Example #1
 def make_request():
     # TODO : there should be a better way to clean this up as soon as
     # we are done with the request, but at least this way there will only
     # ever be one hanging socket at most at any given time.
     if "client" in locals() and isinstance(client, HTTPSConnection):
     client = HTTPSConnection(host)
     client.request(method, request_path, data, request_headers)
     response = client.getresponse()
     return response
Example #2
 def connect(self, url):
     secure = url.startswith('https')
     url = url.split('://', 1)[-1]
     if secure:
         connection = HTTPSConnection(
             self.https_proxy or url,
         connection = HTTPConnection(self.http_proxy or url,
     return connection
Example #3
def httpPost(body):
    host = Config.get('influxdb', 'influxHost')
    port = Config.get('influxdb', 'port')
    wachtwoord = Config.get('influxdb', 'wachtwoord')
    username = Config.get('influxdb', 'username')
    dbname = Config.get('influxdb', 'dbname')
    context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
    conn = HTTPSConnection(host, port, context=context)
    headers = {
        'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'Accept': 'text/plain'

    #except Exception as e:
    #	logging.info('Ooops! something went wrong with creating HTTP object! {}'.format(e))

            body, headers)
    except Exception as e:
        logging.info('Ooops! something went wronh with POSTing {}'.format(e))
        response = conn.getresponse()
        logging.info('Updated Influx. HTTP response {}'.format(
        #logging.debug("Reason: {}\n Response:{}".format(response.reason, response.read) )
class TransferAPIClient(object):
    Maintains a connection to the server as a specific user. Not thread
    safe. Uses the JSON representations.

    Convenience api methods return a triple:
      (status_code, status_message, data)

    data is either the JSON response loaded as a python dictionary,
    or None if the reponse was empty, or a conveninience wrapper around
    the JSON data if the data itself is hard to use directly.

    Endpoint names can be full canonical names of the form
    ausername#epname, or simply epname, in which case the API looks at
    the logged in user's endpoints.

    def __init__(
        Initialize a client with the client credential and optional alternate
        base URL.

        For authentication, use either x509 or goauth.

        x509 requires configuring your Globus Online account with the x509
        certificate and having the private key available. Requires @cert_file
        and @key_file, or just one if both are in the same file.

        goauth requires fetching an access token from nexus, which supports
        several authentication methods including basic auth - see the
        goauth module and the nexus documentation.

        @param username: username to connect to the service with.
        @param server_ca_file: path to file containing one or more x509
                               certificates, used to verify the server
                               certificate. If not specified tries to choose
                               the appropriate CA based on the hostname in
        @param cert_file: path to file containing the x509 client certificate
                          for authentication.
        @param key_file: path to file containg the RSA key for client
                         authentication. If blank and cert_file passed,
                         uses cert_file.
        @param goauth: goauth access token retrieved from nexus.
        @param base_url: optionally specify an alternate base url, if testing
                         out an unreleased or alternatively hosted version of
                         the API.
        @param timeout: timeout to set on the underlying TCP socket.
        @param max_attempts: Retry every API call on network
                             errors and ServiceUnavailable up to this many
                             times. Sleeps for 30 seconds between each attempt.
                             Note that a socket timeout will be treated as
                             a network error and retried. When max_attempts
                             is exceeded, the exception from the last attempt
                             will be raised. max_attempts=1 implies no
        if server_ca_file is None:
            server_ca_file = get_ca(base_url)
            if server_ca_file is None:
                raise InterfaceError("no CA found for base URL '%s'" % base_url)
        if not os.path.isfile(server_ca_file):
            raise InterfaceError("server_ca_file not found: '%s'" % server_ca_file)

        self.headers = {}

        if goauth:
            if cert_file or key_file:
                raise InterfaceError("pass only one auth method")
        elif cert_file or key_file:
            if not key_file:
                key_file = cert_file
            if not cert_file:
                cert_file = key_file
            if not os.path.isfile(cert_file):
                raise InterfaceError("cert_file not found: %s" % cert_file)
            if not os.path.isfile(key_file):
                raise InterfaceError("key_file not found: %s" % key_file)
            self.headers["X-Transfer-API-X509-User"] = username
            raise InterfaceError("pass one auth method")

        if max_attempts is not None:
            max_attempts = int(max_attempts)
            if max_attempts < 1:
                raise InterfaceError("max_attempts must be None or a positive integer")
        self.max_attempts = max_attempts

        self.goauth = goauth
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.key_file = key_file

        self.username = username
        self.server_ca_file = server_ca_file
        self.httplib_debuglevel = httplib_debuglevel

        self.base_url = base_url
        self.host, self.port = _get_host_port(base_url)
        self.timeout = timeout

        self.print_request = False
        self.print_response = False
        self.c = None

        self.user_agent = "Python-httplib/%s (%s)" % (platform.python_version(), platform.system())
        self.client_info = "globusonline.transfer.api_client/%s" % __version__

    def connect(self):
        Create an HTTPS connection to the server. Run automatically by
        request methods.
        kwargs = dict(strict=False, timeout=self.timeout)
        if self.cert_file:
            kwargs["cert_file"] = self.cert_file
            kwargs["key_file"] = self.key_file
        self.c = HTTPSConnection(self.host, self.port, **kwargs)
        if not STD_HTTPLIB:
            # for verified_https, there is no default system trust
            # store, so use our own ca file
            self.c.ca_certs = self.server_ca_file
        # else for standard lib, use default system trust certs


