def cate_link_read_main():
    global lib_host_http
    global lib_conn_http
    rows = db_lib.db_get_g(db_sql.sql_lib_lang_cate_link_read_get, ())
    for row in rows:
        lang_href = row[0]
        cate_path = row[1]
        cate_param = row[2]
        link_href = row[3]
        if lib_host_http != lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip():
            lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
            lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
            cate_link_read(link_href, lang_href, cate_path, cate_param)
        except Exception as e:
def home_read_main():
    global lib_host_http
    global lib_conn_http
    rows = db_lib.db_get_g(db_sql.sql_lib_lang_get, ())
    for row in rows:
        lang_href = row[0]
        lang_title = row[1]
        lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
        lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
        ''' # if working on horizon pc, uncommit this if and commit above two lines. 
        if lib_host_http != lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip():
            lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
            lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
            db_lib.db_execute_g(db_sql.sql_lib_lang_update, (lang_href,))
        except Exception as e:
def cate_read_main():
    global lib_host_http
    global lib_conn_http
    rows = db_lib.db_get_g(db_sql.sql_lib_lang_cate_read_get, ())
    i_t = len(rows)
    i = 0
    for row in rows:
        i = i + 1
        print '%d of %d'%(i, i_t), 
        lang_href = row[0]
        cate_path = row[1]
        cate_param = row[2]
        if lib_host_http != lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip():
            lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
            lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
            cate_read(lang_href, cate_path, cate_param)
        except Exception as e:
def home_read_max_main():
    global lib_host_http
    global lib_conn_http
    rows = db_lib.db_get_g(db_sql.sql_lib_lang_cate_get, ())
    for row in rows:
        lang_href = row[0]
        cate_path = row[1]
        cate_title = row[2]
        cate_param_max = row[3]
        lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
        lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
        ''' # if working on horizon pc, uncommit this if, otherwise, commit above two lines. 
        if lib_host_http != lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip():
            lib_host_http = lang_href.replace('http://', '').replace('/', '').strip()
            lib_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(lib_host_http)
            home_read_max(lang_href, cate_path, cate_title)
        except Exception as e:
        print '======='
def youtube_http_post(url, url_body):
    global youtube_conn_http
    if youtube_conn_http == None:
        youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(youtube_host_http)
    status, body, youtube_conn_http = http.use_httplib_http(url, 'POST', url_body, youtube_conn_http, youtube_host_http, youtube_headers_http)
    return status, body
def youtube_http_get(url):
    global youtube_conn_http
    if youtube_conn_http == None:
        youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(youtube_host_http)
    status, body, youtube_conn_http = http.use_httplib_http(url, 'GET', '', youtube_conn_http, youtube_host_http, youtube_headers_http)
    return status, body
import db_sql
import db_app
import http
import urllib
import err
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from datetime import datetime
import util

youtube_host_http = ''
youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(youtube_host_http)
youtube_headers_http = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain", "Accept-Language": "en-UK"}
youtube_root = 'watch'
######### http without proxy

def youtube_http_get(url):
    global youtube_conn_http
    if youtube_conn_http == None:
        youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(youtube_host_http)
    status, body, youtube_conn_http = http.use_httplib_http(url, 'GET', '', youtube_conn_http, youtube_host_http, youtube_headers_http)
    return status, body
def youtube_http_post(url, url_body):
    global youtube_conn_http
    if youtube_conn_http == None:
        youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http(youtube_host_http)
    status, body, youtube_conn_http = http.use_httplib_http(url, 'POST', url_body, youtube_conn_http, youtube_host_http, youtube_headers_http)
    return status, body
# http proxy here: if not in proxy, please comment thsese lines
youtube_conn_http = http.get_conn_http_proxy(youtube_host_http)
def host_http_proxy ():