Example #1
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  TMP = TMP/"pdf"
  TMP.exists or TMP.mkdir()

  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  html_files = filter(lambda path: path.name != "index.html", html_files)
  # Get the logo if present.
  logo_png = Path("logo_tango.png")
  if logo_png.exists:
    logo = "<br/>"*2 + "<img src='%s'/>" % logo_png.name
    #logo_svg = open(logo_svg).read()
    #logo_svg = "<br/>"*2 + logo_svg[logo_svg.index("\n"):]
    logo = ''
  symlink = "http://dil.googlecode.com/svn/doc/Tango_%s" % VERSION
  params = {
    "pdf_title": "Tango %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "Tango %s<br/><b>API</b>%s" % (VERSION, logo),
    "author": "Tango Team",
    "subject": "Programming API",
    "keywords": "Tango standard library API documentation",
    "x_html": "HTML",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "symlink": symlink
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, SRC/("Tango.%s.API.pdf"%VERSION), TMP, params)
Example #2
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  TMP = TMP/"pdf"

  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
  # Get a list of the HTML files.
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  html_files = filter(lambda path: path.name != "index.html", html_files)
  # Get the logo if present.
  logo_file = Path("logo_tango.png")
  logo = ''
  if logo_file.exists:
    logo = "<br/><br/><img src='%s'/>" % logo_file.name
  # Go to this URL when a D symbol is clicked.
  #sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/tango.%s/{0}" % VERSION
  sym_url = "http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/docs/%s/{0}" % VERSION
  params = {
    "pdf_title": "Tango %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "Tango %s<br/><b>API</b>%s" % (VERSION, logo),
    "author": "Tango Team",
    "subject": "Programming API",
    "keywords": "Tango standard library API documentation",
    "x_html": "HTML",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "sym_url": sym_url
  pdf_file = SRC/("Tango.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION)
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, pdf_file, TMP, params)
Example #3
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/dil/{0}" # % VERSION

  params = {
    "pdf_title": "DIL %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "DIL %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
    "author": "Aziz Köksal",
    "subject": "Compiler API",
    "keywords": "DIL D compiler API documentation",
    "x_html": "XHTML",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "sym_url": sym_url
  dest = SRC/("dil.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION)
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, dest, TMP, params)
Example #4
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)

  for gif in SRC//("erf.gif", "erfc.gif"): gif.copy(TMP)
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  ignore_list = ("phobos.html", "std.c.windows.windows.html")
  html_files = [f for f in html_files
                    if not any(map(f.endswith, iter(ignore_list)))]
  symbol_link = "http://dil.googlecode.com/svn/doc/Phobos_%s" % VERSION
  params = {"pdf_title": "Phobos %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "Phobos %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
    "author": "Walter Bright",
    "subject": "Programming API",
    "keywords": "Phobos D Standard Library",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "symlink": symbol_link}
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, SRC/("Phobos.%s.API.pdf"%VERSION), TMP, params)
Example #5
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  # TODO: some links should be rewritten:
  # E.g.: .) "dil.lexer.Funcs.html#CProperty.Whitespace" ->
  #          "m-dil.lexer.Funcs:CProperty.Whitespace"
  #       .) "dil.lexer.Identifier" -> "m-dil.lexer.Identifier"
  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  symlink = "http://dil.googlecode.com/svn/doc/dil_%s" % VERSION
  params = {"pdf_title": "dil %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "dil %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
    "author": u"Aziz Köksal",
    "subject": "Compiler API",
    "keywords": "dil D compiler API documentation",
    "x_html": "XHTML",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "symlink": symlink}
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, SRC/("dil.%s.API.pdf"%VERSION), TMP, params)
Example #6
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
    TMP = TMP / "pdf"
    TMP.exists or TMP.mkdir()

    pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
    pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
    html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
    html_files = filter(lambda path: path.name != "index.html", html_files)
    # Get the logo if present.
    logo_png = Path("logo_tango.png")
    if logo_png.exists:
        logo = "<br/>" * 2 + "<img src='%s'/>" % logo_png.name
        #logo_svg = open(logo_svg).read()
        #logo_svg = "<br/>"*2 + logo_svg[logo_svg.index("\n"):]
        logo = ''
    symlink = "http://dil.googlecode.com/svn/doc/Tango_%s" % VERSION
    params = {
        "pdf_title": "Tango %s API" % VERSION,
        "cover_title": "Tango %s<br/><b>API</b>%s" % (VERSION, logo),
        "author": "Tango Team",
        "subject": "Programming API",
        "keywords": "Tango standard library API documentation",
        "x_html": "HTML",
        "nested_toc": True,
        "symlink": symlink
    pdf_gen.run(html_files, SRC / ("Tango.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION), TMP, params)
Example #7
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
    TMP = (TMP / "pdf").mkdir()

    pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
    pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
    # Get a list of the HTML files.
    html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
    html_files = filter(lambda path: path.name != "index.html", html_files)
    # Get the logo if present.
    logo_file = Path("logo_tango.png")
    logo = ''
    if logo_file.exists:
        logo = "<br/><br/><img src='%s'/>" % logo_file.name
    # Go to this URL when a D symbol is clicked.
    #sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/tango.%s/{0}" % VERSION
    sym_url = "http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/docs/%s/{0}" % VERSION
    params = {
        "pdf_title": "Tango %s API" % VERSION,
        "cover_title": "Tango %s<br/><b>API</b>%s" % (VERSION, logo),
        "author": "Tango Team",
        "subject": "Programming API",
        "keywords": "Tango standard library API documentation",
        "x_html": "HTML",
        "nested_toc": True,
        "sym_url": sym_url
    pdf_file = SRC / ("Tango.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION)
    pdf_gen.run(html_files, pdf_file, TMP, params)
Example #8
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
  pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
  pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)

  for gif in SRC//("erf.gif", "erfc.gif"): gif.copy(TMP)
  html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
  ignore_list = ("phobos.html", "std.c.windows.windows.html", "index.html")
  html_files = filter(lambda f: f.name not in ignore_list, html_files)
  sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/phobos.%s/{0}" % VERSION
  params = {
    "pdf_title": "Phobos %s API" % VERSION,
    "cover_title": "Phobos %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
    "author": "Walter Bright",
    "subject": "Programming API",
    "keywords": "Phobos D Standard Library",
    "nested_toc": True,
    "sym_url": sym_url
    # TODO:
    #"first_toc": "",
    #"before_files": []
  dest = SRC/("Phobos.%s.API.pdf"%VERSION)
  pdf_gen.run(html_files, dest, TMP, params)
Example #9
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
    pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
    pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)
    html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
    sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/dil/{0}"  # % VERSION

    params = {
        "pdf_title": "DIL %s API" % VERSION,
        "cover_title": "DIL %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
        "author": "Aziz Köksal",
        "subject": "Compiler API",
        "keywords": "DIL D compiler API documentation",
        "x_html": "XHTML",
        "nested_toc": True,
        "sym_url": sym_url
    dest = SRC / ("dil.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION)
    pdf_gen.run(html_files, dest, TMP, params)
Example #10
def write_PDF(DIL, SRC, VERSION, TMP):
    pdf_gen = PDFGenerator()
    pdf_gen.fetch_files(DIL, TMP)

    (SRC / ("erf.gif", "erfc.gif")).copy(TMP)
    html_files = SRC.glob("*.html")
    ignore_list = ("phobos.html", "std.c.windows.windows.html", "index.html")
    html_files = filter(lambda f: f.name not in ignore_list, html_files)
    sym_url = "http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17101773/doc/phobos.%s/{0}" % VERSION
    params = {
        "pdf_title": "Phobos %s API" % VERSION,
        "cover_title": "Phobos %s<br/><b>API</b>" % VERSION,
        "author": "Walter Bright",
        "subject": "Programming API",
        "keywords": "Phobos D Standard Library",
        "nested_toc": True,
        "sym_url": sym_url
        # TODO:
        #"first_toc": "",
        #"before_files": []
    dest = SRC / ("Phobos.%s.API.pdf" % VERSION)
    pdf_gen.run(html_files, dest, TMP, params)