(
                cfg2_value, 3)  # helpers.commas(cfg2_value, 3)
            ax = df2.gca()
            if rowx == len(cfg1_steps) - 1:
                ax.set_xlabel(x_title, **xlabel_args)
            if colx == 0:
                ax.set_ylabel(y_title, **ylabel_args)
    del print_lock_
    vary_title = '%s vary %s and %s' % (assign_alg, cfg1_name, cfg2_name)
    figtitle = '%s %s %s' % (vary_title, hs.vs_str(
        qcx, cx), str(hs.cx2_property(qcx, 'Notes')))
    subtitle = mc3.simplify_test_uid(query_cfg.get_uid())
    df2.set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle)
    fnum += 1
    viz.save_if_requested(hs, vary_title)
    return fnum
Example #6
 def show_splash(back, fnum, view='Nice', **kwargs):
     if df2.plt.fignum_exists(fnum):
         df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True)
         df2.set_figtitle('%s View' % view)
Example #7
def dump_feature_pair_analysis(allres):
    print('[rr2] Doing: feature pair analysis')
    # TODO: Measure score consistency over a spatial area.
    # Measures entropy of matching vs nonmatching descriptors
    # Measures scale of m vs nm desc
    hs = allres.hs
    qcx2_res = allres.qcx2_res
    import scipy

    def _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor):
        # Choose number of bins based on the bandwidth
        bin_range = (0, 256)  # assuming input is uint8
        bins = bin_range[1] // bw_factor
        bw_factor = bin_range[1] / bins
        # Compute the probabilty mass function, each w.r.t a single descriptor
        hist_params = dict(bins=bins, range=bin_range, density=True)
        hist_func = np.histogram
        desc_pmf = [hist_func(d, **hist_params)[0] for d in desc]
        # Compute the probability that you saw what you saw
        # TODO: could use linear interpolation for a bit more robustness here
        bin_vals = [
            np.array(np.floor(d / bw_factor), dtype=np.uint8) for d in desc
        hist_prob_x = [pmf[vals] for pmf, vals in zip(desc_pmf, bin_vals)]
        return hist_prob_x

    def _gkde_prob_x(desc, bw_factor):
        # Estimate the probabilty density function, each w.r.t a single descriptor
        gkde_func = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde
        desc_pdf = [gkde_func(d, bw_factor) for d in desc]
        gkde_prob_x = [pdf(d) for pdf, d in zip(desc_pdf, desc)]
        return gkde_prob_x

    def descriptor_entropy(desc, bw_factor=4):
        'computes the shannon entropy of each descriptor in desc'
        # Compute shannon entropy = -sum(p(x)*log(p(x)))
        prob_x = _hist_prob_x(desc, bw_factor)
        entropy = [-(px * np.log2(px)).sum() for px in prob_x]
        return entropy

    # Load features if we need to
    if hs.feats.cx2_desc.size == 0:
        print(' * forcing load of descriptors')
    cx2_desc = hs.feats.cx2_desc
    cx2_kpts = hs.feats.cx2_kpts

    def measure_feat_pairs(allres, orgtype='top_true'):
        print('Measure ' + orgtype + ' pairs')
        orgres = allres.__dict__[orgtype]
        entropy_list = []
        scale_list = []
        score_list = []
        lbl = 'Measuring ' + orgtype + ' pair '
        fmt_str = helpers.make_progress_fmt_str(len(orgres), lbl)
        rank_skips = []
        gt_skips = []
        for ix, (qcx, cx, score, rank) in enumerate(orgres.iter()):
            helpers.print_(fmt_str % (ix + 1, ))
            # Skip low ranks
            if rank > 5:
            other_cxs = hs.get_other_indexed_cxs(qcx)
            # Skip no groundtruth
            if len(other_cxs) == 0:
            res = qcx2_res[qcx]
            # Get matching feature indexes
            fm = res.cx2_fm[cx]
            # Get their scores
            fs = res.cx2_fs[cx]
            # Get matching descriptors
            printDBG('\nfm.shape=%r' % (fm.shape, ))
            desc1 = cx2_desc[qcx][fm[:, 0]]
            desc2 = cx2_desc[cx][fm[:, 1]]
            # Get matching keypoints
            kpts1 = cx2_kpts[qcx][fm[:, 0]]
            kpts2 = cx2_kpts[cx][fm[:, 1]]
            # Get their scale
            scale1_m = sv2.keypoint_scale(kpts1)
            scale2_m = sv2.keypoint_scale(kpts2)
            # Get their entropy
            entropy1 = descriptor_entropy(desc1, bw_factor=1)
            entropy2 = descriptor_entropy(desc2, bw_factor=1)
            # Append to results
            entropy_tup = np.array(zip(entropy1, entropy2))
            scale_tup = np.array(zip(scale1_m, scale2_m))
            entropy_tup = entropy_tup.reshape(len(entropy_tup), 2)
            scale_tup = scale_tup.reshape(len(scale_tup), 2)
        print('Skipped %d total.' % (len(rank_skips) + len(gt_skips), ))
        print('Skipped %d for rank > 5, %d for no gt' % (
        print(np.unique(map(len, entropy_list)))