    def set_http_connection_debug(self, value):
        Turn debugging of the underlying HTTPSConnection on or
        off. Note: this may print sensative information, like auth tokens,
        to standard out.
        if value:
            level = 1
            level = 0
        self.httplib_debuglevel = level
        if self.c:

    def set_debug_print(self, print_request, print_response):
        self.print_request = print_request
        self.print_response = print_response

    def close(self):
        Close the wrapped HTTPSConnection.
        if self.c:
        self.c = None

    def _request(self, method, path, body=None, content_type=None):
        if not path.startswith("/"):
            path = "/" + path
        url = self.base_url + path

        headers = self.headers.copy()
        if content_type:
            headers["Content-Type"] = content_type

        if self.print_request:
            print ">>>REQUEST>>>:"
            print "%s %s" % (method, url)
            for h in headers.iteritems():
                print "%s: %s" % h
            if body:
                print body

        if self.goauth:
            headers["Authorization"] = "Globus-Goauthtoken %s" % self.goauth

        headers["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
        headers["X-Transfer-API-Client"] = self.client_info

        def do_request():
            if self.c is None:
            self.c.request(method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
            r = self.c.getresponse()
            response_body = r.read()
            return r, response_body

        for attempt in xrange(self.max_attempts):
            r = None
                    r, response_body = do_request()
                except BadStatusLine:
                    # This happens when the connection is closed by the server
                    # in between request, which is very likely when using
                    # interactively, in a client that waits for user input
                    # between requests, or after a retry wait. This does not
                    # count as an attempt - it just means the old connection
                    # has gone stale and we need a new one.
                    # TODO: find a more elegant way to re-use the connection
                    #       on closely spaced requests. Can we tell that the
                    #       connection is dead without making a request?
                    r, response_body = do_request()
            except ssl.SSLError:
                # This probably has to do with failed authentication, so
                # retrying is not useful.
            except socket.error:
                # Network error. If the last attempt failed, raise,
                # otherwise do nothing and go on to next attempt.
                if attempt == self.max_attempts - 1:

            # Check for 503 ServiceUnavailable, which is treated just like
            # network errors.
            if r is not None and r.status == 503 and attempt < self.max_attempts - 1:
                # Force sleep below and continue loop, unless we are on
                # the last attempt in which case skip this and return
                # the 503 error.
                r = None

            if r is not None:

        if self.print_response:
            print "<<<RESPONSE<<<:"
            print r.status, r.reason
            for h in r.getheaders():
                print "%s: %s" % h
            print response_body

        return r, response_body

    def _request_json(self, method, path, body=None, content_type=None):
        Make a request and load the response body as JSON, if the response
        is not empty.
        r, response_body = self._request(method, path, body, content_type)
        response_content_type = r.getheader("content-type")
        assert response_content_type == "application/json" or r.status != 200
        if response_body and response_content_type == "application/json":
                data = json.loads(response_body)
            except Exception as e:
                raise InterfaceError(
                    ("Unable to parse JSON in response: err='%s', " + "body len='%d', status='%d %s'")
                    % (e, len(response_body), r.status, r.reason)
            data = None
            parts = response_content_type.split(";")
            if parts[0].strip() == "text/html":
                data = response_body
        return api_result(r, data)

    # Generic API methods:
    def get(self, path):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("GET", path)

    def put(self, path, body):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("PUT", path, body, "application/json")

    def post(self, path, body):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("POST", path, body, "application/json")

    def _delete(self, path):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError

        TODO: this conflicts with the method for submitting delete
              jobs, so it's named inconsistently from the other HTTP method
              functions. Maybe they should all be _ prefixed?
        return self._request_json("DELETE", path)

    # Convenience API methods:
    def task_list(self, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task_list" + encode_qs(kw))

    def task(self, task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s" % task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_update(self, task_id, task_data, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/task/%s" % task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_cancel(self, task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/task/%s/cancel" % task_id + encode_qs(kw), body=None)

    def task_successful_transfers(self, task_id, **kw):
        Get a list of source and destination paths for files successful
        transferred in a transfer task. Raises an error if task_id is not
        a transfer task.

        @param marker: start from specified marker, copied from the
                       next_marker field of the previous page

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s/successful_transfers" % task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_event_list(self, parent_task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s/event_list" % parent_task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_list(self, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/endpoint_list" + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_activation_requirements(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an
                 ActivationRequirements instance instead of a plain
        @raise TransferAPIError
        code, reason, data = self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/activation_requirements") + encode_qs(kw))
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_activate(self, endpoint_name, filled_requirements, if_expires_in="", timeout=30):
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @param filled_requirements: ActivationRequirementList instance with
                                    required values set for one activation
        @type filled_requirements: ActivationRequirementList
        @param if_expires_in: don't re-activate endpoint if it doesn't expire
                              for this many minutes. If not passed, always
                              activate, even if already activated.
        @param timeout: timeout in seconds to attempt contacting external
                        servers to get the credential.
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an ActivationRequirements
        @raise TransferAPIError
        if filled_requirements:
            body = json.dumps(filled_requirements.json_data)
            raise InterfaceError(
                "Use autoactivate instead; using activate "
                "with an empty request body to auto activate is "
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        qs = encode_qs(dict(if_expires_in=str(if_expires_in), timeout=str(timeout)))
        code, reason, data = self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/activate" + qs), body=body)
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_autoactivate(self, endpoint_name, if_expires_in="", timeout=30):
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @param if_expires_in: don't re-activate endpoint if it doesn't expire
                              for this many minutes. If not passed, always
                              activate, even if already activated.
        @param timeout: timeout in seconds to attempt contacting external
                        servers to get the credential.
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an ActivationRequirements
        @raise TransferAPIError
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        qs = encode_qs(dict(if_expires_in=str(if_expires_in), timeout=str(timeout)))
        code, reason, data = self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/autoactivate" + qs), body=None)
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_deactivate(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @return: (code, reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        code, reason, data = self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/deactivate") + encode_qs(kw), body=None)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_ls(self, endpoint_name, path="", **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        kw["path"] = path
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/ls") + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_mkdir(self, endpoint_name, path, **kw):
        data = dict(path=path, DATA_TYPE="mkdir")
        return self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/mkdir") + encode_qs(kw), json.dumps(data))

    def endpoint_create(
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        data = {
            "DATA_TYPE": "endpoint",
            "myproxy_server": myproxy_server,
            "myproxy_dn": myproxy_dn,
            "description": description,
            "canonical_name": endpoint_name,
            "public": public,
            "is_globus_connect": is_globus_connect,
            "default_directory": default_directory,
            "oauth_server": oauth_server,
        if not is_globus_connect:
            data["DATA"] = [dict(DATA_TYPE="server", hostname=hostname, scheme=scheme, port=port, subject=subject)]

        return self.post("/endpoint", json.dumps(data))

    def endpoint_update(self, endpoint_name, endpoint_data):
        Update top level endpoint fields. Using this method to add or remove
        server is deprecated, use endpoint_server_add and
        endpoint_server_delete instead.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.put(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name), json.dumps(endpoint_data))

    def endpoint_rename(self, endpoint_name, new_endpoint_name):
        _, _, endpoint_data = self.endpoint(endpoint_name)
        endpoint_data["canonical_name"] = new_endpoint_name
        del endpoint_data["name"]
        return self.endpoint_update(endpoint_name, endpoint_data)

    def endpoint_delete(self, endpoint_name):
        Delete the specified endpoint. Existing transfers using the endpoint
        will continue to work, but you will not be able to use the endpoint
        in any new operations, and it will be gone from the endpoint_list.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._delete(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name))

    def endpoint_server_list(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server_list") + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server(self, endpoint_name, server_id, **kw):
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server/") + urllib.quote(str(server_id)) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server_delete(self, endpoint_name, server_id, **kw):
        return self._delete(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server/") + urllib.quote(str(server_id)) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server_add(self, endpoint_name, server_data):
        return self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server"), json.dumps(server_data))

    def shared_endpoint_create(self, endpoint_name, host_endpoint, host_path):
        [ALPHA] This API is alpha and may change between minor server releases.
        It is provided for testing and development only.

        Create a shared endpoint on the specified host. Raises an error if
        the host endpoint does not support sharing, if the user is not licensed
        to use sharing, or if the specified path is not allowed for sharing.

        @param endpoint_name: name of the new shared endpoint to create
        @param host_endpoint: endpoint that hosts the actual data for the
          shared endpoint. Must be running a newer GridFTP server with sharing
        @param host_path: a path on the host_endpoint to use as the root of
          the new shared endpoint.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        data = {
            "DATA_TYPE": "shared_endpoint",
            "name": endpoint_name,
            "host_endpoint": host_endpoint,
            "host_path": host_path,
        return self.post("/shared_endpoint", json.dumps(data))

    def submission_id(self):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise: TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/submission_id")

    # backward compatibility
    transfer_submission_id = submission_id

    def transfer(self, transfer):
        @type transfer: Transfer object
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/transfer", transfer.as_json())

    def delete(self, delete):
        @type delete: Delete object
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/delete", delete.as_json())
Example #5
    def retry_using_http_NTLM_auth(self, req, auth_header_field, realm,
        user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, req.get_full_url())
        if pw is not None:
            user_parts = user.split('\\', 1)
            if len(user_parts) == 1:
                UserName = user_parts[0]
                DomainName = ''
                type1_flags = ntlm.NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS & ~ntlm.NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied
                DomainName = user_parts[0].upper()
                UserName = user_parts[1]
                type1_flags = ntlm.NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS
                # ntlm secures a socket, so we must use the same socket for the complete handshake
            headers = dict(req.headers)
            auth = 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE(
                user, type1_flags)
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth:
                return None
            headers[self.auth_header] = auth

            host = req.host

            if not host:
                raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')

            h = None

            if req.get_full_url().startswith('https://'):
                h = HTTPSConnection(host)  # will parse host:port
                h = HTTPConnection(host)  # will parse host:port


            # we must keep the connection because NTLM authenticates the connection, not single requests
            headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
            headers = dict(
                (name.title(), val) for name, val in headers.items())

            # For some reason, six doesn't do this translation correctly
            # TODO rsanders low - find bug in six & fix it
                selector = req.selector
            except AttributeError:
                selector = req.get_selector()

            h.request(req.get_method(), selector, req.data, headers)

            r = h.getresponse()


            if r.getheader('set-cookie'):
                # this is important for some web applications that store authentication-related info in cookies (it took a long time to figure out)
                headers['Cookie'] = r.getheader('set-cookie')
            r.fp = None  # remove the reference to the socket, so that it can not be closed by the response object (we want to keep the socket open)
            auth_header_value = r.getheader(auth_header_field, None)

            # some Exchange servers send two WWW-Authenticate headers, one with the NTLM challenge
            # and another with the 'Negotiate' keyword - make sure we operate on the right one
            m = re.match('(NTLM [A-Za-z0-9+\-/=]+)', auth_header_value)
            if m:
                auth_header_value, = m.groups()

             NegotiateFlags) = ntlm.parse_NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE(
            auth = 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE(
                ServerChallenge, UserName, DomainName, pw, NegotiateFlags)
            headers[self.auth_header] = auth
            headers["Connection"] = "Close"
            headers = dict(
                (name.title(), val) for name, val in headers.items())
                h.request(req.get_method(), selector, req.data, headers)
                # none of the configured handlers are triggered, for example redirect-responses are not handled!
                response = h.getresponse()

                def notimplemented():
                    raise NotImplementedError

                response.readline = notimplemented
                infourl = urllib.addinfourl(response, response.msg,
                infourl.code = response.status
                infourl.msg = response.reason
                return infourl
            except socket.error as err:
                raise urllib2.URLError(err)
            return None
Example #6
class Client(object):
    """LendingClub API client

    def __init__(self,
        """Connection to LendingClub API.  
        Each client requires an `investor_id` and `api_key`.  All other 
        arguments are optional.

          investor_id (int): The accounts Investor Id this can be found on the 
            Account Summary page on the LendingClub website after loging in.
          api_key (str): Account authorization token found under Settings.
          api_version (str, optional): api version endpoint.
          host (str, optional): Host name of api endpoint.
          path (str, optional): Base path of api endpoint.
        self._last_update = None
        self._host = host
        investor_id = str(investor_id)
        self._investor_id = investor_id
        self._base_path = urljoin(path, api_version)
        self._acct_path = urljoin(self._base_path, 'accounts', investor_id)
        self._loan_path = urljoin(self._base_path, 'loans')

        self._default_headers = {
            'Authorization': api_key,
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-type': 'application/json'

        ssl_ctx = create_default_context(Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)
        self._conn = HTTPSConnection(host, context=ssl_ctx)


    def __del__(self):

    def summary(self):
        """Return a dict object summarizing account data"""
        request_url = urljoin(self._acct_path, 'summary')
        self._conn.request('GET', request_url, None, self._default_headers)

        r = self._conn.getresponse()

        return json.load(r)

    def loans(self):
        request_url = urljoin(self._loan_path, 'listing')
        self._conn.request('GET', request_url, None, self._default_headers)

        r = self._conn.getresponse()

        data = json.load(r)
        self._last_update = data['asOfDate']

        return data['loans']

    def last_update(self):
        """Get the date / time the loan data was last updated.
          datetime: timestamp of last loan data update.
        return self._last_update
Example #7
class RestBase():
    connection = None
    auth_headers = None
    marketID = 11
    currency = 'SEK'
    auth_session_key = None

    def make_hash(self):
        """ Makes the key for authentication according to the
        specification on Nordnets page """
        timestamp = str(int(round(time.time()*1000)))
        auth = b64encode(config.username) + ':' \
            + b64encode(config.password) + ':' \
            + b64encode(timestamp)
        rsa = RSA.load_pub_key(config.public_key)
        encrypted_auth = rsa.public_encrypt(auth, RSA.pkcs1_padding)
        key = b64encode(encrypted_auth)
        return key

    def connect(self):
        """ Establishing a connection """
        self.connection = HTTPSConnection(config.url, timeout=30)
        return self.connection

    def login(self):
        """ Logs in to the server """
        hashkey = self.make_hash()
        connection = self.connection or self.connect()

        parameters = urlencode({ 'service' : config.service,
                                 'auth' : hashkey })
        print "parameters for login: '******'" % (parameters)
        connectionstring = 'https://' + config.base_url + '/' \
            + config.api_version + '/login'

        logger.info('Trying to login to REST: %s' % connectionstring)
        logger.info('Applying header: %s' % no_auth_headers)

        connection.request('POST', connectionstring, parameters, no_auth_headers)

        response = connection.getresponse()
        response_as_json = jloads(response.read())
        self.auth_session_key = response_as_json['session_key']
        self.auth_hostname = response_as_json['public_feed']['hostname']
        self.auth_port = response_as_json['public_feed']['port']

        basic_auth = b64encode("%s:%s" % (self.auth_session_key, self.auth_session_key))

        self.auth_headers = no_auth_headers.copy()
        self.auth_headers['Authorization']="Basic %s" %  (basic_auth)
        return response_as_json

    def post(self, relative_url='/', data={}):
        url = 'https://%s/%s%s' % (config.base_url,config.api_version, relative_url)

        r = requests.post(url,
        return json.loads(r)

    def get(self, relative_url='/'):
        connectionstring = 'https://' + config.base_url \
            + '/' + config.api_version + relative_url

        r = requests.get(connectionstring,

        return r.json()

    def delete(self, relative_url='/'):
        connectionstring = 'https://' + config.base_url \
            + '/' + config.api_version + relative_url

        r = requests.delete(connectionstring,

        return r.json()
Example #8
class TransferAPIClient(object):
    Maintains a connection to the server as a specific user. Not thread
    safe. Uses the JSON representations.

    Convenience api methods return a triple:
      (status_code, status_message, data)

    data is either the JSON response loaded as a python dictionary,
    or None if the reponse was empty, or a conveninience wrapper around
    the JSON data if the data itself is hard to use directly.

    Endpoint names can be full canonical names of the form
    ausername#epname, or simply epname, in which case the API looks at
    the logged in user's endpoints.

    def __init__(self, username, server_ca_file=None,
                 cert_file=None, key_file=None,
                 httplib_debuglevel=0, max_attempts=1,
        Initialize a client with the client credential and optional alternate
        base URL.

        For authentication, use either x509 or goauth.

        x509 requires configuring your Globus Online account with the x509
        certificate and having the private key available. Requires @cert_file
        and @key_file, or just one if both are in the same file.

        goauth requires fetching an access token from nexus, which supports
        several authentication methods including basic auth - see the
        goauth module and the nexus documentation.

        @param username: username to connect to the service with.
        @param server_ca_file: path to file containing one or more x509
                               certificates, used to verify the server
                               certificate. If not specified tries to choose
                               the appropriate CA based on the hostname in
        @param cert_file: path to file containing the x509 client certificate
                          for authentication.
        @param key_file: path to file containg the RSA key for client
                         authentication. If blank and cert_file passed,
                         uses cert_file.
        @param goauth: goauth access token retrieved from nexus.
        @param base_url: optionally specify an alternate base url, if testing
                         out an unreleased or alternatively hosted version of
                         the API.
        @param timeout: timeout to set on the underlying TCP socket.
        @param max_attempts: Retry every API call on network
                             errors and ServiceUnavailable up to this many
                             times. Sleeps for 30 seconds between each attempt.
                             Note that a socket timeout will be treated as
                             a network error and retried. When max_attempts
                             is exceeded, the exception from the last attempt
                             will be raised. max_attempts=1 implies no
        if server_ca_file is None:
            server_ca_file = get_ca(base_url)
            if server_ca_file is None:
                raise InterfaceError("no CA found for base URL '%s'"
                                     % base_url)
        if not os.path.isfile(server_ca_file):
            raise InterfaceError("server_ca_file not found: '%s'"
                                 % server_ca_file)

        self.headers = {}

        if goauth:
            if cert_file or key_file:
                raise InterfaceError("pass only one auth method")
        elif cert_file or key_file:
            if not key_file:
                key_file = cert_file
            if not cert_file:
                cert_file = key_file
            if not os.path.isfile(cert_file):
                raise InterfaceError("cert_file not found: %s" % cert_file)
            if not os.path.isfile(key_file):
                raise InterfaceError("key_file not found: %s" % key_file)
            self.headers["X-Transfer-API-X509-User"] = username
            raise InterfaceError("pass one auth method")

        if max_attempts is not None:
            max_attempts = int(max_attempts)
            if max_attempts < 1:
                raise InterfaceError(
                    "max_attempts must be None or a positive integer")
        self.max_attempts = max_attempts

        self.goauth = goauth
        self.cert_file = cert_file
        self.key_file = key_file

        self.username = username
        self.server_ca_file = server_ca_file
        self.httplib_debuglevel = httplib_debuglevel

        self.base_url = base_url
        self.host, self.port = _get_host_port(base_url)
        self.timeout = timeout

        self.print_request = False
        self.print_response = False
        self.c = None
        self._ssl_context = None

        self.user_agent = "Python-httplib/%s (%s)" \
                          % (platform.python_version(), platform.system())
        self.client_info = "globusonline.transfer.api_client/%s" % __version__

    def ssl_context(self):
        if self._ssl_context is None:
            self._ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(
            if self.cert_file:
        return self._ssl_context

    def connect(self):
        Create an HTTPS connection to the server. Run automatically by
        request methods.
        kwargs = dict(strict=False, timeout=self.timeout)
        if STD_HTTPLIB:
            kwargs["context"] = self.ssl_context
        elif self.cert_file:
            kwargs["cert_file"] = self.cert_file
            kwargs["key_file"] = self.key_file
        self.c = HTTPSConnection(self.host, self.port, **kwargs)
        if not STD_HTTPLIB:
            # for verified_https, there is no default system trust
            # store, so use our own ca file
            self.c.ca_certs = self.server_ca_file
        # else for standard lib, this is configured via the ssl context


    def set_http_connection_debug(self, value):
        Turn debugging of the underlying HTTPSConnection on or
        off. Note: this may print sensative information, like auth tokens,
        to standard out.
        if value:
            level = 1
            level = 0
        self.httplib_debuglevel = level
        if self.c:

    def set_debug_print(self, print_request, print_response):
        self.print_request = print_request
        self.print_response = print_response

    def close(self):
        Close the wrapped HTTPSConnection.
        if self.c:
        self.c = None

    def _request(self, method, path, body=None, content_type=None):
        if not path.startswith("/"):
            path = "/" + path
        url = self.base_url + path

        headers = self.headers.copy()
        if content_type:
            headers["Content-Type"] = content_type

        if self.print_request:
            print ">>>REQUEST>>>:"
            print "%s %s" % (method, url)
            for h in headers.iteritems():
                print "%s: %s" % h
            if body:
                print body

        if self.goauth:
            headers["Authorization"] = "Globus-Goauthtoken %s" % self.goauth

        headers["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
        headers["X-Transfer-API-Client"] = self.client_info

        def do_request():
            if self.c is None:
            self.c.request(method, url, body=body, headers=headers)
            r = self.c.getresponse()
            response_body = r.read()
            return r, response_body

        for attempt in xrange(self.max_attempts):
            r = None
                    r, response_body = do_request()
                except BadStatusLine:
                    # This happens when the connection is closed by the server
                    # in between request, which is very likely when using
                    # interactively, in a client that waits for user input
                    # between requests, or after a retry wait. This does not
                    # count as an attempt - it just means the old connection
                    # has gone stale and we need a new one.
                    # TODO: find a more elegant way to re-use the connection
                    #       on closely spaced requests. Can we tell that the
                    #       connection is dead without making a request?
                    r, response_body = do_request()
            except ssl.SSLError:
                # This probably has to do with failed authentication, so
                # retrying is not useful.
            except socket.error:
                # Network error. If the last attempt failed, raise,
                # otherwise do nothing and go on to next attempt.
                if attempt == self.max_attempts - 1:

            # Check for 503 ServiceUnavailable, which is treated just like
            # network errors.
            if (r is not None and r.status == 503
            and attempt < self.max_attempts - 1):
                # Force sleep below and continue loop, unless we are on
                # the last attempt in which case skip this and return
                # the 503 error.
                r = None

            if r is not None:

        if self.print_response:
            print "<<<RESPONSE<<<:"
            print r.status, r.reason
            for h in r.getheaders():
                print "%s: %s" % h
            print response_body

        return r, response_body

    def _request_json(self, method, path, body=None, content_type=None):
        Make a request and load the response body as JSON, if the response
        is not empty.
        r, response_body = self._request(method, path, body, content_type)
        response_content_type = r.getheader("content-type")
        assert response_content_type == "application/json" or r.status != 200
        if response_body and response_content_type == "application/json":
                data = json.loads(response_body)
            except Exception as e:
                raise InterfaceError(
                    ("Unable to parse JSON in response: err='%s', "
                     +"body len='%d', status='%d %s'")
                    % (e, len(response_body), r.status, r.reason))
            data = None
            parts = response_content_type.split(';')
            if parts[0].strip() == "text/html":
                data = response_body
        return api_result(r, data)

    # Generic API methods:
    def get(self, path):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("GET", path)

    def put(self, path, body):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("PUT", path, body, "application/json")

    def post(self, path, body):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._request_json("POST", path, body, "application/json")

    def _delete(self, path):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError

        TODO: this conflicts with the method for submitting delete
              jobs, so it's named inconsistently from the other HTTP method
              functions. Maybe they should all be _ prefixed?
        return self._request_json("DELETE", path)

    # Convenience API methods:
    def task_list(self, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task_list" + encode_qs(kw))

    def task(self, task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s" % task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_update(self, task_id, task_data, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/task/%s" % task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_cancel(self, task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/task/%s/cancel" % task_id + encode_qs(kw),

    def task_successful_transfers(self, task_id, **kw):
        Get a list of source and destination paths for files successful
        transferred in a transfer task. Raises an error if task_id is not
        a transfer task.

        @param marker: start from specified marker, copied from the
                       next_marker field of the previous page

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s/successful_transfers" % task_id
                        + encode_qs(kw))

    def task_event_list(self, parent_task_id, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/task/%s/event_list" % parent_task_id + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_list(self, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/endpoint_list" + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_activation_requirements(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an
                 ActivationRequirements instance instead of a plain
        @raise TransferAPIError
        code, reason, data = self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name,
                                      + encode_qs(kw))
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_activate(self, endpoint_name, filled_requirements,
                          if_expires_in="", timeout=30):
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @param filled_requirements: ActivationRequirementList instance with
                                    required values set for one activation
        @type filled_requirements: ActivationRequirementList
        @param if_expires_in: don't re-activate endpoint if it doesn't expire
                              for this many minutes. If not passed, always
                              activate, even if already activated.
        @param timeout: timeout in seconds to attempt contacting external
                        servers to get the credential.
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an ActivationRequirements
        @raise TransferAPIError
        if filled_requirements:
            body = json.dumps(filled_requirements.json_data)
            raise InterfaceError("Use autoactivate instead; using activate "
                "with an empty request body to auto activate is "
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        qs = encode_qs(dict(if_expires_in=str(if_expires_in),
        code, reason, data = self.post(
            _endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/activate" + qs), body=body)
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_autoactivate(self, endpoint_name, if_expires_in="",
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @param if_expires_in: don't re-activate endpoint if it doesn't expire
                              for this many minutes. If not passed, always
                              activate, even if already activated.
        @param timeout: timeout in seconds to attempt contacting external
                        servers to get the credential.
        @return: (code, reason, data), where data is an ActivationRequirements
        @raise TransferAPIError
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        qs = encode_qs(dict(if_expires_in=str(if_expires_in),
        code, reason, data = self.post(
            _endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/autoactivate" + qs), body=None)
        if code == 200 and data:
            data = ActivationRequirementList(data)
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_deactivate(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        @param endpoint_name: partial or canonical name of endpoint to
        @return: (code, reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        # Note: blank query parameters are ignored, so we can pass blank
        # values to use the default behavior.
        code, reason, data = self.post(
            _endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/deactivate") + encode_qs(kw),
        return code, reason, data

    def endpoint_ls(self, endpoint_name, path="", **kw):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        kw["path"] = path
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/ls")
                        + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_mkdir(self, endpoint_name, path, **kw):
        data = dict(path=path, DATA_TYPE="mkdir")
        return self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/mkdir")
                         + encode_qs(kw), json.dumps(data))

    def endpoint_create(self, endpoint_name, hostname=None, description="",
                        scheme="gsiftp", port=2811, subject=None,
                        myproxy_server=None, myproxy_dn=None,
                        public=False, is_globus_connect=False,
                        default_directory=None, oauth_server=None):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        data = { "DATA_TYPE": "endpoint",
                 "myproxy_server": myproxy_server,
                 "myproxy_dn": myproxy_dn,
                 "description": description,
                 "canonical_name": endpoint_name,
                 "public": public,
                 "is_globus_connect": is_globus_connect,
                 "default_directory": default_directory,
                 "oauth_server": oauth_server, }
        if not is_globus_connect:
            data["DATA"] = [dict(DATA_TYPE="server",

        return self.post("/endpoint", json.dumps(data))

    def endpoint_update(self, endpoint_name, endpoint_data):
        Update top level endpoint fields. Using this method to add or remove
        server is deprecated, use endpoint_server_add and
        endpoint_server_delete instead.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.put(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name),

    def endpoint_rename(self, endpoint_name, new_endpoint_name):
        _, _, endpoint_data = self.endpoint(endpoint_name)
        endpoint_data["canonical_name"] = new_endpoint_name
        del endpoint_data["name"]
        return self.endpoint_update(endpoint_name, endpoint_data)

    def endpoint_delete(self, endpoint_name):
        Delete the specified endpoint. Existing transfers using the endpoint
        will continue to work, but you will not be able to use the endpoint
        in any new operations, and it will be gone from the endpoint_list.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self._delete(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name))

    def endpoint_server_list(self, endpoint_name, **kw):
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server_list")
                        + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server(self, endpoint_name, server_id, **kw):
        return self.get(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server/")
                        + urllib.quote(str(server_id)) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server_delete(self, endpoint_name, server_id, **kw):
        return self._delete(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server/")
                            + urllib.quote(str(server_id)) + encode_qs(kw))

    def endpoint_server_add(self, endpoint_name, server_data):
        return self.post(_endpoint_path(endpoint_name, "/server"),

    def shared_endpoint_create(self, endpoint_name, host_endpoint,
        [ALPHA] This API is alpha and may change between minor server releases.
        It is provided for testing and development only.

        Create a shared endpoint on the specified host. Raises an error if
        the host endpoint does not support sharing, if the user is not licensed
        to use sharing, or if the specified path is not allowed for sharing.

        @param endpoint_name: name of the new shared endpoint to create
        @param host_endpoint: endpoint that hosts the actual data for the
          shared endpoint. Must be running a newer GridFTP server with sharing
        @param host_path: a path on the host_endpoint to use as the root of
          the new shared endpoint.

        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        data = { "DATA_TYPE": "shared_endpoint",
                 "name": endpoint_name,
                 "host_endpoint": host_endpoint,
                 "host_path": host_path, }
        return self.post("/shared_endpoint", json.dumps(data))

    def submission_id(self):
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise: TransferAPIError
        return self.get("/submission_id")

    # backward compatibility
    transfer_submission_id = submission_id

    def transfer(self, transfer):
        @type transfer: Transfer object
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/transfer", transfer.as_json())

    def delete(self, delete):
        @type delete: Delete object
        @return: (status_code, status_reason, data)
        @raise TransferAPIError
        return self.post("/delete", delete.as_json())
Example #9
class APIAuthenticator(object):
    """Stateful singleton that logs into and tracks API access."""
    __instance = None
    __shared_state = {}
    __initialized = False

    debug = 0

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls.__instance:
            cls.__instance = super(APIAuthenticator, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls.__instance

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Login to an API capturing the auth token for this session.

        username :: 
        api_key :: 
        auth_url :: 
        service :: 
        region :: 

        This will do nothing if it has been initialized once already in this context.
        self.__dict__ = self.__shared_state

        if 'debug' in kwargs:
            self.debug = kwargs['debug']
            del kwargs['debug']

        if self.__initialized:
        self.__initialized = True

        keys = ('username', 'api_key', 'auth_url', 'service', 'region')
        keys = zip(range(len(keys)), keys)

        for n, key in keys:
                setattr(self, key, args[n])
            except IndexError:
                setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])

    def __call__(self):
        return (self._token, self._service_host, self._service_path)

    def get_token(self):
        """Queries the Auth API to get a token and requested service info."""
        # hit the API and find the token
        (scheme, auth_host, auth_path, params, query, frag) = urlparse(self.auth_url)

        if scheme != 'https':
            raise Exception("We only support https")

        self.client = HTTPSConnection(auth_host)

        request_headers = {
            'Content-type': 'application/json'

        auth_data = """{"auth": {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": {
            "username": "******", "apiKey": "%s"
        }}}""" % (self.username, self.api_key)

        self.client.request('POST', auth_path, auth_data, request_headers)

        auth_response = self.client.getresponse()

        if auth_response.status != 200:
            # TODO : proper error
            raise Exception("Authentication failure")

        auth_response = json_loads(auth_response.read())

        self._token = auth_response['access']['token']['id']

        # find this service in the catalog
        for endpts in auth_response['access']['serviceCatalog']:
            if endpts['name'] == self.service:
                service_points = endpts['endpoints']

        # pick our region
        if not self.region:
            service_url = service_points[0]['publicURL']
            service_url = None
            for endpoint in service_points:
                if endpoint['region'] == self.region:
                    service_url = endpoint['publicURL']
            if service_url is None:
                # TODO : proper error
                raise Exception("%s region is not avaliable." % self.region)

        (scheme, self._service_host, self._service_path, params, query, frag) = \

        self._service_path = self._service_path.strip('/')
Example #10
class Client(object):
    """LendingClub API client


    def __init__(self, investor_id, api_key, api_version='v1', 
                 host='api.lendingclub.com', path='/api/investor'):
        """Connection to LendingClub API.  
        Each client requires an `investor_id` and `api_key`.  All other 
        arguments are optional.

          investor_id (int): The accounts Investor Id this can be found on the 
            Account Summary page on the LendingClub website after loging in.
          api_key (str): Account authorization token found under Settings.
          api_version (str, optional): api version endpoint.
          host (str, optional): Host name of api endpoint.
          path (str, optional): Base path of api endpoint.
        self._last_update = None
        self._host = host
        investor_id = str(investor_id)
        self._investor_id = investor_id
        self._base_path = urljoin(path, api_version)
        self._acct_path = urljoin(self._base_path, 'accounts', investor_id) 
        self._loan_path = urljoin(self._base_path, 'loans')

        self._default_headers = {'Authorization': api_key,
                                 'Accept': 'application/json',
                                 'Content-type': 'application/json'}

        ssl_ctx = create_default_context(Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)
        self._conn = HTTPSConnection(host, context=ssl_ctx)


    def __del__(self):

    def summary(self):
        """Return a dict object summarizing account data"""
        request_url = urljoin(self._acct_path, 'summary')
        self._conn.request('GET', request_url, None, self._default_headers)

        r = self._conn.getresponse()

        return json.load(r)

    def loans(self):
        request_url = urljoin(self._loan_path, 'listing')
        self._conn.request('GET', request_url, None, self._default_headers)

        r = self._conn.getresponse()

        data = json.load(r)
        self._last_update = data['asOfDate']

        return data['loans']

    def last_update(self):
        """Get the date / time the loan data was last updated.
          datetime: timestamp of last loan data update.
        return self._last_update
Example #11
    def retry_using_http_NTLM_auth(self, req, auth_header_field, realm, headers):
        user, pw = self.passwd.find_user_password(realm, req.get_full_url())
        if pw is not None:
            user_parts = user.split('\\', 1)
            if len(user_parts) == 1:
                UserName = user_parts[0]
                DomainName = ''
                type1_flags = ntlm.NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS & ~ntlm.NTLM_NegotiateOemDomainSupplied
                DomainName = user_parts[0].upper()
                UserName = user_parts[1]
                type1_flags = ntlm.NTLM_TYPE1_FLAGS
                # ntlm secures a socket, so we must use the same socket for the complete handshake
            headers = dict(req.headers)
            auth = 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_NEGOTIATE_MESSAGE(user, type1_flags)
            if req.headers.get(self.auth_header, None) == auth:
                return None
            headers[self.auth_header] = auth

            host = req.host

            if not host:
                raise urllib2.URLError('no host given')

            h = None

            if req.get_full_url().startswith('https://'):
                h = HTTPSConnection(host)  # will parse host:port
                h = HTTPConnection(host)  # will parse host:port


            # we must keep the connection because NTLM authenticates the connection, not single requests
            headers["Connection"] = "Keep-Alive"
            headers = dict((name.title(), val) for name, val in headers.items())

            # For some reason, six doesn't do this translation correctly
            # TODO rsanders low - find bug in six & fix it
                selector = req.selector
            except AttributeError:
                selector = req.get_selector()

            h.request(req.get_method(), selector, req.data, headers)

            r = h.getresponse()


            if r.getheader('set-cookie'):
                # this is important for some web applications that store authentication-related info in cookies (it took a long time to figure out)
                headers['Cookie'] = r.getheader('set-cookie')
            r.fp = None  # remove the reference to the socket, so that it can not be closed by the response object (we want to keep the socket open)
            auth_header_value = r.getheader(auth_header_field, None)

            # some Exchange servers send two WWW-Authenticate headers, one with the NTLM challenge
            # and another with the 'Negotiate' keyword - make sure we operate on the right one
            m = re.match('(NTLM [A-Za-z0-9+\-/=]+)', auth_header_value)
            if m:
                auth_header_value, = m.groups()

            (ServerChallenge, NegotiateFlags) = ntlm.parse_NTLM_CHALLENGE_MESSAGE(auth_header_value[5:])
            auth = 'NTLM %s' % ntlm.create_NTLM_AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE(ServerChallenge, UserName, DomainName, pw,
            headers[self.auth_header] = auth
            headers["Connection"] = "Close"
            headers = dict((name.title(), val) for name, val in headers.items())
                h.request(req.get_method(), selector, req.data, headers)
                # none of the configured handlers are triggered, for example redirect-responses are not handled!
                response = h.getresponse()

                def notimplemented():
                    raise NotImplementedError

                response.readline = notimplemented
                infourl = urllib.addinfourl(response, response.msg, req.get_full_url())
                infourl.code = response.status
                infourl.msg = response.reason
                return infourl
            except socket.error as err:
                raise urllib2.URLError(err)
            return None