def test_tag_blacklist_call(self): """ Test the blacklist to make sure some tags don't get hyphenated. """ before = "<code>I love hyphenation</code>" after = hyphenate(before) self.failUnlessEqual(after, "<code>I love hyphenation</code>")
def test_spanish_call(self): """ Test usage of the blacklist with spanish """ before = "<h1>Me encanta guiones</h1>" after = hyphenate(before, language='es-es') self.failUnlessEqual(after, "<h1>Me en­can­ta gu­io­nes</h1>")
def test_simple_call(self): """ Test simple usage of the hyphenation method directly. """ before = "<h1>I love hyphenation</h1>" after = hyphenate(before) self.failUnlessEqual(after, "<h1>I love hy­phen­a­tion</h1>")