        def evstack(tup):
            return np.vstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2))

        def ehstack(tup):
            return np.hstack(tup) if len(tup) > 0 else np.empty((0, 2))

        entropy_pairs = evstack(entropy_list)
        scale_pairs = evstack(scale_list)
        scores = ehstack(score_list)
        print('\n * Measured %d pairs' % len(entropy_pairs))
        return entropy_pairs, scale_pairs, scores

    tt_entropy, tt_scale, tt_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_true')
    tf_entropy, tf_scale, tf_scores = measure_feat_pairs(allres, 'top_false')

    # Measure ratios
    def measure_ratio(arr):
        return arr[:, 0] / arr[:, 1] if len(arr) > 0 else np.array([])

    tt_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tt_entropy)
    tf_entropy_ratio = measure_ratio(tf_entropy)
    tt_scale_ratio = measure_ratio(tt_scale)
    tf_scale_ratio = measure_ratio(tf_scale)

    title_suffix = allres.title_suffix

    # Entropy vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=1, docla=True)
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 1))
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy1', 'score',
              'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy1', 'score',
              'Top False')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 3))
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy2', 'score',
              'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=1, plotnum=(2, 2, 4))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy2', 'score',
              'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Scale vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 0], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 0], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale1', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 3))
    df2.plot2(tt_scale[:, 1], tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=2, plotnum=(2, 2, 4))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale[:, 1], tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale2', 'score', 'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Scale vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Entropy Ratio vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_entropy_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score',
              'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=3, plotnum=(1, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_entropy_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'entropy-ratio', 'score',
              'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')

    # Scale Ratio vs Score
    df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 1), docla=True)
    df2.plot2(tt_scale_ratio, tt_scores, 'gx', 'scale-ratio', 'score',
              'Top True')
    df2.figure(fnum=4, plotnum=(1, 2, 2))
    df2.plot2(tf_scale_ratio, tf_scores, 'rx', 'scale-ratio', 'score',
              'Top False')
    df2.set_figtitle('Entropy Ratio vs Score -- ' + title_suffix)
    viz.__dump_or_browse(allres, 'pair_analysis')
Example #8
 def show_splash(back, fnum, view='Nice', **kwargs):
     if df2.plt.fignum_exists(fnum):
         df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True)
         df2.set_figtitle('%s View' % view)
Example #9
    dstimg_thresh = dstimg.copy()
    dstimg_thresh[dstimg_thresh > 0] = 1

    # Get matching coverage
    hs.prefs.query_cfg.agg_cfg.score_method = 'coverage'
    res = hs.query(cx)
    nTop = 2
    for tx in xrange(nTop):
        cx2 = res.topN_cxs(hs)[tx]
        dstimg1, dstimg2, args_, kwargs_ = test_result_coverage(
            hs, res, cx2, scale_factor)
        test_find_coverage_score(hs, res)
        res.show_chipres(hs, cx2, fnum=fnum)
        df2.set_figtitle('matching viz' + str(tx), incanvas=False)
        fnum += 1

        df2.show_chipmatch2(dstimg1, dstimg2, *args_, fnum=fnum, **kwargs_)
        df2.set_figtitle('matching coverage' + str(tx))
        fnum += 1

    df2.imshow(srcimg, fnum=fnum, heatmap=True)
    df2.set_figtitle('gaussian weights')
    fnum += 1

    df2.imshow(dstimg, fnum=fnum, heatmap=True)
    df2.set_figtitle('chip coverage map')
    fnum += 1

    df2.imshow(dstimg_thresh, fnum=fnum, heatmap=True)
Example #10
            did_exist = df2.plt.fignum_exists(fnum)
            df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True)
            #------- function: interact.interact_chipres(back.hs, res, cx=cx, fnum=fnum)
            annote_ptr = [0]
            pnum=(1, 1, 1)
            xywh2_ptr = [None]
            #-------function: def _chipmatch_view(pnum=(1, 1, 1), **kwargs):
            mode = annote_ptr[0]
            draw_ell = mode >= 1
            draw_lines = mode == 2
            annote_ptr[0] = (annote_ptr[0] + 1) % 3
            df2.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True)
            # TODO RENAME This to remove res and rectify with show_chipres
            tup = res_show_chipres(query_res, hs, db_cx, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum,
                                       draw_lines=draw_lines, draw_ell=draw_ell,
            figtitle='Inspect Query Result'
            df2.set_figtitle(figtitle + hs.vs_str(query_cx, db_cx))
            if Flag_save & 1:
                fpath = save_dir
                usetitle = 'querycid_' + str(query_cid) + '_db' + str(db_cid)
                df2.save_figure(fnum=fnum, fpath=fpath, usetitle=usetitle, overwrite=True)