Example #1
    def _handle_tcp_stream(self, tcp):
        ((shost, sport), (dhost, dport)) = tcp.addr

        if tcp.nids_state == nids.NIDS_JUST_EST:
            if dport in (80, 8000, 8080, 443, 8888):
                tcp.client.collect = 1
                tcp.server.collect = 1

        elif tcp.nids_state == nids.NIDS_DATA:
            # keep all of the stream's new data

        elif tcp.nids_state in _END_STATES:

            ddata = tcp.server.data[:tcp.server.count]
            sdata = tcp.client.data[:tcp.client.count]
            # Parse la data del stream tcp y genero todos los
            # http_streams que sean necesarios
            http_streams = HTTPStream.create_streams(
                shost, sport, sdata,
                dhost, dport, ddata)
            for http_stream in http_streams: